Why no cameras for press briefings?

It seems to me with the advances in technology and all the social media outlets an ever increasing number of reporters are looking less to report the news and more to create the news and be part of the story themselves. Having cameras in there is a double edged sword you can tell the story much better with them but as we have seen they can also bring out the worst in the people standing in front of them. As a previous poster stated we're getting more sideshow than news from these right now.
But again, wouldn't you rather see a "code of conduct" instituted to restore a more respectful discourse, rather than limiting exposure?
These are supposed to be grown men and women if at this point in their lives a code of conduct needs to be implemented to get them to act like grown ups we have bigger problems than limiting exposure.
I don't think we need a code of conduct, I think the press has every right to press the WH. If they can't take the scrutiny then grow some balls and deal with it. Do better answering questions or get somebody who can control the room better. Don't run and hide by turning of cameras and holding less briefings
They have the right to be assholes.
And he has the right to not talk to them.

Yeah, and I have a right to say thats a pussy move and I want to see better from our leadership.
Yes and others have the right to say the press have been acting like assholes towards this President pretty much since election night and want better more professional reporting from them. I highly doubt anyone is going to get what they want.
The theory is that many of the news correspondences like to play it up in front of the camera. I tend to agree with that accessement, kind of the same as cameras effect a courtroom trial. There are too many people looking for their 15 seconds of fame.
Interesting so the goal is to dampen down the spotlight for the reporters so they don't attack or grandstand as much. Good insight... could be right. Do you think they are trying to detract people from viewing?
Nobody actually views those things. Be honest, all that's happened is we aren't getting daily doses of clips saying look at this idiot reporter, or OMG Spicer gave this reporter a dirty look. It never was about substance. Have you noticed the complete lack of any actual news coming from these briefings? The reason is they aren't very news worthy. It was the show that people watched.

If there was any news coming from the briefings it was all "gotcha" journalism. I know something so I am going to have you deny it, even though you have no way of knowing this information.
The gotchyas come from the conflicting information and false statements coming from Trump and his Reps. They deserve to be pressed, just like any president, to keep them accountable and transparent.

Bullshit! They should just ask the President. He doesn't exactly shy away from the press.
But again, wouldn't you rather see a "code of conduct" instituted to restore a more respectful discourse, rather than limiting exposure?
These are supposed to be grown men and women if at this point in their lives a code of conduct needs to be implemented to get them to act like grown ups we have bigger problems than limiting exposure.
I don't think we need a code of conduct, I think the press has every right to press the WH. If they can't take the scrutiny then grow some balls and deal with it. Do better answering questions or get somebody who can control the room better. Don't run and hide by turning of cameras and holding less briefings
They have the right to be assholes.
And he has the right to not talk to them.

Yeah, and I have a right to say thats a pussy move and I want to see better from our leadership.

You sure do, but when you do, it just shows that you've been brainwashed to think that information except that which is filtered through propagandists isn't *real*. It also shows that you don't trust your own ability to interpret, investigate or understand politics without a commentator showing you the way.
This is where you step on your tongue... You are trying to criticize me for "getting fake information from propagandists" when i'm leading a discussion criticizing the White house for limiting the exposure of press briefings which is an opportunity for them to answer questions directly to the American people. Take a breath and just think about it for a second.
I have no problem with people being held accountable, but when people start getting disrespectful just trying to score points for the cameras something has to change. The press seems to have thrown ethics and decorum out the window, especially since Trump was elected. They seem to be forgetting they are guests at the WH. I've said form more than a decade that journalism is dead in the US, journalist appear to be more interested in shaping a story instead of simply reporting on it.
If thats the case then up the standards to restore a level of respect in the conversation. Set higher standards of etiquette and penalize people who violate the code of conduct. I don't think shutting down the cameras and holding less briefings is a healthy answer... it penalizes the public that wants to see and hear what the White house has to say about certain issues. Otherwise we are left with 140 characters on Twitter and speculative news reports that often lack facts

Yeah, let them ban one reporter for misconduct in the press room and this board and the MSM would light up with claims of censorship. You do know televised press briefings didn't start till the 90s during the Clinton administration, just because a technology is available doesn't mean it has to be used. The press has no right to dictate how they receive information.

When a communications system that has been around for over 20 years is now being restricted and changed in a way that provides less transparency and communication to the American people.... then we have the right to question it and voice our opinion. I said I respect you opinion of being OK with it, I hope you respect mine to object

Less transparency, how so? They get the same information and time in the audio only briefings. Do you have to see a person speaking to understand what they said, if so how do you use a telephone?

