Why only a "progressive" income tax?

IOW you're hawking a fantasy.

You're going to put a $2400 annual income tax on someone making minimum wage of what, 16,000 a year...

lol good one.

It's not a fantasy as It's already the case; go look up the distribution effects of inflation and then see what it does to a person making $16K a year buying power then go ahead and add in all the other hidden taxes that person pays and see what you come up with. That's the great "benefit" of current system of progressive taxation you seem to love so much, the "rich" get to claim "See how much we pay in taxes!" while at the same time using their legions of attorneys and accountants to wring every advantage out of it, the poor and the middle class get royally screwed and aren't even aware of it.

At least moving to a flat income tax levels the playing field from both a practical and moral perspective, of course the "rich" and well connected will never allow a flat tax system because it's not in their best interests.

Not to mention, most flat tax proposals I have read exempt a certain level of income, usually the federal poverty level. So, the tax doesn't kick in until about $20k or so.
I disagree with that

If we are going to tax an earned dollar then tax every earned dollar

Well, I respectfully disagree. I think levying an income tax on the working poor is counterproductive.

How about the non-working poor? should welfare payments be taxed as an incentive to get off the dole?

but seriously, I do think that there should be a floor on a flat tax. If you make under $X, you pay no income tax, or you pay it and get it back as a refund at the end of the year.

the problem is that there is no incentive to make $X+1 since if you did that you would go from zero tax to paying the flat rate and have a net loss of income.
Always funny when lefties bitch about re-distribution to the top, but don't realize they vote for that bullshit every election :lol:

Do you not understand that income inequality has repercussions.
Like our poor and middle class getting fucked? Yea, I know.
Try voting with sense; instead of your empty birth control container or fake dick

Emotion based word salad ^^^

Repercussions can be large or small:

List of revolutions and rebellions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You realize I am completely against institutionalized income inequality, right?
Marxism 101

Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise.
Letter from Thomas Jefferson to James Madison.

It isn't surprising, coming from him lol
That's nothing. You should see some of the stuff Thomas Paine wrote. It would make Bernie Sanders glow with pride.
Not to mention, most flat tax proposals I have read exempt a certain level of income, usually the federal poverty level. So, the tax doesn't kick in until about $20k or so.
I disagree with that

If we are going to tax an earned dollar then tax every earned dollar

Well, I respectfully disagree. I think levying an income tax on the working poor is counterproductive.

Then it's no longer a flat tax
no tax is fair. And that's why your OP is fail. That and it's argument is based on facts that don't exist.

But, there are valid argument for a simplified code

I see the need for taxes so if we are going to tax anything then each of those anythings should be taxed at the same rate for everyone

Why? By your logic everyone should be paid the same hourly rate no matter the job they do. The guy who hits 40 home runs and drives in 100 or more should be paid the same as the guy who hits 250 and drives in less than 20?
IOW you're hawking a fantasy.

You're going to put a $2400 annual income tax on someone making minimum wage of what, 16,000 a year...

lol good one.

It's not a fantasy as It's already the case; go look up the distribution effects of inflation and then see what it does to a person making $16K a year buying power then go ahead and add in all the other hidden taxes that person pays and see what you come up with. That's the great "benefit" of current system of progressive taxation you seem to love so much, the "rich" get to claim "See how much we pay in taxes!" while at the same time using their legions of attorneys and accountants to wring every advantage out of it, the poor and the middle class get royally screwed and aren't even aware of it.

At least moving to a flat income tax levels the playing field from both a practical and moral perspective, of course the "rich" and well connected will never allow a flat tax system because it's not in their best interests.
You say the rich use attorneys to wring "every advantage" out of a progressive tax. What advantage does a progressive tax have for the rich that a flat tax does not?

I will tell you. None.

What the tax accountants do is exploit the $1.2 trillion of tax expenditures in the tax code. And those tax expenditures have NOTHING to do with the fact we have a progressive tax. Those very same tax expenditures would be carried right over into the flat tax system.

Even with a progressive income tax, you could fill out your taxes on a post card today if there were no such thing as tax expenditures.

who wrote the tax code? who put the deductions and exemptions in the code to help the rich avoid taxes?

Answer: congress

next question: which party has controlled congress for most of the last 80 years?

answer: dems
IOW you're hawking a fantasy.

You're going to put a $2400 annual income tax on someone making minimum wage of what, 16,000 a year...

lol good one.

