Why more and more people don't believe the MSM...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Facts are hard to repute but the MSM once again shows how biased they are and why they are finding
more and more people don't believe them!

Trust in the Mass Media Remains Low
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Edges Down to 41%
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Evening News Spin: 100% Negative on Trump Defense, 95% Positive Dems

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Evening News Spin: 100% Negative on Trump Defense, 95% Positive Dems

So how can the average American believe anything the MSM produces if the MSM produces news
with the above notable bias?
If you watch FXN and then watch CNN & MSDNC you see unbelievable difference in coverage. On blue stations there are no Republicans presenting the GOP view, all they have are democrats bashing Trump.
On FXN they have both parties represented. That says it all. The democrats just can't defend their views in an honest debate.
The mainstream media is obviously biased, and it's understandable that people don't trust them.

In response, right wing media is also biased, and it's understandable that people don't trust them, either.

So I'm pretty sure we have a serious problem here, but we're not properly addressing it.
The mainstream media is obviously biased, and it's understandable that people don't trust them.

In response, right wing media is also biased, and it's understandable that people don't trust them, either.

So I'm pretty sure we have a serious problem here, but we're not properly addressing it.

This is Horseshit, which is what we are used to getting from you.

The mainstream media is obviously biased----yes you got that right. But you don't mention that it is about 90 to 95 percent of the Media that is "obviously biased". Nor did you mention that it is ALL BIASED ALL THE TIME.

Fox News is pretty much the extend of what you call "right wing"---on the principal media of TELEVISION anyway---and yes it has Hannity and a few others who don't even pretend to be reporters; they are commentators who give their opinion. And it has people like Chris Wallace who is supposed to be a reporter, but is in fact in thrall to the Democratic Party every bit as much as Rachel Maddow.

It is impossible to distinguish the reporters from the commentators on any other network---no matter what they designate themselves---no matter what, they are working for the Democratic Party with the singular goal of bringing down Don Trump.

Yea, we have a problem, as you say, but YOU are not properly addressing it. You clean miss, as any Blind Partisan would, the gross disproportionality of the BIAS.

It is why you look like a fool and why the New York Media---which is basically all of it---is rated by the public down there with head lice and cockroaches.


Facts are hard to repute but the MSM once again shows how biased they are and why they are finding
more and more people don't believe them!

Trust in the Mass Media Remains Low
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Edges Down to 41%
View attachment 303398

Evening News Spin: 100% Negative on Trump Defense, 95% Positive Dems

View attachment 303394
Evening News Spin: 100% Negative on Trump Defense, 95% Positive Dems

So how can the average American believe anything the MSM produces if the MSM produces news
with the above notable bias?
It's not bias if the facts bear it out.

And they do.
The mainstream media is obviously biased, and it's understandable that people don't trust them.

In response, right wing media is also biased, and it's understandable that people don't trust them, either.

So I'm pretty sure we have a serious problem here, but we're not properly addressing it.

This is Horseshit, which is what we are used to getting from you.

The mainstream media is obviously biased----yes you got that right. But you don't mention that it is about 90 to 95 percent of the Media that is "obviously biased". Nor did you mention that it is ALL BIASED ALL THE TIME.

Fox News is pretty much the extend of what you call "right wing"---on the principal media of TELEVISION anyway---and yes it has Hannity and a few others who don't even pretend to be reporters; they are commentators who give their opinion. And it has people like Chris Wallace who is supposed to be a reporter, but is in fact in thrall to the Democratic Party every bit as much as Rachel Maddow.

It is impossible to distinguish the reporters from the commentators on any other network---no matter what they designate themselves---no matter what, they are working for the Democratic Party with the singular goal of bringing down Don Trump.

Yea, we have a problem, as you say, but YOU are not properly addressing it. You clean miss, as any Blind Partisan would, the gross disproportionality of the BIAS.

It is why you look like a fool and why the New York Media---which is basically all of it---is rated by the public down there with head lice and cockroaches.