I think turing off the cameras results in less people tuning in. It also takes away the viewers ability to see the speakers body language and facial expressions while tackling questions. Holding less pressers speaks for itself.

I'd bet if you did a poll of non political junkies you'd find 90+% of voting age Americans care or are even aware of the change.

The theory is that many of the news correspondences like to play it up in front of the camera. I tend to agree with that accessement, kind of the same as cameras effect a courtroom trial. There are too many people looking for their 15 seconds of fame.
Interesting so the goal is to dampen down the spotlight for the reporters so they don't attack or grandstand as much. Good insight... could be right. Do you think they are trying to detract people from viewing?
Nobody actually views those things. Be honest, all that's happened is we aren't getting daily doses of clips saying look at this idiot reporter, or OMG Spicer gave this reporter a dirty look. It never was about substance. Have you noticed the complete lack of any actual news coming from these briefings? The reason is they aren't very news worthy. It was the show that people watched.

If there was any news coming from the briefings it was all "gotcha" journalism. I know something so I am going to have you deny it, even though you have no way of knowing this information.
The gotchyas come from the conflicting information and false statements coming from Trump and his Reps. They deserve to be pressed, just like any president, to keep them accountable and transparent.

Those pressers don't keep anybody accountable or transparent. In fact, the primary objective of the pressers, from their inception, has been to collude with the press in a way to create less transparency. This president isn't interested in doing it, and the people who elected him aren't interested in having him be harrassed by little turds on live video, on a daily basis.
He gets harassed either way. Taking away a voice that can explain their side of the story in more than 140 characters should be a useful tool for Trump and his team. They obviously can handle the heat and can't keep up with Trumps flip flops so now they are tucking tail. Sorry chica but thats whats going on.
My opinion is it's because of the reporters grandstanding now trying to get their viral moment.
You could be right. I'd rather see consequences for improper behavior, like suspending reporters that speak out of turn, interrupt or take an uncivil tone, rather than trying to restrict exposure.
So how long should CNN be suspended?
Depends on the offense and the system that they set up. I for one am fine with letting the reporters fight for the spotlight and ask hard questions. I'm just saying if the administration is having a hard time handling the scrutiny I'd rather see them take a procedural approach to improve civility to the briefing room (if thats really their concern). Not turning off the cameras and holding less briefings.
I would agree if that were the case at all times but we know it isn't. They spent the last eight years tripping over each other to praise Obama. Now all they want to do is attack. No matter what Trump did it was going to be reported as heavy handed by the press. This is as good an action as any.
I disagree, Fox, the largest news network in the country by a lot was constantly scrutinizing Obama. Had Obama shut down the cameras and held less briefings you know there would be a HUGE backlash from the right. The MSM is very critical against Trump, to a fault even... Some of that is ideology but most of it is that Trump is constantly insulting and fighting against them. He brings increasing scrutiny upon himself. I haven't seen him do one thing to try and restore the relationship between leadership and the MSM so the fight will continue. I'm just as sick of it as you are. But limiting exposure is not a smart approach.

Let's apply the typical press briefing to your post:

What do you mean you disagree?

What do you mean "Had Obama shut down the cameras..."?

What do you mean, "To a fault even.."?

ad nauseum

That is what we get today!
My opinion is it's because of the reporters grandstanding now trying to get their viral moment.
You could be right. I'd rather see consequences for improper behavior, like suspending reporters that speak out of turn, interrupt or take an uncivil tone, rather than trying to restrict exposure.
It seems to me with the advances in technology and all the social media outlets an ever increasing number of reporters are looking less to report the news and more to create the news and be part of the story themselves. Having cameras in there is a double edged sword you can tell the story much better with them but as we have seen they can also bring out the worst in the people standing in front of them. As a previous poster stated we're getting more sideshow than news from these right now.
But again, wouldn't you rather see a "code of conduct" instituted to restore a more respectful discourse, rather than limiting exposure?

