Why it Really Does not Matter if Trump Loses in the Long Run

So this is now in the hands of the American people and also in the hands of Our Lord, should Our Lord feel that something terrible has to fall upon not only America but also the Western World as punishment for turning away from Our Lord and instead following a Godless and God Hating Agenda, then this is His plan and we'll retain our faith in Him no matter how terrible things might get.
Amen. It's going to happen, but I'm hoping not in my lifetime.
Yeah, we need to deregulate everything like we did with the media.

Yes, we do.

The media is no more corrupt than it was 40 years ago; now they are simply EXPOSED as corrupt. America's own Josef Goebbels, Edward Murrow, ensured that only news that serve the party ever made the airwaves. What has changed is that there is now an alternative to the party controlled news. Now we can SEE just how biased the propaganda from CNN or MSDNC is.
So this is now in the hands of the American people and also in the hands of Our Lord, should Our Lord feel that something terrible has to fall upon not only America but also the Western World as punishment for turning away from Our Lord and instead following a Godless and God Hating Agenda, then this is His plan and we'll retain our faith in Him no matter how terrible things might get.
Amen. It's going to happen, but I'm hoping not in my lifetime.

All that is left to comment, is that I hope as many of your people go out and vote tomorrow, the right to vote is important and there are people who have fought and died to be allowed to be able to vote, you have the right to vote, so exercise it and don't allow ANYONE to prevent you from doing so and if anyone does then report it to your local law enforcement.
So it begins,

the Trump losing was no big deal talking point.

If corruption wins tomorrow, and that is a BIG IF, it will devastate or even destroy the nation.The nonstop corruption of the last 8 years has the nation on the brink of collapse, we cannot survive another 4.
The pocalypse will probably be biological then descending as society collapses from nations fighting each other to small regions in ten thousands places across the globe.
So this is now in the hands of the American people and also in the hands of Our Lord, should Our Lord feel that something terrible has to fall upon not only America but also the Western World as punishment for turning away from Our Lord and instead following a Godless and God Hating Agenda, then this is His plan and we'll retain our faith in Him no matter how terrible things might get.
Amen. It's going to happen, but I'm hoping not in my lifetime.

All that is left to comment, is that I hope as many of your people go out and vote tomorrow, the right to vote is important and there are people who have fought and died to be allowed to be able to vote, you have the right to vote, so exercise it and don't allow ANYONE to prevent you from doing so and if anyone does then report it to your local law enforcement.
I agree don't let any ATLM (Alt Right Lives Matter) people stop you. Or BLM for that matter. Or ptbw.
A plague that will reduce the population to about 1/20th of its current size or more?
Georgia Guidestones - Wikipedia

A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones[8] in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
A plague that will reduce the population to about 1/20th of its current size or more?

It's called "culling the herd" and it's long overdue. The alternative? A total dieoff as Mother Gaia cannot sustain the present overpopulation. See, I CAN accommodate liberal-think!
If corruption wins tomorrow, and that is a BIG IF, it will devastate or even destroy the nation.The nonstop corruption of the last 8 years has the nation on the brink of collapse, we cannot survive another 4.
Having a criminal like Hillary Clinton in charge for 4 years will be bad for the nation, true, but America has recovered from far worse.
So this is now in the hands of the American people and also in the hands of Our Lord, should Our Lord feel that something terrible has to fall upon not only America but also the Western World as punishment for turning away from Our Lord and instead following a Godless and God Hating Agenda, then this is His plan and we'll retain our faith in Him no matter how terrible things might get.
Amen. It's going to happen, but I'm hoping not in my lifetime.

All that is left to comment, is that I hope as many of your people go out and vote tomorrow, the right to vote is important and there are people who have fought and died to be allowed to be able to vote, you have the right to vote, so exercise it and don't allow ANYONE to prevent you from doing so and if anyone does then report it to your local law enforcement.
I agree don't let any ATLM (Alt Right Lives Matter) people stop you. Or BLM for that matter. Or ptbw.

Hopefully they won't be any violence, this is if Trump narrowly wins or if Hillary narrowly wins, any violence from either side will be used perhaps for sinister purposes and that's what nobody should want either Trump supporters or Hillary supporters, because at the end of the day those Behind The Curtain don't give a crap about any of you, to them the people mean nothing, the only thing that matters to those Behind The Curtain is power and control of the people, so don't give them the excuse that they are just waiting for.
If corruption wins tomorrow, and that is a BIG IF, it will devastate or even destroy the nation.The nonstop corruption of the last 8 years has the nation on the brink of collapse, we cannot survive another 4.
Having a criminal like Hillary Clinton in charge for 4 years will be bad for the nation, true, but America has recovered from far worse.

Have we?

If she succeeds in stuffing the court with justices who are openly hostile to the Constitution like Ginsburg and Kagan, how can the nation survive?

