Why Liberals Want To Ban The AR-15

***\\\This Is My Opinion///***

I believe Liberals want to ban the AR-15 for two reasons...

1. The AR-15 is scary looking, it's that simple. The AR-15 is scary looking and it's easy to get people to think the AR-15 is bad because of the way it looks.

2. Here's the main reason why Liberals want to ban the AR-15. If Liberals are successful, they can then point to other guns as more powerful and say "We banned the AR-15 so we should ban all of these other weapons because they are more powerful and accurate."

That's why the big push to ban the AR-15.
what about the most obvious reason... they are most often used to kill school children and innocent citizens in mass murder shootings. Why did you leave that very obvious reason out?

That's a lie. Hand guns are used in most mass shootings.

I wasn’t lying.. just stating an observation

Yeah, an observation that has been debunked in every thread on firearms. I'm sure I've seen you in at least a couple of them. So what would you call an observation that has been proven to be untrue?

im not twisting numbers to form a narrative just providing the most obvious reason for supporting regulation by most people. They hear AR15 and think of most the major mass shootings we’ve had in the USA. Schools, night clubs, churches... that’s why they support regulation. The OP left out the most obvious point.
That’s because the OP is a liar.

The sophistry of the thread premise is predicated on the lie that ‘liberals’ want to ‘ban’ all guns, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
And you are wrong. No other gun, freely available to civilians, is designed for or capable of killing as many people as possible in as short a time as possible as the AR-15.

Sure...but let's say your wet dream came true and ALL AR15's were gone.

Mass shootings would still occur......with other types of guns.....so then, on the heels of succeeding on taking away AR15's that exact same strategy would then be used to remove the NEXT "most dangerous gun"....and the next....and the next....until finally all we had to defend our homes with was a phone and a prayer.

Why don't we instead focus our energy on THE REAL PROBLEM....mental health issues?

Taking away Constitutional Rights does not solve the REAL problem.

This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The regulation of AR 15s has nothing to do with Constitutional rights.

The notion that anyone seeks to ‘take away’ anyone’s Constitutional rights is a lie.

The courts have consistently upheld as Constitutional AWBs.

And the Supreme Court has never ruled as to the constitutionality of AWBs.

AWBs are unwarranted not because they ‘violate’ anyone’s rights, they’re unwarranted because they’re bad law and bad public policy.
what about the most obvious reason... they are most often used to kill school children and innocent citizens in mass murder shootings. Why did you leave that very obvious reason out?

That's a lie. Hand guns are used in most mass shootings.

I wasn’t lying.. just stating an observation

Yeah, an observation that has been debunked in every thread on firearms. I'm sure I've seen you in at least a couple of them. So what would you call an observation that has been proven to be untrue?

im not twisting numbers to form a narrative just providing the most obvious reason for supporting regulation by most people. They hear AR15 and think of most the major mass shootings we’ve had in the USA. Schools, night clubs, churches... that’s why they support regulation. The OP left out the most obvious point.
That’s because the OP is a liar.

The sophistry of the thread premise is predicated on the lie that ‘liberals’ want to ‘ban’ all guns, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Leftists do want to ban all guns liar. Back in the 80's they wanted to ban handguns but gun control tards knew that was a fight they would lose. So they went for the AR but couldn't get enough votes to outright ban them.
You can say no one wants to take all gus all you want nothing could be further from the truth.
And you are wrong. No other gun, freely available to civilians, is designed for or capable of killing as many people as possible in as short a time as possible as the AR-15.

Sure...but let's say your wet dream came true and ALL AR15's were gone.

Mass shootings would still occur......with other types of guns.....so then, on the heels of succeeding on taking away AR15's that exact same strategy would then be used to remove the NEXT "most dangerous gun"....and the next....and the next....until finally all we had to defend our homes with was a phone and a prayer.

Why don't we instead focus our energy on THE REAL PROBLEM....mental health issues?

Taking away Constitutional Rights does not solve the REAL problem.

This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The regulation of AR 15s has nothing to do with Constitutional rights.

The notion that anyone seeks to ‘take away’ anyone’s Constitutional rights is a lie.

The courts have consistently upheld as Constitutional AWBs.

