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Why Liberals Hate Free Speech

You can't expect anyone to believe that you don't realize they wanted to put that mosque there to add insult to injury. It was Islam that brought down the towers, and you expect us to let them to build a monument to their success? Are you really that stupid? You really don't need to answer. It's painfully obvious.
The person who was going to be the Imam of that mosque, was on George Bush's counter-terrorism task force. That mosque had nothing to do with 9/11. I guess you prefer the hookers and strip bars that are in that location, rather than something that brings the community together.

And no, Islam did not take down the towers. The hijackers were not even Muslims.

So I guess what you're saying is, freedom of speech is not for everyone. It's only "agreeable" freedom of speech.
Something that brings the community together? A mosque at the site of the twin towers? BWAHAHAHA! You funny guy.
You can't expect anyone to believe that you don't realize they wanted to put that mosque there to add insult to injury. It was Islam that brought down the towers, and you expect us to let them to build a monument to their success? Are you really that stupid? You really don't need to answer. It's painfully obvious.
The person who was going to be the Imam of that mosque, was on George Bush's counter-terrorism task force. That mosque had nothing to do with 9/11. I guess you prefer the hookers and strip bars that are in that location, rather than something that brings the community together.

And no, Islam did not take down the towers. The hijackers were not even Muslims.

So I guess what you're saying is, freedom of speech is not for everyone. It's only "agreeable" freedom of speech.
Something that brings the community together? A mosque at the site of the twin towers? BWAHAHAHA! You funny guy.
It matters not a fucking damn where they build it. In this country religion is protected. Got a problem with that?
We're not allowed to disagree with you people?

The right has no speech codes, that is a unique feature of you communists.

Silly Bonobo says that Republicans and Commoners have the freedom to engage in "correct" speech.

And nowhere more evident than in the Liberal monasteries known as university.

"On a winter’s night 20 years ago, a freshman at the University of Pennsylvania who was working on an English paper heard a ruckus outside his dorm. A group of sorority sisters was singing, stomping and yelling, and he couldn’t concentrate. So he shouted out the window at them: “Shut up, you water buffalo!”
He was subsequently accused of violating Penn’s policy against racial harassment.

...PC has spiraled out of control, starting on college campuses and graduating into the real world...

....Greg Lukianoff, president of the Philly-based Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (a.k.a. FIRE), in his new book, Unlearning Liberty: Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate. He posits that political correctness has hamstrung free speech, resulting in a society where citizens lack the “experience of uninhibited debate and casual provocation” that keeps minds open and dialogue flowing."
A History of Political Correctness: 20 Years After Penn's "Water Buffalo" Incident | Philadelphia magazine

Education goes against Conservatives' free speech? Wow.
"What was your position on the Mosque at Ground Zero? Does free speech include Muslims?"

As a conservative, I have positions based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
Free speech is part of same.

As to the Mosque at Ground Zero....I stated at the time that if those individuals owned the property they could do whatever building codes in the area allowed.

In your face, boyyyeeeeee.
Now hold on, twisted sister, your initial claim (as stated in the OP), was that liberals are against free speech. What group put the most pressure on preventing that mosque from being built?

It wasn't liberals.

You also said liberals were fascists. Well, fascists don't allow an alternative point of view and if you dare to present one, they go after you.

When anyone criticizes Israel, they get vilified. And not by the left.

Wasn't this your request?

"What was your position on the Mosque at Ground Zero? Does free speech include Muslims?"

Didn't I answer it, and leave you with egg on your face?

Well, if ALL Conservatives thought alike, then maybe, but no one is making this claim on here.
Something that brings the community together? A mosque at the site of the twin towers? BWAHAHAHA! You funny guy.
What, you're not interested in becoming more well versed in the mechanics of a fatwa?

Or do you feel more comfortable with Oral Roberts seeing a 900 foot Jesus, in Tulsa, Oklahoma?
Well, if ALL Conservatives thought alike, then maybe, but no one is making this claim on here.
Whatever happened to all the William F. Buckley conservatives?

Why did your side allow whacko's like Beck and Pumpkin-head take over the party?

I mean, if we can control Rosie O'Donnell...
Something that brings the community together? A mosque at the site of the twin towers? BWAHAHAHA! You funny guy.
What, you're not interested in becoming more well versed in the mechanics of a fatwa?

Or do you feel more comfortable with Oral Roberts seeing a 900 foot Jesus, in Tulsa, Oklahoma?
You know what I really love about this site? I can block idiots like you. Good bye.
Whatever happened to all the William F. Buckley conservatives?

Why did your side allow whacko's like Beck and Pumpkin-head take over the party?

I mean, if we can control Rosie O'Donnell...

Whatever happened to John Kennedy democrats? Now all we have are you Josef Stalin clones.
There are still a few out there. Believe it or not, There was a liberal talk show host on the radio that I actually respected. I disagreed with him often, but he had integrity, with a healthy dose of common sense. Don't know if he's still on the air. It was a local radio show.
There are still a few out there. Believe it or not, There was a liberal talk show host on the radio that I actually respected. I disagreed with him often, but he had integrity, with a healthy dose of common sense. Don't know if he's still on the air. It was a local radio show.
And I thought you felt that way about me?
Liberals are the power in the political realm....and they illustrate what Lord Action meant about power absolutely corrupting those who control it.

1." ...do any of you actually remember a time when liberals truly supported and believed in freedom of speech.... genuine,bona fide agreement with the principle that liberty includes allowing those with whom you disagree to have access to the marketplace of ideas, and that this marketplace itself will decide which are the best ones. You know, Voltaire's "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it," and all that?

