Why Obamots Need Repulican Candidates NOW!!

A The only recessions of similar magnitude faced by President Obama were the ones faced by FDR and Reagan. Both FDR and Reagan relied on deficit spending to reign in the economy. I agree that Obama will never be rated as highly as FDR...but he will be rated higher than Reagan

B. Provide a link showing we are out of Iraq

C. Where was it said that the banks repaid every penny? How about we just compare the amount the banks and auto companies paid back under Bush's TARP to what was repaid of the money Obama lent them?

The difference between Obama's popularity, and Reagan's is almost nothing:
Presidential Job Approval Center

US President Barack Obama has confirmed the end of all combat operations in Iraq by 31 August.

"My commitment is to recover every single dime the American people are owed," Obama said. "We want our money back and we're going to get it."

Full details of how the measure would work will be part of Obama's proposed 2011 budget

Obama is running short of excuses.

Maybe your first instinct to Blame Bush will end up as his best defense.

You are dodging again....

How much of what Bush gave out for TARP was repaid vs how much of what Obama gave out being repaid?

Come on...you can do it


How about a few fucking links of your own to support whatever absurd excuse you're trying to make for Obama?

Your thinly veiled duplicity is getting pathetic, but as an example of the best a Dem can do, certainly confirms my growing confidence that all the Dems may rely upon to win 2012 are smoke and mirrors.

You are dodging again....

How much of what Bush gave out for TARP was repaid vs how much of what Obama gave out being repaid?

Come on...you can do it


How about a few fucking links of your own to support whatever absurd excuse you're trying to make for Obama?

Your thinly veiled duplicity is getting pathetic, but as an example of the best a Dem can do, certainly confirms my growing confidence that all the Dems may rely upon to win 2012 are smoke and mirrors.

Just as I expected Samson

You are giving Bush a free pass for getting back NONE of the TARP money he gave away. Quite the fiscal conservative there
So what's the point of this thread now?

To discuss the effectiveness of the Republican Strategy to throw as many red herrings into the MSM and watch the Obamots chase them in an effort to distract themselves from the Massive Failures of the Obama Administration until the 2012 primaries begin.

Based on the responses from the Obamot-Loons in this thread, its working.


Um I don't think it is the Republican strategists doing that but rather it is the Democrats and MSM. Palin has been quiet and out of the news for a couple of weeks at least and they can retread the old stuff only so much. The Donald gave them a target for a few days and, with the exception of Palin, I have rarely seen the MSM and the leftwing go after a non candidate with the intense and nonstop visciousness that they went after him. We know Obama's reaction to him was unprecedented and apparently Trump was viewed as a tremendous threat if that wasn't nipped in the bud immediately.

AHnolds infidelity can only be milked for a few days here and the current talking point memo that the GOP doesn't have anybody to run - 18 months out and a year before most major primaries are scheduled - isn't going to have much traction for long.

So now, without a candidate target, look for something - anything - they can dredge up even if they have to manufacture a scandal or a crisis to keep the attention diverted from the abysmal record of the Obama Administration. His approval rating is already dropping from the bin Laden high and they will have to find something quick to distract the public.
I think the left wing media saw Trump as a clown and an easy target which is why they went after him. Every time he open his mouth he provide material for every stand up comic on TV. The Democrats never saw him as a threat because they never took him seriously.
Um I don't think it is the Republican strategists doing that but rather it is the Democrats and MSM.

Did Democrats make Mittens give his recent disaster of a speech attempting to defend "Romenycare"?

Are Dems responsible for Gingrich flip-flopping on his support/condemnation of Ryan's gutting Medicare plan?

Is it gonna be the Dems' doing if Mitch Daniels has to deal with questions not only about his personal life, but also his record under Shrub and his part in creating the current deficit in the first place?

I have no problem with anybody pointing out the flipflops on either side or debating a position as being a good thing or not. I do that re candidates on both sides and see questionable conviction, integrity, or voting records on both sides. And I take a dubious view of anybody who talks the talk but his/her track record suggest he or she has not walked the walk.

That is a whole different thing than targeting somebody for personal destruction because you perceive him or her as a threat to your own annointed one. And it is a whole different thing than digging up an old scandal or creating one or creating illusions of a crisis to divert attention from negatives re your annointed one.

Please know that when you use sarcastic terms like that, you have lost any credibility that you might have had. All you're doing is letting your hate for this president just shine through. Nothing else you say after that has any value whatsoever.

