Why Jail for Kim Davis But Not for Sanctuary City Officials?

but it was the law at the time....right...and you guys say that this clerk has to follow the law......so you agree Rosa parks, the NAACP activist should have obeyed the law...right?
Parks was penalised for her behaviour. Davis is in contempt of court, she can leave jail any time she's prepared to obey the court.
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

actually no. she just had to sit in the back of the bus...she was still allowed to ride.....
She paid the same fare as everyone else, yet was told she was not entitled to a white mans seat

but it was the law at the time....right...and you guys say that this clerk has to follow the law......so you agree Rosa parks, the NAACP activist should have obeyed the law...right?
Your analogy is incorrect

Davis is not Rosa Parks

Davis is the bus driver enforcing her bigotry on others

You are a fucking loser, and I think it is laughable that you and everyone like you pretend to care if a faggot gets married. I think you have actually convinced yourself that you care about it.

So, how about all of those mayors and judges and sheriffs that violate federal law for illegals? You know what? Fuck you and your hypocritical double talking answer.

You unreal pieces of shit can giggle away. Have fun. It is your time now. Know this. Your time will come when you will not be giggling anymore. Count on it.

Fuck you hypocrite.
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Owl and buds are being willfully stupid, willfully assholes. It only rebounds on them.

Parks was a victim of the law.

Davis is a victimizer using the law.

False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

actually no. she just had to sit in the back of the bus...she was still allowed to ride.....
She paid the same fare as everyone else, yet was told she was not entitled to a white mans seat

but it was the law at the time....right...and you guys say that this clerk has to follow the law......so you agree Rosa parks, the NAACP activist should have obeyed the law...right?
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I say lets jail all those who fail to abide by the Constitution.

My guess is just about the entire political class would be imprisoned. Fine by me.
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

Fuck you asshat. The fucking mayors of these cities (all piece of shit left wing communist cocksuckers that you support) all violate FEDERAL LAW. None of them are being put in jail though. In fact, they are being commended by assholes like you. Assholes like you would never let any of these illegals live in your backyard though. Of course not. Not a caring little liberal like you.

Oh, but what the fuck do you care if these illegals that are given safe haven that is a federal violation goes and kills a person. Especially if any of those people are lily white.

You fucking people do not stand for shit. You are hypocrites about everything. You are wastes of time, and deserve zero respect. Not for anything. You, will never get it from me. That, is for damn sure.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :clap: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Wow, absolutely nothing.

Lissen up, far righties. You don't run the country. You never will. :lol:
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

Fuck you asshat. The fucking mayors of these cities (all piece of shit left wing communist cocksuckers that you support) all violate FEDERAL LAW. None of them are being put in jail though. In fact, they are being commended by assholes like you. Assholes like you would never let any of these illegals live in your backyard though. Of course not. Not a caring little liberal like you.

Oh, but what the fuck do you care if these illegals that are given safe haven that is a federal violation goes and kills a person. Especially if any of those people are lily white.

You fucking people do not stand for shit. You are hypocrites about everything. You are wastes of time, and deserve zero respect. Not for anything. You, will never get it from me. That, is for damn sure.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :clap: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Wow, absolutely nothing.

Lissen up, far righties. You don't run the country. You never will. :lol:
Okay Fakey...I think we have found your mythical Far Right.

They are a few posters on USMB...and you fear them.....hahahahaha......
Kim Davis gets arrested for refusing to obey a clearly unconstitutional and immoral Supreme Court ruling. However, no action has been taken against the mayors and city council members of the co-called "sanctuary cities," cities that are openly defying federal law and whose refusal to follow the law has led to the murder of innocent Americans. Why the double standard?
"Sanctuary city is a term that is applied by some to cities in the United States or Canada that have policies designed to not persecute undocumented immigrants. These practices can be by law (de jure) or they can be by habit (de facto). The term generally applies to cities that do not allow municipal funds or resources to be used to enforce federal immigration laws, usually by not allowing police or municipal employees to inquire about an individual's immigration status. The designation has no legal meaning.[1]"
Sanctuary city - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1. Not asking about immigration status is not against the law.
2. Telling the local Barney Fifes not to ask is also not against the law, immigration is a Federal issue.
3. Holding an illegal (for deportation) after a criminal sentence has been completed is currently unconstitutional.
4. In this particular case, the Feds had him before they turned him over to the city, which they did not have to do. They could have deported him, and didn't.
sanctuary city officials are cool. the dems in those cities can get away with having illegals murder and rape people.
sanctuary city officials are cool. the dems in those cities can get away with having illegals murder and rape people.
And the legals are even batter at that eh, at least according to the numbers. A whole city of illegals would have a lower crime than what you have now. They usually are very law-abiding, ironic as that may be. They generally keep their heads down and don't cause trouble.
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

actually no. she just had to sit in the back of the bus...she was still allowed to ride.....
actually as usual you are wrong. She had to sit in a particular section of the bus and was denied to sit up front and had to give up her sit, although she paid the same prices. The far right is relentlessly stupid.
I say lets jail all those who fail to abide by the Constitution.

My guess is just about the entire political class would be imprisoned. Fine by me.

You keep saying that, but never do anything about it. Is that because you are too lazy to carry through, or because there is really nothing that you can do but whine?
False equivalency, Mike.

Rosa Davis wrongfully was denied equal access to public transportation.

Kim Davis wrongfully was denying equal access to county clerk services.

actually no. she just had to sit in the back of the bus...she was still allowed to ride.....
She paid the same fare as everyone else, yet was told she was not entitled to a white mans seat

but it was the law at the time....right...and you guys say that this clerk has to follow the law......so you agree Rosa parks, the NAACP activist should have obeyed the law...right?
Your analogy is incorrect

Davis is not Rosa Parks

Davis is the bus driver enforcing her bigotry on others

You are a fucking loser, and I think it is laughable that you and everyone like you pretend to care if a faggot gets married. I think you have actually convinced yourself that you care about it.

So, how about all of those mayors and judges and sheriffs that violate federal law for illegals? You know what? Fuck you and your hypocritical double talking answer.

You unreal pieces of shit can giggle away. Have fun. It is your time now. Know this. Your time will come when you will not be giggling anymore. Count on it.

Fuck you hypocrite.

Here is what gays had to do

When officials were not following the law, they went to court and they were ordered to do so. Why can't you do the same?
Kim Davis gets arrested for refusing to obey a clearly unconstitutional and immoral Supreme Court ruling. However, no action has been taken against the mayors and city council members of the co-called "sanctuary cities," cities that are openly defying federal law and whose refusal to follow the law has led to the murder of innocent Americans. Why the double standard?

One has nothing to do with the other. It is absurd to think that whether or not Davis was guilty of contempt of court hinges on whether or not some Mexican 2000 miles away was deported.
The far right, and some of the far left, are masters of false equivalency, then cry when they get caught.

Well Mike just brought up a great point, when it comes to following the law. We have judge Kim Davis being put in jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses in a state where the people voted in favor of traditional marriage. The Supreme Court made its own ruling against the voters, but the judge still followed what she believed was right in denying same sex couples marriage licenses. She is told she will be in jail until her beliefs are changed.

The San Francisco mayor believes what the city is doing is right,, by standing up to Federal law that supports immigration enforcement. Unlike the situation with Kim Davis, San Francisco's efforts have resulted in the death of American citizens. Still, it doesn't make major headlines with most of the media. There are no repercussions, no jail time for those responsible for violating federal law. Yes, there is an obvious double standard of enforcement and consequences for those violators here.

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