why not just sit on your butt and pray?

The godsquad wastes time lashing out or covering up. Much of this thread is off topic because religious types lose driving them to make the argument about tangent or seemingly tangent side issues.

Reading the last several pages one wouldn't know this thread is titled...

why not just sit on your butt and pray?

Why not? Because praying is nonsense. It is part of the FRAUD of "faith". Those that claim faith is the answer can blame even those that pray that "their faith was not strong enough".

It is a familiar scam.

"Hello I represent the Universal Contest and you have won the grand prize but you must pay a small fee to cover handling and processing to claim your prize."

First the victim is told that they are special and there is a god that takes a special interest in them. All the victim needs to do is give up on reason and agree that this "god" hears their prayers and depending on the sincerity of faith in that concept will be rewarded by an answer to said prayers.

No sane person can ever believe convincingly in this concept so by self incrimination never truly expects to claim the grand prize.

"Maybe my faith wasn't pure enough" Duh...Ya think?

It takes a great scam to convince the victim that it is their fault they didn't recieve the grand prize.

Yeah, the thread has wandered. As you noted, prayer is largely a matter of "influence peddling" with the gods.

Religionists need to define their terms here. Aren't they in effect suggesting bargaining with the gawds? Do they believe the gawds will reward them with something in exchange for a specific behavior?

As to the efficacy of prayer, perceived from a position of meditation I would not deny that it clears the mind -- but prayer from a theistic perspective is not meditation, it is an asserted communication that has some actual real specific effect on human issues. This remains totally undemonstrated except in the following manner -- it is a very powerful tool to coerce behavior, which is why (seemingly), the more fanatical or fundamental a religion is, the more reliant on the asserted efficacy of prayer you're liable to find.

When prayers aren't answered, I know religionists will sometimes say, "Well, that's not god's fault" or something similar, but the point is this: prayer doesn't actually work (at least it remains asserted and unproven that it does). Clearing the mind? Allowing a person to collect their thoughts? Giving the illusion of comfort (which may be indistinguishable from comfort itself), yes to all of those. But does it actually work? No, it can be shown over and over that it does not. And the fact is, many people actually rely on it, usually to their disappointment... or worse.
The trial wouldn't have been necessary if the creationists hadn't tried to jam a rebranded creationism into a classroom.

why do you all feel the need to dodge the fact that, as I stated, it is the atheists, not the "religious fundies" that use the courts to force their opinions on every one else.....it is unequivocal.....atheists could not tolerate the reading of one simple sentence that reported some people had differing opinions.......

Your description is wrong. You can't accept it because your fundamentalist, dogmatic views don't allow you a perspective of reason and rationality.

Believing that the universe and all life forms simply **poofed** onto the scene as a matter of several, huge un-caused blunders doesn't require reason or rationale. If life and the universe don't exist as a direct result of planning and reason then you simply can't apply "reason" to their existence.

My argument from the science perspective derives from the scientific method.
"Science" literally means "knowledge." The fact of the matter is that you don't literally "know" how life began. Why? Because no "scientific method" exists to prove your assertions. You WANT to believe that inorganic matter just **poof** created life but you certainly can't prove that it did. So you don't really rely on scientific method as much as you do on science fiction and someone else's imaginative mind.

Your argument from the perspective of magic and supernaturalism derives from a book of tales and fables suggesting a 6,000 year old earth.
And yet you believe that one day there was absolutely nothing then **poof** there was a vast, expansive universe that just **poof** was born of a random explosion that was caused by ... well ... caused by ... ummm ... well I don't know but I just know it must have happened that way because Professor Imagination said so. Keep up the faith. :D

BTW, the earth is more than 6,000 years old.
If God is timeless then age is meaningless. Adam was created with age. He was formed as a full grown adult. Therefore, a Creator can transcend time and space. With that in mind no modern dating methods can be trusted to render factual data because they are attempting to measure something that is ageless. If God used pre-existing matter to form the earth then the matter He used is older than that which He created with it. Or, since God is eternal and timeless then anything that He creates cannot be measured by modern, finite dating methods.
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that's obviously the answer to anything

One of the least intelligent religious customs is that of prayer. It is customary for religious congregations to pray in a loud voice or for the priest or preacher to pray in a loud voice, usually asking their god for favors.