I can't either. Probably nobody can who was not born during or before World War II,

2.... those on the Left do not believe in free speech. They simply do not accept the fundamental principle that people of all opinions ought to be able to express those opinions without being punished for it, or at least hindered to the greatest degree possible in their ability to express themselves.

3. [Thus the] editorial in Harvard's student newspaper The Crimson, in which Sandra Korn, a student columnist and "women's studies" major (who didn't see that one coming?) obligingly calls for academic totalitarianism,

"Yet the liberal obsession with 'academic freedom" seems a bit misplaced to me. .... No academic question is ever 'free' from political realities. If our university community opposes racism, sexism, and heterosexism, why should we put up with research that counters our goals simply in the name of "academic freedom"?

"Instead, I would like to propose a more rigorous standard: one of 'academic justice. When an academic community observes research promoting or justifying oppression, it should ensure that this research does not continue.

"The power to enforce academic justice comes from students, faculty, and workers organizing together to make our universities look as we want them to do. Two years ago, when former summer school instructor Subramanian Swamy published hateful commentary about Muslims in India, the Harvard community organized to ensure that he would not return to teach on campus. I consider that sort of organizing both appropriate and commendable. Perhaps it should even be applied more broadly...

There, in a nutshell, is the modern liberal attitude toward freedom of speech, and by extension freedom of thought. If research doesn't substantiate the cultural goals and priorities of today's Neo-Fascists, then we must ensure that it "does not continue." Why liberals hate freedom of speech

If speech refutes the Left's positions on any number of issues, then it has to be silenced. "Academic justice" means suppression of all those naughty things that people might say that contradict us.

As far as speech is concerned, the Left definitely prefers a command economy over the free market.

Why do conservatives shoot up abortion clinics?
Liberals are the power in the political realm....and they illustrate what Lord Action meant about power absolutely corrupting those who control it.

1." ...do any of you actually remember a time when liberals truly supported and believed in freedom of speech.... genuine,bona fide agreement with the principle that liberty includes allowing those with whom you disagree to have access to the marketplace of ideas, and that this marketplace itself will decide which are the best ones. You know, Voltaire's "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it," and all that?

I can't either. Probably nobody can who was not born during or before World War II,

2.... those on the Left do not believe in free speech. They simply do not accept the fundamental principle that people of all opinions ought to be able to express those opinions without being punished for it, or at least hindered to the greatest degree possible in their ability to express themselves.

3. [Thus the] editorial in Harvard's student newspaper The Crimson, in which Sandra Korn, a student columnist and "women's studies" major (who didn't see that one coming?) obligingly calls for academic totalitarianism,

"Yet the liberal obsession with 'academic freedom" seems a bit misplaced to me. .... No academic question is ever 'free' from political realities. If our university community opposes racism, sexism, and heterosexism, why should we put up with research that counters our goals simply in the name of "academic freedom"?

"Instead, I would like to propose a more rigorous standard: one of 'academic justice. When an academic community observes research promoting or justifying oppression, it should ensure that this research does not continue.

"The power to enforce academic justice comes from students, faculty, and workers organizing together to make our universities look as we want them to do. Two years ago, when former summer school instructor Subramanian Swamy published hateful commentary about Muslims in India, the Harvard community organized to ensure that he would not return to teach on campus. I consider that sort of organizing both appropriate and commendable. Perhaps it should even be applied more broadly...

There, in a nutshell, is the modern liberal attitude toward freedom of speech, and by extension freedom of thought. If research doesn't substantiate the cultural goals and priorities of today's Neo-Fascists, then we must ensure that it "does not continue." Why liberals hate freedom of speech

If speech refutes the Left's positions on any number of issues, then it has to be silenced. "Academic justice" means suppression of all those naughty things that people might say that contradict us.

As far as speech is concerned, the Left definitely prefers a command economy over the free market.

Why do conservatives shoot up abortion clinics?
They don't.

Why do Liberal acolytes shoot congresspersons,and supermarket shoppers?

"....severely injured U.S. RepresentativeGabrielle Giffords, his target, and killed 6 people, including Chief U.S. District Court Judge John Roll, as well as a 9-year-old bystander Christina-Taylor Green.[2][3][4][5][6] Loughner shot and injured 13 other people, and one man was injured while subduing him.[7]"
Jared Lee Loughner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  1. This one: left-wing pot-head Jared Loughner. As soon as he shot up the Gabrielle Giffords political event, Paul Krugman wrote his column, “Climate of Hate,” announcing that the cause of the shooting was “toxic rhetoric” coming “overwhelmingly from the right.” This was followed by the usual torrent of exactly zero examples.
    1. Sadly, for the Left, lots of Loughner acquaintances chimed in: “left-wing,” “political radical,” “quite liberal,” AZ SHOOTER: Left-Winger JARED LOUGHNER - He Likes Watching US Flags Burn & Favorite Book is Communist Manifesto - The Gateway Pundit One friend said Loughner never listened to talk radio, of watched TV news. Throw in “never read books” and you have the dictionary definition of a liberal.
    2. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Obama and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Klonsky is an unabashed communist whose current mission is to spread Marxist ideology in the American classroom. Obama funded him to the tune of nearly $2 million. Obama, moreover, gave Klonsky a broad platform to broadcast his ideas: a “social justice” blog on the official Obama campaign website.

      Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama… Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News

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