Why Liberals Hate Free Speech

Liberals are the power in the political realm....and they illustrate what Lord Action meant about power absolutely corrupting those who control it.

1." ...do any of you actually remember a time when liberals truly supported and believed in freedom of speech.... genuine,bona fide agreement with the principle that liberty includes allowing those with whom you disagree to have access to the marketplace of ideas, and that this marketplace itself will decide which are the best ones. You know, Voltaire's "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it," and all that?

I can't either. Probably nobody can who was not born during or before World War II,

2.... those on the Left do not believe in free speech. They simply do not accept the fundamental principle that people of all opinions ought to be able to express those opinions without being punished for it, or at least hindered to the greatest degree possible in their ability to express themselves.

3. [Thus the] editorial in Harvard's student newspaper The Crimson, in which Sandra Korn, a student columnist and "women's studies" major (who didn't see that one coming?) obligingly calls for academic totalitarianism,

"Yet the liberal obsession with 'academic freedom" seems a bit misplaced to me. .... No academic question is ever 'free' from political realities. If our university community opposes racism, sexism, and heterosexism, why should we put up with research that counters our goals simply in the name of "academic freedom"?

"Instead, I would like to propose a more rigorous standard: one of 'academic justice. When an academic community observes research promoting or justifying oppression, it should ensure that this research does not continue.

"The power to enforce academic justice comes from students, faculty, and workers organizing together to make our universities look as we want them to do. Two years ago, when former summer school instructor Subramanian Swamy published hateful commentary about Muslims in India, the Harvard community organized to ensure that he would not return to teach on campus. I consider that sort of organizing both appropriate and commendable. Perhaps it should even be applied more broadly...

There, in a nutshell, is the modern liberal attitude toward freedom of speech, and by extension freedom of thought. If research doesn't substantiate the cultural goals and priorities of today's Neo-Fascists, then we must ensure that it "does not continue." Why liberals hate freedom of speech

If speech refutes the Left's positions on any number of issues, then it has to be silenced. "Academic justice" means suppression of all those naughty things that people might say that contradict us.

As far as speech is concerned, the Left definitely prefers a command economy over the free market.

Why do conservatives shoot up abortion clinics?

"COURT RECORDS: Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooter NOT Republican, Identifies as Woman"
COURT RECORDS: Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooter NOT Republican, Identifies as Woman - The Gateway Pundit
Why do conservatives shoot up abortion clinics?
They don't.

Been following the news lately?

Are you running from the post above,which links supermarket killer to Obama and Liberal upbringing?

  1. As your post proves, we find regular reference by liberals to the killing of abortionists. For those keeping score at home, in the past four decades, abortion foes have killed eight abortion clinic workers, and abortion supporters have killed 53 million unborn babies. In addition to the numbers, another difference is that fans of unborn babies don’t praise the murders of abortionists, or call the attacks a “constitutional right.” In fact, those associated with the pro-life movement roundly condemn all abortion clinic violence.
    1. Let’s remember that liberals invented a constitutional right to abortion out of thin air, and then made certain that abortion policy was surgically removed from all democratic processes.
The first abortion doctor was killed, not after Roe, but 20 years later, after the 1993 Planned Parenthood v. Casey upheld Roe. Then, shortly thereafter, six more killing. It is difficult to suggest any legal steps that the pro-life folks could have advanced. Most abortionists were shot, or, depending on your point of view, had a procedure performed on them with a rifle.
Why do conservatives shoot up abortion clinics?
They don't.

Been following the news lately?

Are you running from the post above,which links supermarket killer to Obama and Liberal upbringing?

  1. As your post proves, we find regular reference by liberals to the killing of abortionists. For those keeping score at home, in the past four decades, abortion foes have killed eight abortion clinic workers, and abortion supporters have killed 53 million unborn babies. In addition to the numbers, another difference is that fans of unborn babies don’t praise the murders of abortionists, or call the attacks a “constitutional right.” In fact, those associated with the pro-life movement roundly condemn all abortion clinic violence.
    1. Let’s remember that liberals invented a constitutional right to abortion out of thin air, and then made certain that abortion policy was surgically removed from all democratic processes.
The first abortion doctor was killed, not after Roe, but 20 years later, after the 1993 Planned Parenthood v. Casey upheld Roe. Then, shortly thereafter, six more killing. It is difficult to suggest any legal steps that the pro-life folks could have advanced. Most abortionists were shot, or, depending on your point of view, had a procedure performed on them with a rifle.

