Why Libertarianism Is So Dangerous...

The truth is difficult to swallow, eh Fakey?

Truth is never hard to accept, and one of the truths is that libertarianism is for the weak of mind and the deficient of character. There are a few exceptions. KevinKennedy comes to mind, but not many others.

Now did you really watch the video? Or are you just spewing more hateful knee-jerk nonsense. The video is truly fascinating. Check it out.

The truth is difficult to swallow, eh Fakey?

Truth is never hard to accept, and one of the truths is that libertarianism is for the weak of mind and the deficient of character. There are a few exceptions. KevinKennedy comes to mind, but not many others.

The truth is difficult to swallow, eh Fakey?

Truth is never hard to accept, and one of the truths is that libertarianism is for the weak of mind and the deficient of character. There are a few exceptions. KevinKennedy comes to mind, but not many others.

Opinion as truth. How clever, fakey boy.

Opinion as truth.
Yup, exactly the trait of a weak libertarian mind.

You really should attempt an independent thought sometime. More over, you can't even make a rebuttal that doesn't smear egg on your own face. Sucha silly, retarded young boy, Fake.
where is an example in the history of man that libertarianism and its economic tennets were ever successful?

guys its you libertarians who are living in a made up world
Any mediocre mind, such as yours, TASB, deserves in kind what it gives.
I really do not know that much about what Libertarians believe - I know some of the people who have switched from Republican to Libertarians are great folks. I did find an article on Ron Paul not being a friend to Israel once - not sure if it was true or not - was wondering if that is part of the Libertarian stance on Israel or just a rumor - whatever - do you know? - Jeri
The video is truly fascinating.
So are films on the Holocause, the actual footage. Fascination does not equal good or worthy.

Excuse me? How is it that you use a Holocaust film for example of what fascinates but is not good or worthy? What is your message exactly here? I must surely be misreading or your wording is wrong. Which is it? - Jeri

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