Why Jail for Kim Davis But Not for Sanctuary City Officials?

You are a fucking loser, and I think it is laughable that you and everyone like you pretend to care if a faggot gets married. I think you have actually convinced yourself that you care about it.

So, how about all of those mayors and judges and sheriffs that violate federal law for illegals? You know what? Fuck you and your hypocritical double talking answer.

You unreal pieces of shit can giggle away. Have fun. It is your time now. Know this. Your time will come when you will not be giggling anymore. Count on it.

Fuck you hypocrite.

Here is what gays had to do

When officials were not following the law, they went to court and they were ordered to do so. Why can't you do the same?

Kate's family is taking SFO to court for failing to follow US law and that that violation of federal law resulted in Kate's death.
Good for them

That is what gays had to do when laws were not being followed

It amazes me that you equate death and gay marriage. But you are a liberal, soooooooooooooooo
I'd like to respond, but your post makes absolutely no sense

sorry, but I cannot do anything about your reading comprehension issues.
These RWnuts want the state and local governments to be able to ignore same sex marriage law,

but not immigration law.


Wrong, the clerk violated law and should be punished in accordance with the law.

Question for you: Why was she denied bail? Is she a danger to society? Is she a flight risk? That is simply absurd.

Go argue with the OP. He certainly doesn't think she's done anything wrong.
Here is what is crazy in this nation now... The feds somehow get manipulated by a few who are somehow influential in society in some sort of weird and twisted way now, and what is the mind bender is that these individuals in no way represent the majority ideals, beliefs, and opinions in this nation, but somehow they have corrupted the feds in getting it to go against the majority opinions of millions of American citizens in this nation now? I say that the feds have gone rogue now, and not the people or citizens of this nation instead that have done so.

Just look at all the idiotic rulings and positions taken for a few manipulating groups who have worked to cause immoralism to seem or be made lawful, caused murder, mayhem and chaos in this nation now. Just look at the amount of planned genocide this so called planned parenthood has engaged in because of a so called federal law protecting it.

All these things were issued in connection to a few devils that were very manipulating at various time periods in this nation. Look at the government housing programs, and how they have worked to create dependency from hell, and have destroyed millions of dollars in property values, and have laid waste to millions of acres of lands and communities over the years. When will the people wake up, and take back the reigns of this weak and pathetic government that has exploited it's citizens good will for so many years now, but of course do it properly through the elective process before it goes any farther ? How long, how long must we sing these songs, how long ?
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Here is what gays had to do

When officials were not following the law, they went to court and they were ordered to do so. Why can't you do the same?

Kate's family is taking SFO to court for failing to follow US law and that that violation of federal law resulted in Kate's death.
Good for them

That is what gays had to do when laws were not being followed

It amazes me that you equate death and gay marriage. But you are a liberal, soooooooooooooooo

So only when your situation is life or death are you entitled to constitutional rights?

not even close to what I said. I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy of liberals who support the murder of unborn human beings, selling their body parts and then whining about gay marriage.

said another way; your priorities are all fucked up.

IOW you're trying to change the subject.
Kim Davis gets arrested for refusing to obey a clearly unconstitutional and immoral Supreme Court ruling. However, no action has been taken against the mayors and city council members of the co-called "sanctuary cities," cities that are openly defying federal law and whose refusal to follow the law has led to the murder of innocent Americans. Why the double standard?

An unconstitutional Supreme Court ruling.

lol, another constitutional genius.
These RWnuts want the state and local governments to be able to ignore same sex marriage law,

but not immigration law.


Wrong, the clerk violated law and should be punished in accordance with the law.

Question for you: Why was she denied bail? Is she a danger to society? Is she a flight risk? That is simply absurd.

Go argue with the OP. He certainly doesn't think she's done anything wrong.

everyone is entitled to express their opinion. none of us is required to agree with everyone or anyone. See, thats the difference between conservatives and liberals. Conservatives think for themselves and many times disagree with other conservatives. Whereas liberals are all puppets who recite the same talking points and never dare to deviate from the required liberal mantra.
Here is what gays had to do

When officials were not following the law, they went to court and they were ordered to do so. Why can't you do the same?