What good would there be in putting out a code of conduct? Libs cannot read and would ignore it anyway. That is what they do!
Im not saying there should be a code of conduct. I was responding to the idea that the pressers are being limited to try and reduce outbursts and grandstanding from Reporters. I said i'd rather see the WH act professional and create a stricter policy for conduct with consequences for inappropriate behavior over shutting down and becoming less transparent. I personally think they should just do a better job at handling the heat and communicating their messaging
These are supposed to be grown men and women if at this point in their lives a code of conduct needs to be implemented to get them to act like grown ups we have bigger problems than limiting exposure.
I don't think we need a code of conduct, I think the press has every right to press the WH. If they can't take the scrutiny then grow some balls and deal with it. Do better answering questions or get somebody who can control the room better. Don't run and hide by turning of cameras and holding less briefings
They have the right to be assholes.
And he has the right to not talk to them.

Yeah, and I have a right to say thats a pussy move and I want to see better from our leadership.

You sure do, but when you do, it just shows that you've been brainwashed to think that information except that which is filtered through propagandists isn't *real*. It also shows that you don't trust your own ability to interpret, investigate or understand politics without a commentator showing you the way.
This is where you step on your tongue... You are trying to criticize me for "getting fake information from propagandists" when i'm leading a discussion criticizing the White house for limiting the exposure of press briefings which is an opportunity for them to answer questions directly to the American people. Take a breath and just think about it for a second.

No, you are again proving your inability to think like a reasonable person.

You are conflating CNN and the other press retards with "the American People". They are not one and the same. The "American People" can, however, communicate directly with the prez via twitter.

So when you conflate "the American People" and, say, John Costa, you are being either stupid, or disingenuous. John Costa isn't "The American People" and he isn't speaking for "The American People". In fact, "the American People" have no interest in watching him squeak and sqawk and posture at all. When you insist that "the American People" can't possibly engage with the prez except via assholes like John Costa, you are proving my point. That either you really believe the only way to get information is through an approved propagandist...or you are trying to convince everybody else of the same.
If thats the case then up the standards to restore a level of respect in the conversation. Set higher standards of etiquette and penalize people who violate the code of conduct. I don't think shutting down the cameras and holding less briefings is a healthy answer... it penalizes the public that wants to see and hear what the White house has to say about certain issues. Otherwise we are left with 140 characters on Twitter and speculative news reports that often lack facts

Yeah, let them ban one reporter for misconduct in the press room and this board and the MSM would light up with claims of censorship. You do know televised press briefings didn't start till the 90s during the Clinton administration, just because a technology is available doesn't mean it has to be used. The press has no right to dictate how they receive information.

When a communications system that has been around for over 20 years is now being restricted and changed in a way that provides less transparency and communication to the American people.... then we have the right to question it and voice our opinion. I said I respect you opinion of being OK with it, I hope you respect mine to object

Less transparency, how so? They get the same information and time in the audio only briefings. Do you have to see a person speaking to understand what they said, if so how do you use a telephone?

I think turing off the cameras results in less people tuning in. It also takes away the viewers ability to see the speakers body language and facial expressions while tackling questions. Holding less pressers speaks for itself.

I'd bet if you did a poll of non political junkies you'd find 90+% of voting age Americans care or are even aware of the change.

Probably not... so what?
Interesting so the goal is to dampen down the spotlight for the reporters so they don't attack or grandstand as much. Good insight... could be right. Do you think they are trying to detract people from viewing?
Nobody actually views those things. Be honest, all that's happened is we aren't getting daily doses of clips saying look at this idiot reporter, or OMG Spicer gave this reporter a dirty look. It never was about substance. Have you noticed the complete lack of any actual news coming from these briefings? The reason is they aren't very news worthy. It was the show that people watched.

If there was any news coming from the briefings it was all "gotcha" journalism. I know something so I am going to have you deny it, even though you have no way of knowing this information.
The gotchyas come from the conflicting information and false statements coming from Trump and his Reps. They deserve to be pressed, just like any president, to keep them accountable and transparent.

Those pressers don't keep anybody accountable or transparent. In fact, the primary objective of the pressers, from their inception, has been to collude with the press in a way to create less transparency. This president isn't interested in doing it, and the people who elected him aren't interested in having him be harrassed by little turds on live video, on a daily basis.
He gets harassed either way. Taking away a voice that can explain their side of the story in more than 140 characters should be a useful tool for Trump and his team. They obviously can handle the heat and can't keep up with Trumps flip flops so now they are tucking tail. Sorry chica but thats whats going on.

I know what's going on, thanks. Take your commie bs to someone else. Fuck the pressers. They need to go entirely away.

And we need to start prosecuting so-called "journalists" when they print lies.
Nobody actually views those things. Be honest, all that's happened is we aren't getting daily doses of clips saying look at this idiot reporter, or OMG Spicer gave this reporter a dirty look. It never was about substance. Have you noticed the complete lack of any actual news coming from these briefings? The reason is they aren't very news worthy. It was the show that people watched.