It's good to see you finally admit you support murdering abortion doctors, their patients, the cops that come to defend them, and their patients' friends - you support right wing domestic terrorism and therefore you yourself are a terrorist.

Got it.

There's no such thing as an unborn baby, BTW.
It's good to see you finally admit you support murdering abortion doctors, their patients, the cops that come to defend them, and their patients' friends - you support right wing domestic terrorism and therefore you yourself are a terrorist.

Got it.

Demagogue much, Herr Goebbles?

There's no such thing as an unborn baby, BTW.

Really? What is it then, and unborn crocodile?

You pro-aborts have zero grasp of biology.
Been following the news lately?

You must be so happy, First anti-abortion violence since 1994, now you have something other than the Olympic Park shit to cry about.

Google "George Tiller" you blubbering moron.

What you DON'T have is anyone supporting or defending this fool - though you of the left are never constrained by facts.

PoliticalChic defended him - its OK to do what he did because millions of babies have been murdered bla bla bla.

As well as Breitbart followers:

‘Pro-Life’ Conservative ‘Christians’ Are Cheering The Planned Parenthood Terrorist As A Hero (IMAGES)
Google "George Tiller" you blubbering moron.

Tiller the killer is a bit hard for all but the most crass pro-abort to support.

PoliticalChic defended him - its OK to do what he did because millions of babies have been murdered bla bla bla.

No she didn't, she just pointed out the scale.

So DID the Planned Parenthood Ghouls try to harvest the body parts of their fallen comrades for sale?
Why do conservatives shoot up abortion clinics?
They don't.

Been following the news lately?

Are you running from the post above,which links supermarket killer to Obama and Liberal upbringing?

  1. As your post proves, we find regular reference by liberals to the killing of abortionists. For those keeping score at home, in the past four decades, abortion foes have killed eight abortion clinic workers, and abortion supporters have killed 53 million unborn babies. In addition to the numbers, another difference is that fans of unborn babies don’t praise the murders of abortionists, or call the attacks a “constitutional right.” In fact, those associated with the pro-life movement roundly condemn all abortion clinic violence.
    1. Let’s remember that liberals invented a constitutional right to abortion out of thin air, and then made certain that abortion policy was surgically removed from all democratic processes.
The first abortion doctor was killed, not after Roe, but 20 years later, after the 1993 Planned Parenthood v. Casey upheld Roe. Then, shortly thereafter, six more killing. It is difficult to suggest any legal steps that the pro-life folks could have advanced. Most abortionists were shot, or, depending on your point of view, had a procedure performed on them with a rifle.

It's good to see you finally admit you support murdering abortion doctors, their patients, the cops that come to defend them, and their patients' friends - you support right wing domestic terrorism and therefore you yourself are a terrorist.

Got it.

There's no such thing as an unborn baby, BTW.

"There's no such thing as an unborn baby, BTW."

Liberals.....always ready to endorse the most heinous of acts by manipulating vocabulary.
Google "George Tiller" you blubbering moron.

Tiller the killer is a bit hard for all but the most crass pro-abort to support.
You support murdering people you dont support.
Could everyone just ignore the OP? He's nothing but an attention whore. Don't feed the troll.

Time and again I've posted that, in the market place of ideas, conservatives demolish Liberals.

No better proof of the fear that Liberals have of exactly that then your post:
"Could everyone just ignore the OP? He's nothing but an attention whore. Don't feed the troll."

I gracefully accept your acknowledgement of defeat.
Google "George Tiller" you blubbering moron.

Tiller the killer is a bit hard for all but the most crass pro-abort to support.
You support murdering people you dont support.
Could everyone just ignore the OP? He's nothing but an attention whore. Don't feed the troll.

Time and again I've posted that, in the market place of ideas, conservatives demolish Liberals.

No better proof of the fear that Liberals have of exactly that then your post:
"Could everyone just ignore the OP? He's nothing but an attention whore. Don't feed the troll."

I gracefully accept your acknowledgement of defeat.
First of all, I'm not a liberal. Second, I thought I was on a different thread. That comment wasn't directed at you. Now the guy it was directed at is an attention whore. He hasn't contributed anything of value to this forum. All he does is insult people. Sorry for the confusion. I'm blaming it hunger.
You support murdering people you dont support.

