Why murder rose 29% last year....no, it isn't guns. The democrat war on police is a major problem.

Funny how ALL high crime areas are run by Democrats.
Anti police Democrats.
All those areas are run by a bipartisan city council and the mayor is one vote.
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The police have waged war on citizens. As usual the right wing has got things ass backwards.
The police have waged war on citizens. As usual the right wing has got things ass backwards.
That's a crock, IM2! The police do what we pay them to do...fight crime. Now you liberals have made that all but impossible so police are either retiring en mass or simply not getting out of their squad cars. This spike in crime is TOTALLY on people like you! You're responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people across the nation because of the false narrative you've pushed about the police!
This article looks at the massive increase in murder......it shows in the charts how the rise in murder correlates to the blm and democrat party attacks on police following the George Floyd case......the democrats have decided they want to put control of police in Federal hands......so they did everything they could to undermine the police....using their terrorist wings, the blm and antifa thugs of the democrat party...

It’s something but I still think the Times is downplaying the obvious a bit. Here’s the chart of the monthly murder rate. What you’ll see is that the first month where the murder rate started to spike above the average in previous years was May. Why in May? Because George Floyd was killed on May 25th and by the next day the video was going viral. The final weekend of May became a weekend of violent protests which pushed the monthly numbers out of orbit. And from there the murder rate continued to go up as sometimes violent anti-police protests were taking place around the country:


Why would the death of George Floyd be connected with a wave of violence? I think the answer to that has to do with the nature of the protests, which were explicitly hostile to police. Police pulled back as protesters created autonomous zones in some cities.

It was basically the Ferguson Effect all on a national scale.

As police pulled back, criminals had less fear of consequences and also, some people felt more inclined to seek street justice rather than call the police when a disagreement arose. That’s the “increased distrust” mentioned above. The protests last year didn’t have to actually defund police departments in order to have a significant impact on the behavior of both cops and criminals.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Portland had some of the most consistent and most violent protests last year and also lost a lot of officers to retirement and resignations. Portland was a worst case scenario for the connection between anti-police protests and increased violence and the numbers seem to reflect that.

Trump was president in 2020.. The Republicans were in charge.
Let me get this straight, Strolling...you think that one day of violent protest at the Capital by conservatives is to blame for an increase in violent crime across the entire nation? Are you REALLY going to go with that?

In 2020 did Trump ever speak to BLM or Antifah or did he just ridicule and threaten them? He was president, wasn't he?
That's a crock, IM2! The police do what we pay them to do...fight crime. Now you liberals have made that all but impossible so police are either retiring en mass or simply not getting out of their squad cars. This spike in crime is TOTALLY on people like you! You're responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people across the nation because of the false narrative you've pushed about the police!
The police do what we pay them to do? You mean like this?
You're right, it isn't guns. They are inanimate objects that can't actually do anything. It's our society that's the issue.

We have a administration that keeps trying to scare and anger people, they don't recognize blacks as a big source of crime and instead keeps propping them up and telling them it's the racist systems fault and they are not at fault for their own problems, keep shipping in illegals, spent almost 2 years yelling "fuck the police", let criminal originations like BLM run rampant with no punishment, keep saying police are the real problem, and basically doing everything possible to ruin everything.

We need leaders that will come in and put their foot down and get shit under control before we get to the point of no return. And we will get to that point eventually, it will be slow and gradual but if left unchecked one day we will wake up and shit will be out of hand. This is how every bad thing always starts, very small.
You're right, it isn't guns. They are inanimate objects that can't actually do anything. It's our society that's the issue.

We have a administration that keeps trying to scare and anger people, they don't recognize blacks as a big source of crime and instead keeps propping them up and telling them it's the racist systems fault and they are not at fault for their own problems, keep shipping in illegals, spent almost 2 years yelling "fuck the police", let criminal originations like BLM run rampant with no punishment, keep saying police are the real problem, and basically doing everything possible to ruin everything.

We need leaders that will come in and put their foot down and get shit under control before we get to the point of no return. And we will get to that point eventually, it will be slow and gradual but if left unchecked one day we will wake up and shit will be out of hand. This is how every bad thing always starts, very small.
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That's a crock, IM2! The police do what we pay them to do...fight crime. Now you liberals have made that all but impossible so police are either retiring en mass or simply not getting out of their squad cars. This spike in crime is TOTALLY on people like you! You're responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people across the nation because of the false narrative you've pushed about the police!
The cops are under no obligation to protect you or your property.
and you have no clue....unlike you i dont live in a high crime area...i dont lock my doors windows or cars...my dogs are well trained...my husband is a cc...and being a southern women i dont go out much without an escort....it is sad that your day starts with wishing others dead..says a lot more about you and your miserable life than it does mine...

You're part of the problem. I could have guessed that you don't live in a high crime area. Likewise, its easy for you to sit behind your keyboard and play games with people lives, especially minorities, for political expediency.

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