I know: I'm "half right" - and the left wing would say the same thing. And they'd get just as pissy, claiming the MSM isn't biased at all.

As I always say - the two ends of the spectrum can be SO SIMILAR in their behaviors.
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Obviously Americans are sick of being told lie after lie.
Are they? I’m not so sure. Many on the right and left believe the information they are told by their sources. We see these people on this forum every day. They are the majority.

The media purposely divides us so that the ruling elite can continue enriching and empowering themselves, but many Americans don’t see iit.
The mainstream media is obviously biased, and it's understandable that people don't trust them.

In response, right wing media is also biased, and it's understandable that people don't trust them, either.

So I'm pretty sure we have a serious problem here, but we're not properly addressing it.

This is Horseshit, which is what we are used to getting from you.

The mainstream media is obviously biased----yes you got that right. But you don't mention that it is about 90 to 95 percent of the Media that is "obviously biased". Nor did you mention that it is ALL BIASED ALL THE TIME.

Fox News is pretty much the extend of what you call "right wing"---on the principal media of TELEVISION anyway---and yes it has Hannity and a few others who don't even pretend to be reporters; they are commentators who give their opinion. And it has people like Chris Wallace who is supposed to be a reporter, but is in fact in thrall to the Democratic Party every bit as much as Rachel Maddow.

It is impossible to distinguish the reporters from the commentators on any other network---no matter what they designate themselves---no matter what, they are working for the Democratic Party with the singular goal of bringing down Don Trump.

Yea, we have a problem, as you say, but YOU are not properly addressing it. You clean miss, as any Blind Partisan would, the gross disproportionality of the BIAS.

It is why you look like a fool and why the New York Media---which is basically all of it---is rated by the public down there with head lice and cockroaches.


I know: I'm "half right" - and the left wing would say the same thing. And they'd get just as pissy, claiming the MSM isn't biased at all.

As I always say - the two ends of the spectrum can be SO SIMILAR in their behaviors.

Sorry BUT THE FACTS don't support your statements.

Zerohedge.com reports: “85% of journalists are registered Democrats,” Logan said. “How do you know you’re being lied to? How do you know you’re being manipulated? How do you know there’s something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all [and] there’s no grey. It’s all one way. Well, life isn’t like that. If it doesn’t match real life, it’s probably not. Something’s wrong. For example, all the coverage on Trump all the time is negative. … That’s a distortion of the way things go in real life.”
When you turn on your computer, or you walk past the TV, or you see a newspaper headline in the grocery store If they’re all saying the same thing, the weight of that convinces you that it’s true,”
said Logan. “You don’t question it, because everyone is saying it.”

She also admitted that journalists today are more or less lobbyists for liberal interests, adding that the weight of the liberal media machine overwhelms “the other side” unless people actively seek outlets such as Breitbart.
CBS News Chief: ‘Most Mainstream Journalists Are Now Democrat Activists’

Of the 430 people CPI identified as "journalists, reporters, news editors or television news anchors — as well as other donors known to be working in journalism," 96 percent gave money to Clinton, according to federal campaign finance filings. Those 430 journalists gave $382,000 to Clinton and just $14,000 to GOP nominee Donald Trump. CPI identified just 50 journalists who gave to Trump (meaning 380 gave to Clinton.)
What media bias? Journalists overwhelmingly donated to Hillary Clinton
The mainstream media is obviously biased, and it's understandable that people don't trust them.

In response, right wing media is also biased, and it's understandable that people don't trust them, either.

So I'm pretty sure we have a serious problem here, but we're not properly addressing it.

This is Horseshit, which is what we are used to getting from you.

The mainstream media is obviously biased----yes you got that right. But you don't mention that it is about 90 to 95 percent of the Media that is "obviously biased". Nor did you mention that it is ALL BIASED ALL THE TIME.

