Why Liberals Hate Free Speech

Update.....Remember the Liberals 'professor' who wanted to physically restrict free speech?

"The University of Missouri media professor who drew scorn for siccing "some muscle" on a campus reporter was formally charged with misdemeanor assault Monday.
Melissa Click was charged with third-degree assault and faces up to 15 days in jail if convicted, Kristina Wolf, a spokeswoman for the city prosecutor's office in Columbia, Missouri, told NBC News.

Click was caught on video last fall trying to block reporter Tim Tai from covering a protest by a group called Concerned Student 1950 about the school's handling of a series of racist incidents on campus.

Click was then videotaped pushing his camera and yelling over to the activists, "Hey, who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here."

Click identified herself as a member of the communications faculty. She was still listed on the school's website as being part of the faculty. She did not return an email for comment."

[FONT=ProximaNovaRegular, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Mizzou Media Prof Charged With Siccing "Muscle" On Reporter[/FONT]

The prof resigned and apologized to the student.
Update.....Remember the Liberals 'professor' who wanted to physically restrict free speech?

"The University of Missouri media professor who drew scorn for siccing "some muscle" on a campus reporter was formally charged with misdemeanor assault Monday.
Melissa Click was charged with third-degree assault and faces up to 15 days in jail if convicted, Kristina Wolf, a spokeswoman for the city prosecutor's office in Columbia, Missouri, told NBC News.

Click was caught on video last fall trying to block reporter Tim Tai from covering a protest by a group called Concerned Student 1950 about the school's handling of a series of racist incidents on campus.

Click was then videotaped pushing his camera and yelling over to the activists, "Hey, who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here."

Click identified herself as a member of the communications faculty. She was still listed on the school's website as being part of the faculty. She did not return an email for comment."

[FONT=ProximaNovaRegular, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Mizzou Media Prof Charged With Siccing "Muscle" On Reporter[/FONT]

Leftists are thugs, it is their nature.

Leftism is authoritarian by necessity, it cannot exist if people are free.
Update.....Remember the Liberals 'professor' who wanted to physically restrict free speech?

"The University of Missouri media professor who drew scorn for siccing "some muscle" on a campus reporter was formally charged with misdemeanor assault Monday.
Melissa Click was charged with third-degree assault and faces up to 15 days in jail if convicted, Kristina Wolf, a spokeswoman for the city prosecutor's office in Columbia, Missouri, told NBC News.

Click was caught on video last fall trying to block reporter Tim Tai from covering a protest by a group called Concerned Student 1950 about the school's handling of a series of racist incidents on campus.

Click was then videotaped pushing his camera and yelling over to the activists, "Hey, who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here."

Click identified herself as a member of the communications faculty. She was still listed on the school's website as being part of the faculty. She did not return an email for comment."

[FONT=ProximaNovaRegular, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Mizzou Media Prof Charged With Siccing "Muscle" On Reporter[/FONT]

The prof resigned and apologized to the student.

And that is the verification of the title of the thread.

Free Speech

Liberals view FREE SPEECH as a special privilege that can be rescinded if THEY deem it to be offensive to them.
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It's a private university. They can do whatever they want. These liberal universities may not warn students, but that doesn't mean they don't have speech codes. They inform students of their speech codes.
Liberal efforts to stamp of free speech:

"California Attorney General Kamala Harris has joined New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman in trying to prosecute ExxonMobil for supposedly lying to its shareholders and the public about climate change,....

....amounts censoring or restricting speech and debate on what is a contentious scientific theory. In fact, they want not just to stop anyone who questions the global warming theory from being able to speak; they want to punish them with possible civil sanctions or even criminal penalties. ....needs a remedial lesson in the First Amendment.

...we should investigate what Harris “knows” about global warming or climate change, which Harris (and Schneiderman) treats as if it is a proven, unassailable, incontrovertible fact. However, as the Heritage Foundation’s Nicolas Loris has pointed out, “flaws discovered in the scientific assessment of climate change have shown that the scientific consensus is not as settled as the public had been led to believe.”

....reminiscent of the old Soviet Union, where Joseph Stalin persecuted those who he thought had the “wrong” scientific views on everything from linguistics to physics....Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s book, “In the First Circle,” in which he outlined the Soviet government’s suppression of dissenting scientists and engineers."
California to Persecute Scientific Dissent on Climate Change
What the PC Police choose to ignore about freedom of speech/expression is what is implicit:

Issuing "consequences" when someone dares to speak their mind is less free speech than it is thuggery. It goes against the very spirit of the idea.


