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Why many conservatives find education dangerous

A quick short read that nails it. Conservatives think education is brainwashing when in fact education gives one the tools to freely reject poorly supported arguments and bad logic.

There is no mystery why conservatives find education dangerous. A 2015 Pew Research Center study quantified that the better educated one is, the more likely one is to hold liberal beliefs. But Iā€™d argue, contrary to what conservatives seem to feel, thatā€™s not because of bullying professors shouting left-wing dogma. Rather, itā€™s because once you learn how to think, youā€™re less susceptible to thin reasoning and easy answers. And increasingly, thatā€™s all conservatismā€™s got.

The left owns edumactaion, and Muricans have never been dumber.

If anyone is doing the brainwashing, it's you clowns.
Please explain
Iā€™ll give you a personal exampleā€¦

I knew what I was going to college for by the middle of my Sophomore year in high school. To that end I made sure to excel in Geometry. I also skipped Chemistry and took Physics my Junioryear.

As I was planning my nice, cushy Senior year schedule I got constantly harassed by teachers and guidance counselors about having chosen not to take Chenistry or Calculus. Even after having explained to them that I didnā€™t need them. It literally required a threat by my parents to keep the school from scheduling me into those classes.

I didnā€™t need those classes and didnā€™t want to waste my time on them. Far too often I see kids pushed to take both academic and elective classes that they donā€™t need or which have no applicability to what their lives are going to be after high school. Colleges are often even far worse about it.
But you're only one person. Their job isn't to make sure you are treated differently because you already know what you want to do. Their job is to make sure you and the rest of the kids are exposed to as much education as possible. Its your parents job to check that if you already know your path.
...the Dems cities are like African shitholes--poor education and HIGH crime rates----and they want us to listen to THEM!!!!
Here is the listing of states with fewest college degrees in population.

  • Mississippi.
  • Louisiana.
  • New Mexico.
  • Kentucky.
  • Alabama.
  • Arkansas.
  • Nevada.
  • West Virginia.
Let me guess. All conservative states?

Butbutbutbut Kansas!
Leftists are pathetic.
Oh BS, stick to actually teaching children the three Rs and leave the CRT, homo/trans crap, social this and that out of it.

And there's part of the problem, it's not "three Rs." It's one R, a W, and an A...

Good grief get out more.

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Conservatives hate education because it forces them to consider thoughts other than the ones they were given by Drumpf.
You lie. Most of you dumb asses on the left can't balance a checkbook or change a tire. No wonder so many of you end up on the public dole mooching off taxpayers. Get a real job losers.
"can't balance a checkbook or change a tire"

Thats a different kind of education. The OP is referring to one that requires thinking instead of rote memorization. Conservatives hate actual thinking. It gives them a headache.
I'm in the top 2-3% of earners, tissue? How much do you make at your government job. :auiqs.jpg:
Conservatives hate education because it forces them to consider thoughts other than the ones they were given by Drumpf.
You lie. Most of you dumb asses on the left can't balance a checkbook or change a tire. No wonder so many of you end up on the public dole mooching off taxpayers. Get a real job losers.
I can do both. And run a business.
Sell it and give all your wealth to Dems in government to manage for you. Lets us know how that works out.
Conservatives hate education because it forces them to consider thoughts other than the ones they were given by Drumpf.
You lie. Most of you dumb asses on the left can't balance a checkbook or change a tire. No wonder so many of you end up on the public dole mooching off taxpayers. Get a real job losers.
I can do both. And run a business.
Sell it and give all your wealth to Dems in government to manage for you. Lets us know how that works out.


Remember, I'm a supporter of the *actual* democratic platform. Not the silly, panty shitting hysterics you poor conservative souls have been conned into believing is the the democratic platform.

We believe in and support business and innovation. Its why most of the tech hubs are in democratic states. And why counties that voted for Biden make up 71% of the nation's GDP.

While you and your ilk managed a paltry 29%. Economically, we're carrying you. Technologically, we're carrying you. Educationally, we're carrying you.

Hell, we can't even get you poor souls to get vaccinated with any regularity. Not one state that voted for Trump has passed the 70% COVID vaccination mark for eligible folks. Not one. Conservatives are the burden that Democrats have to carry.
Conservatives hate education because it forces them to consider thoughts other than the ones they were given by Drumpf.
You lie. Most of you dumb asses on the left can't balance a checkbook or change a tire. No wonder so many of you end up on the public dole mooching off taxpayers. Get a real job losers.
"can't balance a checkbook or change a tire"

Thats a different kind of education. The OP is referring to one that requires thinking instead of rote memorization. Conservatives hate actual thinking. It gives them a headache.
I'm in the top 2-3% of earners, tissue? How much do you make at your government job. :auiqs.jpg:
Sure you are. I hope you dont really expect me to believe that do you? :auiqs.jpg:
Conservatives hate education because it forces them to consider thoughts other than the ones they were given by Drumpf.
You lie. Most of you dumb asses on the left can't balance a checkbook or change a tire. No wonder so many of you end up on the public dole mooching off taxpayers. Get a real job losers.
I can do both. And run a business.
Sell it and give all your wealth to Dems in government to manage for you. Lets us know how that works out.


