Why Must Atheists Be So "in Your Face"?

Sarcasm doesn't come across real well in written text, obviously.

I'll make the point that advocating freedom is not on the fundie Christian agenda. They are not honest players. Their agenda is to press a religious perspective that is far from advocating freedom.

By way of example, we can review the laughable circus surrounding so-called intelligent design creationism that has been a hallmark of fundies attempting to circumvent constitutional law.

The industry of extremist Christians is defined by earlier attempts made by "creationists" to force Christian creationism into the schools. They made no effort to conceal the agenda of promoting Biblical literalism. Those efforts were originally titled as "Biblical Creationism" with great candor. Faced with the correct legal conclusions that it was merely religion, they retreated and renamed it "Scientific Creationism," making a half hearted attempt to edit out explicit Biblical references... but that fooled no one. When that met an equally unambiguous decision in the courts, the new version became "Intelligent Design Creationism." In the process, the Christian creationist movement has become progressively less candid, more angry, more extremist and frankly more pathetic.

Same thing applies equally well to atheists. I'm for everyone minding their own business but everyone, including both Christians and atheists, seem to want to meddle in everyone else's business.
The same thing d
Do you think he'll get it?


Yes I get it. You simply must poke your little nose in someone else's business. You're just like old busy-bodied gossiping women.
You opened the thread. Did you not expect people to comment?

Did you forget you were posting on a public discussion board?

Yes Hollie but intelligent discussion, not your usual troll.
You actually did miss the irony of your troll'ish thread.

I wish I could miss you but you show up trolling on every thread. I'm sorry that you cannot find anyone who will talk to you but again, that's not my problem.
Yet, here you are responding. It must be god's will.
Why do atheists feel they must be so "in your face" with their anit-Christ views? Do atheist not recognize that many folks simply do not wish to be forced into listening to their same old tired and worn-out arguments and the bashing of other members of society? Let others believe as they wish, whether in Islam, Buddhism, Platonism, Mormonism, Christianity, or whether they believe in anything at all. Please - Get out of our faces and just SHUT UP!!

Gallup Poll Indicates Americans Only Hear About Jesus 48 Times a Day

Recent poll results indicate that Americans are only exposed 48 times a day to the Christian message that God loves them, but if they don’t love Him back, He is going to burn them in Hell forever. "48 times a day is not nearly enough exposure," Christian Conversion Specialist, Judy O'Christian argues. "We need to hit these libruls with the message of Jesus' Love, and tell them He'll send them to hell if they don't convert, at least once every ten minutes! If you don't do it constantly, sometimes for hours at a time, they'll start believing silly stories about "science," and so-called, "logic." God wants us to convict these sinners 24/7!"

And exactly what has that to do with the issue? I'm exposed to ads for Burger King Whopper sandwiches about the same number of times a day but I don't buy them.
The burger dude is not thumping you with fries and a soda, threatening eternal damnation if you buy his product.

I don't believe you actually listen either. You mean they hold you hostage? Even the mad ramblings of my nephews don't hold me hostage. I simply make an excuse and walk away from their preaching.
It's not as simple as you would hope to portray it. Maybe you're hoping to ignore the facts but the facts are that the extremist Christian right has repeatedly been blocked by the judicial system on matters of constitutional law. This is in connection with their attempts to force fundamentalist Christian dogma into the school system.

It's a simpletons solution to suggest that one just "walks away".

Then what do you do, shoot them or jusr rant and rave and curse a little louder?
Same thing applies equally well to atheists. I'm for everyone minding their own business but everyone, including both Christians and atheists, seem to want to meddle in everyone else's business.
The same thing d
Yes I get it. You simply must poke your little nose in someone else's business. You're just like old busy-bodied gossiping women.
You opened the thread. Did you not expect people to comment?

Did you forget you were posting on a public discussion board?

Yes Hollie but intelligent discussion, not your usual troll.
You actually did miss the irony of your troll'ish thread.

I wish I could miss you but you show up trolling on every thread. I'm sorry that you cannot find anyone who will talk to you but again, that's not my problem.
Yet, here you are responding. It must be god's will.

Must be because you are making my point. You cannot leave God out of the discussion. You are totally obsessed with God.
There tends to be a small but very vocal minority of atheists that are confrontational. This tends to be the case with most ideologies and faiths. The overwhelming majority of atheists and religious people that I've come across in my life are fair, level headed, and kind.
I've got two in the family and it is an obsession with both of them. They can't talk about the weather or fishing or football without bringing up their disdain for God into the conversation. I don't know how their boss at work puts up with them.

