Why no protest By FBI over Democrats releasing their "Dossier" Memo?

I can't believe that Obama vaporized every law abiding agent out of the FBI in 8 years, but what other conclusion can one make?

Well I don't believe that. But it does cause questions when this phrase was changed by a Obama appointee...
Electronic records show Peter Strzok, who led the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server as the No. 2 official in the counterintelligence division, changed Comey’s earlier draft language describing Clinton’s actions as “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless,” the sources said.
The shift from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless,” which may appear pedestrian at first glance, reflected a decision by the FBI that could have had potentially significant legal implications, as the federal law governing the mishandling of classified material establishes criminal penalties for “gross negligence.”
FBI agent changed key phrase in Clinton email report

So doesn't it look kind of political when Strozok who told his girlfriend ...

Strzok – Would he be a worse president than Cruz?
Page –Trump?, yes I think so
Strzok – I’m not sure.
Strzok – Omg he’s an idiot.
Page – He’s awful
Strzok – America will get what the voting public deserves.
Page – That’s what I’m afraid of.
Strzok – God Hillary should win. 100,000,000-0.
Page – I know
Page – Also did you hear him make a comment about the size of his d**k earlier? This man cannot be president.
Strzok – Yes I did. In relation to this size of his hand. All the “Lil Marco” blah blah blah
Strzok – Ok I may vote for Trump.
Page – What? Poor Kasich. He’s the only sensible man up there.
Strzok – He was pretty much calling for death for Snowden. I’m a single-issue voter. ;) Espionage Machine Party
Read FBI's Strzok, Page texts about Trump

Remember Strzok CHANGED the wording of Hillary's actions to a lesser phrase...!

Of course that wording had nothing to do why Comey didn't prosecute, he said that no reasonable prosecutor would take up the case without evidence of intent and he was right.

And please spare us bullshit about how Republican named Comey, who T-boned Clinton's campaign 7 days before election, while keeping Trump campaign investigation hush-hush was looking to help Democrats.
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I've looked all over briefly so maybe there is a story where the FBI has protested as vehemently as they did with the Nunes memo the release of the Schiff Memo.

But the FBI says the four-page document is inaccurate and stripped of critical context. And Democrats say the memo, which makes public material that is ordinarily considered among the most tightly held national security information, cherry-picks Republican talking points in an effort to smear law enforcement.
Hotly disputed Russia-probe memo released over FBI protest | KSL.com

Does this mean the FBI is "politicized" because they protested GOP but where is the similar angst over the Democrats' release?
To me that shows how the Obama holdover lawyers are still politicizing the FBI.

View attachment 174991
Because they were attacked for no reason dum dum.

Someone needs to defend America's law enforcement agencies.

Actually no one is questioning the "file"... just the "rank"!.
Explain to me this:
Samantha Power, who was the US Ambassador to the UN under former President Barack Obama, averaged more than one “unmasking” request for every working day in 2016 —
even going so far as to seek the names of Trump associates just before his inauguration, a report says.

Sources told Fox News that Power tried to expose more than 260 people last year, most in the final days of the Obama administration.
The Nunes Memo is propaganda otherwise why not allow a rebuttal memo?

Cater Page was a person of interest before any dossier. But the big thing is that FISA court renewed the order. To do that they had to find out evidence. This is evidence of wrong doing..

Why are the Trumpsters here supporting Page who the FBI has evidence of him undermining the US... Why are they working for the enemy?

They are desperately trying to imply there was a technical breach in how the FISA court was asked for a warrant... This warrant produced evidence but they are trying to question the original warrant... The Nunes memo just left out the other proof they had...
Will this one taint national security as well? :rolleyes:
Not directly. They blew it using that excuse. It sets a bad precedent, though, I agree. If our oversight committees can't be partisan neutral, they can't do their job fairly.

Have no fear Old Lady ... The FBI cannot comment on a memo they haven't seen (no one has seen the imaginary Schiff memo for that matter).
Just like the House Intelligence Committee cannot agree to release a memo no one has read.