My thoughts are that the right wing extemists are so upset right now, that none of you know what to do with yourselves. Obama got the best of all of you on the birther issue and in finding OBL. It's killing you!!! So what do you all do?? Start lying more than ever. What a bunch of losers.
Did Democrats make Mittens give his recent disaster of a speech attempting to defend "Romenycare"?

Are Dems responsible for Gingrich flip-flopping on his support/condemnation of Ryan's gutting Medicare plan?

Is it gonna be the Dems' doing if Mitch Daniels has to deal with questions not only about his personal life, but also his record under Shrub and his part in creating the current deficit in the first place?

I have no problem with anybody pointing out the flipflops on either side or debating a position as being a good thing or not. I do that re candidates on both sides and see questionable conviction, integrity, or voting records on both sides. And I take a dubious view of anybody who talks the talk but his/her track record suggest he or she has not walked the walk.

That is a whole different thing than targeting somebody for personal destruction because you perceive him or her as a threat to your own annointed one. And it is a whole different thing than digging up an old scandal or creating one or creating illusions of a crisis to divert attention from negatives re your annointed one.

Please know that when you use sarcastic terms like that, you have lost any credibility that you might have had. All you're doing is letting your hate for this president just shine through. Nothing else you say after that has any value whatsoever.

My thoughts are that the right wing extemists are so upset right now, that none of you know what to do with yourselves. Obama got the best of all of you on the birther issue and in finding OBL. It's killing you!!! So what do you all do?? Start lying more than ever. What a bunch of losers.

Well, I can't remember a time I ever had credibility with you on any subject, Rinata, so I won't worry about that a whole lot.

But those without reading comprehension problems would see that the term 'annointed one' is not taking a dig at the President, but rather his adoring and slavishly approving public who go to any lengths, however hateful or cruel, to destroy anybody who criticizes him. Just as you sort of did here.

I don't hate the President or anybody. But I sure don't agree with a lot of his policies, and I will NEVER agree with the viscious politics of personal destruction intended to destroy rather than compete with somebody. No matter who does it.

But those without reading comprehension problems would see that the term 'annointed one' is not taking a dig at the President, but rather his adoring and slavishly approving public who go to any lengths, however hateful or cruel, to destroy anybody who criticizes him. Just as you sort of did here.


Excellent portrayal of the sickeningly partisan Obamots that are possibly the major cause of Obama's slipping popularity: Through no fault of his own he's becomming nauseating.
You are dodging again....

How much of what Bush gave out for TARP was repaid vs how much of what Obama gave out being repaid?

Come on...you can do it


How about a few fucking links of your own to support whatever absurd excuse you're trying to make for Obama?

Your thinly veiled duplicity is getting pathetic, but as an example of the best a Dem can do, certainly confirms my growing confidence that all the Dems may rely upon to win 2012 are smoke and mirrors.

Just as I expected Samson

You are giving Bush a free pass for getting back NONE of the TARP money he gave away. Quite the fiscal conservative there

Typical: Acuse BOOOOOOOOSH and omit any substance.

Bravo: you've completely proven my point.:clap2:
The funny part is liberals don't understand that us libertarians are actually saving them.

Everything with the left is ironic.

I'd let it go if it was a minor problem, but its not...

I WILL defend this Bill of Rights, if I have to die for it I will.....

Those in the Civil War did not die to see our beautiful Bill of Rights legislated away.

Thats what liberals call "progress"

As a libertarian - I find 90% of the population to be tyrannical...

We were granted rights - you don't have the fucking "right" to redefine those rights. Those rights keep us free - free from tyrants I suppose - That was the point in the first place.
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it is early, and just becasue hes doing it everyone else should to, not that they want to see them make headway or coalesce into a meaningful organized campaign structure, but becasue they want to see them savage each other ( and as long as the reps. lose, so much the better) to provide cover of course.

He is the incumbent, Obama has NO primary opponent, so he has smooth sailing right up until sept.. 2012 into the convention, which will be just a formality.

But he needs to start now? we get 2 years of 'governance' and 2 years of campaigning, hey thx, is he gonna send the paychecks back, becasue hes not doing whats hes being paid to do, and yes, they all attend fundraisers etc., meet and greets and prop candidates during their working term, but, not on this scale and this early, this many whistle stops -townhalls this early,no, go ahead, go compile a list as I have already seen one........

if he were doing this next year, say, even starting at the kick off of the the rep. primary I would certainly defend that myself, now? no, , we have a few crisis's brewing.