It's not a fantasy as It's already the case; go look up the distribution effects of inflation and then see what it does to a person making $16K a year buying power then go ahead and add in all the other hidden taxes that person pays and see what you come up with. That's the great "benefit" of current system of progressive taxation you seem to love so much, the "rich" get to claim "See how much we pay in taxes!" while at the same time using their legions of attorneys and accountants to wring every advantage out of it, the poor and the middle class get royally screwed and aren't even aware of it.

At least moving to a flat income tax levels the playing field from both a practical and moral perspective, of course the "rich" and well connected will never allow a flat tax system because it's not in their best interests.

Not to mention, most flat tax proposals I have read exempt a certain level of income, usually the federal poverty level. So, the tax doesn't kick in until about $20k or so.
I disagree with that

If we are going to tax an earned dollar then tax every earned dollar

Well, I respectfully disagree. I think levying an income tax on the working poor is counterproductive.

How about the non-working poor? should welfare payments be taxed as an incentive to get off the dole?

but seriously, I do think that there should be a floor on a flat tax. If you make under $X, you pay no income tax, or you pay it and get it back as a refund at the end of the year.

the problem is that there is no incentive to make $X+1 since if you did that you would go from zero tax to paying the flat rate and have a net loss of income.

No one has ever defined welfare benefits as income
Then it's no longer a flat tax

Sure it is, it's flat above the poverty line, why would you want to levy an income tax on people living at what are essentially subsistence levels of income? If you tax the incomes of such people you'll inevitably have to make up what you tax back in additional welfare state subsidies, not to mention you'd be putting a large barrier in their way to getting out of poverty.
I disagree with that

If we are going to tax an earned dollar then tax every earned dollar

Well, I respectfully disagree. I think levying an income tax on the working poor is counterproductive.

Then it's no longer a flat tax
no tax is fair. And that's why your OP is fail. That and it's argument is based on facts that don't exist.

But, there are valid argument for a simplified code

I see the need for taxes so if we are going to tax anything then each of those anythings should be taxed at the same rate for everyone

Why? By your logic everyone should be paid the same hourly rate no matter the job they do. The guy who hits 40 home runs and drives in 100 or more should be paid the same as the guy who hits 250 and drives in less than 20?

flat income and flat tax are not even close to analogous.
I disagree with that

If we are going to tax an earned dollar then tax every earned dollar

Well, I respectfully disagree. I think levying an income tax on the working poor is counterproductive.

Then it's no longer a flat tax
no tax is fair. And that's why your OP is fail. That and it's argument is based on facts that don't exist.

But, there are valid argument for a simplified code

I see the need for taxes so if we are going to tax anything then each of those anythings should be taxed at the same rate for everyone

Why? By your logic everyone should be paid the same hourly rate no matter the job they do. The guy who hits 40 home runs and drives in 100 or more should be paid the same as the guy who hits 250 and drives in less than 20?

How do you get that?

Obviously some skills are worth more than others in the market but each dollar paid to the people with those skills are all exactly the same value even though one person might earn more than another

Once again I thought you could have figured that out on your own
Always funny when lefties bitch about re-distribution to the top, but don't realize they vote for that bullshit every election :lol:

Do you not understand that income inequality has repercussions.
Like our poor and middle class getting fucked? Yea, I know.
Try voting with sense; instead of your empty birth control container or fake dick

Emotion based word salad ^^^

Repercussions can be large or small:

List of revolutions and rebellions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You realize I am completely against institutionalized income inequality, right?

Define "institutionalized income inequality",
It's not a fantasy as It's already the case; go look up the distribution effects of inflation and then see what it does to a person making $16K a year buying power then go ahead and add in all the other hidden taxes that person pays and see what you come up with. That's the great "benefit" of current system of progressive taxation you seem to love so much, the "rich" get to claim "See how much we pay in taxes!" while at the same time using their legions of attorneys and accountants to wring every advantage out of it, the poor and the middle class get royally screwed and aren't even aware of it.

At least moving to a flat income tax levels the playing field from both a practical and moral perspective, of course the "rich" and well connected will never allow a flat tax system because it's not in their best interests.

Not to mention, most flat tax proposals I have read exempt a certain level of income, usually the federal poverty level. So, the tax doesn't kick in until about $20k or so.
I disagree with that

If we are going to tax an earned dollar then tax every earned dollar

Well, I respectfully disagree. I think levying an income tax on the working poor is counterproductive.

