Why murder rose 29% last year....no, it isn't guns. The democrat war on police is a major problem.

They started out righteous however they let Antifa into the protests and it went south quickly. Protesting is no excuse to burn, loot and harm others, it is no longer righteous after that, it is rioting and wrong.

BLM was started, like most things left, on a lie. Hands up dont shoot never happened. The gentle giant was everything but gentle. He attacked a police officer and tried to take his gun. He paid the price for it. Sorry, those are the facts. No Need to take a knee or BLM because it was a lie.
Hate to break this to you, Sparky but Chicago has probably the strictest gun laws in the nation and people are getting shot there right and left.
Well Cupcake, seems Chicago isn’t even in the top ten for most violent cities….those are

St Louis MO #1
Birmingham AL
Baton Rouge
New Orleans
Kansas City, MO

Chicago is #28…it’s gun laws are stricter than St. Louis.
So all of these things could factor in, but, again, their exact connection is still unclear.
You said
"3 things are considered factors: the pandemic, the social unrest over the summer and increased number of carrying guns due to loosening laws."
Your statement, above, disproves your claim.
Well done.
Well Cupcake, seems Chicago isn’t even in the top ten for most violent cities….those are

St Louis MO #1
Birmingham AL
Baton Rouge
New Orleans
Kansas City, MO

Chicago is #28…it’s gun laws are stricter than St. Louis.
You know what, Coyote? You'd think as a moderator you'd grasp the need to cite where it is you're pulling your statistics from...you know...so someone can go and look at how they arrived AT those statistics?
Well Cupcake, seems Chicago isn’t even in the top ten for most violent cities….those are

St Louis MO #1
Birmingham AL
Baton Rouge
New Orleans
Kansas City, MO

Chicago is #28…it’s gun laws are stricter than St. Louis.

That's just the last weekend in Chicago, Wily! I guess they didn't get the memo about how "safe" it is there? (eye roll)
moron you dont have to defund the cops to get them to stop proactively policing but nice attempt at lying about what is happening. Attacking the police since 2015 caused this…..democrats releasing violent gun offenders over and over caused this

Uh, then why didn't it go up in 2016? or 2017?

It went up in 2020, because of a combination of gun proliferation, Covid, Recession and an evil president who spent the previous four years endorsing racism.

lying asshole no demonstrators were killed by cops…. Innocent people were murdered by blm and antifa

June 2, 2020Vallejo, CA22-year-old Argentine-American Sean Monterrosa was killed at 12:30 AM while kneeling with his hands raised above his waist when he was shot and killed with five bullets by a police officer. Police stated they mistook a hammer in Monterrosa's pocket for a gun. Police were responding to reported looting.[115]

Dude what are you even babbling about? Police were killing innocent people? When? Trump cheered that on? When? George Floyd died of a drug overdose while he was being arrested for passing counterfeit money. That never was "murder"! Assholes like you burned and looted American cities for months on end because of that false narrative!

Wow, nobody tell Darren Chauvin, he's in jail for the next 22 years because of an overdose.... Schmuck.

No one defunded the Police? Liberal politicians defunded the New York Police Department by one Billion dollars, you blow hard! They reassigned the police who targeted gangs and guns. They passed legislation that put violent criminals back on the streets without paying bail. But you blame the spike in violence on domestic arguments? You're the biggest idiot on this board!

Stop and Frisk was a racist policy that did nothing to stop crime.

Yes, gun crime went up because when you lock more people in their houses, with more guns, for months on end, some of them are going to lose their shit.
Hate to break this to you, Sparky but Chicago has probably the strictest gun laws in the nation and people are getting shot there right and left.

You guys need to retire this talking point. Chicago doesn't have tough gun laws anymore.

We used to. Then the Knuckle Draggers on SCOTUS decided the militia amendment was really about gun ownership, and struck most of our laws down. As a result, the murder rate doubled.

Should also point out, that the gun industry, being basically awful, decided to set up gun shops on the perimeter of Chicago to provide easy access. For instance, there were a bunch of gun shops in Cicero, which is right next to Chicago.
Uh, then why didn't it go up in 2016? or 2017?

It went up in 2020, because of a combination of gun proliferation, Covid, Recession and an evil president who spent the previous four years endorsing racism.

June 2, 2020Vallejo, CA22-year-old Argentine-American Sean Monterrosa was killed at 12:30 AM while kneeling with his hands raised above his waist when he was shot and killed with five bullets by a police officer. Police stated they mistook a hammer in Monterrosa's pocket for a gun. Police were responding to reported looting.[115]

Wow, nobody tell Darren Chauvin, he's in jail for the next 22 years because of an overdose.... Schmuck.

Stop and Frisk was a racist policy that did nothing to stop crime.

Yes, gun crime went up because when you lock more people in their houses, with more guns, for months on end, some of them are going to lose their shit.

moron blm and antifa went nuts in 2020….they burned and looted and murdered for 7 months and during that time the democrats called the cops the bad guys.

You would also have to explain the 27 years up to 2015 where more Americans bought guns, owned them and carried them and the gun crime rate
Went down75%, the gun murder rate went down49%….. lots of guns less gun crime…. The thing that changed in 2015 was the democrat decision to attack the police and to increase the number of criminals they released from jail and prison
moron blm and antifa went nuts in 2020….they burned and looted and murdered for 7 months and during that time the democrats called the cops the bad guys.

The cops were the bad guys. For nearly a decade they made excuses for the bad actors in their ranks. We had a whole decade of incidents like LaQuan McDonald, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, etc, etc, etc where no one rioted, even though people weren't really held accountable for this kind of behavior.

Then people just got... fed up.