And the Supreme Court has never ruled as to the constitutionality of AWBs.

AWBs are unwarranted not because they ‘violate’ anyone’s rights, they’re unwarranted because they’re bad law and bad public policy.
And you're a liar for saying no one wants to take guns
and leftist activist judges have upheld AWBs But U.S. vs Millers 1939 states otherwise
The Supreme Court ruled that in order for a firearm to be protected by the second amendment, it must have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia, in common use of the time, and supplied by the citizen.
So tell me what firearm is there that is in common use that would have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia?
And you are wrong. No other gun, freely available to civilians, is designed for or capable of killing as many people as possible in as short a time as possible as the AR-15.

Sure...but let's say your wet dream came true and ALL AR15's were gone.

Mass shootings would still occur......with other types of guns.....so then, on the heels of succeeding on taking away AR15's that exact same strategy would then be used to remove the NEXT "most dangerous gun"....and the next....and the next....until finally all we had to defend our homes with was a phone and a prayer.

Why don't we instead focus our energy on THE REAL PROBLEM....mental health issues?

Taking away Constitutional Rights does not solve the REAL problem.

This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The regulation of AR 15s has nothing to do with Constitutional rights.

The notion that anyone seeks to ‘take away’ anyone’s Constitutional rights is a lie.

The courts have consistently upheld as Constitutional AWBs.

And the Supreme Court has never ruled as to the constitutionality of AWBs.

AWBs are unwarranted not because they ‘violate’ anyone’s rights, they’re unwarranted because they’re bad law and bad public policy.

Wrong...the courts have ignored the Supreme Court 2nd Amendment rulings over and over again.

Heller specifically states that all bearable arms are protected and Scalia, who wrote the majority opinion in that ruling, stated in Friedman v Highland Park, that the AR-15 by name and all such weapons are protected by the 2nd Amendment...

Alito, writing the opinion in Caetano v Massachusetts also dismissed any use of the dangerous and unusual argument against these rifles..........and affirmed their protection under Heller, and Miller...
You are wrong, and don't know what you are talking about...
And you are wrong. No other gun, freely available to civilians, is designed for or capable of killing as many people as possible in as short a time as possible as the AR-15.

Sure...but let's say your wet dream came true and ALL AR15's were gone.

Mass shootings would still occur......with other types of guns.....so then, on the heels of succeeding on taking away AR15's that exact same strategy would then be used to remove the NEXT "most dangerous gun"....and the next....and the next....until finally all we had to defend our homes with was a phone and a prayer.

Why don't we instead focus our energy on THE REAL PROBLEM....mental health issues?

Taking away Constitutional Rights does not solve the REAL problem.

This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The regulation of AR 15s has nothing to do with Constitutional rights.

The notion that anyone seeks to ‘take away’ anyone’s Constitutional rights is a lie.

The courts have consistently upheld as Constitutional AWBs.

And the Supreme Court has never ruled as to the constitutionality of AWBs.

AWBs are unwarranted not because they ‘violate’ anyone’s rights, they’re unwarranted because they’re bad law and bad public policy.

Wrong...the courts have ignored the Supreme Court 2nd Amendment rulings over and over again.

Heller specifically states that all bearable arms are protected and Scalia, who wrote the majority opinion in that ruling, stated in Friedman v Highland Park, that the AR-15 by name and all such weapons are protected by the 2nd Amendment...

Alito, writing the opinion in Caetano v Massachusetts also dismissed any use of the dangerous and unusual argument against these rifles..........and affirmed their protection under Heller, and Miller...
You are wrong, and don't know what you are talking about...
Especially Miller has upheld that AR's and any military firearms are protected weapons.
***\\\This Is My Opinion///***

I believe Liberals want to ban the AR-15 for two reasons...

1. The AR-15 is scary looking, it's that simple. The AR-15 is scary looking and it's easy to get people to think the AR-15 is bad because of the way it looks.

2. Here's the main reason why Liberals want to ban the AR-15. If Liberals are successful, they can then point to other guns as more powerful and say "We banned the AR-15 so we should ban all of these other weapons because they are more powerful and accurate."

That's why the big push to ban the AR-15.

