Why Must Atheists Be So "in Your Face"?

I just wondered, because in my experience, people who've spent significant time committed to a faith, or who were raised in a strict religious household, are often the most aggressive atheists once they've lost their faith. But that's anecdotal. I haven't really seen studies on that dynamic.

I don't need to do a study or read a book. I just want some common sense and decency to apply.

Agreed. I think often those people are the most adamant about their lack of faith because they're angry and resentful - feeling like they've been duped. People raised without a religious faith generally don't talk about it much, expect, perhaps, when they're the target of proselytizing from believers.

But to directly answer the question of the thread, "Why must atheists be so in your face?" - They mustn't. And most aren't.

Go on any Christian forum thread on this forum or on any other forum and you will find most all the discussions Christians are trying to have are being totally overrun by atheists. You'd think they would leave the Christians alone and have a forum with threads of their own.

Which is something that I don't get about vocal atheists. I may have lost my faith years ago but I don't understand the motive of trying to tear down the faith of others. If you find peace and happiness in your faith then why should I try and take that away from you?

Exactly. And if you're happy being an atheist, it has absolutely no bearing on me.

Agreed. I am more of a spiritual person as supposed to a dogmatically faithful one. Some people just can't seem to live in world where other folks have differing views when it comes to faith. One isn't more superior then the other.
Why do atheists feel they must be so "in your face" with their anit-Christ views? Do atheist not recognize that many folks simply do not wish to be forced into listening to their same old tired and worn-out arguments and the bashing of other members of society? Let others believe as they wish, whether in Islam, Buddhism, Platonism, Mormonism, Christianity, or whether they believe in anything at all. Please - Get out of our faces and just SHUT UP!!

As opposed to Christians going door-to-door or to foreign countries to proselytize? Until atheists knock on my door wanting tot ell me the good news about being able to screw whomever I want, I think Christians are the 'in your face' people.
I've never had an atheist knock on my door and try to convince me that there is no God

I've got two in the family and it is an obsession with both of them. They can't talk about the weather or fishing or football without bringing up their disdain for God into the conversation. I don't know how their boss at work puts up with them.

I tend to say bullshit

However, I have met my share of holy rollers who insert Jesus into every other sentence. They even forced it into the pledge of allegiance and our money

I've seen atheists who invoke Jesus and Christ a whole lot more often than most Christians I have met. They appear obsessed with religion or at least their hatred of religion. I don't care if you hate religion and God and Jesus. I just want you to get out of my face with it. It's none of my business and I don't want it to be.
It's our job to save you from yourselves, and each other.

Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
I've never had an atheist knock on my door and try to convince me that there is no God

I've got two in the family and it is an obsession with both of them. They can't talk about the weather or fishing or football without bringing up their disdain for God into the conversation. I don't know how their boss at work puts up with them.
It's possible they bring up their disdain for your gods because they don't like you.

If he acts the same way in person, my guess would be yes.
This hatred is directed towards atheists in america. If this happened in my country I would be a lot more than just in your face.

And christians whine that they are persecuted.
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