Why Jail for Kim Davis But Not for Sanctuary City Officials?

just because something is currently legal does not make it right or require that all citizens agree with it. Segregation was legal at one time, that was wrong and it has been corrected. Murder of unborn human beings is currently legal, that does not make it right, humane, or civilized. Harvesting the organs of aborted children is a depravity-----------and is illegal. So why is obozo still supporting PP and its illegal operations?
It's not illegal. Selling them for a profit is but they are medical waste at that point. The organs can be donated and reasonable charges accessed.

And while what is legal can be wrong, it is still legal and you are still required to obey the law, or, like Davis, face the consequences.

Fetal tissue people, not organs. Fetal TISSUE.
Tissues, organs, semantics. Parts that would have otherwise been burned as medical waste.

But it is more than semantics. It's how the nutters try to make it seem worse than it is. Don't help them.
just because something is currently legal does not make it right or require that all citizens agree with it. Segregation was legal at one time, that was wrong and it has been corrected. Murder of unborn human beings is currently legal, that does not make it right, humane, or civilized. Harvesting the organs of aborted children is a depravity-----------and is illegal. So why is obozo still supporting PP and its illegal operations?
It's not illegal. Selling them for a profit is but they are medical waste at that point. The organs can be donated and reasonable charges accessed.

And while what is legal can be wrong, it is still legal and you are still required to obey the law, or, like Davis, face the consequences.

Fetal tissue people, not organs. Fetal TISSUE.
Tissues, organs, semantics. Parts that would have otherwise been burned as medical waste.

But it is more than semantics. It's how the nutters try to make it seem worse than it is. Don't help them.
Spin is like PC, not interested. Using aborted fetuses for some potential benefit is much better than burning them as medical waste.
The far right, and some of the far left, are masters of false equivalency, then cry when they get caught.

Well Mike just brought up a great point, when it comes to following the law. We have judge Kim Davis being put in jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses in a state where the people voted in favor of traditional marriage. The Supreme Court made its own ruling against the voters, but the judge still followed what she believed was right in denying same sex couples marriage licenses. She is told she will be in jail until her beliefs are changed.

The San Francisco mayor believes what the city is doing is right,, by standing up to Federal law that supports immigration enforcement. Unlike the situation with Kim Davis, San Francisco's efforts have resulted in the death of American citizens. Still, it doesn't make major headlines with most of the media. There are no repercussions, no jail time for those responsible for violating federal law. Yes, there is an obvious double standard of enforcement and consequences for those violators here.

States also voted against integration. The courts ordered them to do otherwise. Davis does not have to change her beliefs but if her beliefs conflict with doing her job, she has to make a choice

That choice can't be forcing your beliefs on others
Well the government has created this situation, and it was wrong according to the vast majority of this nation, where as in the past the vast majority was ready for change on some very important issues, and therefore the people had led the government to represent their change wanted. The feds by what is being seen these days, has decided to defy the people it's will, and to interject itself when it should not have in many ways. This is what is causing a lot of trouble in this nation, and maybe even in the world now.
The far right, and some of the far left, are masters of false equivalency, then cry when they get caught.

Well Mike just brought up a great point, when it comes to following the law. We have judge Kim Davis being put in jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses in a state where the people voted in favor of traditional marriage. The Supreme Court made its own ruling against the voters, but the judge still followed what she believed was right in denying same sex couples marriage licenses. She is told she will be in jail until her beliefs are changed.

The San Francisco mayor believes what the city is doing is right,, by standing up to Federal law that supports immigration enforcement. Unlike the situation with Kim Davis, San Francisco's efforts have resulted in the death of American citizens. Still, it doesn't make major headlines with most of the media. There are no repercussions, no jail time for those responsible for violating federal law. Yes, there is an obvious double standard of enforcement and consequences for those violators here.

States also voted against integration. The courts ordered them to do otherwise. Davis does not have to change her beliefs but if her beliefs conflict with doing her job, she has to make a choice

That choice can't be forcing your beliefs on others
Well the government has created this situation, and it was wrong according to the vast majority of this nation, where as in the past the vast majority was ready for change on some very important issues, and therefore the people had led the government to represent their change wanted. The feds by what is being seen these days, has decided to defy the people it's will, and to interject itself when it should not have in many ways. This is what is causing a lot of trouble in this nation, and maybe even in the world now.
We are not a democracy. Deal with it.
So only when your situation is life or death are you entitled to constitutional rights?

not even close to what I said. I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy of liberals who support the murder of unborn human beings, selling their body parts and then whining about gay marriage.

said another way; your priorities are all fucked up.
One has nothing to do with the other.
Abortion has been legal for forty years. You are welcome to try to change the law...gays did it, why can't you?

just because something is currently legal does not make it right or require that all citizens agree with it. Segregation was legal at one time, that was wrong and it has been corrected. Murder of unborn human beings is currently legal, that does not make it right, humane, or civilized. Harvesting the organs of aborted children is a depravity-----------and is illegal. So why is obozo still supporting PP and its illegal operations?
Very true

And you have access to our constitutional system to change those laws

The government does not support any Planned Parenthood functions related to abortion. The Hyde amendment precludes that

Are you serious? the primary function of PP is abortion. Its founder started the organization to limit the black birthrate and was a blatant racist.

