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Why Left Wingers HATE the Electoral College !!!

Indeed. The GOP is becoming the mirror image of what the Democrats were in the period between the Civil War and the Great Depression. That isn't a good thing.
Indeed. Good thing it isn't happening.

Your problem is you ignore reality in favor of leftist talking points, which bear little resemblance to reality.
If the Republicans are to continue as a national party and also remain a conservative party, the meaning of "conservative" has to be redefined to something resembling, as it happens, your own political positions, abandoning the culture-war stuff that appeals to the right-wing fringe as presently constituted. Another way to put that is that the GOP can only remain a national party if it abandons southern dominance. Compete with the Democrats in the Northeast, Midwest, and West Coast (which were originally Republican areas, please note) by campaigning on REASONABLE, LOGICAL, and FACT-BASED conservative positions (that IS possible, you know), and let the South either be up for grabs or let a third party represent it.

There are a few Republicans today who can show which way to go. Notable are GOP representatives from New England, like Cynthia Snow and Scott Brown. Also worthy of attention is former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California. Of course, a lot of Republicans regard these politicians as RINOs. As long as that's true, the party is on a collision course with reality.
You want the GOP to become a liberal party.

We have one of those. We don't need two.
Indeed. The GOP is becoming the mirror image of what the Democrats were in the period between the Civil War and the Great Depression. That isn't a good thing.
Indeed. Good thing it isn't happening.

Your problem is you ignore reality in favor of leftist talking points, which bear little resemblance to reality.
If the Republicans are to continue as a national party and also remain a conservative party, the meaning of "conservative" has to be redefined to something resembling, as it happens, your own political positions, abandoning the culture-war stuff that appeals to the right-wing fringe as presently constituted. Another way to put that is that the GOP can only remain a national party if it abandons southern dominance. Compete with the Democrats in the Northeast, Midwest, and West Coast (which were originally Republican areas, please note) by campaigning on REASONABLE, LOGICAL, and FACT-BASED conservative positions (that IS possible, you know), and let the South either be up for grabs or let a third party represent it.

There are a few Republicans today who can show which way to go. Notable are GOP representatives from New England, like Cynthia Snow and Scott Brown. Also worthy of attention is former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California. Of course, a lot of Republicans regard these politicians as RINOs. As long as that's true, the party is on a collision course with reality.
You want the GOP to become a liberal party.

We have one of those. We don't need two.

These people on the left make things up so they can feel better about their unpopular agenda.
We have one guy claiming Texas is going to become blue because of all the illegals. He insists all minorities vote in lockstep for democrats.
We have another poster insisting the GOP is the same as the democrat party of the mid to late 19th century.
Neither poster has a shred of evidence what they state is true. The rely on "I posted it. Therefore it must be true and the rest of you will accept it without question".
What democrats will not admit is their party's voting base resides in large urban centers. For example, New York. 60% of the state's population lives within 40 miles of Times Square. The Downstate has always been a democrat stronghold.
The democrats do not even bother campaigning Upstate. Not because there aren't any democrat voters, but because they don't have to in order to win.
Indeed. The GOP is becoming the mirror image of what the Democrats were in the period between the Civil War and the Great Depression. That isn't a good thing.
Indeed. Good thing it isn't happening.

Your problem is you ignore reality in favor of leftist talking points, which bear little resemblance to reality.
If the Republicans are to continue as a national party and also remain a conservative party, the meaning of "conservative" has to be redefined to something resembling, as it happens, your own political positions, abandoning the culture-war stuff that appeals to the right-wing fringe as presently constituted. Another way to put that is that the GOP can only remain a national party if it abandons southern dominance. Compete with the Democrats in the Northeast, Midwest, and West Coast (which were originally Republican areas, please note) by campaigning on REASONABLE, LOGICAL, and FACT-BASED conservative positions (that IS possible, you know), and let the South either be up for grabs or let a third party represent it.

There are a few Republicans today who can show which way to go. Notable are GOP representatives from New England, like Cynthia Snow and Scott Brown. Also worthy of attention is former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California. Of course, a lot of Republicans regard these politicians as RINOs. As long as that's true, the party is on a collision course with reality.
You want the GOP to become a liberal party.

We have one of those. We don't need two.