Fox News is pretty much the extend of what you call "right wing"---on the principal media of TELEVISION anyway---and yes it has Hannity and a few others who don't even pretend to be reporters; they are commentators who give their opinion. And it has people like Chris Wallace who is supposed to be a reporter, but is in fact in thrall to the Democratic Party every bit as much as Rachel Maddow.

It is impossible to distinguish the reporters from the commentators on any other network---no matter what they designate themselves---no matter what, they are working for the Democratic Party with the singular goal of bringing down Don Trump.

Yea, we have a problem, as you say, but YOU are not properly addressing it. You clean miss, as any Blind Partisan would, the gross disproportionality of the BIAS.

It is why you look like a fool and why the New York Media---which is basically all of it---is rated by the public down there with head lice and cockroaches.


I know: I'm "half right" - and the left wing would say the same thing. And they'd get just as pissy, claiming the MSM isn't biased at all.

As I always say - the two ends of the spectrum can be SO SIMILAR in their behaviors.

Sorry BUT THE FACTS don't support your statements.

Zerohedge.com reports: “85% of journalists are registered Democrats,” Logan said. “How do you know you’re being lied to? How do you know you’re being manipulated? How do you know there’s something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all [and] there’s no grey. It’s all one way. Well, life isn’t like that. If it doesn’t match real life, it’s probably not. Something’s wrong. For example, all the coverage on Trump all the time is negative. … That’s a distortion of the way things go in real life.”
When you turn on your computer, or you walk past the TV, or you see a newspaper headline in the grocery store If they’re all saying the same thing, the weight of that convinces you that it’s true,”
said Logan. “You don’t question it, because everyone is saying it.”

She also admitted that journalists today are more or less lobbyists for liberal interests, adding that the weight of the liberal media machine overwhelms “the other side” unless people actively seek outlets such as Breitbart.
CBS News Chief: ‘Most Mainstream Journalists Are Now Democrat Activists’

Of the 430 people CPI identified as "journalists, reporters, news editors or television news anchors — as well as other donors known to be working in journalism," 96 percent gave money to Clinton, according to federal campaign finance filings. Those 430 journalists gave $382,000 to Clinton and just $14,000 to GOP nominee Donald Trump. CPI identified just 50 journalists who gave to Trump (meaning 380 gave to Clinton.)
What media bias? Journalists overwhelmingly donated to Hillary Clinton
None of that changes my point. I was in the business for 18 years, and I'd say that 85% figure is a little LOW.

That doesn't change the fact that right wing media is no more credible. Not by the slightest degree.

In fact, you folks have gone straight from talk radio to FOX to quoting whacked-out right wing websites -- your own, separate, isolated bubble apart from reality. Trumpsters quote completely one-sided place like Breitbart and Alex Jones and Red State and Gateway Pundit and AON and all the "bloggers" as "sources". You've been conditioned to believe that THEY are the REAL news.

I wonder what Limbaugh thinks of what he has wrought. I wonder if, in his wildest dreams, he ever imagined that he and his cohorts would have been able to intellectually kidnap you people and isolate you like this. Just listen to us, we speak the truth. Don't listen to them, they're fake news. Holy shit. I wonder if he ever feels a pang of guilt now and then.

I see the bias and its damage from a big picture perspective. You're going through life with just one eye open.
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I literally don't know anyone that watches one of those marxist Politburo networks. Not one.

I watch occasionally just to see what propaganda they are spewing.
I yell at the TV way too much. The debaters here can knock down their bullshit without much effort.
The mainstream media is obviously biased, and it's understandable that people don't trust them.

In response, right wing media is also biased, and it's understandable that people don't trust them, either.

So I'm pretty sure we have a serious problem here, but we're not properly addressing it.

This is Horseshit, which is what we are used to getting from you.

The mainstream media is obviously biased----yes you got that right. But you don't mention that it is about 90 to 95 percent of the Media that is "obviously biased". Nor did you mention that it is ALL BIASED ALL THE TIME.

