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Why many conservatives find education dangerous

Your OP is a lie. Conservatives don't think that "education" is biased, they think leftist educatORS are you stupid fuck.

And with that OP you're whining about ad hominem? Fuck the shit out of you, lying racist bitch
I’d accuse you of roid rage if it weren’t for that fat soft body you carry around.

What exactly is being taught that you think is biased and indoctrinating?
The hardcore ones annoy me as well. Unfortunately, that's all I seem to come across these days. Them and the hardcore right. Moderates on either side seem to be in short supply
This site has almost no far leftists.

That's true, but it wouldn't seem that way to Trump's Fascists.

And yet you claim that you switched parties from Republican to Democrat over our middle east policy that both parties did. And when Trump came and actually was the first President since the 70s to actually reduce our middle east presence you hated him even more than warmonger Obama.

And you still can't list a single issue you agreed with Republicans on while you claim you were one for 35 years
Your OP is a lie. Conservatives don't think that "education" is biased, they think leftist educatORS are you stupid fuck.

And with that OP you're whining about ad hominem? Fuck the shit out of you, lying racist bitch
I’d accuse you of roid rage if it weren’t for that fat soft body you carry around.

What exactly is being taught that you think is biased and indoctrinating?

You clearly don't have kids in the schools.

My wife is a woman of color, which means my daughters are.

Lily white teachers constantly tell them they are racist for not being Marxist Democrats.

You're sick people.

I have two graduate degrees and I'm no leftist you may have noticed. How many do you have?
Perhaps the MOST IMPORTANT subject for education, not taught at all by leftist, airhead universities. This is the subject of correct behavior in police confrontations.

What is more important than avoiding DEATH ? Liberal university teachers, clueless about guns and law enforcement are unable to teach this and they don't. And the result of their ignorance ? Needless deaths of police suspects, and dozens of riots all over the country. Destruction and more deaths.
Wow. You really nailed it there. Our largest educational shortfall is arrest compliance. I’m sorry our education system failed you. Unequal access to education is actually the biggest issue.
Perhaps the MOST IMPORTANT subject for education, not taught at all by leftist, airhead universities. This is the subject of correct behavior in police confrontations.

What is more important than avoiding DEATH ? Liberal university teachers, clueless about guns and law enforcement are unable to teach this and they don't. And the result of their ignorance ? Needless deaths of police suspects, and dozens of riots all over the country. Destruction and more deaths.
Wow. You really nailed it there. Our largest educational shortfall is arrest compliance. I’m sorry our education system failed you. Unequal access to education is actually the biggest issue.

And yet government is failing miserably at proving education. We have the worst schools in the west and the most expensive in the world. And all you morons want to do it throw more money at it. Money is clearly not the problem
Anathema I agree with you to a point, I avoided some classes that I had no interest in, found out later a little more knowledge in those areas would have been useful in our changing world.
Trump was claiming those characteristics were applicable to the vast majority of Mexicans, not that there were a few bad apples among them.

You could take any population set and find those that have been convicted of those crimes, including the house of representatives.
Yes, "rapists"(ie. sex crimes of various types), applicable to the vast majority of Mexicans. That is what Trump meant. And he was CORRECT.
You are information-deprived ? You don't know ?

I'm not surprised. This is what happens to leftists who follow left OMISSION media. You don't know how much you don't know.
The description of rapist isn't applicable to the majority of Mexicans, just the Mexicans who come here.
HAHHAHAHAHAHAAH--that's what my second post is about!!!!! --HHAHAHAHAHAH..BLACK teachers CHEATING for the kids---LIBERALS find education dangerous

An educated voter is a liberal voter.
That's why the GOP has been trying to destroy public education for the last 40 years.
if leftists are so educated why in the fuck did they vote for a mush head brain dead fuck like biden?
Because Biden was the best choice to lead this country out of the craphole Cap'n Cheeto dug for our country.
more proof leftists are ignorant little fucks nothing you said is true.
Well, based on
Election results
Economic results
Pandemic results
International relations results

It would seem your Ginormous cranial cavity is full of ginormous cheeto colored turds.
If you believe a 49 year DC politician is your savior and the best choice you are one brain dread fuck.
The fucker has created the problems we have now.
If you forget about the great economy we had for 3 years with President Trump that's not my fault it's you showing your stupidity. I remember all those raises Americans got because of President Trump helping the economy to expand and grow. We became energy independent
And killing the economy was not presidents Trump's fault it was democrat state governors shutting down their state's economy.
Jo like obama is back to kissing the ass of our enemies
the former president is over, just like your bullshit.
@nathema I agree with you to a point, I avoided some classes that I had no interest in, found out later a little more knowledge in those areas would have been useful in our changing world
Understood. I had a VERY specific career goal in mind. I catered my high schooling to get into the college I wanted to go to. I picked that college specifically for its degree program (1 of only 2 in the country for that career field at that time. Most people got tech school certifications instead).