Nothing you just said is true.
just because something is currently legal does not make it right or require that all citizens agree with it. Segregation was legal at one time, that was wrong and it has been corrected. Murder of unborn human beings is currently legal, that does not make it right, humane, or civilized. Harvesting the organs of aborted children is a depravity-----------and is illegal. So why is obozo still supporting PP and its illegal operations?
It's not illegal. Selling them for a profit is but they are medical waste at that point. The organs can be donated and reasonable charges accessed.

And while what is legal can be wrong, it is still legal and you are still required to obey the law, or, like Davis, face the consequences.

Fetal tissue people, not organs. Fetal TISSUE.
Tissues, organs, semantics. Parts that would have otherwise been burned as medical waste.

But it is more than semantics. It's how the nutters try to make it seem worse than it is. Don't help them.
Spin is like PC, not interested. Using aborted fetuses for some potential benefit is much better than burning them as medical waste.
You have to kill them first to do either, now do you support murder along with your statement made?
Good for them

That is what gays had to do when laws were not being followed

It amazes me that you equate death and gay marriage. But you are a liberal, soooooooooooooooo

So only when your situation is life or death are you entitled to constitutional rights?

not even close to what I said. I was merely pointing out the hypocrisy of liberals who support the murder of unborn human beings, selling their body parts and then whining about gay marriage.

said another way; your priorities are all fucked up.
One has nothing to do with the other.
Abortion has been legal for forty years. You are welcome to try to change the law...gays did it, why can't you?

just because something is currently legal does not make it right or require that all citizens agree with it. Segregation was legal at one time, that was wrong and it has been corrected. Murder of unborn human beings is currently legal, that does not make it right, humane, or civilized. Harvesting the organs of aborted children is a depravity-----------and is illegal. So why is obozo still supporting PP and its illegal operations?

Organ donation is now depravity? whoa
It's not illegal. Selling them for a profit is but they are medical waste at that point. The organs can be donated and reasonable charges accessed.

And while what is legal can be wrong, it is still legal and you are still required to obey the law, or, like Davis, face the consequences.

Fetal tissue people, not organs. Fetal TISSUE.
Tissues, organs, semantics. Parts that would have otherwise been burned as medical waste.

But it is more than semantics. It's how the nutters try to make it seem worse than it is. Don't help them.
Spin is like PC, not interested. Using aborted fetuses for some potential benefit is much better than burning them as medical waste.
You have to kill them first to do either, now do you support murder along with your statement made?

Do you support the death penalty for women who have abortions?
These RWnuts want the state and local governments to be able to ignore same sex marriage law,

but not immigration law.


Wrong, the clerk violated law and should be punished in accordance with the law.

Question for you: Why was she denied bail? Is she a danger to society? Is she a flight risk? That is simply absurd.

Go argue with the OP. He certainly doesn't think she's done anything wrong.

everyone is entitled to express their opinion. none of us is required to agree with everyone or anyone. See, thats the difference between conservatives and liberals. Conservatives think for themselves and many times disagree with other conservatives. Whereas liberals are all puppets who recite the same talking points and never dare to deviate from the required liberal mantra.

Which is hysterical b/c almost every single conservative news outlet has been gassing on about Kim Davis and sanctuary cites. There have been many threads started on this exact same topic here. Conservatives are just as likely as liberals to recite the talking points from their favorite folks in the media. You can pretend otherwise all you wish.

sure, both sides engage in talking point rhetoric. that was not my point. My point is that the majority of liberals all recite the same lines over and over and over. whereas conservatives disagree amoung themselves. The current GOP primary candidates and their rhetoric proves my point. Have you heard Sanders attack hillary, or vice versa?

It is still fairly early in the nomination. As the election nears Sanders and Clinton will stop attacking each other via proxies. The 2008 Democratic Primary had the candidates all attacking each other in a bid to win the nomination. Sanders and Clinton differ greatly in politics so the idea that liberals do not disagree among themselves is just blind partisan nonsense.
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

actually no. she just had to sit in the back of the bus...she was still allowed to ride.....
She paid the same fare as everyone else, yet was told she was not entitled to a white mans seat

but it was the law at the time....right...and you guys say that this clerk has to follow the law......so you agree Rosa parks, the NAACP activist should have obeyed the law...right?
Your analogy is incorrect

Davis is not Rosa Parks

Davis is the bus driver enforcing her bigotry on others

You are a fucking loser, and I think it is laughable that you and everyone like you pretend to care if a faggot gets married. I think you have actually convinced yourself that you care about it.

