Why no talk of "mental health" with this shooting ?

A year ago there was the Charleston shooting . After that massacre all the coverage was about "mental health " and keeping guns away from crazies .

Not so much this time . Wonder why ? Oh thats right , the shooter was a white racist Christian type looking to start a race war . No big deal .

But when it's a muslim lunatic ......TERRORISM!!! What to do with ISIS !??

He didn't seem to have mental health issues, he even took the time to phone the police to pledge his support for ISIS and then ISIS HQ bragged openly that he'd committed the massacre for them.

And he held a job in security because the FBI dropped their investigation over his terror threats to coworkers. And he passed a background check, lame as it was, before working security and getting a gun.

The left is so uncomfortable with this incident because it was a Muslim terrorist killing gays. He had hate preached to him by his father and likely by some local mosques. I want to know if the mosque that was preaching that gays must die is being investigated. If it was a church saying gays must die, they'd be shut down immediately.

The left blames guns and everyone and everything other than pure hatred of infidels by Muslims. No sign the guy was crazy, just raised to be a radical, like many others who have the same screwed up beliefs taught to them since day one.
How he was a law abiding gun owner and how he was cleared to work for a DHS contractor when he was previously approached by the FBI, twice is questionable.

Again. Our Government failed in their duties. They knew he was dangerous.

Including 2 very expensive trips to SA on a med income job, wife, kid to care for. Nutjob Taliban father. Reported repeatedly to mgt.........seems pretty easy to work for DHS?
Was he ever diganosed with a mental illiness? Was he ever committed to a mental institution? Have any of his friends,neighbors, or coworkers come foreward to say they saw things in his behavior that suggested to them he had mental problems? If the answer to one or more of these is yes then mental health should be part of the discussion if not then it would seem bringing it up is just a way to deflect from the fact another radical Islamic terrorist was able to pull of an attack.
His ex wife said he was abusive
So yes he should have been reported as either a complaint or charges and received counseling. He could have been screened at that point.

But if domestic issues of abuse are suppressed as commonplace culture, and with the rejection and suppression of gay interests he may have had, he and his family did not seek or get the counseling for these issues that could have led to screening for deeper mental or criminal level illness.

The layers and layers of suppression and rejection out of fear of being confronted and outed make the hostility build and escalate until this erupts in chaos or violence as here.

He was likely a time bomb waiting to go off. The perfect target for recruiting. Mentally imbalanced ppl seeking to attack or abuse ppl or govt for a sense of power they get out of it.
He was simply raised by radical muslim parents & spousal abuse is considered normal in their culture. And other than leftwingers saying so I have not heard any credible sources imply he was gay or conflicted. He was casing his target. Unless you are implying that gay is contagious simply walking among them doesn't make you gay.
His wife said or implied he had gay tendencies. And his father bullied him for this according to her.

Some ppl have told me there are ppl who go around trying to get ppl to flip and bring out their bi or gay side since it is a choice of behavior and can change.

What I know of cases where ppl healed is for some of these their conditions were caused by abuse usually sexual. So it is possible for one abused person to go abuse others sexually and pass the guilt and confused or covered up feelings to others by sexual abuse. If so, if the homosexual patterns are a reaction and not natural for the person, that explains why this can be healed and changed in some cases.

Grampa Murked U it is like healing a broken relationship or broken heart suffering anger or depression. Yes the hurt can be passed onto others by abuse, and yes it can be healed. When homosexual or transgender orientation is tied to abuse or other unnatural conditions yes its possible to heal of these through deep rooted spiritual forgiveness and therapy that explains the testimonies of ppl who have recovered and changed their orientation, either coming out as gay or as straight depending what's natural and true for them.
His wife, who it is reported to have been involved in the planning of the attack, said something to get the heat off of herself? And you ate it up.....

I just said that's what she said! All this is speculation anyway.

Don't try to distract from the fact that Spiritual Healing (which has been demonstrated by medical research to heal rheumatoid arthritis and other "incurable" conditions
and physical diseases) HAS been used to heal people of schizophrenia and other mental or criminal illnesses,
such as the homocidal sickness and/or mental instability and anger of the attacker,
AND has been effectively used for people who have healed of homosexual patterns of behavior that weren't natural to them.

Regardless of what was said, false or true about the attacker,
the Spiritual Healing that I was talking about still stands as the SOLUTION to

Don't distract from that, or you're not helping either Grampa Murked U
If there was ACTUALLY a Race War like the Charleston Shooter wanted, then his actions may have been ideological instead of insane.
his actions are ideological, whether he's insane or not, whether he was able to inspire a race war or not, his motives were political, that makes him a terrorist.

If during WWII, an American went to France and started shooting Germans, that was part of a war.

If an American went to France today and started shooting Germans, because he seriously believed that there was a war going, he would be operating under an insane delusion.

As was Roof. There is no Race War going on. HE was not going to start a Race War. He was delusional.

There IS a Jihad going on against the West by radical Islam.
How he was a law abiding gun owner and how he was cleared to work for a DHS contractor when he was previously approached by the FBI, twice is questionable.

Again. Our Government failed in their duties. They knew he was dangerous.

Maybe they looked the other way, if you know what I mean?

The Paris terrorists were known to the authorities, the London 7/7 terrorists were known to the authorities, the Brüssel terrorists were known to the authorities, the San Bernardino terrorist (the man) was known to the authorities, most the the 9/11 terrorists were known to the authorities....the Orlando terrorist was known to the authorities.

A strange pattern wouldn't you say?

It seems that waiting until radical break the law has some drawbacks.
No mental issues ? He was a wife beating , super angry, self hating closet case, who calmly killed 50 people !

Freud would have a field day with him!
The wife beating alone should have disqualified him from possessing any weapons.

Let me guess. Now that he is dead his wife can come forward and claim domestic violence. But while alive she tolerated his abuse in the name of Islam?

I believe wife #1 reported his domestic abuse .

got a link to that

if so then once again it was a failure of the government to do its job

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