Why no apology from FOX about Benghazi lies?

He did let 5 al-Qaeda leaders free for a deserter.
They were Taliban leaders...not Al Qaeda.
They were terrorists, not muslim rioters. The king had not defeated terrorism as he had claimed and that would hurt his reelection. He is a political whore and the politics is everything behind his criminal dishonesty.
They were Taliban leaders...not Al Qaeda.
They were terrorists, not spontaneous rioters. You are a Nixon lover.
They were Taliban leaders...not Al Qaeda.
Nixon apologist.
Or, perhaps we are still waiting to hear the rest of the story. Unlike the Democrat voting block, we like to find out the entire story before we "burn this bitch down".

What exactly do you think Fox should "apologize for"? Reporting the disaster? Reporting what the four security contractors (who were there) said?

On a tangental note, did you call for NBC to apologize when they selectively edited Zimmerman's phone call?

Ahhh the old "waiting for the whole story" dodge...

Well, if you're not smart enough to wait for the whole story, you do stupid shit like burn down your neighborhood.

All these idiots did was give people more reasons to distrust and dislike black people. just like the militant homosexuals. they want to force others to understand them all the while pissing all over people. Liberalism has become a destructive mental disorder. time for people to stop turning the other check because this what you get for it
Rosh 10248807
She said it was not pre-planned.

No she said they had no information at that time that it was 'pre-planned' and they didn't. Why do you keep making things up about what she said on national TV when there are transcripts out of what she said?
Rosh 10248807
She said it was not pre-planned.

No she said they had no information at that time that it was 'pre-planned' and they didn't. Why do you keep making things up about what she said on national TV when there are transcripts out of what she said?
Because no information it was pre-planned contradicts a claim of terrorism two days earlier. That is the obvious lie to coverup the coverup.
This is Nixon on steroids and Woodward and Bernstein are working for Nixon this time around. And the impeach Nixon generation are hypocrites.
Rosh 10249049
Because no information it was pre-planned contradicts a claim of terrorism two days earlier. That is the obvious lie to coverup the coverup.

Not really. In general it was recognized as an act of terror by the heavy weapons brought and used. It certainly was not an act of kindness.

Determining exactly who the terrorists were and how long it was planned or if planned at all would take time to investigate. Two situations occurring on the same day is totally feasible and what the CIA first thought. A spontaneous demonstration and a terrorist attack certainly could happen concurrently, meaning both could be true and part of the overall story.
jkno 10246783
She said the attack was because of a video that only about a handful of people saw.

Show me in an actual transcript where Susan Rice actually said that the 'attack was because of a video'. In every appearance Susan Rice made she said very clearly that that attack that ended in the deaths of two Americans at the Consulate including Ambassador Stevens was the result of extremists that brought heavy weapons to an existing demonstration In Susan Rice's clear words, It is the 'extremists' that committed the deadly attack - not the demonstrators that the CIA first reported were present.

Woods and Dougherty were never claimed to have been killed because of a video. They were killed by extremists using a mortar fire.
Wrong. She insisted repeatedly that this was not a pre-planned terrorist attack. Once it became clear that it was Obama pretended he said it was terrorism on day two. One or both of those are blatant lies. They have to be if you consider logic.
Odds are they both are and were designed and stated as such.
Creepy president, creepy obama apologists. Nixon lovers of Nixon on steroids.

You said: She insisted repeatedly that this was not a pre-planned terrorist attack. Once it became clear that it was

It never became clear it was pre-planned. Not even from people living in Libya. The only "evidence" is Republican right wingernutjobs pull out their butt and what they say is always "suspect".
Rosh 10249049
Because no information it was pre-planned contradicts a claim of terrorism two days earlier. That is the obvious lie to coverup the coverup.

Not really. In general it was recognized as an act of terror by the heavy weapons brought and used. It certainly was not an act of kindness.