These people on the left make things up so they can feel better about their unpopular agenda.
We have one guy claiming Texas is going to become blue because of all the illegals. He insists all minorities vote in lockstep for democrats.
We have another poster insisting the GOP is the same as the democrat party of the mid to late 19th century.
Neither poster has a shred of evidence what they state is true. The rely on "I posted it. Therefore it must be true and the rest of you will accept it without question".
What democrats will not admit is their party's voting base resides in large urban centers. For example, New York. 60% of the state's population lives within 40 miles of Times Square. The Downstate has always been a democrat stronghold.
The democrats do not even bother campaigning Upstate. Not because there aren't any democrat voters, but because they don't have to in order to win.
Leftists have an amazing capacity for self-deception. Coupled with their natural gullibility, they can make themselves believe absolutely anything, no matter how stupid.
No real Republican is concerned with the jabberings of far horizon reactionaries like those above. They, like parrots, offer only squawks and shit for the ground.

Keep jabbering, little far righty birds (and TeaPots and Little Engines Who Couldn't). :lol: You will vote for Romney if you have any slight hope of having any influence on majority politics.

Fakey Jake, representing the Noam Chomsky faction of the GOP...Kim Jong Il was to the right of you, fakey.

That is exactly why you will vote GOP to have any influence in the future.

What an incredibly shallow commentary by you, Uncensored.

Guy, I took you off ignore.. don't make me regret it.

Not a fan of ultra-right guys like Uncensored, but Romney is not the savior of the GOP.

He will probably lose. For no other reason than there's no real enthusiasm for him.

I mean, Jesus, Santorum is ahead of him in the RCP average today. Now, I like Rick. TOo religious for me, but everyone is. But come on, Mitt Romney is outspending this guy 10-1 and only running just even with him in number of primaries won.

Now Romney's going to be in a fight for his life, because if he loses Michigan, no one is going to take him seriously after that.

But heck, not relevent. Let's assume that the GOP muscles Romney into the nomination and he proceeds to lose because Uncensored and I (for very different reasons) will stay home in November or vote Third Party.

So what? In 2014 and 2016, the Same GOP will be hitting me up for money and trying to solicite my vote. There will be a shitload of recriminations as to why Romney lost, but he'll be the one holding the bag.
Ignore? Who knew? :lol: And who cares? :lol:

This fact is simple: the Santorums and the Palins can never draw middle America, and without those scores of millions of vote, the GOP can't win the Presidency.

Either we GOP learn to work together, or we don't deserve to win.

Mitt Romney's Greatest hits.
Ignore? Who knew? :lol: And who cares? :lol:

This fact is simple: the Santorums and the Palins can never draw middle America, and without those scores of millions of vote, the GOP can't win the Presidency.

Either we GOP learn to work together, or we don't deserve to win.

Mitt Romney's Greatest hits.

Give me someone I can work for, and I will.

Otherwise, we were probably going to get four more years of Obama anyway. I can sit this one out and be just fine.

Look, Romney is a weak candidate. Despite his millions and the efforts of the GOP Establishment, the rank and file would rather have anyone else.

Santorum has gone from 4% in December, to being the "Frontrunner" now. I don't think it will last. But it shows that there is no love for Romney.

And if Republicans don't like what they see, why will independents.

Romney’s slide among independents continues - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

A month ago, 40% of independents said they would back Obama over Romney — today 51% say they would, while the number expressing support for Romney has slipped from 50% to 42%.

Over the course of the campaign, Romney’s image among independent voters has suffered substantially. Most notably, the number who believe he is honest and trustworthy has fallen from 53% to 41%, while the number who say he is not has risen from 32% to 45%.

The better people get to know Romney, the less they like him.
Ignore? Who knew? :lol: And who cares? :lol:

Ignore is for cowards.

Oh, I ignore 90% of the idiocy you post, but I've never put you on ignore - and never will.

This fact is simple: the Santorums and the Palins can never draw middle America, and without those scores of millions of vote, the GOP can't win the Presidency.

Either we GOP learn to work together, or we don't deserve to win.

Mitt Romney's Greatest hits.


The GOP wins by UNIFYING behind "Not Obama."
Give me someone I can work for, and I will.

Sorry, Kim Jong Il died...

Otherwise, we were probably going to get four more years of Obama anyway. I can sit this one out and be just fine.

Sit it out? You're campaigning for Obama every day.

Look, Romney is a weak candidate. Despite his millions and the efforts of the GOP Establishment, the rank and file would rather have anyone else.

Santorum has gone from 4% in December, to being the "Frontrunner" now. I don't think it will last. But it shows that there is no love for Romney.