Were they raised with a religious faith?

Not really. They were raised by their grandparents who haven't been to a church in years but everyone in America is exposed to it via television, radio, and there's a church on nearly every corner. I'm sure they had some acquaintances who went to church. Many in the family do.

I just wondered, because in my experience, people who've spent significant time committed to a faith, or who were raised in a strict religious household, are often the most aggressive atheists once they've lost their faith. But that's anecdotal. I haven't really seen studies on that dynamic.

I don't need to do a study or read a book. I just want some common sense and decency to apply.

Agreed. I think often those people are the most adamant about their lack of faith because they're angry and resentful - feeling like they've been duped. People raised without a religious faith generally don't talk about it much, expect, perhaps, when they're the target of proselytizing from believers.

But to directly answer the question of the thread, "Why must atheists be so in your face?" - They mustn't. And most aren't.

Go on any Christian forum thread on this forum or on any other forum and you will find most all the discussions Christians are trying to have are being totally overrun by atheists. You'd think they would leave the Christians alone and have a forum with threads of their own.
There tends to be a small but very vocal minority of atheists that are confrontational. This tends to be the case with most ideologies and faiths. The overwhelming majority of atheists and religious people that I've come across in my life are fair, level headed, and kind.

I guess all the "nuts" just happened to be on this forum?
Gallup Poll Indicates Americans Only Hear About Jesus 48 Times a Day

Recent poll results indicate that Americans are only exposed 48 times a day to the Christian message that God loves them, but if they don’t love Him back, He is going to burn them in Hell forever. "48 times a day is not nearly enough exposure," Christian Conversion Specialist, Judy O'Christian argues. "We need to hit these libruls with the message of Jesus' Love, and tell them He'll send them to hell if they don't convert, at least once every ten minutes! If you don't do it constantly, sometimes for hours at a time, they'll start believing silly stories about "science," and so-called, "logic." God wants us to convict these sinners 24/7!"

And exactly what has that to do with the issue? I'm exposed to ads for Burger King Whopper sandwiches about the same number of times a day but I don't buy them.
The burger dude is not thumping you with fries and a soda, threatening eternal damnation if you buy his product.

I don't believe you actually listen either. You mean they hold you hostage? Even the mad ramblings of my nephews don't hold me hostage. I simply make an excuse and walk away from their preaching.
It's not as simple as you would hope to portray it. Maybe you're hoping to ignore the facts but the facts are that the extremist Christian right has repeatedly been blocked by the judicial system on matters of constitutional law. This is in connection with their attempts to force fundamentalist Christian dogma into the school system.

It's a simpletons solution to suggest that one just "walks away".

Then what do you do, shoot them or jusr rant and rave and curse a little louder?
You make them obey the law, you know, the first amendment to the US constitution, the establishment clause.

It's a wonderful thing, the constitution.
I've got two in the family and it is an obsession with both of them. They can't talk about the weather or fishing or football without bringing up their disdain for God into the conversation. I don't know how their boss at work puts up with them.

Were they raised with a religious faith?

Not really. They were raised by their grandparents who haven't been to a church in years but everyone in America is exposed to it via television, radio, and there's a church on nearly every corner. I'm sure they had some acquaintances who went to church. Many in the family do.

I just wondered, because in my experience, people who've spent significant time committed to a faith, or who were raised in a strict religious household, are often the most aggressive atheists once they've lost their faith. But that's anecdotal. I haven't really seen studies on that dynamic.

I don't need to do a study or read a book. I just want some common sense and decency to apply.

Agreed. I think often those people are the most adamant about their lack of faith because they're angry and resentful - feeling like they've been duped. People raised without a religious faith generally don't talk about it much, expect, perhaps, when they're the target of proselytizing from believers.

But to directly answer the question of the thread, "Why must atheists be so in your face?" - They mustn't. And most aren't.

Everybody's been duped. I voted for Carter. I bought a MG Midget one time. It happens to all of us. But I didn't bother you with the fact that I voted wrong and purchased wrong. It was nobody's mistake or business but my own.
And exactly what has that to do with the issue? I'm exposed to ads for Burger King Whopper sandwiches about the same number of times a day but I don't buy them.
The burger dude is not thumping you with fries and a soda, threatening eternal damnation if you buy his product.