And you are wrong. No other gun, freely available to civilians, is designed for or capable of killing as many people as possible in as short a time as possible as the AR-15.
That´s the purpose of a weapon.
Those who intent to use weapons illegally are not going to turn them in. Borders open to criminal cartels, citizens stripped of their arms, that is not in your interest.

Those who are intent to manufacture meth and sell it to school kids won't turn their equipment either. Does that mean it shouldn't be illegal?
Show me the part of the Constitution that states the right to sell drugs to school children.
Haha, read again. Meth is made of stuff you can buy in the pharmacy. The chemical equipment can be bought anywhere where you can get such stuff, probably even in schools that teach chemistry.
I wasn’t lying.. just stating an observation

Yeah, an observation that has been debunked in every thread on firearms. I'm sure I've seen you in at least a couple of them. So what would you call an observation that has been proven to be untrue?

im not twisting numbers to form a narrative just providing the most obvious reason for supporting regulation by most people. They hear AR15 and think of most the major mass shootings we’ve had in the USA. Schools, night clubs, churches... that’s why they support regulation. The OP left out the most obvious point.

And the only reason people think that way is due to propaganda pushed by the commiecrats and their lackey media. ARs have lower body counts than fist, feet and clubs, they just get all the publicity. Studies show the last AW ban had no measurable effect on crime. It's all planned to eventually disarm law abiding citizens. That's why I say, NO MORE COMPROMISE!!!!!!!!!!

How about you list the biggest mass shootings in the US over the past few years and the type of weapon used... I’m not talking about gang homicides in Chicago, I’m talking about mass shootings in public forums... you obviously need to do the research so have fun.


Las Vegas....rifle with magazine 58 killed

Virginia Tech....2 pistols.....38 killed

Luby's Cafe.....2 pistols 24 killed...

Russian Polytechnich shooting, 5 shot, tube fed, pump action shotgun...20 killed, 40 injured

It isn't the weapon, it is the location of the attack and how long the shooter can kill before someone with a gun shoots back to stop him.
Why did you leave out all the shootings that involved AR15s? If you want to be taken seriously then don’t be so blatantly slanted in your responses. Direct and honest answer will earn respect. Spin like your last reply will not
That's a lie. Hand guns are used in most mass shootings.

I wasn’t lying.. just stating an observation

Yeah, an observation that has been debunked in every thread on firearms. I'm sure I've seen you in at least a couple of them. So what would you call an observation that has been proven to be untrue?

im not twisting numbers to form a narrative just providing the most obvious reason for supporting regulation by most people. They hear AR15 and think of most the major mass shootings we’ve had in the USA. Schools, night clubs, churches... that’s why they support regulation. The OP left out the most obvious point.
That’s because the OP is a liar.

The sophistry of the thread premise is predicated on the lie that ‘liberals’ want to ‘ban’ all guns, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Leftists do want to ban all guns liar. Back in the 80's they wanted to ban handguns but gun control tards knew that was a fight they would lose. So they went for the AR but couldn't get enough votes to outright ban them.
You can say no one wants to take all gus all you want nothing could be further from the truth.
I dont want to ban all guns. I get called a lefty all the time. How does that add into your theory?
I wasn’t lying.. just stating an observation

Yeah, an observation that has been debunked in every thread on firearms. I'm sure I've seen you in at least a couple of them. So what would you call an observation that has been proven to be untrue?

im not twisting numbers to form a narrative just providing the most obvious reason for supporting regulation by most people. They hear AR15 and think of most the major mass shootings we’ve had in the USA. Schools, night clubs, churches... that’s why they support regulation. The OP left out the most obvious point.
That’s because the OP is a liar.

