Why no protest By FBI over Democrats releasing their "Dossier" Memo?

I want to remind all that the FISA judges make judgements based on all relevant information. The FISA judges didn't know that Steele who created the "dossier" and the reason for the FISA warrant had been fired by FBI.
Steele had contributed credible intelligence, good intelligence, to them for years when asked. He was fired for sharing information with the press. It didn't have anything to do with the accuracy of his information. He told them that the information he was giving them had not been verified. That was up to them if they wanted to do it. Which apparently they did. Russia fucked with our election, and of course the FBI wants to know all they can about how.
I'm not sure how that makes any of this "political."

They made it so when they cherrypicked pieces of Steele's work to convince the court to allow them to spy.
The Nunes Memo is propaganda otherwise why not allow a rebuttal memo?

Cater Page was a person of interest before any dossier. But the big thing is that FISA court renewed the order. To do that they had to find out evidence. This is evidence of wrong doing..

Why are the Trumpsters here supporting Page who the FBI has evidence of him undermining the US... Why are they working for the enemy?

They are desperately trying to imply there was a technical breach in how the FISA court was asked for a warrant... This warrant produced evidence but they are trying to question the original warrant... The Nunes memo just left out the other proof they had...
That's hilarious: "A technical breach"!!!!!!
If anyone goes to a judge and 'lies by omission' they are commiting a crime.
The FBI lied by omission by not disclosing the 'evidence' came from the Clinton paid for 'dossier' created by the radical Trump-hater Steele.
I want to remind all that the FISA judges make judgements based on all relevant information. The FISA judges didn't know that Steele who created the "dossier" and the reason for the FISA warrant had been fired by FBI.
Steele had contributed credible intelligence, good intelligence, to them for years when asked. He was fired for sharing information with the press. It didn't have anything to do with the accuracy of his information. He told them that the information he was giving them had not been verified. That was up to them if they wanted to do it. Which apparently they did. Russia fucked with our election, and of course the FBI wants to know all they can about how.
I'm not sure how that makes any of this "political."

They made it so when they cherrypicked pieces of Steele's work to convince the court to allow them to spy.
There was additional information provided that we apparently will not see. The investigators did tell the judge that the information came from a political actor, just didn't name who. Why isn't that enough?
I wish the judge involved could speak to whether he feels misled, but ironically I'm sure he won't because this whole mess is so politicized that he would be prohibited from weighing in. No matter what anyone says at this point, it will be construed as taking one side or the other.
I'm not sure where you got the idea that I thought differently than you about this. But think away. I don't really care what you think.

I got the idea you believe there was Russian Collusion from your statements.
I got the idea you think the rank and file in the FBI or the institution may actually be damaged over some nit-wits at the top making poor decisions from what you have posted.

But I am glad you pointed out my errors in that assessment and that you think more like I do ... Because I actually care what you think ... :thup:

The FBI/DOJ spokesmen I have heard are concerned that this sets a dangerous precedent of the I.C. sharing information it was supposed to keep secret. There are ways to handle their concerns without broadcasting details to the general public. The Inspector General's office or the Court could have been asked to review it, and the I.C. at the minimum should have done investigating on its own, asking for testimony from the FBI et al. about their questions. This memo was clearly politicized. Not a good precedent to set, since in the future sources may be reluctant to share info with us because it could become part of a media circus.
At least that is their position.

Well, the Republicans' one has already been released, so, it's all out in the open now, isn't it? What difference does another Memo make?
Apparently, no, it's not "ALL" out in the open. Since the memo released so far is being described as misleading and leaving out relevant information, a second memo presenting additional information could be helpful.
Although at this point, I don't trust any of them and we'll never know since we can't see the underlying FACTS.

Yes, that's politics. And people will believe whatever is convenient for them anyway.

US politics is turning into a massive game, rather than actually running the country.
I want to remind all that the FISA judges make judgements based on all relevant information. The FISA judges didn't know that Steele who created the "dossier" and the reason for the FISA warrant had been fired by FBI.

How ducking "true".....Because FISC judges live in a locked basement and are only let out when the FBI needs a warrant......

Only MORONIC Trump ass kissers are fully aware of the facts...

Isn't THAT correct, nitwit?
I want to remind all that the FISA judges make judgements based on all relevant information. The FISA judges didn't know that Steele who created the "dossier" and the reason for the FISA warrant had been fired by FBI.

How ducking "true".....Because FISC judges live in a locked basement and are only let out when the FBI needs a warrant......

Only MORONIC Trump ass kissers are fully aware of the facts...

Isn't THAT correct, nitwit?
A) it is "FISA" not FISC...
B) All judges make decisions based on facts provided by the FBI.
C) If the FISA judge had known the entire FISA warrant was based on a phony dossier they would not have granted.
The FBI/DOJ spokesmen I have heard are concerned that this sets a dangerous precedent of the I.C. sharing information it was supposed to keep secret. There are ways to handle their concerns without broadcasting details to the general public. The Inspector General's office or the Court could have been asked to review it, and the I.C. at the minimum should have done investigating on its own, asking for testimony from the FBI et al. about their questions. This memo was clearly politicized. Not a good precedent to set, since in the future sources may be reluctant to share info with us because it could become part of a media circus.
At least that is their position.

Well, the Republicans' one has already been released, so, it's all out in the open now, isn't it? What difference does another Memo make?
Apparently, no, it's not "ALL" out in the open. Since the memo released so far is being described as misleading and leaving out relevant information, a second memo presenting additional information could be helpful.
Although at this point, I don't trust any of them and we'll never know since we can't see the underlying FACTS.

The FISA warrant was used for political purposes by the following people:
Samantha Power, who was the US Ambassador to the UN under former President Barack Obama, averaged more than one “unmasking” request for every working day in 2016 —
even going so far as to seek the names of Trump associates just before his inauguration, a report says.
Sources told Fox News that Power tried to expose more than 260 people last year, most in the final days of the Obama administration.

A UN ambassador, at best, is a secondary or tertiary intelligence consumer.
In other words, intelligence is not gathered to meet her needs anywhere or anytime.
Her official duties don’t include making decisions based on intelligence.
She is under the direction of the secretary of state and the president. If neither of them required the unmasking of the names, she clearly had no job-related reason to do so.
Unmasking: Yet Another Abuse of Powers
Really Strange isn't it?

And the GOP side had no problems allowing it to be released.

The Left is fighting so hard to keep Russian Collusion with the KGB and Obama, Clinton, The DNC because it is a life and death struggle for them not allow this to be traced back to the two Kingpins who dreamed up this Scheme. Obama and Clinton.

I hope they get charged with Treason. God Willing!
I want to remind all that the FISA judges make judgements based on all relevant information. The FISA judges didn't know that Steele who created the "dossier" and the reason for the FISA warrant had been fired by FBI.
Steele had contributed credible intelligence, good intelligence, to them for years when asked. He was fired for sharing information with the press. It didn't have anything to do with the accuracy of his information. He told them that the information he was giving them had not been verified. That was up to them if they wanted to do it. Which apparently they did. Russia fucked with our election, and of course the FBI wants to know all they can about how.
I'm not sure how that makes any of this "political."

They made it so when they cherrypicked pieces of Steele's work to convince the court to allow them to spy.
There was additional information provided that we apparently will not see. The investigators did tell the judge that the information came from a political actor, just didn't name who. Why isn't that enough?
I wish the judge involved could speak to whether he feels misled, but ironically I'm sure he won't because this whole mess is so politicized that he would be prohibited from weighing in. No matter what anyone says at this point, it will be construed as taking one side or the other.

Talk on C-Span says there will be about 3 or 4 memos released.

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