Determining exactly who the terrorists were and how long it was planned or if planned at all would take time to investigate. Two situations occurring on the same day is totally feasible and what the CIA first thought. A spontaneous demonstration and a terrorist attack certainly could happen concurrently, meaning both could be true and part of the overall story.
Which would make any effect from a video moot. Again, it's all about reelection. Let's not forget that the first major failure was that anything happened at all on the most conspicuous of dates. You buy the spin and lies because you are a Nixon apologist.
jkno 10246783
She said the attack was because of a video that only about a handful of people saw.

Show me in an actual transcript where Susan Rice actually said that the 'attack was because of a video'. In every appearance Susan Rice made she said very clearly that that attack that ended in the deaths of two Americans at the Consulate including Ambassador Stevens was the result of extremists that brought heavy weapons to an existing demonstration In Susan Rice's clear words, It is the 'extremists' that committed the deadly attack - not the demonstrators that the CIA first reported were present.

Woods and Dougherty were never claimed to have been killed because of a video. They were killed by extremists using a mortar fire.
Wrong. She insisted repeatedly that this was not a pre-planned terrorist attack. Once it became clear that it was Obama pretended he said it was terrorism on day two. One or both of those are blatant lies. They have to be if you consider logic.
Odds are they both are and were designed and stated as such.
Creepy president, creepy obama apologists. Nixon lovers of Nixon on steroids.

You said: She insisted repeatedly that this was not a pre-planned terrorist attack. Once it became clear that it was

It never became clear it was pre-planned. Not even from people living in Libya. The only "evidence" is Republican right wingernutjobs pull out their butt and what they say is always "suspect".
You're even more far gone than the staunchest of Nixon apologists. Black Knight syndrome.
Rosh 10249863
RoshawnMarkwees said:
Which would make any effect from a video moot

David Petraeus's CIA did not agree with you and they put it in their talking points for the White House and members of Congress to speak publically about the attack.
Rosh 10249863
Let's not forget that the first major failure was that anything happened at all on the most conspicuous of dates

What about all the other places in the world where nothing tragic happened on the most conspicuous of dates as you call it? Amb Stevens died of smoke asphyxiation while twenty some Americans were evacuated. One or two different moves by the ambassador and he survives perhaps. Then nothing seriously tragic happens on that most conspicuous date. Such is fate sometimes determining life and death. And you demand something be done to stop every single potential tragedy from happening - if its Obama. Reagan not so much. Bush not at all. Bush sends 4484 Americans to die in a needless war and you are fine with it. No complaints.
Rosh 10249863
Let's not forget that the first major failure was that anything happened at all on the most conspicuous of dates

What about all the other places in the world where nothing tragic happened on the most conspicuous of dates as you call it? Amb Stevens died of smoke asphyxiation while twenty some Americans were evacuated. One or two different moves by the ambassador and he survives perhaps. Then nothing seriously tragic happens on that most conspicuous date. Such is fate sometimes determining life and death. And you demand something be done to stop every single potential tragedy from happening - if its Obama. Reagan not so much. Bush not at all. Bush sends 4484 Americans to die in a needless war and you are fine with it. No complaints.
Trying the moral equivalence routine, eh? Benghazi was a major failure of duty by this hack admin. Mere mention of a video was deflection. Trying to backtrack and claim terrorism before the video speculation is an admission of coverup. Spin it any way want to try, you are a Nixon apologist.
Susan Rice said and acknowledged on September 16, 2012 after being directly asked if al Qaeda had some part in the Benghazi attack?

SUSAN RICE: Well, we'll have to find out that out. I mean I think it's clear that there were extremist elements that joined in and escalated the violence. Whether they were al Qaeda affiliates, whether they were Libyan-based extremists or al Qaeda itself I think is one of the things we'll have to determine.

Face the Nation transcripts September 16 2012 Libyan Pres. Magariaf Amb. Rice and Sen. McCain - Page 2 - CBS News

For Oldstyle.
So what did Fox News lie about? Americans didn't die in Benghazi? The Obama administration didn't lie its ass off for weeks by claiming it was a video that caused the Muslim 'uproar', as if that is a viable excuse for terrorists anyway?

You limp-wristers can cry all day long about Fox News. Fox News didn't force the Hussein administration to lie to the public for weeks.

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