The sophistry of the thread premise is predicated on the lie that ‘liberals’ want to ‘ban’ all guns, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Leftists do want to ban all guns liar. Back in the 80's they wanted to ban handguns but gun control tards knew that was a fight they would lose. So they went for the AR but couldn't get enough votes to outright ban them.
You can say no one wants to take all gus all you want nothing could be further from the truth.
I dont want to ban all guns. I get called a lefty all the time. How does that add into your theory?
If you want to ban one you're just as bad as any leftist
Why Liberals Want To Ban The AR-15
The severely LefTarded honestly believe they are the chosen do-gooders of the world...they are 100% totally driven by phony-FEELZ...They thrive on some odd feeling they get when they feel like they’ve forced change. In their twisted world of LibTardia they see shit backwards and regression is progression in their tiny minds. They are all about compartmentalizing Americans and ONLY pandering to ‘specialty’ groups. They love to help the 1% while fucking over the 99%...They are weird fucked in the head degenerates....that’s why.
Yeah, an observation that has been debunked in every thread on firearms. I'm sure I've seen you in at least a couple of them. So what would you call an observation that has been proven to be untrue?

im not twisting numbers to form a narrative just providing the most obvious reason for supporting regulation by most people. They hear AR15 and think of most the major mass shootings we’ve had in the USA. Schools, night clubs, churches... that’s why they support regulation. The OP left out the most obvious point.

And the only reason people think that way is due to propaganda pushed by the commiecrats and their lackey media. ARs have lower body counts than fist, feet and clubs, they just get all the publicity. Studies show the last AW ban had no measurable effect on crime. It's all planned to eventually disarm law abiding citizens. That's why I say, NO MORE COMPROMISE!!!!!!!!!!

How about you list the biggest mass shootings in the US over the past few years and the type of weapon used... I’m not talking about gang homicides in Chicago, I’m talking about mass shootings in public forums... you obviously need to do the research so have fun.


Las Vegas....rifle with magazine 58 killed

Virginia Tech....2 pistols.....38 killed

Luby's Cafe.....2 pistols 24 killed...

Russian Polytechnich shooting, 5 shot, tube fed, pump action shotgun...20 killed, 40 injured

It isn't the weapon, it is the location of the attack and how long the shooter can kill before someone with a gun shoots back to stop him.
Why did you leave out all the shootings that involved AR15s? If you want to be taken seriously then don’t be so blatantly slanted in your responses. Direct and honest answer will earn respect. Spin like your last reply will not
Less people are killed with an AR than with a vehicle or even a bat
Now what?
Yeah, an observation that has been debunked in every thread on firearms. I'm sure I've seen you in at least a couple of them. So what would you call an observation that has been proven to be untrue?

im not twisting numbers to form a narrative just providing the most obvious reason for supporting regulation by most people. They hear AR15 and think of most the major mass shootings we’ve had in the USA. Schools, night clubs, churches... that’s why they support regulation. The OP left out the most obvious point.
That’s because the OP is a liar.

The sophistry of the thread premise is predicated on the lie that ‘liberals’ want to ‘ban’ all guns, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Leftists do want to ban all guns liar. Back in the 80's they wanted to ban handguns but gun control tards knew that was a fight they would lose. So they went for the AR but couldn't get enough votes to outright ban them.
You can say no one wants to take all gus all you want nothing could be further from the truth.
I dont want to ban all guns. I get called a lefty all the time. How does that add into your theory?
If you want to ban one you're just as bad as any leftist
but you just called somebody a liar because you claimed that lefties want to ban all guns. How about some humility and you just admit that you were not being honest.
im not twisting numbers to form a narrative just providing the most obvious reason for supporting regulation by most people. They hear AR15 and think of most the major mass shootings we’ve had in the USA. Schools, night clubs, churches... that’s why they support regulation. The OP left out the most obvious point.

And the only reason people think that way is due to propaganda pushed by the commiecrats and their lackey media. ARs have lower body counts than fist, feet and clubs, they just get all the publicity. Studies show the last AW ban had no measurable effect on crime. It's all planned to eventually disarm law abiding citizens. That's why I say, NO MORE COMPROMISE!!!!!!!!!!

How about you list the biggest mass shootings in the US over the past few years and the type of weapon used... I’m not talking about gang homicides in Chicago, I’m talking about mass shootings in public forums... you obviously need to do the research so have fun.


Las Vegas....rifle with magazine 58 killed

Virginia Tech....2 pistols.....38 killed

Luby's Cafe.....2 pistols 24 killed...