So, how about all of those mayors and judges and sheriffs that violate federal law for illegals? You know what? Fuck you and your hypocritical double talking answer.

You unreal pieces of shit can giggle away. Have fun. It is your time now. Know this. Your time will come when you will not be giggling anymore. Count on it.

Fuck you hypocrite.

I think someone has been drinking too much coffee.
Kim Davis gets arrested for refusing to obey a clearly unconstitutional and immoral Supreme Court ruling. However, no action has been taken against the mayors and city council members of the co-called "sanctuary cities," cities that are openly defying federal law and whose refusal to follow the law has led to the murder of innocent Americans. Why the double standard?
Kim and her dubious lawyers went thru the legal process after a case was filled against her. Show us the case filled agains the Sanctuary cities and where those cases are at this time......and if there are no cases, why have you not made one yet?
It's not illegal. Selling them for a profit is but they are medical waste at that point. The organs can be donated and reasonable charges accessed.

And while what is legal can be wrong, it is still legal and you are still required to obey the law, or, like Davis, face the consequences.

Fetal tissue people, not organs. Fetal TISSUE.
Tissues, organs, semantics. Parts that would have otherwise been burned as medical waste.

But it is more than semantics. It's how the nutters try to make it seem worse than it is. Don't help them.
Spin is like PC, not interested. Using aborted fetuses for some potential benefit is much better than burning them as medical waste.
You have to kill them first to do either, now do you support murder along with your statement made?

I support a woman's right to make her own reproductive choices and decide what happens with HER body.

BTW, saying so does not mean I support abortions. I want to see an end to all abortions in the United States...but I know it has to be done through science and education not prohibition.
B/c it's different.


Not magically, legally.

Look, I too am against Sanctuary cities....but if you are going to just sit and complain, nothing will get done. File a case against one or more of those cities for refusing to do their legal duty. Have it go thru the legal process. Just like the gay couples did in Kentucky.
These RWnuts want the state and local governments to be able to ignore same sex marriage law,

but not immigration law.


Wrong, the clerk violated law and should be punished in accordance with the law.

Question for you: Why was she denied bail? Is she a danger to society? Is she a flight risk? That is simply absurd.
The law is not valid, because it was pushed on the people unconstitutionally by rogue activist judges who are ruling by emotions and not by their adjudicating of the Constitution properly. The law they have ruled on is unconditional, and therefore should be null and void to follow. Making a person follow or abide by unconstitutional laws being created is a problem.
and also....what about concealed,carry....many cities won't issue permits even though they are required to...those officials should be in prison too....and you don't die if you don't get a marriage license.....a woman in New Jersey died because the officials held up her concealed,carry permit.
I hear this is happening, but I've not seen any evidence that would stand in a court of law....if there are officials refusing to give concealed carry permits, fill a lawsuit....don't just bitch about it.
B/c it's different.


Not magically, legally.

Look, I too am against Sanctuary cities....but if you are going to just sit and complain, nothing will get done. File a case against one or more of those cities for refusing to do their legal duty. Have it go thru the legal process. Just like the gay couples did in Kentucky.
Cities don't have a duty. Immigration is a Federal issue, kiddos...
Kim Davis gets arrested for refusing to obey a clearly unconstitutional and immoral Supreme Court ruling. However, no action has been taken against the mayors and city council members of the co-called "sanctuary cities," cities that are openly defying federal law and whose refusal to follow the law has led to the murder of innocent Americans. Why the double standard?

Get a judge to issue an order to the mayor of those cities. If they fail to comply...then jail them

In that case you would have a similar situation
I agree. The gay couples and the courts in Kentucky went thru the legal process...they didn't just bitch on a message board.
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

actually no. she just had to sit in the back of the bus...she was still allowed to ride.....
She paid the same fare as everyone else, yet was told she was not entitled to a white mans seat

but it was the law at the time....right...and you guys say that this clerk has to follow the law......so you agree Rosa parks, the NAACP activist should have obeyed the law...right?
Con-servatives don't do well with analogies. Parks was acting to change a bad law....the gay couples were acting to get a law enforced.
These RWnuts want the state and local governments to be able to ignore same sex marriage law,

but not immigration law.


Wrong, the clerk violated law and should be punished in accordance with the law.

Question for you: Why was she denied bail? Is she a danger to society? Is she a flight risk? That is simply absurd.
She didn't jaywalk, she's being held on Contempt, and can be, in this case, as long as she holds her elected position. Were she to be reelected, she could continue to be held, as long as she refuses to do her job or interferes with others doing it for her.

Reelect Kim Davis, so she stays in jail. Could get interesting but she won't hold out that long, not a chance.
Been to a chic-filet lately? Ummm standing up for your beliefs has definitely been proven by them. Getting in to that place for a simple chicken sandwich is almost impossible.. Their prophets must be fanominal...

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