Why no talk of "mental health" with this shooting ?

No mental issues ? He was a wife beating , super angry, self hating closet case, who calmly killed 50 people !

Freud would have a field day with him!

Yes he killed the 50 plus people in the name of Islamic Terrorism, illustrated by him PLEDGING SUPPORT TO ISIS in his phone call to the police and ISIS HQ BRAGGING that he committed the act of Islamic Terrorism for them.

Hello Timmy? Anyone home?

Terror wannabe . He pledge support to different terror groups who are actually rival enemies . "ISIS" is the terror flavor of the month .
Then he should not have been in possession of a firearm.

Once reported as domestic violence he will be charged, she cannot just drop the charges.

Again. The Government dropped the ball.
No mental issues ? He was a wife beating , super angry, self hating closet case, who calmly killed 50 people !

Freud would have a field day with him!
The wife beating alone should have disqualified him from possessing any weapons.

Let me guess. Now that he is dead his wife can come forward and claim domestic violence. But while alive she tolerated his abuse in the name of Islam?

I believe wife #1 reported his domestic abuse .

Why didn't his wife report that he was a Radical Islamist?

From your Op:

"But when it's a muslim lunatic ......TERRORISM!!! What to do with ISIS !??"

Yes he was a Muslim lunatic and a Terrorist and had pledged support to ISIS....that's ALL anyone needs to know, the question that should be asked, he's another Islamic Terrorist that was known to the authorities, but was somehow allowed to roam free and commit a terrorist attack....just like the other one's that have occured, and let's face, the next one that's going to happen.
Was he ever diganosed with a mental illiness? Was he ever committed to a mental institution? Have any of his friends,neighbors, or coworkers come foreward to say they saw things in his behavior that suggested to them he had mental problems? If the answer to one or more of these is yes then mental health should be part of the discussion if not then it would seem bringing it up is just a way to deflect from the fact another radical Islamic terrorist was able to pull of an attack.

The other day someone was attempting to say he committed this massacre because he was a repressed gay :rolleyes-41:

They're using all and any excuse to attempt to deflect from the elephant in the room, this was another act of terrorism, committed by yet another Muslim killing for the Religion of Peace in the name of Allah.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist.

I've been noticing the trend to make him just a deranged repressed gay. Bizarre attempt at deflection because he and his wife cased out Disney World. This one location where they don't have metal detectors.

Which by the way blew my mind that they would have any area at Disney without metal detectors.
The guy wasn't a lunatic any more than other jihad fanatics who shout "Allah Akbar" when they commit murder/suicide.
A year ago there was the Charleston shooting . After that massacre all the coverage was about "mental health " and keeping guns away from crazies .

Not so much this time . Wonder why ? Oh thats right , the shooter was a white racist Christian type looking to start a race war . No big deal .

But when it's a muslim lunatic ......TERRORISM!!! What to do with ISIS !??
Honestly Timmy It could have a lot to do with the solutions to mental illness involve the deeper spiritual therapies to cure, which have ALSO been used to help homosexual victims of abuse to recover and heal where some of them change their orientation.

This is so controversial and misunderstood, it is segregated from the mainstream. The biggest tragedy of all is one of the leading nonprofit charities that teaches spiritual healing is in Florida. So had this criminally abusive man gotten help with counseling in time 49 more ppl might be alive. The solution was right next door. Http://www.christianhealingmin.org their team was documented by medical researchers for effective therapy for rheumatoid arthritis in one study that has been published. This same healing ministry and method has been applied to cure schizophrenia cases, as well as counseling ppl to heal of unwanted homosexual attraction caused by sexual abuse or other unnatural causes that can be changed. So until this is medically researched and available to more ppl, the mentally not being cured impose risks to themselves and others. This is very selfish and dangerous to withhold the cure from ppl who need it, but the political backlash against Christians for rejecting homosexuality as unnatural is blocking this healing therapy from reaching and helping more ppl. It's a political barrier.
No mental issues ? He was a wife beating , super angry, self hating closet case, who calmly killed 50 people !

Freud would have a field day with him!
The wife beating alone should have disqualified him from possessing any weapons.

Let me guess. Now that he is dead his wife can come forward and claim domestic violence. But while alive she tolerated his abuse in the name of Islam?

I believe wife #1 reported his domestic abuse .

Why didn't his wife report that he was a Radical Islamist?

From your Op:

"But when it's a muslim lunatic ......TERRORISM!!! What to do with ISIS !??"

Yes he was a Muslim lunatic and a Terrorist and had pledged support to ISIS....that's ALL anyone needs to know, the question that should be asked, he's another Islamic Terrorist that was known to the authorities, but was somehow allowed to roam free and commit a terrorist attack....just like the other one's that have occured, and let's face, the next one that's going to happen.

Wife #2 ? Not sure .
Was he ever diganosed with a mental illiness? Was he ever committed to a mental institution? Have any of his friends,neighbors, or coworkers come foreward to say they saw things in his behavior that suggested to them he had mental problems? If the answer to one or more of these is yes then mental health should be part of the discussion if not then it would seem bringing it up is just a way to deflect from the fact another radical Islamic terrorist was able to pull of an attack.