That's a lie, but you're a leftist so slander and libel are your only tools.

Tiller is someone on the level of Mao or Hitler, the lowest form of vermin that has infected our species. However, such vermin are still afforded the protection of law. Like his twin Kermit Gosnell, Tiller should have faced charges for his savagery and a life in prison.
You support murdering people you dont support.

Then why do you assume I support anyone who I don't think should be murdered? Double standards?

That's a lie, but you're a leftist so slander and libel are your only tools.

Tiller is someone on the level of Mao or Hitler, the lowest form of vermin that has infected our species. However, such vermin are still afforded the protection of law. Like his twin Kermit Gosnell, Tiller should have faced charges for his savagery and a life in prison.

So you think the Jews are kinda like fetuses? You actually don't view the forcible extermination of a Jewish family to be any more of a moral wrong than a woman terminating a pregnancy. And you're not a racist?

How can you claim to not be feeding Christian extremist terrorism when you go around accusing law abiding citizens of gassing 6 million Jews?
You support murdering people you dont support.

Then why do you assume I support anyone who I don't think should be murdered? Double standards?

That's a lie, but you're a leftist so slander and libel are your only tools.

Tiller is someone on the level of Mao or Hitler, the lowest form of vermin that has infected our species. However, such vermin are still afforded the protection of law. Like his twin Kermit Gosnell, Tiller should have faced charges for his savagery and a life in prison.

So you think the Jews are kinda like fetuses? You actually don't view the forcible extermination of a Jewish family to be any more of a moral wrong than a woman terminating a pregnancy. And you're not a racist?

How can you claim to not be feeding Christian extremist terrorism when you go around accusing law abiding citizens of gassing 6 million Jews?

Off the deep end in that post.

Is there any argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?
Then why do you assume I support anyone who I don't think should be murdered? Double standards?

What I wrote was;

Tiller the killer is a bit hard for all but the most crass pro-abort to support.

This is a true statement that says nothing about what you do or do not support.

So you think the Jews are kinda like fetuses?

So you think a straw man fallacy is kinda like a legitimate argument?

You actually don't view the forcible extermination of a Jewish family to be any more of a moral wrong than a woman terminating a pregnancy. And you're not a racist?

Is that idiocy on a hating points list from one of the Soros sites?

How can you claim to not be feeding Christian extremist terrorism when you go around accusing law abiding citizens of gassing 6 million Jews?

You need to have your meds adjusted.
Off the deep end in that post.

Is there any argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?

When defending the indefensible, absurdity is often the only option; as our friend PooPooDooDoo so aptly demonstrates.
Update.....Remember the Liberals 'professor' who wanted to physically restrict free speech?

"The University of Missouri media professor who drew scorn for siccing "some muscle" on a campus reporter was formally charged with misdemeanor assault Monday.
Melissa Click was charged with third-degree assault and faces up to 15 days in jail if convicted, Kristina Wolf, a spokeswoman for the city prosecutor's office in Columbia, Missouri, told NBC News.

Click was caught on video last fall trying to block reporter Tim Tai from covering a protest by a group called Concerned Student 1950 about the school's handling of a series of racist incidents on campus.

Click was then videotaped pushing his camera and yelling over to the activists, "Hey, who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here."

Click identified herself as a member of the communications faculty. She was still listed on the school's website as being part of the faculty. She did not return an email for comment."

[FONT=ProximaNovaRegular, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Mizzou Media Prof Charged With Siccing "Muscle" On Reporter[/FONT]


....and from your link:

"These threats to free speech peaked this week at Wesleyan University, a top-flight school in Middletown, Conn., where the student government voted to cut funding for the 150-year-old campus newspaper after it published a conservative op-ed."

It says they voted.

Not a public university, it's a PRIVATE liberal arts school. (btw, that word liberal doesn't mean what you think it means there)

Boy are you stupid in so many ways.

You realize the "rights" in the Bill of Rights are between the citizens and government. There is no free speech right guaranteed between citizen and citizen. If I have the power, I can shut you up, boycott you, bad mouth you... as long as I don't libel you.

The government can NOT inhibit your free speech, but I can.

I can't believe you didn't understand this.

And Student Government at a private school is not a public entity.


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