If the christian god were an all intelligent god, he would know what people wanted and what was good for them before they themselves developed the idea of asking for something.

As a general rule, people pray for things they expect to "chisel" out of the deity, that is, they pray for something for nothing. One group prays for rain, another group who feels that rain will injure their crops about to be harvested, will pray for a dry spell. Each man often wants something that will be at the expense of others.

Actually, Christ wasn't happy with the Pharisees' show of self-righteouness. They would wear all of their colorful attire and stand outside boasting about how much tithes they gave and praying aloud for all to hear. Christ called them on it. He then urged His disciples to follow these words:

Matthew 6:8, "Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him."

Our intelligent God DOES know our hearts and our needs but He still wants to hear from us so He urges us to pray.

Matthew 6:6-7, "But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking."

He then goes on and tells us how to pray and what to pray for:

Matthew 6:9b-13, "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen."
Science has the standard of the scientific method

I know....that's the one you refuse to use....

My argument from the science perspective derives from the scientific method.

Your argument from the perspective of magic and supernaturalism derives from a book of tales and fables suggesting a 6,000 year old earth.

BTW, the earth is more than 6,000 years old.

The Bible says that 1 day for God, is 1,000 years for us.
It took God 6,000 years from start to finish for the creation of the Earth.
It does not tell how old the Earth is nor does it say how long Adam and Eve were in the Garden before they were cast out.

You are using faith that science age dating is correct, but there is no proof that it is correct.
If there was a world wide flood then any radio metric age dating would not be correct
Science is an educated guessing game, because no one was alive to ask for that proof of
actual facts.

You have faith in man's faulty science.
We have faith in God and someday you will find that God does exist.
that's obviously the answer to anything

One of the least intelligent religious customs is that of prayer. It is customary for religious congregations to pray in a loud voice or for the priest or preacher to pray in a loud voice, usually asking their god for favors.

If the christian god were an all intelligent god, he would know what people wanted and what was good for them before they themselves developed the idea of asking for something.

As a general rule, people pray for things they expect to "chisel" out of the deity, that is, they pray for something for nothing. One group prays for rain, another group who feels that rain will injure their crops about to be harvested, will pray for a dry spell. Each man often wants something that will be at the expense of others.

Then you've missed the entire purpose of prayer. We don't pray to get things from God. It isn't like calling up a delivery place, telling them what want and then sitting back to get them. Prayer is about communication with God. It's how we get to know God.

Prayer isn't about changing His will, but changing our will. It's about sharing what's going on in our life, our thoughts, our feelings. It's about thanking God for the blessings we have. and yes we are supposed to ask Him for the righteous desires of our heart.

The point is we communicate so we know God. Not so we get things.
While the answer to not having anything constructive to contribute to a discussion board is, apparently, start yet another thread intended on ridiculing Christians

I saw no reference to Christianity.

Why not climb the battlements while waving a tee shirt and screaming "hey, look at me. I'm suffering for my religion"

Then you haven't seen much from this pos(t)er.

Why not climb a stepladder and kiss my hairy ass.
While the answer to not having anything constructive to contribute to a discussion board is, apparently, start yet another thread intended on ridiculing Christians

I saw no reference to Christianity.

Why not climb the battlements while waving a tee shirt and screaming "hey, look at me. I'm suffering for my religion"

Then you haven't seen much from this pos(t)er.

Why not climb a stepladder and kiss my hairy ass.

Lovely, lovely folks these self-haters.
I know....that's the one you refuse to use....

My argument from the science perspective derives from the scientific method.

Your argument from the perspective of magic and supernaturalism derives from a book of tales and fables suggesting a 6,000 year old earth.

BTW, the earth is more than 6,000 years old.

The Bible says that 1 day for God, is 1,000 years for us.
It took God 6,000 years from start to finish for the creation of the Earth.
It does not tell how old the Earth is nor does it say how long Adam and Eve were in the Garden before they were cast out.