There is no Schiff memo. There never will be one. Schiff will end up claiming the rebuttal evidence is "too classified" for the American people to see.

Quoted so you don't edit after facts make you look like a fool.
I've looked all over briefly so maybe there is a story where the FBI has protested as vehemently as they did with the Nunes memo the release of the Schiff Memo.

But the FBI says the four-page document is inaccurate and stripped of critical context. And Democrats say the memo, which makes public material that is ordinarily considered among the most tightly held national security information, cherry-picks Republican talking points in an effort to smear law enforcement.
Hotly disputed Russia-probe memo released over FBI protest | KSL.com

Does this mean the FBI is "politicized" because they protested GOP but where is the similar angst over the Democrats' release?
To me that shows how the Obama holdover lawyers are still politicizing the FBI.

View attachment 174991
Because they were attacked for no reason dum dum.

Someone needs to defend America's law enforcement agencies.

Actually no one is questioning the "file"... just the "rank"!.
Explain to me this:
Samantha Power, who was the US Ambassador to the UN under former President Barack Obama, averaged more than one “unmasking” request for every working day in 2016 —
even going so far as to seek the names of Trump associates just before his inauguration, a report says.

Sources told Fox News that Power tried to expose more than 260 people last year, most in the final days of the Obama administration.

Power looks like she was doing her job... If they are traitors, she was trying to find them out...

I understand that you want to support the Russians but real Americans want to defend the country... You are asking why people didn't ignore others selling out America...
Will this one taint national security as well? :rolleyes:
Not directly. They blew it using that excuse. It sets a bad precedent, though, I agree. If our oversight committees can't be partisan neutral, they can't do their job fairly.

Have no fear Old Lady ... The FBI cannot comment on a memo they haven't seen (no one has seen the imaginary Schiff memo for that matter).
Just like the House Intelligence Committee cannot agree to release a memo no one has read.

There is no Schiff memo. There never will be one. Schiff will end up claiming the rebuttal evidence is "too classified" for the American people to see.

Quoted so you don't edit after facts make you look like a fool.

Feel free to link to anyone who states they have seen and read Representative Schiff's imaginary memo ... Fool ... :thup:
The Representative wasn't even prepared to let the House Intelligence Committee read the memo he said he had.

I mean without necessarily taking sides ... How far are y'all going to go before you stop, and start asking yourself the real question?
How much of this circus is plain old Washington DC bullshit?

I can't believe that Obama vaporized every law abiding agent out of the FBI in 8 years, but what other conclusion can one make?

Well I don't believe that. But it does cause questions when this phrase was changed by a Obama appointee...
Electronic records show Peter Strzok, who led the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server as the No. 2 official in the counterintelligence division, changed Comey’s earlier draft language describing Clinton’s actions as “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless,” the sources said.
The shift from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless,” which may appear pedestrian at first glance, reflected a decision by the FBI that could have had potentially significant legal implications, as the federal law governing the mishandling of classified material establishes criminal penalties for “gross negligence.”
FBI agent changed key phrase in Clinton email report

So doesn't it look kind of political when Strozok who told his girlfriend ...

Strzok – Would he be a worse president than Cruz?
Page –Trump?, yes I think so
Strzok – I’m not sure.
Strzok – Omg he’s an idiot.
Page – He’s awful
Strzok – America will get what the voting public deserves.
Page – That’s what I’m afraid of.
Strzok – God Hillary should win. 100,000,000-0.
Page – I know
Page – Also did you hear him make a comment about the size of his d**k earlier? This man cannot be president.
Strzok – Yes I did. In relation to this size of his hand. All the “Lil Marco” blah blah blah
Strzok – Ok I may vote for Trump.
Page – What? Poor Kasich. He’s the only sensible man up there.
Strzok – He was pretty much calling for death for Snowden. I’m a single-issue voter. ;) Espionage Machine Party
Read FBI's Strzok, Page texts about Trump

Remember Strzok CHANGED the wording of Hillary's actions to a lesser phrase...!

Of course that wording had nothing to do why Comey didn't prosecute, stated reason was that no reasonable prosecutor would take up the case without evidence of intent.