Kate's family is taking SFO to court for failing to follow US law and that that violation of federal law resulted in Kate's death.
Good for them

That is what gays had to do when laws were not being followed

It amazes me that you equate death and gay marriage. But you are a liberal, soooooooooooooooo

So only when your situation is life or death are you entitled to constitutional rights?

not even close to what I said. I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy of liberals who support the murder of unborn human beings, selling their body parts and then whining about gay marriage.

said another way; your priorities are all fucked up.
One has nothing to do with the other.
Abortion has been legal for forty years. You are welcome to try to change the law...gays did it, why can't you?
Kate's family is taking SFO to court for failing to follow US law and that that violation of federal law resulted in Kate's death.
Good for them

That is what gays had to do when laws were not being followed

It amazes me that you equate death and gay marriage. But you are a liberal, soooooooooooooooo

So only when your situation is life or death are you entitled to constitutional rights?

not even close to what I said. I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy of liberals who support the murder of unborn human beings, selling their body parts and then whining about gay marriage.

said another way; your priorities are all fucked up.

IOW you're trying to change the subject.

nope, just responding to your foolish post.
Kate's family is taking SFO to court for failing to follow US law and that that violation of federal law resulted in Kate's death.
Good for them

That is what gays had to do when laws were not being followed

It amazes me that you equate death and gay marriage. But you are a liberal, soooooooooooooooo

So only when your situation is life or death are you entitled to constitutional rights?

not even close to what I said. I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy of liberals who support the murder of unborn human beings, selling their body parts and then whining about gay marriage.

said another way; your priorities are all fucked up.
One has nothing to do with the other.
Abortion has been legal for forty years. You are welcome to try to change the law...gays did it, why can't you?

just because something is currently legal does not make it right or require that all citizens agree with it. Segregation was legal at one time, that was wrong and it has been corrected. Murder of unborn human beings is currently legal, that does not make it right, humane, or civilized. Harvesting the organs of aborted children is a depravity-----------and is illegal. So why is obozo still supporting PP and its illegal operations?
Good for them

That is what gays had to do when laws were not being followed

It amazes me that you equate death and gay marriage. But you are a liberal, soooooooooooooooo

So only when your situation is life or death are you entitled to constitutional rights?

not even close to what I said. I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy of liberals who support the murder of unborn human beings, selling their body parts and then whining about gay marriage.

said another way; your priorities are all fucked up.
One has nothing to do with the other.
Abortion has been legal for forty years. You are welcome to try to change the law...gays did it, why can't you?

just because something is currently legal does not make it right or require that all citizens agree with it. Segregation was legal at one time, that was wrong and it has been corrected. Murder of unborn human beings is currently legal, that does not make it right, humane, or civilized. Harvesting the organs of aborted children is a depravity-----------and is illegal. So why is obozo still supporting PP and its illegal operations?
Very true

And you have access to our constitutional system to change those laws

The government does not support any Planned Parenthood functions related to abortion. The Hyde amendment precludes that
just because something is currently legal does not make it right or require that all citizens agree with it. Segregation was legal at one time, that was wrong and it has been corrected. Murder of unborn human beings is currently legal, that does not make it right, humane, or civilized. Harvesting the organs of aborted children is a depravity-----------and is illegal. So why is obozo still supporting PP and its illegal operations?
It's not illegal. Selling them for a profit is but they are medical waste at that point. The organs can be donated and reasonable charges accessed.

And while what is legal can be wrong, it is still legal and you are still required to obey the law or, like Davis, face the consequences.
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Talking about violating the law.....Obama makes a deal with a terrorist state, a deal that that country said openly it will not adhere to, then goes straight to the United Nations and gets the deal officially sanctioned by that body before he goes to Congress to get it ratified. And this isn't the first time. He's also signed weapons agreements with the UN without taking them to Congress to be ratified.

This is not only against the constitution but incredibly unethical.
sanctuary city officials are cool. the dems in those cities can get away with having illegals murder and rape people.
And the legals are even batter at that eh, at least according to the numbers. A whole city of illegals would have a lower crime than what you have now. They usually are very law-abiding, ironic as that may be. They generally keep their heads down and don't cause trouble.
They generally keep their heads down and don't cause trouble eh ? So legalizing them might bring a different result then maybe? I mean what then, just keep them ducking and hiding and their potential for committing crime might remain low? That was the promotion in your words was it not?
These RWnuts want the state and local governments to be able to ignore same sex marriage law,

but not immigration law.