I don't believe you actually listen either. You mean they hold you hostage? Even the mad ramblings of my nephews don't hold me hostage. I simply make an excuse and walk away from their preaching.
It's not as simple as you would hope to portray it. Maybe you're hoping to ignore the facts but the facts are that the extremist Christian right has repeatedly been blocked by the judicial system on matters of constitutional law. This is in connection with their attempts to force fundamentalist Christian dogma into the school system.

It's a simpletons solution to suggest that one just "walks away".

Then what do you do, shoot them or jusr rant and rave and curse a little louder?
You make them obey the law, you know, the first amendment to the US constitution, the establishment clause.

It's a wonderful thing, the constitution.

You are a total wonder.
Why do atheists feel they must be so "in your face" with their anit-Christ views? Do atheist not recognize that many folks simply do not wish to be forced into listening to their same old tired and worn-out arguments and the bashing of other members of society? Let others believe as they wish, whether in Islam, Buddhism, Platonism, Mormonism, Christianity, or whether they believe in anything at all. Please - Get out of our faces and just SHUT UP!!

Were they raised with a religious faith?

Not really. They were raised by their grandparents who haven't been to a church in years but everyone in America is exposed to it via television, radio, and there's a church on nearly every corner. I'm sure they had some acquaintances who went to church. Many in the family do.

I just wondered, because in my experience, people who've spent significant time committed to a faith, or who were raised in a strict religious household, are often the most aggressive atheists once they've lost their faith. But that's anecdotal. I haven't really seen studies on that dynamic.

I don't need to do a study or read a book. I just want some common sense and decency to apply.

Agreed. I think often those people are the most adamant about their lack of faith because they're angry and resentful - feeling like they've been duped. People raised without a religious faith generally don't talk about it much, expect, perhaps, when they're the target of proselytizing from believers.

But to directly answer the question of the thread, "Why must atheists be so in your face?" - They mustn't. And most aren't.

Go on any Christian forum thread on this forum or on any other forum and you will find most all the discussions Christians are trying to have are being totally overrun by atheists. You'd think they would leave the Christians alone and have a forum with threads of their own.

Which is something that I don't get about vocal atheists. I may have lost my faith years ago but I don't understand the motive of trying to tear down the faith of others. If you find peace and happiness in your faith then why should I try and take that away from you?
The burger dude is not thumping you with fries and a soda, threatening eternal damnation if you buy his product.

I don't believe you actually listen either. You mean they hold you hostage? Even the mad ramblings of my nephews don't hold me hostage. I simply make an excuse and walk away from their preaching.
It's not as simple as you would hope to portray it. Maybe you're hoping to ignore the facts but the facts are that the extremist Christian right has repeatedly been blocked by the judicial system on matters of constitutional law. This is in connection with their attempts to force fundamentalist Christian dogma into the school system.

It's a simpletons solution to suggest that one just "walks away".

Then what do you do, shoot them or jusr rant and rave and curse a little louder?
You make them obey the law, you know, the first amendment to the US constitution, the establishment clause.

It's a wonderful thing, the constitution.

You are a total wonder.
You open a thread with an antagonistic and false premise and then whine when people challenge your specious opinions?
Were they raised with a religious faith?

Not really. They were raised by their grandparents who haven't been to a church in years but everyone in America is exposed to it via television, radio, and there's a church on nearly every corner. I'm sure they had some acquaintances who went to church. Many in the family do.

I just wondered, because in my experience, people who've spent significant time committed to a faith, or who were raised in a strict religious household, are often the most aggressive atheists once they've lost their faith. But that's anecdotal. I haven't really seen studies on that dynamic.

I don't need to do a study or read a book. I just want some common sense and decency to apply.

Agreed. I think often those people are the most adamant about their lack of faith because they're angry and resentful - feeling like they've been duped. People raised without a religious faith generally don't talk about it much, expect, perhaps, when they're the target of proselytizing from believers.

But to directly answer the question of the thread, "Why must atheists be so in your face?" - They mustn't. And most aren't.

Everybody's been duped. I voted for Carter. I bought a MG Midget one time. It happens to all of us. But I didn't bother you with the fact that I voted wrong and purchased wrong. It was nobody's mistake or business but my own.

Were they raised with a religious faith?

Not really. They were raised by their grandparents who haven't been to a church in years but everyone in America is exposed to it via television, radio, and there's a church on nearly every corner. I'm sure they had some acquaintances who went to church. Many in the family do.