You are using faith that science age dating is correct, but there is no proof that it is correct.
If there was a world wide flood then any radio metric age dating would not be correct
Science is an educated guessing game, because no one was alive to ask for that proof of
actual facts.

You have faith in man's faulty science.
We have faith in God and someday you will find that God does exist.

1. You can certainly infer from the bible that 1 day for God, is 1,000 years for us. However, if you're then going to infer that the earth is 6,000 years old, you are in an Irreconcilable conflict with the relevant science community which says you're wrong.

You also have the option of retreating to the "it's a metaphor" statement but still, you're going to then have to do a lot of special peading and adjustments for what parts of the bible are to be taken literally and which are not.

The only way to evaluate the veracity of an ideology is to examine the core documents of that ideology. Applying external standards does mean that we ignore the very document(s) upon which the ideology is based. Which words are gospel and which words are not? Does this related to specific letters as well? For instance, is English verified as a proper language by which these gospel words are delivered (I believe the Koran is considered corrupt by fundamentalists the moment it is translated out of Arabic). Can one sentence be gospel, the next not, the next two yes, the rest no? What is the standard by which this is judged?

I think you can see I'm being facetious here, but it really is the underlying context of your approach. Sure, you can pick and choose whatever you want, and think you are right -- but you have no baseline by which to assess whether or not your interpretation is correct.

I have no "faith" in science. There is simply no such requirement. As to your claim regarding man's "faulty science", there is no disagreement among the relevant science community regarding the age of this planet or the age of our universe in terms of billions of years.

If you choose to ignore it, that's fine.
that's obviously the answer to anything

One of the least intelligent religious customs is that of prayer. It is customary for religious congregations to pray in a loud voice or for the priest or preacher to pray in a loud voice, usually asking their god for favors.

If the christian god were an all intelligent god, he would know what people wanted and what was good for them before they themselves developed the idea of asking for something.

As a general rule, people pray for things they expect to "chisel" out of the deity, that is, they pray for something for nothing. One group prays for rain, another group who feels that rain will injure their crops about to be harvested, will pray for a dry spell. Each man often wants something that will be at the expense of others.

Then you've missed the entire purpose of prayer. We don't pray to get things from God. It isn't like calling up a delivery place, telling them what want and then sitting back to get them. Prayer is about communication with God. It's how we get to know God.

Prayer isn't about changing His will, but changing our will. It's about sharing what's going on in our life, our thoughts, our feelings. It's about thanking God for the blessings we have. and yes we are supposed to ask Him for the righteous desires of our heart.

The point is we communicate so we know God. Not so we get things.

"We don't pray to get things from God." I think it is actually you who is refefining what prayer is.

How is that you are tasked with speaking on behalf of some entity you describe with the inclusive "we"?

The fact is, prayer is often seeking influence from the gods so as to have them intercede in the life of a believer or to somehow influence some event or circumstance. There's a direct cause-and-effect reason for religions to promote prayer. You wish to breed a culture that has a complete sheep-like response to authority? Have them pray 5 times a day. Does this mean everyone who does such a thing is being brainwashed? No, there are other elements involved, but such repetition is a key requirement.

If you think prayers don't hurt -- then make the case that Moslems praying 5 times a day isn't part and parcel of the deep seated brainwashing they go through in order to fly airplanes into buildings.

The efficacy of prayer has been subject to some rather comprehensive testing. The results of the biggest and best study of the subject ever was released a few years ago. Here’s how it was reported in the Slate.com article: What the latest prayer study tells us about God.
One of the least intelligent religious customs is that of prayer. It is customary for religious congregations to pray in a loud voice or for the priest or preacher to pray in a loud voice, usually asking their god for favors.

If the christian god were an all intelligent god, he would know what people wanted and what was good for them before they themselves developed the idea of asking for something.

As a general rule, people pray for things they expect to "chisel" out of the deity, that is, they pray for something for nothing. One group prays for rain, another group who feels that rain will injure their crops about to be harvested, will pray for a dry spell. Each man often wants something that will be at the expense of others.