If there was any news coming from the briefings it was all "gotcha" journalism. I know something so I am going to have you deny it, even though you have no way of knowing this information.
The gotchyas come from the conflicting information and false statements coming from Trump and his Reps. They deserve to be pressed, just like any president, to keep them accountable and transparent.

Those pressers don't keep anybody accountable or transparent. In fact, the primary objective of the pressers, from their inception, has been to collude with the press in a way to create less transparency. This president isn't interested in doing it, and the people who elected him aren't interested in having him be harrassed by little turds on live video, on a daily basis.
He gets harassed either way. Taking away a voice that can explain their side of the story in more than 140 characters should be a useful tool for Trump and his team. They obviously can handle the heat and can't keep up with Trumps flip flops so now they are tucking tail. Sorry chica but thats whats going on.

I know what's going on, thanks. Take your commie bs to someone else. Fuck the pressers. They need to go entirely away.

And we need to start prosecuting so-called "journalists" when they print lies.
totally... maybe we should start burning all books written by liberals while we are at it!
The "American People" can, however, communicate directly with the prez via twitter.
Haha, this says it all... Thanks for the laugh!
Haha, that's what lost the dems this election, and the next.

Useful idiots, what can I say. Someone should write a book on what happens to them when their candidate loses after all, and nobody kills them off.
The only reason I can think of is they are trying to limit the amount of people who are tuning in by only allowing the press to play the audio recordings. Does anybody know the White Houses rationale for this or have any other theories?
Too many clicking sounds from the cameras that keeps from focusing on the questions, and camera shy.
If there was any news coming from the briefings it was all "gotcha" journalism. I know something so I am going to have you deny it, even though you have no way of knowing this information.
The gotchyas come from the conflicting information and false statements coming from Trump and his Reps. They deserve to be pressed, just like any president, to keep them accountable and transparent.

Those pressers don't keep anybody accountable or transparent. In fact, the primary objective of the pressers, from their inception, has been to collude with the press in a way to create less transparency. This president isn't interested in doing it, and the people who elected him aren't interested in having him be harrassed by little turds on live video, on a daily basis.
He gets harassed either way. Taking away a voice that can explain their side of the story in more than 140 characters should be a useful tool for Trump and his team. They obviously can handle the heat and can't keep up with Trumps flip flops so now they are tucking tail. Sorry chica but thats whats going on.

I know what's going on, thanks. Take your commie bs to someone else. Fuck the pressers. They need to go entirely away.

And we need to start prosecuting so-called "journalists" when they print lies.
totally... maybe we should start burning all books written by liberals while we are at it!

Er..not the same. You still don't get it. I'm beginning to think you, like most of your brethren, are mentally incapacitated.

Deliberately lying about a sitting president for the purpose of getting him killed or removed from office is a crime. Deliberately printing anything which is meant to cause harm to someone financially or any other way is a crime.

Writing books isn't a crime.

See the difference? No?

Where were you in 6th grade language arts when the rest of us learned this shit?
The gotchyas come from the conflicting information and false statements coming from Trump and his Reps. They deserve to be pressed, just like any president, to keep them accountable and transparent.

Those pressers don't keep anybody accountable or transparent. In fact, the primary objective of the pressers, from their inception, has been to collude with the press in a way to create less transparency. This president isn't interested in doing it, and the people who elected him aren't interested in having him be harrassed by little turds on live video, on a daily basis.
He gets harassed either way. Taking away a voice that can explain their side of the story in more than 140 characters should be a useful tool for Trump and his team. They obviously can handle the heat and can't keep up with Trumps flip flops so now they are tucking tail. Sorry chica but thats whats going on.

I know what's going on, thanks. Take your commie bs to someone else. Fuck the pressers. They need to go entirely away.

And we need to start prosecuting so-called "journalists" when they print lies.
totally... maybe we should start burning all books written by liberals while we are at it!