I just wondered, because in my experience, people who've spent significant time committed to a faith, or who were raised in a strict religious household, are often the most aggressive atheists once they've lost their faith. But that's anecdotal. I haven't really seen studies on that dynamic.

I don't need to do a study or read a book. I just want some common sense and decency to apply.

Agreed. I think often those people are the most adamant about their lack of faith because they're angry and resentful - feeling like they've been duped. People raised without a religious faith generally don't talk about it much, expect, perhaps, when they're the target of proselytizing from believers.

But to directly answer the question of the thread, "Why must atheists be so in your face?" - They mustn't. And most aren't.

Go on any Christian forum thread on this forum or on any other forum and you will find most all the discussions Christians are trying to have are being totally overrun by atheists. You'd think they would leave the Christians alone and have a forum with threads of their own.

Ahh... you've discovered "trolling". It happens on every thread on every forum on every topic. No matter what you want to talk about, there will be caustic assholes ready to tell you're wrong.
I've never had an atheist knock on my door and try to convince me that there is no God

I've got two in the family and it is an obsession with both of them. They can't talk about the weather or fishing or football without bringing up their disdain for God into the conversation. I don't know how their boss at work puts up with them.

I tend to say bullshit

However, I have met my share of holy rollers who insert Jesus into every other sentence. They even forced it into the pledge of allegiance and our money

I've seen atheists who invoke Jesus and Christ a whole lot more often than most Christians I have met. They appear obsessed with religion or at least their hatred of religion. I don't care if you hate religion and God and Jesus. I just want you to get out of my face with it. It's none of my business and I don't want it to be.
Most atheists I know only speak generically about God
If you don't believe in God, why even bring up his son?

Why bring ANY of it up at all if you are a non-believer? I actually do know a few who never mention anything of a religious nature to anyone. That's the way it should be for both sides of the issue.
I agree, I'm an atheist and I don't want to hear your religious beliefs or have them pushed on my children
I never bring up the subject of religion.....

Why would I?
Not really. They were raised by their grandparents who haven't been to a church in years but everyone in America is exposed to it via television, radio, and there's a church on nearly every corner. I'm sure they had some acquaintances who went to church. Many in the family do.

I just wondered, because in my experience, people who've spent significant time committed to a faith, or who were raised in a strict religious household, are often the most aggressive atheists once they've lost their faith. But that's anecdotal. I haven't really seen studies on that dynamic.

I don't need to do a study or read a book. I just want some common sense and decency to apply.

Agreed. I think often those people are the most adamant about their lack of faith because they're angry and resentful - feeling like they've been duped. People raised without a religious faith generally don't talk about it much, expect, perhaps, when they're the target of proselytizing from believers.

But to directly answer the question of the thread, "Why must atheists be so in your face?" - They mustn't. And most aren't.

Go on any Christian forum thread on this forum or on any other forum and you will find most all the discussions Christians are trying to have are being totally overrun by atheists. You'd think they would leave the Christians alone and have a forum with threads of their own.

Ahh... you've discovered "trolling". It happens on every thread on every forum on every topic. No matter what you want to talk about, there will be caustic assholes ready to tell you're wrong.

Agreed. It's why many of the more reasonable posts get drowned out by folks being flip and abrasive. The more outrageous your post the more responses it's going to attract.
I've got two in the family and it is an obsession with both of them. They can't talk about the weather or fishing or football without bringing up their disdain for God into the conversation. I don't know how their boss at work puts up with them.

I tend to say bullshit

However, I have met my share of holy rollers who insert Jesus into every other sentence. They even forced it into the pledge of allegiance and our money

I've seen atheists who invoke Jesus and Christ a whole lot more often than most Christians I have met. They appear obsessed with religion or at least their hatred of religion. I don't care if you hate religion and God and Jesus. I just want you to get out of my face with it. It's none of my business and I don't want it to be.
It's our job to save you from yourselves, and each other.

No, it isn't. That would be oppression. Advocate freedom instead and let people be(lieve) as they wish. And yes, I'm speaking to both sides of the debate.
Sarcasm doesn't come across real well in written text, obviously.

I'll make the point that advocating freedom is not on the fundie Christian agenda. They are not honest players. Their agenda is to press a religious perspective that is far from advocating freedom.

By way of example, we can review the laughable circus surrounding so-called intelligent design creationism that has been a hallmark of fundies attempting to circumvent constitutional law.