Remember, I'm a supporter of the *actual* democratic platform. Not the silly, panty shitting hysterics you poor conservative souls have been conned into believing is the the democratic platform.

We believe in and support business and innovation. Its why most of the tech hubs are in democratic states. And why counties that voted for Biden make up 71% of the nation's GDP.

While you and your ilk managed a paltry 29%. Economically, we're carrying you. Technologically, we're carrying you. Educationally, we're carrying you.
I pay attention to Dem actions not what they say because they LIE. So lets review, jobs killing policies that send jobs fleeing to China and Mexico. Jobs killing trade deals, ditto to China and Mexico. Tax increases. Spending increases. THOUSANDS of government regulations that again kill jobs. All backed up with a narrative of lies and intentionally dishonest spin. Summary, democrats can rot in hell.
But you're only one person. Their job isn't to make sure you are treated differently because you already know what you want to do. Their job is to make sure you and the rest of the kids are exposed to as much education as possible. Its your parents job to check that if you already know your path
The ā€œOne Size fits Nobodyā€ is one of the biggest problems I have with most public school systems both today and 30 years ago.

Obviously we cannot customize 4 year schedules to every individual student. I do, however, believe that we can create ā€œTracksā€ for groups of students based on the general idea of what they see themselves doing after high school. We already have several large ones throughout the countryā€¦. Vo-Ag and Vo-Tech schools and programs.

Why do we require a student who knows theyā€™re going into a service or retail industry job to take Physics, World Lit and 3 years of a foreign language? Likewise, why hobble the STEM college prep students with a class half-full of students who donā€™t want to be there or canā€™t do the work?

There needs to be a core ā€œbackboneā€ curriculum, but why canā€™t we give these students a better shot at getting an education they can use rather than one that uses them.
A quick short read that nails it. Conservatives think education is brainwashing when in fact education gives one the tools to freely reject poorly supported arguments and bad logic.

There is no mystery why conservatives find education dangerous. A 2015 Pew Research Center study quantified that the better educated one is, the more likely one is to hold liberal beliefs. But Iā€™d argue, contrary to what conservatives seem to feel, thatā€™s not because of bullying professors shouting left-wing dogma. Rather, itā€™s because once you learn how to think, youā€™re less susceptible to thin reasoning and easy answers. And increasingly, thatā€™s all conservatismā€™s got.

20 years ago more college educated self-identified as conservative than liberal

But you're only one person. Their job isn't to make sure you are treated differently because you already know what you want to do. Their job is to make sure you and the rest of the kids are exposed to as much education as possible. Its your parents job to check that if you already know your path
The ā€œOne Size fits Nobodyā€ is one of the biggest problems I have with most public school systems both today and 30 years ago.

Obviously we cannot customize 4 year schedules to every individual student. I do, however, believe that we can create ā€œTracksā€ for groups of students based on the general idea of what they see themselves doing after high school. We already have several large ones throughout the countryā€¦. Vo-Ag and Vo-Tech schools and programs.

Why do we require a student who knows theyā€™re going into a service or retail industry job to take Physics, World Lit and 3 years of a foreign language? Likewise, why hobble the STEM college prep students with a class half-full of students who donā€™t want to be there or canā€™t do the work?

There needs to be a core ā€œbackboneā€ curriculum, but why canā€™t we give these students a better shot at getting an education they can use rather than one that uses them.
I agree. I found that I had to supplement my kids education and they were actually in a good school district. I think there should be tracks for those that want them. (Students not the parents)
Imagine believing this garbage they're teaching our kids qualifies as "education"


From "social" promotion as a substitute for actually passing to participation ribbons to teaching kids that boys aren't boys unless they want to be and so on.

Y'all have TOTALLY FUCKED UP our education system
A quick short read that nails it. Conservatives think education is brainwashing when in fact education gives one the tools to freely reject poorly supported arguments and bad logic.

There is no mystery why conservatives find education dangerous. A 2015 Pew Research Center study quantified that the better educated one is, the more likely one is to hold liberal beliefs. But Iā€™d argue, contrary to what conservatives seem to feel, thatā€™s not because of bullying professors shouting left-wing dogma. Rather, itā€™s because once you learn how to think, youā€™re less susceptible to thin reasoning and easy answers. And increasingly, thatā€™s all conservatismā€™s got.

20 years ago more college educated self-identified as conservative than liberal

Thats right around the time I noticed conservatives were not very bright.
Conservatives hate education because it forces them to consider thoughts other than the ones they were given by Drumpf.
You lie. Most of you dumb asses on the left can't balance a checkbook or change a tire. No wonder so many of you end up on the public dole mooching off taxpayers. Get a real job losers.
I can do both. And run a business.
Sell it and give all your wealth to Dems in government to manage for you. Lets us know how that works out.