I want to know who the crazies are, where they are, what they are thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that if they keep it hidden and allow their craziness to fester and grow and manifest in other ways.

Stop being afraid of words, folks. If you're so confident in your positions, you should welcome and encourage those words, take them head on, shine a nice, bright light on them.

Are you?
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What the PC Police choose to ignore about freedom of speech/expression is what is implicit:

Issuing "consequences" when someone dares to speak their mind is less free speech than it is thuggery. It goes against the very spirit of the idea.


I want to know who the crazies are, where they are, what they are thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that if they keep it hidden and allow their craziness to fester and grow and manifest in other ways.

Stop being afraid of words, folks. If you're so confident in your positions, you should welcome and encourage those words.

Are you?
What the PC Police choose to ignore about freedom of speech/expression is what is implicit:

Issuing "consequences" when someone dares to speak their mind is less free speech than it is thuggery. It goes against the very spirit of the idea.


I want to know who the crazies are, where they are, what they are thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that if they keep it hidden and allow their craziness to fester and grow and manifest in other ways.

Stop being afraid of words, folks. If you're so confident in your positions, you should welcome and encourage those words, take them head on, shine a nice, bright light on them.

Are you?

Atta boy!

That's taking a position!
What the PC Police choose to ignore about freedom of speech/expression is what is implicit:

Issuing "consequences" when someone dares to speak their mind is less free speech than it is thuggery. It goes against the very spirit of the idea.


I want to know who the crazies are, where they are, what they are thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that if they keep it hidden and allow their craziness to fester and grow and manifest in other ways.

Stop being afraid of words, folks. If you're so confident in your positions, you should welcome and encourage those words, take them head on, shine a nice, bright light on them.

Are you?

Atta boy!

That's taking a position!
As I always do.
What the PC Police choose to ignore about freedom of speech/expression is what is implicit:

Issuing "consequences" when someone dares to speak their mind is less free speech than it is thuggery. It goes against the very spirit of the idea.


I want to know who the crazies are, where they are, what they are thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that if they keep it hidden and allow their craziness to fester and grow and manifest in other ways.

Stop being afraid of words, folks. If you're so confident in your positions, you should welcome and encourage those words, take them head on, shine a nice, bright light on them.

Are you?

Free speech has never meant free speech without consequences. You idiot.
What the PC Police choose to ignore about freedom of speech/expression is what is implicit:

Issuing "consequences" when someone dares to speak their mind is less free speech than it is thuggery. It goes against the very spirit of the idea.


I want to know who the crazies are, where they are, what they are thinking, and (perhaps most importantly) who agrees with them. I can't do that if they keep it hidden and allow their craziness to fester and grow and manifest in other ways.

Stop being afraid of words, folks. If you're so confident in your positions, you should welcome and encourage those words, take them head on, shine a nice, bright light on them.

Are you?

Free speech has never meant free speech without consequences. You idiot.

It means you can speak without the government persecuting you, and that's exactly what happens on college campuses.

I hope everyone can read the message under FREE SPEECH in your pic.
Nope. Talk it up, dummies, it makes your stupidity that much easier to denounce.

Once upon a time there was this imbecile Liberal who admitted his antipathy to free speech....

"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good." The Liberal Commitment.....

Oh...wait.....that was you!
Yep, and still true for people who say utterly stupid shit, like you.

I hope everyone can read the message under FREE SPEECH in your pic.
Nope. Talk it up, dummies, it makes your stupidity that much easier to denounce.

Once upon a time there was this imbecile Liberal who admitted his antipathy to free speech....

"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good." The Liberal Commitment.....

Oh...wait.....that was you!
Yep, and still true for people who say utterly stupid shit, like you.

Go to Hobby Lobby, buy a nice mirror, take a good look. You seem to need to realize the person looking back at you despises freedom, and really doesn't have the least clue what freedom is.

I hope everyone can read the message under FREE SPEECH in your pic.
Nope. Talk it up, dummies, it makes your stupidity that much easier to denounce.

Once upon a time there was this imbecile Liberal who admitted his antipathy to free speech....

"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good." The Liberal Commitment.....

Oh...wait.....that was you!
Yep, and still true for people who say utterly stupid shit, like you.

Go to Hobby Lobby, buy a nice mirror, take a good look. You seem to need to realize the person looking back at you despises freedom, and really doesn't have the least clue what freedom is.
I don't tolerate the stupid well, neither do most liberals, including the Founders. Stupid people annoy us.

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