The industry of extremist Christians is defined by earlier attempts made by "creationists" to force Christian creationism into the schools. They made no effort to conceal the agenda of promoting Biblical literalism. Those efforts were originally titled as "Biblical Creationism" with great candor. Faced with the correct legal conclusions that it was merely religion, they retreated and renamed it "Scientific Creationism," making a half hearted attempt to edit out explicit Biblical references... but that fooled no one. When that met an equally unambiguous decision in the courts, the new version became "Intelligent Design Creationism." In the process, the Christian creationist movement has become progressively less candid, more angry, more extremist and frankly more pathetic.

Radically Fearful of The Wrong Thing, aka Hollie,

While not part of the group of which you hate, I might just point out that the Christian motive to advance their POV is a DIRECT counterpoint to the liberal, atheist agenda long taken root in our public school system. They "advocate" inserting their POV because of the ram-rod hijacking of the libs in public school agendas. Hello? Are you aware of this? It is no longer public education, but public indoctrination. For many generations God and the American flag were part of the public school system, and since the 60s and more so since the 80s all that has been replaced with liberal nonsense, multiculturalism and self-loathing. Look around at the deterioration of standards. You are afraid of the wrong thing.

You fear Christianity? Tell me why. Let's discuss. Openly and honestly. To me it is like fearing caterpillars. You're a knee-jerk. I wish to fix that, only because I like the name Hollie.
I don't believe you actually listen either. You mean they hold you hostage? Even the mad ramblings of my nephews don't hold me hostage. I simply make an excuse and walk away from their preaching.
It's not as simple as you would hope to portray it. Maybe you're hoping to ignore the facts but the facts are that the extremist Christian right has repeatedly been blocked by the judicial system on matters of constitutional law. This is in connection with their attempts to force fundamentalist Christian dogma into the school system.

It's a simpletons solution to suggest that one just "walks away".

Then what do you do, shoot them or jusr rant and rave and curse a little louder?
You make them obey the law, you know, the first amendment to the US constitution, the establishment clause.

It's a wonderful thing, the constitution.

You are a total wonder.
You open a thread with an antagonistic and false premise and then whine when people challenge your specious opinions?

No. I am opposed to snide little trolls who contribute nothing but nonsense to a discussion. Grow up.
Not really. They were raised by their grandparents who haven't been to a church in years but everyone in America is exposed to it via television, radio, and there's a church on nearly every corner. I'm sure they had some acquaintances who went to church. Many in the family do.

I just wondered, because in my experience, people who've spent significant time committed to a faith, or who were raised in a strict religious household, are often the most aggressive atheists once they've lost their faith. But that's anecdotal. I haven't really seen studies on that dynamic.

I don't need to do a study or read a book. I just want some common sense and decency to apply.

Agreed. I think often those people are the most adamant about their lack of faith because they're angry and resentful - feeling like they've been duped. People raised without a religious faith generally don't talk about it much, expect, perhaps, when they're the target of proselytizing from believers.

But to directly answer the question of the thread, "Why must atheists be so in your face?" - They mustn't. And most aren't.

Go on any Christian forum thread on this forum or on any other forum and you will find most all the discussions Christians are trying to have are being totally overrun by atheists. You'd think they would leave the Christians alone and have a forum with threads of their own.

Which is something that I don't get about vocal atheists. I may have lost my faith years ago but I don't understand the motive of trying to tear down the faith of others. If you find peace and happiness in your faith then why should I try and take that away from you?

Exactly. And if you're happy being an atheist, it has absolutely no bearing on me.
And exactly what has that to do with the issue? I'm exposed to ads for Burger King Whopper sandwiches about the same number of times a day but I don't buy them.
The burger dude is not thumping you with fries and a soda, threatening eternal damnation if you buy his product.

I don't believe you actually listen either. You mean they hold you hostage? Even the mad ramblings of my nephews don't hold me hostage. I simply make an excuse and walk away from their preaching.
It's not as simple as you would hope to portray it. Maybe you're hoping to ignore the facts but the facts are that the extremist Christian right has repeatedly been blocked by the judicial system on matters of constitutional law. This is in connection with their attempts to force fundamentalist Christian dogma into the school system.

It's a simpletons solution to suggest that one just "walks away".

Then what do you do, shoot them or jusr rant and rave and curse a little louder?
You make them obey the law, you know, the first amendment to the US constitution, the establishment clause.

It's a wonderful thing, the constitution.

In case you overlooked it, the Constitution gives everyone the same protections. Actually, there are special Constitutional protections for religion. Your argument is moot.

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