Remember, I'm a supporter of the *actual* democratic platform. Not the silly, panty shitting hysterics you poor conservative souls have been conned into believing is the the democratic platform.

We believe in and support business and innovation. Its why most of the tech hubs are in democratic states. And why counties that voted for Biden make up 71% of the nation's GDP.

While you and your ilk managed a paltry 29%. Economically, we're carrying you. Technologically, we're carrying you. Educationally, we're carrying you.

Hell, we can't even get you poor souls to get vaccinated with any regularity. Not one state that voted for Trump has passed the 70% COVID vaccination mark for eligible folks. Not one. Conservatives are the burden that Democrats have to carry.

This pure fantasy post based on nothing but feelings and MSM fed talking points is a perfect example of the indoctrination in our education system.
Conservatives hate education because it forces them to consider thoughts other than the ones they were given by Drumpf.
You lie. Most of you dumb asses on the left can't balance a checkbook or change a tire. No wonder so many of you end up on the public dole mooching off taxpayers. Get a real job losers.
I can do both. And run a business.
Sell it and give all your wealth to Dems in government to manage for you. Lets us know how that works out.


Remember, I'm a supporter of the *actual* democratic platform. Not the silly, panty shitting hysterics you poor conservative souls have been conned into believing is the the democratic platform.

We believe in and support business and innovation. Its why most of the tech hubs are in democratic states. And why counties that voted for Biden make up 71% of the nation's GDP.

While you and your ilk managed a paltry 29%. Economically, we're carrying you. Technologically, we're carrying you. Educationally, we're carrying you.
I pay attention to Dem actions not what they say because they LIE. So lets review, jobs killing policies that send jobs fleeing to China and Mexico. Jobs killing trade deals, ditto to China and Mexico. Tax increases. Spending increases. THOUSANDS of government regulations that again kill jobs. All backed up with a narrative of lies and intentionally dishonest spin. Summary, democrats can rot in hell.

Dude, you are the guys demanding that companies be taken over by the government. Not us. Your ilk is demanding that Facebook, Google, Twitter and the like....are no longer private companies.

This after you guys attacked our capital to try and overthrow our government. And continue to argue to this day that the VP alone gets to decide the presidential election. Not the people. Not the states. Not the electoral college. Just the VP.

That's all fascist as fuck.

If you want to be judged by what you're doing, then the GOP is a corrupt cesspool of white nationalism, conspiracy delusion, nepotism, and open hatred of democracy. Going so far as to attack our capitol building chanting 'Kill Mike Pence' to do it.

Add in all conspiracy batshit, the birtherism, the Big Lie, the opposition to global warming, vaccination, the simplest of preventative measures in masking up, your paltry contributions to our economy, and now your blatant loathing of democracy?

You're a burden. You're what American succeeds in spite of.
Conservatives hate education because it forces them to consider thoughts other than the ones they were given by Drumpf.
You lie. Most of you dumb asses on the left can't balance a checkbook or change a tire. No wonder so many of you end up on the public dole mooching off taxpayers. Get a real job losers.
I can do both. And run a business.
Sell it and give all your wealth to Dems in government to manage for you. Lets us know how that works out.


Remember, I'm a supporter of the *actual* democratic platform. Not the silly, panty shitting hysterics you poor conservative souls have been conned into believing is the the democratic platform.

We believe in and support business and innovation. Its why most of the tech hubs are in democratic states. And why counties that voted for Biden make up 71% of the nation's GDP.

While you and your ilk managed a paltry 29%. Economically, we're carrying you. Technologically, we're carrying you. Educationally, we're carrying you.
I pay attention to Dem actions not what they say because they LIE. So lets review, jobs killing policies that send jobs fleeing to China and Mexico. Jobs killing trade deals, ditto to China and Mexico. Tax increases. Spending increases. THOUSANDS of government regulations that again kill jobs. All backed up with a narrative of lies and intentionally dishonest spin. Summary, democrats can rot in hell.

Dude, you are the guys demanding that companies be taken over by the government. Not us. Your ilk is demanding that Facebook, Google, Twitter and the like....are no longer private companies.

This after you guys attacked our capital to try and overthrow our government. And continue to argue to this day that the VP alone gets to decide the presidential election. Not the people. Not the states. Not the electoral college. Just the VP.

That's all fascist as fuck.

If you want to be judged by what you're doing, then the GOP is a corrupt cesspool of white nationalism, conspiracy delusion, nepotism, and open hatred of democracy. Going so far as to attack our capitol building chanting 'Kill Mike Pence' to do it.

Add in all conspiracy batshit, the birtherism, the Big Lie, the opposition to global warming, vaccination, the simplest of preventative measures in masking up, your paltry contributions to our economy, and now your blatant loathing of democracy?

You're a burden. You're what American succeeds in spite of.
Its like they dont realize the 1rst amendment doesnt apply to private companies.

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