Then you've missed the entire purpose of prayer. We don't pray to get things from God. It isn't like calling up a delivery place, telling them what want and then sitting back to get them. Prayer is about communication with God. It's how we get to know God.

Prayer isn't about changing His will, but changing our will. It's about sharing what's going on in our life, our thoughts, our feelings. It's about thanking God for the blessings we have. and yes we are supposed to ask Him for the righteous desires of our heart.

The point is we communicate so we know God. Not so we get things.

"We don't pray to get things from God." I think it is actually you who is refefining what prayer is.

How is that you are tasked with speaking on behalf of some entity you describe with the inclusive "we"?

The fact is, prayer is often seeking influence from the gods so as to have them intercede in the life of a believer or to somehow influence some event or circumstance. There's a direct cause-and-effect reason for religions to promote prayer. You wish to breed a culture that has a complete sheep-like response to authority? Have them pray 5 times a day. Does this mean everyone who does such a thing is being brainwashed? No, there are other elements involved, but such repetition is a key requirement.

If you think prayers don't hurt -- then make the case that Moslems praying 5 times a day isn't part and parcel of the deep seated brainwashing they go through in order to fly airplanes into buildings.

The efficacy of prayer has been subject to some rather comprehensive testing. The results of the biggest and best study of the subject ever was released a few years ago. Here’s how it was reported in the Slate.com article: What the latest prayer study tells us about God.

god jr makes specific promises in the Bible about how prayer is supposed to work. Jesus says in many different places that he and God will answer your prayers. And Christians believe Jesus -- according to this recent article, "54% of American adults believe the Bible is literally true." In some areas of the country the number goes as high as 75%.

If the Bible is literally true, then something is seriously amiss. Simply look at the facts. In Matthew 7:7 Jesus says:

Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Or what man of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!
If "every one who asks receives", then if we ask for cancer to be cured, it should be cured. Right? If "our Father who is in heaven gives good things to those who ask him", then if we ask him to cure cancer, he should cure it. Right? And yet nothing happens.
In Matthew 17:20 Jesus says:

For truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.
If "nothing will be impossible to you", then if we ask to cure cancer tonight, cancer should disappear. Right? Yet nothing happens. Note that if we take the Bible less-than-literally here, the statement "nothing will be impossible to you" becomes "lots of things will be impossible to you," and that would mean that Jesus is lying.
In Matthew 21:21:

I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.
If "you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer", then if we ask to cure cancer tonight, cancer should dissappear. Right? Yet nothing happens. Note again that there is not a non-literal way to interpret "you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer", unless you replace "whatever" with "nothing" or "little."
The message is reiterated Mark 11:24:

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
If God says, "believe that you have received it, and it will be yours," and if we believe in God and his power, then what should happen if we pray to cure cancer tonight? It should be cured. Either that, or God is lying.
In John chapter 14, verses 12 through 14, Jesus tells all of us just how easy prayer can be:

"I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." [ref]
Look at how direct this statement is: "You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." This is the "Son of God" speaking. Have we taken him "too literally?" No. This is a simple, unambiguous statement. Have we taken his statement "out of context?" No - Jesus uses the word anyone. Yet Jesus' statement is obviously false. Because when we ask God to cure cancer tonight, nothing happens.
We see the same thing over and over again...
Then you've missed the entire purpose of prayer. We don't pray to get things from God. It isn't like calling up a delivery place, telling them what want and then sitting back to get them. Prayer is about communication with God. It's how we get to know God.

Prayer isn't about changing His will, but changing our will. It's about sharing what's going on in our life, our thoughts, our feelings. It's about thanking God for the blessings we have. and yes we are supposed to ask Him for the righteous desires of our heart.

The point is we communicate so we know God. Not so we get things.

"We don't pray to get things from God." I think it is actually you who is refefining what prayer is.

How is that you are tasked with speaking on behalf of some entity you describe with the inclusive "we"?