The rep.s will have a crowded field where in you would think they would want to get out ahead of each other, but its still early. *shrugs*...

in short yes Samson I think your point holds merit in that this serves several purposes, chief among them; its a distraction, he collects money.

and as you can see above, the plebes need to be entertained by bread and circuses, so they want the reps to get in the arena, if so only that they can roar and throw things, give them the thumbs down they would be giving them no matter what they did or said , because after all, it really is just the old style roman 'mob'.

Substance isn't something the mob values, they could care less if we, the entire country loses, becasue obama is campaigning, not doing his job- not leading and governing, as long as the republicans lose.

Given attitudes like yours, the GOP has already lost.
Substance isn't something the mob values, they could care less if we, the entire country loses, becasue obama is campaigning, not doing his job- not leading and governing, as long as the republicans lose.

Given attitudes like yours, the GOP has already lost.

Given other predictions like yours, this is only one more of the absurd.

How about a few fucking links of your own to support whatever absurd excuse you're trying to make for Obama?

Your thinly veiled duplicity is getting pathetic, but as an example of the best a Dem can do, certainly confirms my growing confidence that all the Dems may rely upon to win 2012 are smoke and mirrors.

Just as I expected Samson

You are giving Bush a free pass for getting back NONE of the TARP money he gave away. Quite the fiscal conservative there

Typical: Acuse BOOOOOOOOSH and omit any substance.

Bravo: you've completely proven my point.:clap2:

Hiding as usual Samson

You sure can dish it out....but run for cover when challenged

You jump all over Obama for not getting back all of the TARP money
What is your position on Bush who gave TARP money to GM and the financial industry without expecting anything in return?
Just as I expected Samson

You are giving Bush a free pass for getting back NONE of the TARP money he gave away. Quite the fiscal conservative there

Typical: Acuse BOOOOOOOOSH and omit any substance.

Bravo: you've completely proven my point.:clap2:

Hiding as usual Samson

You sure can dish it out....but run for cover when challenged

You jump all over Obama for not getting back all of the TARP money
What is your position on Bush who gave TARP money to GM and the financial industry without expecting anything in return?

Obama said he'd collect every penny of lending back (see MY LINK)

If you have a link that suggests otherwise, post it.

Otherwise, keep demonstrating you're full-o-crap.

The latter should be easier.
You are dodging again....

How much of what Bush gave out for TARP was repaid vs how much of what Obama gave out being repaid?

Come on...you can do it


How about a few fucking links of your own to support whatever absurd excuse you're trying to make for Obama?

Your thinly veiled duplicity is getting pathetic, but as an example of the best a Dem can do, certainly confirms my growing confidence that all the Dems may rely upon to win 2012 are smoke and mirrors.

Just as I expected Samson

You are giving Bush a free pass for getting back NONE of the TARP money he gave away. Quite the fiscal conservative there

Senator Obama supported TARP 100%. Bush was in Office less than two months after TARP was passed. Who do you think Bush, Obama, and the Congress expected to be responsible to manage the TARP funds? Bush? I don't think so.

Putting things into perspective and being intellectually honest isn't all that difficult when one can take off the partisan blinders for even just a little while.

How about a few fucking links of your own to support whatever absurd excuse you're trying to make for Obama?

Your thinly veiled duplicity is getting pathetic, but as an example of the best a Dem can do, certainly confirms my growing confidence that all the Dems may rely upon to win 2012 are smoke and mirrors.

Just as I expected Samson

You are giving Bush a free pass for getting back NONE of the TARP money he gave away. Quite the fiscal conservative there

Senator Obama supported TARP 100%. Bush was in Office less than two months after TARP was passed. Who do you think Bush, Obama, and the Congress expected to be responsible to manage the TARP funds? Bush? I don't think so.

Putting things into perspective and being intellectually honest isn't all that difficult when one can take off the partisan blinders for even just a little while.

Where was the oversight of the Bush TARP funds?

President Obama insisted they be structured as a loan. He demanded management and labor concessions. The Government maintained oversight of the auto companies. The TARP money is being repaid

What happened with the fiscally conservative Republicans? The money was given as a gift and they came begging for more three months later
Typical: Acuse BOOOOOOOOSH and omit any substance.

Bravo: you've completely proven my point.:clap2:

Hiding as usual Samson

You sure can dish it out....but run for cover when challenged

You jump all over Obama for not getting back all of the TARP money
What is your position on Bush who gave TARP money to GM and the financial industry without expecting anything in return?