And if Republicans don't like what they see, why will independents.

Romney’s slide among independents continues - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

A month ago, 40% of independents said they would back Obama over Romney — today 51% say they would, while the number expressing support for Romney has slipped from 50% to 42%.

Over the course of the campaign, Romney’s image among independent voters has suffered substantially. Most notably, the number who believe he is honest and trustworthy has fallen from 53% to 41%, while the number who say he is not has risen from 32% to 45%.

The better people get to know Romney, the less they like him.

Romney is "not Obama," So is Santorum.

Come November, that's all that matters.
You want the GOP to become a liberal party.

No, I want it to become a conservative party:

disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change.
cautiously moderate or purposefully low: a conservative estimate.
traditional in style or manner; avoiding novelty or showiness: conservative suit.
Ignore? Who knew? :lol: And who cares? :lol:

Ignore is for cowards.

Oh, I ignore 90% of the idiocy you post, but I've never put you on ignore - and never will.

This fact is simple: the Santorums and the Palins can never draw middle America, and without those scores of millions of vote, the GOP can't win the Presidency.

Either we GOP learn to work together, or we don't deserve to win.

Mitt Romney's Greatest hits.


The GOP wins by UNIFYING behind "Not Obama."

Wins what?

The country likes Obama..with the exception of you guys..and you guys are in the minority.

Which is why you guys are so desperate to suppress the vote.

The majority of United States citizens are not you guys.
Along with wishing the 17th amendment was repealed, Conservatives LOVE the Electoral College.

Seems they don't want democracy ANYWHERE near the United States of America.

You're right, we dont, democracy is the tyranny of the many imposed on the few.

Nice catch phrase..but democracy is not tyranny.

In fact tyranny is quite the opposite. The few. Or the one. Imposing their will or power on the many.

Which is the environment conservatives want. Tyranny, Monarchy, Theocracy, Aristocracy and Dictatorship. That's your meat bub.
And this is what it boils down to folks. Another conservative "Lee Atwater/Karl Rove" production of divorcing words from meaning and doing gymnastics to make the "evil" seem "noble".

Tyranny..is not Democracy.

Simple as that.
Wins what?

The 2012 presidential race.

The country likes Obama..

The country detests Obama. A rabid core of partisans - you - worship him as a god, but overall, he is unpopular.

with the exception of you guys..and you guys are in the minority.


Which is why you guys are so desperate to suppress the vote.


Already cooking up the excuses, I see. (The Messiah® only lost because THEY suppressed the vote!)

The majority of United States citizens are not you guys.

Then why are you so desperate to have non-citizens vote?

Obama will lose in November.
Last edited:
Obama may very well likely lose in November but it will be because of a swing of half a dozen states. Not exactly a trouncing of his policies.
Our country is pretty divided at this point which is not getting any better. Some of the rhetoric posted here doesn't make it any better.
The "country" does not "detest" the president. he still beats every one of your potential nominees in head to head match up.

You are a partisan hack.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Obama is unopposed, each of the GOP contenders has at least 3 challengers. This will change when there is a single candidate.

so much for "detests".

Again, you are a partisan hack.

So less than half of Americans approve of his job performance; no wonder you praise him...

Do you know what grade I give students earning 49%? Here's a hint, it isn't an "A".
Wins what?

The 2012 presidential race.

The country likes Obama..

The country detests Obama. A rabid core of partisans - you - worship him as a god, but overall, he is unpopular.


Which is why you guys are so desperate to suppress the vote.


Already cooking up the excuses, I see. (The Messiah® only lost because THEY suppressed the vote!)

The majority of United States citizens are not you guys.

Then why are you so desperate to have non-citizens vote?

Obama will lose in November.

Obama won't lose.

You can bank on that.
Ignore? Who knew? :lol: And who cares? :lol:

Ignore is for cowards.

Oh, I ignore 90% of the idiocy you post, but I've never put you on ignore - and never will.

This fact is simple: the Santorums and the Palins can never draw middle America, and without those scores of millions of vote, the GOP can't win the Presidency.

Either we GOP learn to work together, or we don't deserve to win.

Mitt Romney's Greatest hits.


The GOP wins by UNIFYING behind "Not Obama."

NBO will lose us the election. What a stupid suggestion. We unify behind a modern GOP candidate that can take him on the issues, not the personalities. If we do personalities, we lose.

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