Russian Polytechnich shooting, 5 shot, tube fed, pump action shotgun...20 killed, 40 injured

It isn't the weapon, it is the location of the attack and how long the shooter can kill before someone with a gun shoots back to stop him.
Why did you leave out all the shootings that involved AR15s? If you want to be taken seriously then don’t be so blatantly slanted in your responses. Direct and honest answer will earn respect. Spin like your last reply will not
Less people are killed with an AR than with a vehicle or even a bat
Now what?
im not twisting numbers to form a narrative just providing the most obvious reason for supporting regulation by most people. They hear AR15 and think of most the major mass shootings we’ve had in the USA. Schools, night clubs, churches... that’s why they support regulation. The OP left out the most obvious point.

And the only reason people think that way is due to propaganda pushed by the commiecrats and their lackey media. ARs have lower body counts than fist, feet and clubs, they just get all the publicity. Studies show the last AW ban had no measurable effect on crime. It's all planned to eventually disarm law abiding citizens. That's why I say, NO MORE COMPROMISE!!!!!!!!!!

How about you list the biggest mass shootings in the US over the past few years and the type of weapon used... I’m not talking about gang homicides in Chicago, I’m talking about mass shootings in public forums... you obviously need to do the research so have fun.


Las Vegas....rifle with magazine 58 killed

Virginia Tech....2 pistols.....38 killed

Luby's Cafe.....2 pistols 24 killed...

Russian Polytechnich shooting, 5 shot, tube fed, pump action shotgun...20 killed, 40 injured

It isn't the weapon, it is the location of the attack and how long the shooter can kill before someone with a gun shoots back to stop him.
Why did you leave out all the shootings that involved AR15s? If you want to be taken seriously then don’t be so blatantly slanted in your responses. Direct and honest answer will earn respect. Spin like your last reply will not
Less people are killed with an AR than with a vehicle or even a bat
Now what?
Now what what? I’m not making an argument for or against the AR I’m explaining the main reason why people support banning it. An obvious point that the OP left out. You don’t seem to be following the discussion.
***\\\This Is My Opinion///***

I believe Liberals want to ban the AR-15 for two reasons...

1. The AR-15 is scary looking, it's that simple. The AR-15 is scary looking and it's easy to get people to think the AR-15 is bad because of the way it looks.

2. Here's the main reason why Liberals want to ban the AR-15. If Liberals are successful, they can then point to other guns as more powerful and say "We banned the AR-15 so we should ban all of these other weapons because they are more powerful and accurate."

That's why the big push to ban the AR-15.

Progressives want to ban the AR because they think they can. It is merely the second link, in a long line of links in the chain that will lead to the end of the 2nd Amendment, and the subjugation of this country by a small ruling elite.
what you think about guns and killers isn’t really the topic here is it? The topic is what reasons people support banning AR-15s

Oh, whoops...me and that stupid critical thinking shit. Sorry, you’re right, ban them and trample on our Constitution on FEELZ alone.
Im right about banning them? I never said I wanted to ban them. You have serious reading comprehension problems.

I jumped the gun...so what is your position? Ban or No ban?
no ban

Okay, no ban. But Regulation then.
Of course, AR 15s aren’t actually ‘banned’ anywhere – you can own an AR 15 in New York State, for example.

Now, your New York legal AR 15 won’t have a 30-round detachable magazine, it will have a fixed ten-round top-loading magazine, among other features, or the lack thereof.

But it will have the same BCG, FCG, and DI operating system as any other AR.
what about the most obvious reason... they are most often used to kill school children and innocent citizens in mass murder shootings. Why did you leave that very obvious reason out?

That's a lie. Hand guns are used in most mass shootings.

I wasn’t lying.. just stating an observation

Yeah, an observation that has been debunked in every thread on firearms. I'm sure I've seen you in at least a couple of them. So what would you call an observation that has been proven to be untrue?

im not twisting numbers to form a narrative just providing the most obvious reason for supporting regulation by most people. They hear AR15 and think of most the major mass shootings we’ve had in the USA. Schools, night clubs, churches... that’s why they support regulation. The OP left out the most obvious point.

And the only reason people think that way is due to propaganda pushed by the commiecrats and their lackey media. ARs have lower body counts than fist, feet and clubs, they just get all the publicity. Studies show the last AW ban had no measurable effect on crime. It's all planned to eventually disarm law abiding citizens. That's why I say, NO MORE COMPROMISE!!!!!!!!!!