How about the non-working poor? should welfare payments be taxed as an incentive to get off the dole?

but seriously, I do think that there should be a floor on a flat tax. If you make under $X, you pay no income tax, or you pay it and get it back as a refund at the end of the year.

the problem is that there is no incentive to make $X+1 since if you did that you would go from zero tax to paying the flat rate and have a net loss of income.

No one has ever defined welfare benefits as income

are they not income? actually unemployment benefits are considered income and are included as taxable income on the 1040 form.
I'd rather we move away from taxes on production (income) and move toward taxes on consumption (sales).
Progressive income taxes are based on the subjective marginal utility analysis that basically says idiots in government can decide if you "need" all the money you make or not and that they are justified in taking the money they decide you don't "need"

Well all of you who love this type of blatantly unfair tax scheme I ask you why stop at income?

Why not use progressive tax schemes for everything that is taxed?

Let's say you own a 4 bedroom home but you and your wife have only 1 kid. You only "need" 2 bedrooms so some moron in your state government can decide that those 2 bedrooms must be taken from you and given to someone else and then inserts 2 people into your home because they "need" those rooms and you don't

What about a vacation home? Surely you don't "need" that if you only use it on occasion.

You and your wife have 2 cars and you have your dream car in the garage you don't need that classic 1969 GTO so why not let the government take it from you to give to someone who does "need" it

I bet that sounds like a great plan to some of you doesn't it?

If you want to argue against imaginary scenarios you need to find some imaginary people to take the other side.

Doesn't answer the question.
It's not a fantasy as It's already the case; go look up the distribution effects of inflation and then see what it does to a person making $16K a year buying power then go ahead and add in all the other hidden taxes that person pays and see what you come up with. That's the great "benefit" of current system of progressive taxation you seem to love so much, the "rich" get to claim "See how much we pay in taxes!" while at the same time using their legions of attorneys and accountants to wring every advantage out of it, the poor and the middle class get royally screwed and aren't even aware of it.

At least moving to a flat income tax levels the playing field from both a practical and moral perspective, of course the "rich" and well connected will never allow a flat tax system because it's not in their best interests.

Not to mention, most flat tax proposals I have read exempt a certain level of income, usually the federal poverty level. So, the tax doesn't kick in until about $20k or so.
I disagree with that

If we are going to tax an earned dollar then tax every earned dollar

Well, I respectfully disagree. I think levying an income tax on the working poor is counterproductive.

Then it's no longer a flat tax
no tax is fair. And that's why your OP is fail. That and it's argument is based on facts that don't exist.

But, there are valid argument for a simplified code

Well, there is what I believe to be a very valid argument that a direct tax on labor is inherently immoral.
Not to mention, most flat tax proposals I have read exempt a certain level of income, usually the federal poverty level. So, the tax doesn't kick in until about $20k or so.
I disagree with that

If we are going to tax an earned dollar then tax every earned dollar

Well, I respectfully disagree. I think levying an income tax on the working poor is counterproductive.

How about the non-working poor? should welfare payments be taxed as an incentive to get off the dole?

but seriously, I do think that there should be a floor on a flat tax. If you make under $X, you pay no income tax, or you pay it and get it back as a refund at the end of the year.

the problem is that there is no incentive to make $X+1 since if you did that you would go from zero tax to paying the flat rate and have a net loss of income.

No one has ever defined welfare benefits as income

are they not income? actually unemployment benefits are considered income and are included as taxable income on the 1040 form.

unemployment benefits aren't welfare benefits are they?

Do you know why unemployment benefits are taxed?

Because business have to pay SUTA and FUTA taxes those taxes are a write off for the business therefore government has to get something back from those getting the benefits

Welfare payments are not set up the same way
I'd rather we move away from taxes on production (income) and move toward taxes on consumption (sales).
It has its merits but the Fair ax proposal is way too complicated

It collects tax from everyone then gives some back every month

It makes no sense to do that just charge a lower rate and don't give anything back
A welfare mom buys her diapers with government money.
I'd rather we move away from taxes on production (income) and move toward taxes on consumption (sales).
It has its merits but the Fair ax proposal is way too complicated

It collects tax from everyone then gives some back every month

It makes no sense to do that just charge a lower rate and don't give anything back
The prebate mitigates the regressive nature of a sales tax. Not giving anything back and lowering the rate does not.

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