You would also have to explain the 27 years up to 2015 where more Americans bought guns, owned them and carried them and the gun crime rate
Went down75%, the gun murder rate went down49%….. lots of guns less gun crime…. The thing that changed in 2015 was the democrat decision to attack the police and to increase the number of criminals they released from jail and prison

I've already explained that. 1) It really hasn't. 2) that has more to do with the fact that Boomers are aging out of the "committing crimes" demographics.
Uh, then why didn't it go up in 2016? or 2017?

It went up in 2020, because of a combination of gun proliferation, Covid, Recession and an evil president who spent the previous four years endorsing racism.

June 2, 2020Vallejo, CA22-year-old Argentine-American Sean Monterrosa was killed at 12:30 AM while kneeling with his hands raised above his waist when he was shot and killed with five bullets by a police officer. Police stated they mistook a hammer in Monterrosa's pocket for a gun. Police were responding to reported looting.[115]

Wow, nobody tell Darren Chauvin, he's in jail for the next 22 years because of an overdose.... Schmuck.

Stop and Frisk was a racist policy that did nothing to stop crime.

Yes, gun crime went up because when you lock more people in their houses, with more guns, for months on end, some of them are going to lose their shit.
No, Chauvin is in jail because a jury was too afraid of their city being burned to the ground to return a just verdict!

The gun crime in Chicago and New York isn't taking place in people's homes, Joey! It's taking place on city streets where gang members feel free to carry guns because they know they will no longer be stopped and frisked.
The cops were the bad guys. For nearly a decade they made excuses for the bad actors in their ranks. We had a whole decade of incidents like LaQuan McDonald, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, etc, etc, etc where no one rioted, even though people weren't really held accountable for this kind of behavior.

Then people just got... fed up.

I've already explained that. 1) It really hasn't. 2) that has more to do with the fact that Boomers are aging out of the "committing crimes" demographics.
Michael Brown was a common thug who pushed around convenience store clerks while robbing them and then assaulting a Police officer when he attempted to stop him. How is THAT cop a "bad guy"? Brown was the bad guy...the Police officer was simply doing his job!
No, Chauvin is in jail because a jury was too afraid of their city being burned to the ground to return a just verdict!

Chauvin is in jail because people were outraged that he murdered a man in the middle of the street in front of a crowd of witnesses.

The gun crime in Chicago and New York isn't taking place in people's homes, Joey! It's taking place on city streets where gang members feel free to carry guns because they know they will no longer be stopped and frisked.

Again, 35% of murders are family members, and 83% of murderers have some relationship to the victim. Very few murders are people being killed by complete strangers. Understandable, why would you want to kill a stranger. They didn't do anything to piss you off.

Michael Brown was a common thug who pushed around convenience store clerks while robbing them and then assaulting a Police officer when he attempted to stop him. How is THAT cop a "bad guy"? Brown was the bad guy...the Police officer was simply doing his job!

It wasn't his job to shoot Brown over a petty shoplifting after the guy had his hands up.

Oh, no, he pushed Apu into the chip rack.... Sounds like a master criminal to me.
Chauvin is in jail because people were outraged that he murdered a man in the middle of the street in front of a crowd of witnesses.

Again, 35% of murders are family members, and 83% of murderers have some relationship to the victim. Very few murders are people being killed by complete strangers. Understandable, why would you want to kill a stranger. They didn't do anything to piss you off.

It wasn't his job to shoot Brown over a petty shoplifting after the guy had his hands up.

Oh, no, he pushed Apu into the chip rack.... Sounds like a master criminal to me.

Liar. Known means criminals who know each other you doofus. Criminals killing family members when they should be in prison.
Liar. Known means criminals who know each other you doofus. Criminals killing family members when they should be in prison.

1/3rd of Americans have a police record, dummy. It's easy to paint murderers as "career criminals" or even victims, when we live in a police state.
Chauvin is in jail because people were outraged that he murdered a man in the middle of the street in front of a crowd of witnesses.

Again, 35% of murders are family members, and 83% of murderers have some relationship to the victim. Very few murders are people being killed by complete strangers. Understandable, why would you want to kill a stranger. They didn't do anything to piss you off.

It wasn't his job to shoot Brown over a petty shoplifting after the guy had his hands up.

Oh, no, he pushed Apu into the chip rack.... Sounds like a master criminal to me.
Chauvin didn't "murder" anyone! Floyd died of a drug overdose. He was so high on Fentanyl his lungs stopped working!
Chauvin is in jail because people were outraged that he murdered a man in the middle of the street in front of a crowd of witnesses.

Again, 35% of murders are family members, and 83% of murderers have some relationship to the victim. Very few murders are people being killed by complete strangers. Understandable, why would you want to kill a stranger. They didn't do anything to piss you off.

It wasn't his job to shoot Brown over a petty shoplifting after the guy had his hands up.

Oh, no, he pushed Apu into the chip rack.... Sounds like a master criminal to me.
He pushed the convenience clerk while he was shoplifting. He then assaulted the Police officer who attempted to arrest him. He's NOT a "master criminal...he's just another thug POS too stupid to run away after committing a crime in broad daylight!
1/3rd of Americans have a police record, dummy. It's easy to paint murderers as "career criminals" or even victims, when we live in a police state.

no, moron as i have posted from research 90% of murderers havelong histories of crime and violence….. they are not normal people who have a bad day.
1/3rd of Americans have a police record, dummy. It's easy to paint murderers as "career criminals" or even victims, when we live in a police state.
Do you even know what a REAL police state is, Joey? We don't live in one despite your rather pathetic attempts to claim that we do. One of the reasons so many people from other countries want to live in the United States is that we DON'T have a police state!

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