The fact is, prayer is often seeking influence from the gods so as to have them intercede in the life of a believer or to somehow influence some event or circumstance. There's a direct cause-and-effect reason for religions to promote prayer. You wish to breed a culture that has a complete sheep-like response to authority? Have them pray 5 times a day. Does this mean everyone who does such a thing is being brainwashed? No, there are other elements involved, but such repetition is a key requirement.

If you think prayers don't hurt -- then make the case that Moslems praying 5 times a day isn't part and parcel of the deep seated brainwashing they go through in order to fly airplanes into buildings.

The efficacy of prayer has been subject to some rather comprehensive testing. The results of the biggest and best study of the subject ever was released a few years ago. Here’s how it was reported in the Slate.com article: What the latest prayer study tells us about God.

god jr makes specific promises in the Bible about how prayer is supposed to work. Jesus says in many different places that he and God will answer your prayers. And Christians believe Jesus -- according to this recent article, "54% of American adults believe the Bible is literally true." In some areas of the country the number goes as high as 75%.

If the Bible is literally true, then something is seriously amiss. Simply look at the facts. In Matthew 7:7 Jesus says:

Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Or what man of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!
If "every one who asks receives", then if we ask for cancer to be cured, it should be cured. Right? If "our Father who is in heaven gives good things to those who ask him", then if we ask him to cure cancer, he should cure it. Right? And yet nothing happens.
In Matthew 17:20 Jesus says:

For truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.
If "nothing will be impossible to you", then if we ask to cure cancer tonight, cancer should disappear. Right? Yet nothing happens. Note that if we take the Bible less-than-literally here, the statement "nothing will be impossible to you" becomes "lots of things will be impossible to you," and that would mean that Jesus is lying.
In Matthew 21:21:

I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.
If "you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer", then if we ask to cure cancer tonight, cancer should dissappear. Right? Yet nothing happens. Note again that there is not a non-literal way to interpret "you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer", unless you replace "whatever" with "nothing" or "little."
The message is reiterated Mark 11:24:

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
If God says, "believe that you have received it, and it will be yours," and if we believe in God and his power, then what should happen if we pray to cure cancer tonight? It should be cured. Either that, or God is lying.
In John chapter 14, verses 12 through 14, Jesus tells all of us just how easy prayer can be:

"I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." [ref]
Look at how direct this statement is: "You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." This is the "Son of God" speaking. Have we taken him "too literally?" No. This is a simple, unambiguous statement. Have we taken his statement "out of context?" No - Jesus uses the word anyone. Yet Jesus' statement is obviously false. Because when we ask God to cure cancer tonight, nothing happens.
We see the same thing over and over again...

Nothing could be simpler or clearer than Jesus' promises about prayer in the Bible. Yet, when we pray to eliminate cancer, nothing happens.
And keep in mind that this is Jesus talking here. These are not the words of human beings. These are not the words of "inspired" human beings. These are supposedly the words of God himself, incarnated in a human body. Jesus is supposed to be a perfect, sinless being. And yet, it is obvious that Jesus is lying. What Jesus says is clearly incorrect.
"We don't pray to get things from God." I think it is actually you who is refefining what prayer is.

How is that you are tasked with speaking on behalf of some entity you describe with the inclusive "we"?

The fact is, prayer is often seeking influence from the gods so as to have them intercede in the life of a believer or to somehow influence some event or circumstance. There's a direct cause-and-effect reason for religions to promote prayer. You wish to breed a culture that has a complete sheep-like response to authority? Have them pray 5 times a day. Does this mean everyone who does such a thing is being brainwashed? No, there are other elements involved, but such repetition is a key requirement.

If you think prayers don't hurt -- then make the case that Moslems praying 5 times a day isn't part and parcel of the deep seated brainwashing they go through in order to fly airplanes into buildings.

The efficacy of prayer has been subject to some rather comprehensive testing. The results of the biggest and best study of the subject ever was released a few years ago. Here’s how it was reported in the Slate.com article: What the latest prayer study tells us about God.

god jr makes specific promises in the Bible about how prayer is supposed to work. Jesus says in many different places that he and God will answer your prayers. And Christians believe Jesus -- according to this recent article, "54% of American adults believe the Bible is literally true." In some areas of the country the number goes as high as 75%.