And please spare us bullshit about how Republican name Comey, who T-boned Clinton's campaign 7 days before election, while keeping Trump campaign investigation hush-hush was looking to help Democrats.

Well regarding Comey's "reasonable" prosecutor???

This, as he [Comey] acknowledged, was not his call to make – prosecutorial discretion is ultimately exercised by the Justice Department lawyers, not the FBI. Yet, as a highly accomplished former prosecutor, Comey offered what he intimated was an exhaustive list of factors any “reasonable” prosecutor would weigh; then, upon weighing them, he determined that they decisively militated against indictment.
For Any ‘Reasonable’ Prosecutor, Damage to National Security Would Outweigh ‘Extremely Careless’ Hillary’s (Largely Irrelevant) Intent

  • Now here are some seasoned, reasonable prosecutors who take issue with Comey's statement...“As a former federal prosecutor with more than 350 criminal cases under my belt, I take serious issue with Director Comey’s conclusions,” said Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor in Texas and Virginia. “The applicable statute does not require specific intent to violate the law. Indeed, the only real issue is whether Secretary Clinton allowed classified information to be transmitted to her personal e-mail account. That alone is a felony count for each e-mail so transmitted — whether marked classified or not.”
  • As a former assistant U.S. attorney, it looks to me like it would’ve been an easy case to win,” Faith Ryan Whittlesey said. The one-time federal prosecutor in Pennsylvania advised President Ronald Reagan and was his envoy to Switzerland. She added, “As a former U.S. ambassador . . . if I had handled classified material in such a careless manner, exposing the material to the prying eyes of possible actors with interests adverse to those of the U.S., I certainly would have been prosecuted.”
  • Former attorney general Michael Mukasey explained in Wednesday’s Wall Street Journal what little it would have taken to indict Hillary Clinton on misdemeanor charges. The misdemeanor involves simply the knowing removal of classified documents to an unauthorized location. That is the statute to which David Petraeus, the former U.S. Army general and Central Intelligence Agency director, pleaded guilty in 2015. (He had disclosed classified documents to his biographer/mistress, who also had top-secret clearance, returned the information to him and never disclosed it in his biography or elsewhere.)
The FBI Says ‘Reasonable Prosecutors’ Wouldn’t Charge Hillary — Meet Some Who Disagree
I want to remind all that the FISA judges make judgements based on all relevant information. The FISA judges didn't know that Steele who created the "dossier" and the reason for the FISA warrant had been fired by FBI.
Steele had contributed credible intelligence, good intelligence, to them for years when asked. He was fired for sharing information with the press. It didn't have anything to do with the accuracy of his information. He told them that the information he was giving them had not been verified. That was up to them if they wanted to do it. Which apparently they did. Russia fucked with our election, and of course the FBI wants to know all they can about how.
I'm not sure how that makes any of this "political."
Steele had contributed credible intelligence, good intelligence, to them for years when asked. He was fired for sharing information with the press. It didn't have anything to do with the accuracy of his information. He told them that the information he was giving them had not been verified. That was up to them if they wanted to do it. Which apparently they did. Russia fucked with our election, and of course the FBI wants to know all they can about how.
I'm not sure how that makes any of this "political."

The fact you believe any of the bullshit is probably based in your political leanings ... :dunno:

Why no protest By FBI over Democrats releasing their "Dossier" Memo?

Umm probably because Democrats are doing it the RIGHT WAY and will let FBI and DOJ review and comment on it first.

And the GOP did also! From the FBI...exact words... they reviewed the 4 page memo. No where in the 4 page memo was there and "confidential information"!
“With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it,” the statement said. “As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”
With FBI statement on memo, Christopher Wray could now be in the president’s crosshairs
I want to remind all that the FISA judges make judgements based on all relevant information. The FISA judges didn't know that Steele who created the "dossier" and the reason for the FISA warrant had been fired by FBI.
Steele had contributed credible intelligence, good intelligence, to them for years when asked. He was fired for sharing information with the press. It didn't have anything to do with the accuracy of his information. He told them that the information he was giving them had not been verified. That was up to them if they wanted to do it. Which apparently they did. Russia fucked with our election, and of course the FBI wants to know all they can about how.
I'm not sure how that makes any of this "political."