This is truly childish, ignorant, and wrong.

“commiecrats” – you can’t be serious.

The problem is you and others on the right propagating ridiculous lies and demagoguery – such as the lie that anyone advocates for citizens to be ‘disarmed.’
Im right about banning them? I never said I wanted to ban them. You have serious reading comprehension problems.

I jumped the gun...so what is your position? Ban or No ban?
no ban

Okay, no ban. But Regulation then.
2nd amendment fruit loops

The 2nd amendment pretty well is against the banning but not the regulation as long as it's not done by the Feds. That pretty well agrees with the modern court rulings.
All levels of government are equally subject to Second Amendment case law – Federal, state, and local.
im not twisting numbers to form a narrative just providing the most obvious reason for supporting regulation by most people. They hear AR15 and think of most the major mass shootings we’ve had in the USA. Schools, night clubs, churches... that’s why they support regulation. The OP left out the most obvious point.
That’s because the OP is a liar.

The sophistry of the thread premise is predicated on the lie that ‘liberals’ want to ‘ban’ all guns, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Leftists do want to ban all guns liar. Back in the 80's they wanted to ban handguns but gun control tards knew that was a fight they would lose. So they went for the AR but couldn't get enough votes to outright ban them.
You can say no one wants to take all gus all you want nothing could be further from the truth.
I dont want to ban all guns. I get called a lefty all the time. How does that add into your theory?
If you want to ban one you're just as bad as any leftist
but you just called somebody a liar because you claimed that lefties want to ban all guns. How about some humility and you just admit that you were not being honest.
Leftist do want to ban all guns that the fucking plan you dumb son of bitch
And the only reason people think that way is due to propaganda pushed by the commiecrats and their lackey media. ARs have lower body counts than fist, feet and clubs, they just get all the publicity. Studies show the last AW ban had no measurable effect on crime. It's all planned to eventually disarm law abiding citizens. That's why I say, NO MORE COMPROMISE!!!!!!!!!!

How about you list the biggest mass shootings in the US over the past few years and the type of weapon used... I’m not talking about gang homicides in Chicago, I’m talking about mass shootings in public forums... you obviously need to do the research so have fun.


Las Vegas....rifle with magazine 58 killed

Virginia Tech....2 pistols.....38 killed

Luby's Cafe.....2 pistols 24 killed...

Russian Polytechnich shooting, 5 shot, tube fed, pump action shotgun...20 killed, 40 injured

It isn't the weapon, it is the location of the attack and how long the shooter can kill before someone with a gun shoots back to stop him.
Why did you leave out all the shootings that involved AR15s? If you want to be taken seriously then don’t be so blatantly slanted in your responses. Direct and honest answer will earn respect. Spin like your last reply will not
Less people are killed with an AR than with a vehicle or even a bat
Now what?
And the only reason people think that way is due to propaganda pushed by the commiecrats and their lackey media. ARs have lower body counts than fist, feet and clubs, they just get all the publicity. Studies show the last AW ban had no measurable effect on crime. It's all planned to eventually disarm law abiding citizens. That's why I say, NO MORE COMPROMISE!!!!!!!!!!

How about you list the biggest mass shootings in the US over the past few years and the type of weapon used... I’m not talking about gang homicides in Chicago, I’m talking about mass shootings in public forums... you obviously need to do the research so have fun.


Las Vegas....rifle with magazine 58 killed

Virginia Tech....2 pistols.....38 killed

Luby's Cafe.....2 pistols 24 killed...

Russian Polytechnich shooting, 5 shot, tube fed, pump action shotgun...20 killed, 40 injured

It isn't the weapon, it is the location of the attack and how long the shooter can kill before someone with a gun shoots back to stop him.
Why did you leave out all the shootings that involved AR15s? If you want to be taken seriously then don’t be so blatantly slanted in your responses. Direct and honest answer will earn respect. Spin like your last reply will not
Less people are killed with an AR than with a vehicle or even a bat
Now what?
Now what what? I’m not making an argument for or against the AR I’m explaining the main reason why people support banning it. An obvious point that the OP left out. You don’t seem to be following the discussion.
If you're trying to make a good argument you're failing.

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