The other day someone was attempting to say he committed this massacre because he was a repressed gay :rolleyes-41:

They're using all and any excuse to attempt to deflect from the elephant in the room, this was another act of terrorism, committed by yet another Muslim killing for the Religion of Peace in the name of Allah.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist.

I've been noticing the trend to make him just a deranged repressed gay. Bizarre attempt at deflection because he and his wife cased out Disney World. This one location where they don't have metal detectors.

Which by the way blew my mind that they would have any area at Disney without metal detectors.
It shouldn't totally blow your mind after all they didn't have beware of alligator signs at the lake either.
The guy wasn't a lunatic any more than other jihad fanatics who shout "Allah Akbar" when they commit murder/suicide.
And yes whitehall being a criminal psychopath with homicidal impulses is indeed mental illness of the most dangerous degrees. We would not let ppl with Ebola run around free to endanger public health lives safety and national security. Why can't criminal illness be treated as other deadly diseases and contain it when it poses a threat. How can we develop accurate ways for diagnosis and screening illness similar to cancer and tell what is in remission, what is latent or progressive, or what is dangerous stage 4 that requires intervention to save lives. How can we remove the stigma off seeking help for sick ppl, reward ppl with treatment and cure for coming forward instead of making them run and hide from authorities until they finally kill someone and get caught. Do we wait until cancer kills someone to prove that it was deadly?
Was he ever diganosed with a mental illiness? Was he ever committed to a mental institution? Have any of his friends,neighbors, or coworkers come foreward to say they saw things in his behavior that suggested to them he had mental problems? If the answer to one or more of these is yes then mental health should be part of the discussion if not then it would seem bringing it up is just a way to deflect from the fact another radical Islamic terrorist was able to pull of an attack.
His ex wife said he was abusive
So yes he should have been reported as either a complaint or charges and received counseling. He could have been screened at that point.

But if domestic issues of abuse are suppressed as commonplace culture, and with the rejection and suppression of gay interests he may have had, he and his family did not seek or get the counseling for these issues that could have led to screening for deeper mental or criminal level illness.

The layers and layers of suppression and rejection out of fear of being confronted and outed make the hostility build and escalate until this erupts in chaos or violence as here.

He was likely a time bomb waiting to go off. The perfect target for recruiting. Mentally imbalanced ppl seeking to attack or abuse ppl or govt for a sense of power they get out of it.
A year ago there was the Charleston shooting . After that massacre all the coverage was about "mental health " and keeping guns away from crazies .

Not so much this time . Wonder why ? Oh thats right , the shooter was a white racist Christian type looking to start a race war . No big deal .

But when it's a muslim lunatic ......TERRORISM!!! What to do with ISIS !??

Why is this not a hate crime? Gays were targeted and slaughtered. When it's a Muslim shooting innocent Americans, liberals go out of their way to make sure no one calls it terrorism or hate.
Was he ever diganosed with a mental illiness? Was he ever committed to a mental institution? Have any of his friends,neighbors, or coworkers come foreward to say they saw things in his behavior that suggested to them he had mental problems? If the answer to one or more of these is yes then mental health should be part of the discussion if not then it would seem bringing it up is just a way to deflect from the fact another radical Islamic terrorist was able to pull of an attack.
His ex wife said he was abusive
So yes he should have been reported as either a complaint or charges and received counseling. He could have been screened at that point.

But if domestic issues of abuse are suppressed as commonplace culture, and with the rejection and suppression of gay interests he may have had, he and his family did not seek or get the counseling for these issues that could have led to screening for deeper mental or criminal level illness.

The layers and layers of suppression and rejection out of fear of being confronted and outed make the hostility build and escalate until this erupts in chaos or violence as here.

He was likely a time bomb waiting to go off. The perfect target for recruiting. Mentally imbalanced ppl seeking to attack or abuse ppl or govt for a sense of power they get out of it.
He was simply raised by radical muslim parents & spousal abuse is considered normal in their culture. And other than leftwingers saying so I have not heard any credible sources imply he was gay or conflicted. He was casing his target. Unless you are implying that gay is contagious simply walking among them doesn't make you gay.
A year ago there was the Charleston shooting . After that massacre all the coverage was about "mental health " and keeping guns away from crazies .

Not so much this time . Wonder why ? Oh thats right , the shooter was a white racist Christian type looking to start a race war . No big deal .

But when it's a muslim lunatic ......TERRORISM!!! What to do with ISIS !??

Why is this not a hate crime? Gays were targeted and slaughtered. When it's a Muslim shooting innocent Americans, liberals go out of their way to make sure no one calls it terrorism or hate.
Yes Obama called it both an act of terror and an act of hate.