If the Bible is literally true, then something is seriously amiss. Simply look at the facts. In Matthew 7:7 Jesus says:

Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Or what man of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!
If "every one who asks receives", then if we ask for cancer to be cured, it should be cured. Right? If "our Father who is in heaven gives good things to those who ask him", then if we ask him to cure cancer, he should cure it. Right? And yet nothing happens.
In Matthew 17:20 Jesus says:

For truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.
If "nothing will be impossible to you", then if we ask to cure cancer tonight, cancer should disappear. Right? Yet nothing happens. Note that if we take the Bible less-than-literally here, the statement "nothing will be impossible to you" becomes "lots of things will be impossible to you," and that would mean that Jesus is lying.
In Matthew 21:21:

I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.
If "you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer", then if we ask to cure cancer tonight, cancer should dissappear. Right? Yet nothing happens. Note again that there is not a non-literal way to interpret "you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer", unless you replace "whatever" with "nothing" or "little."
The message is reiterated Mark 11:24:

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
If God says, "believe that you have received it, and it will be yours," and if we believe in God and his power, then what should happen if we pray to cure cancer tonight? It should be cured. Either that, or God is lying.
In John chapter 14, verses 12 through 14, Jesus tells all of us just how easy prayer can be:

"I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." [ref]
Look at how direct this statement is: "You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." This is the "Son of God" speaking. Have we taken him "too literally?" No. This is a simple, unambiguous statement. Have we taken his statement "out of context?" No - Jesus uses the word anyone. Yet Jesus' statement is obviously false. Because when we ask God to cure cancer tonight, nothing happens.
We see the same thing over and over again...

Nothing could be simpler or clearer than Jesus' promises about prayer in the Bible. Yet, when we pray to eliminate cancer, nothing happens.
And keep in mind that this is Jesus talking here. These are not the words of human beings. These are not the words of "inspired" human beings. These are supposedly the words of God himself, incarnated in a human body. Jesus is supposed to be a perfect, sinless being. And yet, it is obvious that Jesus is lying. What Jesus says is clearly incorrect.

God does answer prayers. Very distinctly at times.

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given unto him." (James 1:5)

He will give anyone wisdom if they sincerely ask with faith that they will obtain it. You, me, everyone.

The key is a sincere desire to seek God. God isn't going to answer your prayers if you don't really care and are just doing so to mock Him or others.

Try seeking Him sincerely and you may be surprised
God does answer prayers. Very distinctly at times.

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given unto him." (James 1:5)

He will give anyone wisdom if they sincerely ask with faith that they will obtain it. You, me, everyone.

The key is a sincere desire to seek God. God isn't going to answer your prayers if you don't really care and are just doing so to mock Him or others.

Try seeking Him sincerely and you may be surprised

Well, I do need some help with tuition, and I'm sincere about that. If the gods don't answer my prayers, could you PM your MasterCard number?
God does answer prayers. Very distinctly at times.

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given unto him." (James 1:5)

He will give anyone wisdom if they sincerely ask with faith that they will obtain it. You, me, everyone.

The key is a sincere desire to seek God. God isn't going to answer your prayers if you don't really care and are just doing so to mock Him or others.

Try seeking Him sincerely and you may be surprised

Well, I do need some help with tuition, and I'm sincere about that. If the gods don't answer my prayers, could you PM your MasterCard number?

God does answer prayers. Very distinctly at times.

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not and it shall be given unto him." (James 1:5)

He will give anyone wisdom if they sincerely ask with faith that they will obtain it. You, me, everyone.

The key is a sincere desire to seek God. God isn't going to answer your prayers if you don't really care and are just doing so to mock Him or others.

Try seeking Him sincerely and you may be surprised

That is not what you god man jr jebus said in your book of fables

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours".
If God says, "believe that you have received it, and it will be yours," and if we believe in God and his power, then what should happen if we pray to cure cancer tonight? It should be cured. Either that, or God is lying.
In John chapter 14, verses 12 through 14, Jesus tells all of us just how easy prayer can be
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