Er..not the same. You still don't get it. I'm beginning to think you, like most of your brethren, are mentally incapacitated.
Freedom of speech, yes it is in the same arena.. Limit the press, limit speech, limit ones ability to ask hard questions... not cool in my book. We have Libel and Slander laws, i'm fine with enforcing those. Outside of that I don't think the Feds should be shutting down reporters. That is a dangerous road. But you have every right to support it if you want.
My opinion is it's because of the reporters grandstanding now trying to get their viral moment.
You could be right. I'd rather see consequences for improper behavior, like suspending reporters that speak out of turn, interrupt or take an uncivil tone, rather than trying to restrict exposure.
It seems to me with the advances in technology and all the social media outlets an ever increasing number of reporters are looking less to report the news and more to create the news and be part of the story themselves. Having cameras in there is a double edged sword you can tell the story much better with them but as we have seen they can also bring out the worst in the people standing in front of them. As a previous poster stated we're getting more sideshow than news from these right now.
But again, wouldn't you rather see a "code of conduct" instituted to restore a more respectful discourse, rather than limiting exposure?
These are supposed to be grown men and women if at this point in their lives a code of conduct needs to be implemented to get them to act like grown ups we have bigger problems than limiting exposure.
I don't think we need a code of conduct, I think the press has every right to press the WH. If they can't take the scrutiny then grow some balls and deal with it. Do better answering questions or get somebody who can control the room better. Don't run and hide by turning of cameras and holding less briefings

The problem you are apparently ignoring is the grandstanding.

Fox News asks a question and their reporter is on camera and their reporter is on the news.

ABC News asks another question and their reporter is on camera and on the news.

CBS News asks the same question as Fox with a negative spin and their reporter is on camera and their reporter is on the news

MSNBC asks the same question as ABC and their reporter is on camera and their reporter is on the news.

CNN asks the same question as CBS and their reporter is on camera and their reporter is on the news.

That is how it goes.

2 questions and 20 minutes later....
The theory is that many of the news correspondences like to play it up in front of the camera. I tend to agree with that accessement, kind of the same as cameras effect a courtroom trial. There are too many people looking for their 15 seconds of fame.

I suppose that has never happened before.
Those pressers don't keep anybody accountable or transparent. In fact, the primary objective of the pressers, from their inception, has been to collude with the press in a way to create less transparency. This president isn't interested in doing it, and the people who elected him aren't interested in having him be harrassed by little turds on live video, on a daily basis.
He gets harassed either way. Taking away a voice that can explain their side of the story in more than 140 characters should be a useful tool for Trump and his team. They obviously can handle the heat and can't keep up with Trumps flip flops so now they are tucking tail. Sorry chica but thats whats going on.

I know what's going on, thanks. Take your commie bs to someone else. Fuck the pressers. They need to go entirely away.

And we need to start prosecuting so-called "journalists" when they print lies.
totally... maybe we should start burning all books written by liberals while we are at it!

Er..not the same. You still don't get it. I'm beginning to think you, like most of your brethren, are mentally incapacitated.
Freedom of speech, yes it is in the same arena.. Limit the press, limit speech, limit ones ability to ask hard questions... not cool in my book. We have Libel and Slander laws, i'm fine with enforcing those. Outside of that I don't think the Feds should be shutting down reporters. That is a dangerous road. But you have every right to support it if you want.

Apparently you do not understand slander and libel laws. They do not apply to public figures.
You could be right. I'd rather see consequences for improper behavior, like suspending reporters that speak out of turn, interrupt or take an uncivil tone, rather than trying to restrict exposure.
It seems to me with the advances in technology and all the social media outlets an ever increasing number of reporters are looking less to report the news and more to create the news and be part of the story themselves. Having cameras in there is a double edged sword you can tell the story much better with them but as we have seen they can also bring out the worst in the people standing in front of them. As a previous poster stated we're getting more sideshow than news from these right now.
But again, wouldn't you rather see a "code of conduct" instituted to restore a more respectful discourse, rather than limiting exposure?
These are supposed to be grown men and women if at this point in their lives a code of conduct needs to be implemented to get them to act like grown ups we have bigger problems than limiting exposure.
I don't think we need a code of conduct, I think the press has every right to press the WH. If they can't take the scrutiny then grow some balls and deal with it. Do better answering questions or get somebody who can control the room better. Don't run and hide by turning of cameras and holding less briefings

The problem you are apparently ignoring is the grandstanding.

Fox News asks a question and their reporter is on camera and their reporter is on the news.

ABC News asks another question and their reporter is on camera and on the news.

CBS News asks the same question as Fox with a negative spin and their reporter is on camera and their reporter is on the news

MSNBC asks the same question as ABC and their reporter is on camera and their reporter is on the news.

CNN asks the same question as CBS and their reporter is on camera and their reporter is on the news.

That is how it goes.

2 questions and 20 minutes later....
So what?

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