They call it domestic terror and use the hate crime focus to go after guns in a media campaign to get the public to put pressure on Congress. But Thank God for progun/progay groups who are saying that's not justification for going after guns we need to protect ourselves. So the gun control advocates are being selective and bashing the NRA and gun lobbies they claim exchange money over these deals.
Hey come on Timmy. Think about it. Anybody who still believes there are 72 virgins to be had just for blowing yourself and others to smithereens has to have a number of screws loose.

Hey come on Timmy. Think about it. Anybody who still believes there are 72 virgins to be had just for blowing yourself and others to smithereens has to have a number of screws loose.

To be fair that's no crazier that believing Jesus came back from the dead. Both ideas are bat-shit crazy no?
Was he ever diganosed with a mental illiness? Was he ever committed to a mental institution? Have any of his friends,neighbors, or coworkers come foreward to say they saw things in his behavior that suggested to them he had mental problems? If the answer to one or more of these is yes then mental health should be part of the discussion if not then it would seem bringing it up is just a way to deflect from the fact another radical Islamic terrorist was able to pull of an attack.
His ex wife said he was abusive
So yes he should have been reported as either a complaint or charges and received counseling. He could have been screened at that point.

But if domestic issues of abuse are suppressed as commonplace culture, and with the rejection and suppression of gay interests he may have had, he and his family did not seek or get the counseling for these issues that could have led to screening for deeper mental or criminal level illness.

The layers and layers of suppression and rejection out of fear of being confronted and outed make the hostility build and escalate until this erupts in chaos or violence as here.

He was likely a time bomb waiting to go off. The perfect target for recruiting. Mentally imbalanced ppl seeking to attack or abuse ppl or govt for a sense of power they get out of it.
He was simply raised by radical muslim parents & spousal abuse is considered normal in their culture. And other than leftwingers saying so I have not heard any credible sources imply he was gay or conflicted. He was casing his target. Unless you are implying that gay is contagious simply walking among them doesn't make you gay.
His wife said or implied he had gay tendencies. And his father bullied him for this according to her.

Some ppl have told me there are ppl who go around trying to get ppl to flip and bring out their bi or gay side since it is a choice of behavior and can change.

What I know of cases where ppl healed is for some of these their conditions were caused by abuse usually sexual. So it is possible for one abused person to go abuse others sexually and pass the guilt and confused or covered up feelings to others by sexual abuse. If so, if the homosexual patterns are a reaction and not natural for the person, that explains why this can be healed and changed in some cases.

Grampa Murked U it is like healing a broken relationship or broken heart suffering anger or depression. Yes the hurt can be passed onto others by abuse, and yes it can be healed. When homosexual or transgender orientation is tied to abuse or other unnatural conditions yes its possible to heal of these through deep rooted spiritual forgiveness and therapy that explains the testimonies of ppl who have recovered and changed their orientation, either coming out as gay or as straight depending what's natural and true for them.
Was he ever diganosed with a mental illiness? Was he ever committed to a mental institution? Have any of his friends,neighbors, or coworkers come foreward to say they saw things in his behavior that suggested to them he had mental problems? If the answer to one or more of these is yes then mental health should be part of the discussion if not then it would seem bringing it up is just a way to deflect from the fact another radical Islamic terrorist was able to pull of an attack.
His ex wife said he was abusive
So yes he should have been reported as either a complaint or charges and received counseling. He could have been screened at that point.

But if domestic issues of abuse are suppressed as commonplace culture, and with the rejection and suppression of gay interests he may have had, he and his family did not seek or get the counseling for these issues that could have led to screening for deeper mental or criminal level illness.

The layers and layers of suppression and rejection out of fear of being confronted and outed make the hostility build and escalate until this erupts in chaos or violence as here.

He was likely a time bomb waiting to go off. The perfect target for recruiting. Mentally imbalanced ppl seeking to attack or abuse ppl or govt for a sense of power they get out of it.
He was simply raised by radical muslim parents & spousal abuse is considered normal in their culture. And other than leftwingers saying so I have not heard any credible sources imply he was gay or conflicted. He was casing his target. Unless you are implying that gay is contagious simply walking among them doesn't make you gay.
His wife said or implied he had gay tendencies. And his father bullied him for this according to her.

Some ppl have told me there are ppl who go around trying to get ppl to flip and bring out their bi or gay side since it is a choice of behavior and can change.

What I know of cases where ppl healed is for some of these their conditions were caused by abuse usually sexual. So it is possible for one abused person to go abuse others sexually and pass the guilt and confused or covered up feelings to others by sexual abuse. If so, if the homosexual patterns are a reaction and not natural for the person, that explains why this can be healed and changed in some cases.

Grampa Murked U it is like healing a broken relationship or broken heart suffering anger or depression. Yes the hurt can be passed onto others by abuse, and yes it can be healed. When homosexual or transgender orientation is tied to abuse or other unnatural conditions yes its possible to heal of these through deep rooted spiritual forgiveness and therapy that explains the testimonies of ppl who have recovered and changed their orientation, either coming out as gay or as straight depending what's natural and true for them.
His wife, who it is reported to have been involved in the planning of the attack, said something to get the heat off of herself? And you ate it up.....

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