I’ve been able to pretty closely follow my career path afterwards. There have been some twists and turns but almost 30 years after graduation, I’m still in the same field without having to get any additional education or training.
The core of American Liberalism are dumbass uneducated welfare queen inner city shitheads.

Liberals in America are all very ignorant of Economics, History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics and they sure as hell don't know a damn thing thing about the Constitution. On top of that the idiots teach racial hatred.
This is so stupid and untrue. You are just filled with hate.

You are confused Moon Bat.

It is true. For instance, how can anybody that has a knowledge of Economics think that more taxation will make a country more prosperous? Or Biology and think that there are more than two genders? Or Ethics and that the end justifies the means when stealing an election?

Liberals are dumb mutherfvers. They never get get anything right.

The core voting block for the Democrats is the dumbass inner city welfare Negroes.

The Democrats are a coalition of all the scum in this country: It is a party made up of all the despicable assholes in the country.

Blacks that vote their race and welfare check.

Environmental Wackos

Anti Gun Nuts




Welfare Queens

Greedy Union Bosses.

ANTIFA and BLM Terrorists.

Confused College kids and their bat shit crazy Marxists professors.
Another stupid clueless person I see.
HAHHAHAHAHAHAAH--that's what my second post is about!!!!! --HHAHAHAHAHAH..BLACK teachers CHEATING for the kids---LIBERALS find education dangerous

An educated voter is a liberal voter.
That's why the GOP has been trying to destroy public education for the last 40 years.
if leftists are so educated why in the fuck did they vote for a mush head brain dead fuck like biden?
Because Biden was the best choice to lead this country out of the craphole Cap'n Cheeto dug for our country.
more proof leftists are ignorant little fucks nothing you said is true.
Well, based on
Election results
Economic results
Pandemic results
International relations results

It would seem your Ginormous cranial cavity is full of ginormous cheeto colored turds.
If you believe a 49 year DC politician is your savior and the best choice you are one brain dread fuck.
The fucker has created the problems we have now.
If you forget about the great economy we had for 3 years with President Trump that's not my fault it's you showing your stupidity. I remember all those raises Americans got because of President Trump helping the economy to expand and grow. We became energy independent
And killing the economy was not presidents Trump's fault it was democrat state governors shutting down their state's economy.
Jo like obama is back to kissing the ass of our enemies
the former president is over, just like your bullshit.
I wasn't talking about President Trump I was talking about the man who has 49 years of bullshit a man who did not want his children in what he called racial jungles. A man who championed systematic racism in the 1994 crimes bill and bragged about how it would incarcerate many people. A law that was specifically targeting black Americans.
A man who did a quid pro quo to cover his corruption with Ukraine. A man who has ties with China
You're an idiot for supporting that shit.
The core of American Liberalism are dumbass uneducated welfare queen inner city shitheads.

Liberals in America are all very ignorant of Economics, History, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics and they sure as hell don't know a damn thing thing about the Constitution. On top of that the idiots teach racial hatred.
This is so stupid and untrue. You are just filled with hate.

You are confused Moon Bat.

It is true. For instance, how can anybody that has a knowledge of Economics think that more taxation will make a country more prosperous? Or Biology and think that there are more than two genders? Or Ethics and that the end justifies the means when stealing an election?

Liberals are dumb mutherfvers. They never get get anything right.

The core voting block for the Democrats is the dumbass inner city welfare Negroes.

The Democrats are a coalition of all the scum in this country: It is a party made up of all the despicable assholes in the country.

Blacks that vote their race and welfare check.

Environmental Wackos

Anti Gun Nuts




Welfare Queens

Greedy Union Bosses.

ANTIFA and BLM Terrorists.

Confused College kids and their bat shit crazy Marxists professors.
Another stupid clueless person I see.
I see that you are looking in a mirror
A quick short read that nails it. Conservatives think education is brainwashing when in fact education gives one the tools to freely reject poorly supported arguments and bad logic.

There is no mystery why conservatives find education dangerous. A 2015 Pew Research Center study quantified that the better educated one is, the more likely one is to hold liberal beliefs. But I’d argue, contrary to what conservatives seem to feel, that’s not because of bullying professors shouting left-wing dogma. Rather, it’s because once you learn how to think, you’re less susceptible to thin reasoning and easy answers. And increasingly, that’s all conservatism’s got.