Fox News is pretty much the extend of what you call "right wing"---on the principal media of TELEVISION anyway---and yes it has Hannity and a few others who don't even pretend to be reporters; they are commentators who give their opinion. And it has people like Chris Wallace who is supposed to be a reporter, but is in fact in thrall to the Democratic Party every bit as much as Rachel Maddow.

It is impossible to distinguish the reporters from the commentators on any other network---no matter what they designate themselves---no matter what, they are working for the Democratic Party with the singular goal of bringing down Don Trump.

Yea, we have a problem, as you say, but YOU are not properly addressing it. You clean miss, as any Blind Partisan would, the gross disproportionality of the BIAS.

It is why you look like a fool and why the New York Media---which is basically all of it---is rated by the public down there with head lice and cockroaches.


I know: I'm "half right" - and the left wing would say the same thing. And they'd get just as pissy, claiming the MSM isn't biased at all.

As I always say - the two ends of the spectrum can be SO SIMILAR in their behaviors.

Sorry BUT THE FACTS don't support your statements.

Zerohedge.com reports: “85% of journalists are registered Democrats,” Logan said. “How do you know you’re being lied to? How do you know you’re being manipulated? How do you know there’s something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all [and] there’s no grey. It’s all one way. Well, life isn’t like that. If it doesn’t match real life, it’s probably not. Something’s wrong. For example, all the coverage on Trump all the time is negative. … That’s a distortion of the way things go in real life.”
When you turn on your computer, or you walk past the TV, or you see a newspaper headline in the grocery store If they’re all saying the same thing, the weight of that convinces you that it’s true,”
said Logan. “You don’t question it, because everyone is saying it.”

She also admitted that journalists today are more or less lobbyists for liberal interests, adding that the weight of the liberal media machine overwhelms “the other side” unless people actively seek outlets such as Breitbart.
CBS News Chief: ‘Most Mainstream Journalists Are Now Democrat Activists’

Of the 430 people CPI identified as "journalists, reporters, news editors or television news anchors — as well as other donors known to be working in journalism," 96 percent gave money to Clinton, according to federal campaign finance filings. Those 430 journalists gave $382,000 to Clinton and just $14,000 to GOP nominee Donald Trump. CPI identified just 50 journalists who gave to Trump (meaning 380 gave to Clinton.)
What media bias? Journalists overwhelmingly donated to Hillary Clinton
None of that changes my point. I was in the business for 18 years, and I'd say that 85% figure is a little LOW.

That doesn't change the fact that right wing media is no more credible. Not by the slightest degree.

In fact, you folks have gone straight from talk radio to FOX to quoting whacked-out right wing websites -- your own, separate, isolated bubble apart from reality. Trumpsters quote completely one-sided place like Breitbart and Alex Jones and Red State and Gateway Pundit and AON and all the "bloggers" as "sources". You've been conditioned to believe that THEY are the REAL news.

I wonder what Limbaugh thinks of what he has wrought. I wonder if, in his wildest dreams, he ever imagined that he and his cohorts would have been able to intellectually kidnap you people and isolate you like this. Just listen to us, we speak the truth. Don't listen to them, they're fake news. Holy shit. I wonder if he ever feels a pang of guilt now and then.

I see the bias and its damage from a big picture perspective. You're going through life with just one eye open.

And you are not honest!
There are more newspapers that support Democrats than national papers supporting Trump. FACT.
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There are more TV networks that support Democrats and anti-Trump.
Media Bias Basics
Now thanks to Rush, etc. there are more Conservative radio shows than liberal.
Democratic professors outnumber Republicans 10 to 1, study shows
Democratic professors outnumber Republicans 10 to 1, study shows
And yet you think that is fair?
The major difference between people like me that are Trump supporters are we are extremely more knowledgeable.
Case in point, very few times do I and others like me NOT put up supporting substantiating DATA!

FACTS dispute your subjective statements. There is NOT balanced MSM,academics, and in general the sources that most
Americans depend on for making informed voting! Sad that most people like you can't be objective and recognize the FACTS!

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