So if the Dossier would have "fucked" Trump which was the attempt, why then would the Russians work to get him elected?
Do you have and multiple sourced verification that Trump ever did or say anything like what Obama said asking the Russians to help him get re-elected?

But in an unscripted moment picked up by camera crews, the American president was more blunt: Let me get reelected first, he said; then I’ll have a better chance of making something happen.

On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved, but it’s important for him to give me space,” Obama can be heard telling Medvedev, apparently referring to incoming Russian president— and outgoing prime minister — Vladimir Putin.

Yeah, I understand,” Medvedev replies, according to an account relayed by an ABC News producer, who said she viewed a recording of the discussion made by a Russian camera crew. “I understand your message about space. Space for you . . .”

This is my last election,” Obama interjects. “After my election, I have more flexibility.”
Medvedev, who last week demanded written proof that Russia is not the intended target of U.S. missile defense efforts, responded agreeably.
Caught on open mike, Obama tells Medvedev he needs ‘space’ on missile defense

So where was the investigation of this clearly open mike statement asking the Russians to help Obama get re-elected?

What is the distinction?
Obama asked the Russians to help him and in exchange Obama will have more "flexibility"...i.e. WEAKEN missile defenses in Europe!
Steele had contributed credible intelligence, good intelligence, to them for years when asked. He was fired for sharing information with the press. It didn't have anything to do with the accuracy of his information. He told them that the information he was giving them had not been verified. That was up to them if they wanted to do it. Which apparently they did. Russia fucked with our election, and of course the FBI wants to know all they can about how.
I'm not sure how that makes any of this "political."

The fact you believe any of the bullshit is probably based in your political leanings ... :dunno:

What bullshit do you think I believe? You can refuse to believe everything and just make up whatever reality you want, but I have a feeling you also believe certain things said by certain people.
I want to remind all that the FISA judges make judgements based on all relevant information. The FISA judges didn't know that Steele who created the "dossier" and the reason for the FISA warrant had been fired by FBI.
Steele had contributed credible intelligence, good intelligence, to them for years when asked. He was fired for sharing information with the press. It didn't have anything to do with the accuracy of his information. He told them that the information he was giving them had not been verified. That was up to them if they wanted to do it. Which apparently they did. Russia fucked with our election, and of course the FBI wants to know all they can about how.
I'm not sure how that makes any of this "political."

So if the Dossier would have "fucked" Trump which was the attempt, why then would the Russians work to get him elected?
Do you have and multiple sourced verification that Trump ever did or say anything like what Obama said asking the Russians to help him get re-elected?

But in an unscripted moment picked up by camera crews, the American president was more blunt: Let me get reelected first, he said; then I’ll have a better chance of making something happen.

On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved, but it’s important for him to give me space,” Obama can be heard telling Medvedev, apparently referring to incoming Russian president— and outgoing prime minister — Vladimir Putin.

Yeah, I understand,” Medvedev replies, according to an account relayed by an ABC News producer, who said she viewed a recording of the discussion made by a Russian camera crew. “I understand your message about space. Space for you . . .”

This is my last election,” Obama interjects. “After my election, I have more flexibility.”
Medvedev, who last week demanded written proof that Russia is not the intended target of U.S. missile defense efforts, responded agreeably.
Caught on open mike, Obama tells Medvedev he needs ‘space’ on missile defense

So where was the investigation of this clearly open mike statement asking the Russians to help Obama get re-elected?

What is the distinction?
Obama asked the Russians to help him and in exchange Obama will have more "flexibility"...i.e. WEAKEN missile defenses in Europe!
I guess you'd have to ask the Republicans who had the majority in Congress at the time.
I want to remind all that the FISA judges make judgements based on all relevant information. The FISA judges didn't know that Steele who created the "dossier" and the reason for the FISA warrant had been fired by FBI.
The Court was apparently not informed that Steele was anti-Trump and was hired by the DNC and Hillary Campaign.