Only fools believe that universities you how to think. What they do is brainwash. I took a course in 20th European history, and the professor did nothing but site one Marxist scholar after another. Never did he mention Ludwig von Mises or Friedrich Hayek. This is pure brainwashing.
A quick short read that nails it. Conservatives think education is brainwashing when in fact education gives one the tools to freely reject poorly supported arguments and bad logic.

There is no mystery why conservatives find education dangerous. A 2015 Pew Research Center study quantified that the better educated one is, the more likely one is to hold liberal beliefs. But I’d argue, contrary to what conservatives seem to feel, that’s not because of bullying professors shouting left-wing dogma. Rather, it’s because once you learn how to think, you’re less susceptible to thin reasoning and easy answers. And increasingly, that’s all conservatism’s got.

Only fools believe that universities you how to think. What they do is brainwash. I took a course in 20th European history, and the professor did nothing but site one Marxist scholar after another. Never did he mention Ludwig von Mises or Friedrich Hayek. This is pure brainwashing.
Was this a college course?
A quick short read that nails it. Conservatives think education is brainwashing when in fact education gives one the tools to freely reject poorly supported arguments and bad logic.

There is no mystery why conservatives find education dangerous. A 2015 Pew Research Center study quantified that the better educated one is, the more likely one is to hold liberal beliefs. But I’d argue, contrary to what conservatives seem to feel, that’s not because of bullying professors shouting left-wing dogma. Rather, it’s because once you learn how to think, you’re less susceptible to thin reasoning and easy answers. And increasingly, that’s all conservatism’s got.

Only fools believe that universities you how to think. What they do is brainwash. I took a course in 20th European history, and the professor did nothing but site one Marxist scholar after another. Never did he mention Ludwig von Mises or Friedrich Hayek. This is pure brainwashing.

My daughter took a film history class at a major university and seriously the primary topic was Marx and the Communist Manifesto. The Marxist teacher didn't explain why they spent most of a film history class talking about Communism, but they did
HAHHAHAHAHAHAAH--that's what my second post is about!!!!! --HHAHAHAHAHAH..BLACK teachers CHEATING for the kids---LIBERALS find education dangerous

An educated voter is a liberal voter.
That's why the GOP has been trying to destroy public education for the last 40 years.
if leftists are so educated why in the fuck did they vote for a mush head brain dead fuck like biden?
Because Biden was the best choice to lead this country out of the craphole Cap'n Cheeto dug for our country.
more proof leftists are ignorant little fucks nothing you said is true.
Well, based on
Election results
Economic results
Pandemic results
International relations results

It would seem your Ginormous cranial cavity is full of ginormous cheeto colored turds.
If you believe a 49 year DC politician is your savior and the best choice you are one brain dread fuck.
The fucker has created the problems we have now.
If you forget about the great economy we had for 3 years with President Trump that's not my fault it's you showing your stupidity. I remember all those raises Americans got because of President Trump helping the economy to expand and grow. We became energy independent
And killing the economy was not presidents Trump's fault it was democrat state governors shutting down their state's economy.
Jo like obama is back to kissing the ass of our enemies
the former president is over, just like your bullshit.
I wasn't talking about President Trump I was talking about the man who has 49 years of bullshit a man who did not want his children in what he called racial jungles. A man who championed systematic racism in the 1994 crimes bill and bragged about how it would incarcerate many people. A law that was specifically targeting black Americans.
A man who did a quid pro quo to cover his corruption with Ukraine. A man who has ties with China
You're an idiot for supporting that shit.
What do you know about the 1993 crime bull?
.... Unequal access to education is actually the biggest issue.
That is overly simplistic.
ROFL! That's funny coming from you. ....
Coming from me? I take the actual facts of history for what they are. I have been teaching History for over 20 years. YOU are just a bitter little wannabe traitor who can't accept that traitors and criminals got a fraction of what they had coming. Sorry, but slavery isn't coming back. You missed your chance.
.... Unequal access to education is actually the biggest issue.
That is overly simplistic.
ROFL! That's funny coming from you. ....
Coming from me? I take the actual facts of history for what they are. I have been teaching History for over 20 years. YOU are just a bitter little wannabe traitor who can't accept that traitors and criminals got a fraction of what they had coming. Sorry, but slavery isn't coming back. You missed your chance.
You haven't posted any facts. You've only posted your biases and prejudices. The fact that you teach history is truly scary to me. That shows everything that's wrong with this country.

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