I see three things as a declaration of hot war by a Hillary SCOTUS;

  1. Reversal or revocation of Heller, ending the 2nd Amendment
  2. Reversal of Citizens United - ending the 1st Amendment
  3. Reversal of Hobby Lobby, ending religious freedom and the 1st.
Any or all of these must be met with armed force as they are acts of treason.
If corruption wins tomorrow, and that is a BIG IF, it will devastate or even destroy the nation.The nonstop corruption of the last 8 years has the nation on the brink of collapse, we cannot survive another 4.
Having a criminal like Hillary Clinton in charge for 4 years will be bad for the nation, true, but America has recovered from far worse.

Have we?

If she succeeds in stuffing the court with justices who are openly hostile to the Constitution like Ginsburg and Kagan, how can the nation survive?

I see three things as a declaration of hot war by a Hillary SCOTUS;

  1. Reversal or revocation of Heller, ending the 2nd Amendment
  2. Reversal of Citizens United - ending the 1st Amendment
  3. Reversal of Hobby Lobby, ending religious freedom and the 1st.
Any or all of these must be met with armed force as they are acts of treason.
No, we should not pre-emptively launch a civil war.

To win such a war you have to have the majority of the LEOs on your side and being the initiator of such violence will lose them, totally.
So this is now in the hands of the American people and also in the hands of Our Lord, should Our Lord feel that something terrible has to fall upon not only America but also the Western World as punishment for turning away from Our Lord and instead following a Godless and God Hating Agenda, then this is His plan and we'll retain our faith in Him no matter how terrible things might get.
Amen. It's going to happen, but I'm hoping not in my lifetime.

All that is left to comment, is that I hope as many of your people go out and vote tomorrow, the right to vote is important and there are people who have fought and died to be allowed to be able to vote, you have the right to vote, so exercise it and don't allow ANYONE to prevent you from doing so and if anyone does then report it to your local law enforcement.
I agree don't let any ATLM (Alt Right Lives Matter) people stop you. Or BLM for that matter. Or ptbw.

Hopefully they won't be any violence, this is if Trump narrowly wins or if Hillary narrowly wins, any violence from either side will be used perhaps for sinister purposes and that's what nobody should want either Trump supporters or Hillary supporters, because at the end of the day those Behind The Curtain don't give a crap about any of you, to them the people mean nothing, the only thing that matters to those Behind The Curtain is power and control of the people, so don't give them the excuse that they are just waiting for.

If Trump wins, there WILL be violence. Obama will incite the BLM groups to riot, simply no question about it.

If Hillary wins there won't be any violence. But when/if she through the SCOTUS ends the Bill of Rights then there will be civil war.
A plague that will reduce the population to about 1/20th of its current size or more?

It's called "culling the herd" and it's long overdue. The alternative? A total dieoff as Mother Gaia cannot sustain the present overpopulation. See, I CAN accommodate liberal-think!

Yes but which herd would they cull? Under that situation, with International Globalists in charge of the cull, they would cull all productive people, because they cost money.

They would seek a world population of 500 million of lower IQ, but just enough IQ to be used as slave labour but not enough IQ to ask questions as to why this has been done.
So this is now in the hands of the American people and also in the hands of Our Lord, should Our Lord feel that something terrible has to fall upon not only America but also the Western World as punishment for turning away from Our Lord and instead following a Godless and God Hating Agenda, then this is His plan and we'll retain our faith in Him no matter how terrible things might get.
Amen. It's going to happen, but I'm hoping not in my lifetime.

All that is left to comment, is that I hope as many of your people go out and vote tomorrow, the right to vote is important and there are people who have fought and died to be allowed to be able to vote, you have the right to vote, so exercise it and don't allow ANYONE to prevent you from doing so and if anyone does then report it to your local law enforcement.
I agree don't let any ATLM (Alt Right Lives Matter) people stop you. Or BLM for that matter. Or ptbw.

Hopefully they won't be any violence, this is if Trump narrowly wins or if Hillary narrowly wins, any violence from either side will be used perhaps for sinister purposes and that's what nobody should want either Trump supporters or Hillary supporters, because at the end of the day those Behind The Curtain don't give a crap about any of you, to them the people mean nothing, the only thing that matters to those Behind The Curtain is power and control of the people, so don't give them the excuse that they are just waiting for.

If Trump wins, there WILL be violence. Obama will incite the BLM groups to riot, simply no question about it.

If Hillary wins there won't be any violence. But when/if she through the SCOTUS ends the Bill of Rights then there will be civil war.

With Hillary, I would think any attempt to trash America's Second Amendment and have a gun confiscation programme, this would become very ugly and very violent, I think that the many tens of millions of American's that have guns will NOT go quietly into that dark night.
No, we should not pre-emptively launch a civil war.

To win such a war you have to have the majority of the LEOs on your side and being the initiator of such violence will lose them, totally.

That isn't preemptive. If the SCOTUS ends the constitutional republic, then it is they who are starting a war. I cannot imagine LAPD being on the side of justice or freedom under any circumstance. LAPD cares only that their drug trade continues without interruption.
So it begins,

the Trump losing was no big deal talking point.

If corruption wins tomorrow, and that is a BIG IF, it will devastate or even destroy the nation.The nonstop corruption of the last 8 years has the nation on the brink of collapse, we cannot survive another 4.
I agree with Obama on NOTHING, but corrupt Hillary makes Obama look like a statesman.

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