Wrong, the clerk violated law and should be punished in accordance with the law.

Question for you: Why was she denied bail? Is she a danger to society? Is she a flight risk? That is simply absurd.

Go argue with the OP. He certainly doesn't think she's done anything wrong.

everyone is entitled to express their opinion. none of us is required to agree with everyone or anyone. See, thats the difference between conservatives and liberals. Conservatives think for themselves and many times disagree with other conservatives. Whereas liberals are all puppets who recite the same talking points and never dare to deviate from the required liberal mantra.

Which is hysterical b/c almost every single conservative news outlet has been gassing on about Kim Davis and sanctuary cites. There have been many threads started on this exact same topic here. Conservatives are just as likely as liberals to recite the talking points from their favorite folks in the media. You can pretend otherwise all you wish.
just because something is currently legal does not make it right or require that all citizens agree with it. Segregation was legal at one time, that was wrong and it has been corrected. Murder of unborn human beings is currently legal, that does not make it right, humane, or civilized. Harvesting the organs of aborted children is a depravity-----------and is illegal. So why is obozo still supporting PP and its illegal operations?
It's not illegal. Selling them for a profit is but they are medical waste at that point. The organs can be donated and reasonable charges accessed.

And while what is legal can be wrong, it is still legal and you are still required to obey the law, or, like Davis, face the consequences.

Fetal tissue people, not organs. Fetal TISSUE.
just because something is currently legal does not make it right or require that all citizens agree with it. Segregation was legal at one time, that was wrong and it has been corrected. Murder of unborn human beings is currently legal, that does not make it right, humane, or civilized. Harvesting the organs of aborted children is a depravity-----------and is illegal. So why is obozo still supporting PP and its illegal operations?
It's not illegal. Selling them for a profit is but they are medical waste at that point. The organs can be donated and reasonable charges accessed.

And while what is legal can be wrong, it is still legal and you are still required to obey the law, or, like Davis, face the consequences.

Fetal tissue people, not organs. Fetal TISSUE.
Tissues, organs, semantics. Parts that would have otherwise been burned as medical waste.
These RWnuts want the state and local governments to be able to ignore same sex marriage law,

but not immigration law.


Wrong, the clerk violated law and should be punished in accordance with the law.

Question for you: Why was she denied bail? Is she a danger to society? Is she a flight risk? That is simply absurd.

Go argue with the OP. He certainly doesn't think she's done anything wrong.

everyone is entitled to express their opinion. none of us is required to agree with everyone or anyone. See, thats the difference between conservatives and liberals. Conservatives think for themselves and many times disagree with other conservatives. Whereas liberals are all puppets who recite the same talking points and never dare to deviate from the required liberal mantra.

Which is hysterical b/c almost every single conservative news outlet has been gassing on about Kim Davis and sanctuary cites. There have been many threads started on this exact same topic here. Conservatives are just as likely as liberals to recite the talking points from their favorite folks in the media. You can pretend otherwise all you wish.

sure, both sides engage in talking point rhetoric. that was not my point. My point is that the majority of liberals all recite the same lines over and over and over. whereas conservatives disagree amoung themselves. The current GOP primary candidates and their rhetoric proves my point. Have you heard Sanders attack hillary, or vice versa?
It amazes me that you equate death and gay marriage. But you are a liberal, soooooooooooooooo

So only when your situation is life or death are you entitled to constitutional rights?

not even close to what I said. I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy of liberals who support the murder of unborn human beings, selling their body parts and then whining about gay marriage.

said another way; your priorities are all fucked up.
One has nothing to do with the other.
Abortion has been legal for forty years. You are welcome to try to change the law...gays did it, why can't you?

just because something is currently legal does not make it right or require that all citizens agree with it. Segregation was legal at one time, that was wrong and it has been corrected. Murder of unborn human beings is currently legal, that does not make it right, humane, or civilized. Harvesting the organs of aborted children is a depravity-----------and is illegal. So why is obozo still supporting PP and its illegal operations?
Very true

And you have access to our constitutional system to change those laws

The government does not support any Planned Parenthood functions related to abortion. The Hyde amendment precludes that

Are you serious? the primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started the organization to limit the black birthrate and was a blatant racist.

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