No democrat has denied any of that.

But, I want to see all of it in full. Release all of it, so we can all verify just how sleazy our government has become.
What bullshit do you think I believe? You can refuse to believe everything and just make up whatever reality you want, but I have a feeling you also believe certain things said by certain people.

As to "what bullshit" I think you may believe ... Any of it ... :thup:

You have a lot of feelings about what you think people (or me) believe ... That are also polluted by your political leanings.
I am not asking you to take sides ... But to actually look at the reality of the arguments being made.

A lot of people in Washington DC have made a shitload of accusations ... Yet none of them have resulted in concrete proof nor resolution.
I personally believe the entire ball of wax ... FBI Corruption, Russian Collusion, and all the way through the Mueller Investigation is an incessant load of crap.

Not that I want to believe anything ... I question everything ... :thup:

If there is anything Special Counsel Mueller can find ... I am pretty sure he will find it.
If there is anything the GOP and their pundits can say to pollute those findings or protect their position ...I am pretty sure they will say it.
If there is anything the Democrats and their pundits can say to pollute those findings or protect their position ...I am pretty sure they will say it.

If you cannot identify what is going on ... With all the faults on both sides of the aisle ... As the fucked up circus Washington DC always is ...
I mean what can I say ... You're just not looking at everything from every direction.

What bullshit do you think I believe? You can refuse to believe everything and just make up whatever reality you want, but I have a feeling you also believe certain things said by certain people.

As to "what bullshit" I think you may believe ... Any of it ... :thup:

You have a lot of feelings about what you think people (or me) believe ... That are also polluted by your political leanings.
I am not asking you to take sides ... But to actually look at the reality of the arguments being made.

A lot of people in Washington DC have made a shitload of accusations ... Yet none of them have resulted in concrete proof nor resolution.
I personally believe the entire ball of wax ... FBI Corruption, Russian Collusion, and all the way through the Mueller Investigation is an incessant load of crap.

Not that I want to believe anything ... I question everything ... :thup:

If there is anything Special Counsel Mueller can find ... I am pretty sure he will find it.
If there is anything the GOP and their pundits can say to pollute those findings or protect their position ...I am pretty sure they will say it.
If there is anything the Democrats and their pundits can say to pollute those findings or protect their position ...I am pretty sure they will say it.

If you cannot identify what is going on ... With all the faults on both sides of the aisle ... As the fucked up circus Washington DC always is ...
I mean what can I say ... You're just not looking at everything from every direction.

I'm not sure where you got the idea that I thought differently than you about this. But think away. I don't really care what you think.
I've looked all over briefly so maybe there is a story where the FBI has protested as vehemently as they did with the Nunes memo the release of the Schiff Memo.

But the FBI says the four-page document is inaccurate and stripped of critical context. And Democrats say the memo, which makes public material that is ordinarily considered among the most tightly held national security information, cherry-picks Republican talking points in an effort to smear law enforcement.
Hotly disputed Russia-probe memo released over FBI protest | KSL.com

Does this mean the FBI is "politicized" because they protested GOP but where is the similar angst over the Democrats' release?
To me that shows how the Obama holdover lawyers are still politicizing the FBI.

If the FBI felt that the GOP memo lacked context and the DNC memo filled in that context, why would they complain? Would it not actually address the very thing they had an issue with?

Seems your partisan little mind is trying a bit too hard.
The Nunes Memo is propaganda otherwise why not allow a rebuttal memo?

Cater Page was a person of interest before any dossier. But the big thing is that FISA court renewed the order. To do that they had to find out evidence. This is evidence of wrong doing..

Why are the Trumpsters here supporting Page who the FBI has evidence of him undermining the US... Why are they working for the enemy?

They are desperately trying to imply there was a technical breach in how the FISA court was asked for a warrant... This warrant produced evidence but they are trying to question the original warrant... The Nunes memo just left out the other proof they had...

What proof was that?

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