Obama said he'd collect every penny of lending back (see MY LINK)

If you have a link that suggests otherwise, post it.

Otherwise, keep demonstrating you're full-o-crap.

The latter should be easier.

Still the intellectual coward
Just as I expected Samson

You are giving Bush a free pass for getting back NONE of the TARP money he gave away. Quite the fiscal conservative there

Senator Obama supported TARP 100%. Bush was in Office less than two months after TARP was passed. Who do you think Bush, Obama, and the Congress expected to be responsible to manage the TARP funds? Bush? I don't think so.

Putting things into perspective and being intellectually honest isn't all that difficult when one can take off the partisan blinders for even just a little while.

Where was the oversight of the Bush TARP funds?

President Obama insisted they be structured as a loan. He demanded management and labor concessions. The Government maintained oversight of the auto companies. The TARP money is being repaid

What happened with the fiscally conservative Republicans? The money was given as a gift and they came begging for more three months later

They don't care if the money is given to the right kind of people.
Just as I expected Samson

You are giving Bush a free pass for getting back NONE of the TARP money he gave away. Quite the fiscal conservative there

Senator Obama supported TARP 100%. Bush was in Office less than two months after TARP was passed. Who do you think Bush, Obama, and the Congress expected to be responsible to manage the TARP funds? Bush? I don't think so.

Putting things into perspective and being intellectually honest isn't all that difficult when one can take off the partisan blinders for even just a little while.

Where was the oversight of the Bush TARP funds?

President Obama insisted they be structured as a loan. He demanded management and labor concessions. The Government maintained oversight of the auto companies. The TARP money is being repaid

What happened with the fiscally conservative Republicans? The money was given as a gift and they came begging for more three months later

Really? As I recall there was a Democratic majority in both houses of Congress when TARP was passed. Bush signed it yes, but he had two months of oversight which was far too little time to expect any monies to be repaid. Obama and the still Democratically controlled Congress took over in January 2008. So why don't you look to them for how the TARP monies have been managed and repaid?

Bush expected the money to shore up the failing institutions and then be returned to the Treasury. Obama however has tried to turn it into a giant revolving petty cash fund and looks to reissue the money when it is repaid. I don't believe a single dime of it has been used to reduce the deficit or the debt.

How about a few fucking links of your own to support whatever absurd excuse you're trying to make for Obama?

Your thinly veiled duplicity is getting pathetic, but as an example of the best a Dem can do, certainly confirms my growing confidence that all the Dems may rely upon to win 2012 are smoke and mirrors.

Just as I expected Samson

You are giving Bush a free pass for getting back NONE of the TARP money he gave away. Quite the fiscal conservative there

Senator Obama supported TARP 100%. Bush was in Office less than two months after TARP was passed. Who do you think Bush, Obama, and the Congress expected to be responsible to manage the TARP funds? Bush? I don't think so.

Putting things into perspective and being intellectually honest isn't all that difficult when one can take off the partisan blinders for even just a little while.

TARP was Bush. Sorry, it's true. It is his. He created it and much if not most of the money was disbursed before Obama was sworn in. But I credit him for that since it probably saved the economy.

However, in Paulson's first draft, he included that recipients of funds were to never be revealed. IOW $700 billion was to be turned over to the banks and the public would have no right to ever know who got the money nor why. That was struck out when Congress - including most Republicans - said not a chance.
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Just as I expected Samson

You are giving Bush a free pass for getting back NONE of the TARP money he gave away. Quite the fiscal conservative there

Senator Obama supported TARP 100%. Bush was in Office less than two months after TARP was passed. Who do you think Bush, Obama, and the Congress expected to be responsible to manage the TARP funds? Bush? I don't think so.

Putting things into perspective and being intellectually honest isn't all that difficult when one can take off the partisan blinders for even just a little while.

TARP was Bush. Sorry, it's true. It is his. He created it and much if not most of the money was disbursed before Obama was sworn in. But I credit him for that since it probably saved the economy.

However, in Paulson's first draft, he included that recipients of funds were to never be revealed. IOW $700 billion was to be turned over to the banks and the public would have no right to know who got the money nor why. That was struck out when Congress - including most Republicans - said not a chance.

He signed the bill. He didn't write it. And I'm not giving him props because I strongly opposed it. But link re Paulson? I read a lot on that period of history, but I don't recall seeing that.

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