Why only a "progressive" income tax?

Progressive income taxes are based on the subjective marginal utility analysis that basically says idiots in government can decide if you "need" all the money you make or not and that they are justified in taking the money they decide you don't "need"

Well all of you who love this type of blatantly unfair tax scheme I ask you why stop at income?

Why not use progressive tax schemes for everything that is taxed?

Let's say you own a 4 bedroom home but you and your wife have only 1 kid. You only "need" 2 bedrooms so some moron in your state government can decide that those 2 bedrooms must be taken from you and given to someone else and then inserts 2 people into your home because they "need" those rooms and you don't

What about a vacation home? Surely you don't "need" that if you only use it on occasion.

You and your wife have 2 cars and you have your dream car in the garage you don't need that classic 1969 GTO so why not let the government take it from you to give to someone who does "need" it

I bet that sounds like a great plan to some of you doesn't it?

It most likely doesn't seem like a great plan to me, my take is it is an absurd mini rant by someone who hates taxes and doesn't understand that a flat tax is a paved road to a Plutocracy.

We got a Republic, and people like you don't understand a progressive income tax is today more important than ever before. The CU & McCutcheon 5-4 decisions have moved us to the tipping point of losing what our founders left us.

Then explain why the "progressive" tax is great for income but not for anything else?

Why not pay more sales tax on your second third and fourth giant flat screen TVs than you do on the first?

ANd I don't mind paying taxes I just don't like unfair taxes

It has been pointed out that Real Estate Taxes are higher for more expensive homes than for lesser expansive homes, except in CA where prop. 13 screwed new home owners and created a wonderful system for corporations, Apt. House owners, Rail Roads and other large property owners who rarely if ever turn over their property.

And that's my point. Prob 13 treats all Real Property the same, but when sold the property is reassessed to its current market value. Hence my wife and I own a 3/2 home we bought in 1980 and pay less in taxes than my son and his wife who live half a mile away in a 3/1 home 400 sq. ft. smaller than ours. They bought their home in 2011 and pay 2/3 more than we in property tax.

That ain't fair, but Prop. 13 was funded by wealthy investors and owners of large apt. complexes which never are sold, so they are never reassessed at the current market value. That includes supermarkets, large retail outfits and shopping malls, service stations & huge real estate holdings of the Rail Roads.

That is the future times 10 if we continue to move the burden of taxes to the lesser so those with the most can obtain more.
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The progressive tax taxes brackets at different rates, therefore, by itself, it is a tax system that is the same for everyone.
The money the billionaire earns in the lowest bracket is taxed the same as the person who only has taxable income in the lower bracket.

So what makes dollar 1 million less valuable than dollar 100 so some idiot in DC can tell you you don't need 40% of that millionth dollar but you do need all of that 100th dollar

It is the very definition of subjectivity

The only fair tax is a flat tax

The flat tax isn't fair, lol.

A 10% flat tax means the guy making 20,000 a year pays $2000 in tax. The guy making 2 million a year pays 200,000 in tax.

Why should one guy have to pay 100 times the tax of someone else for the same government services?
Not under the flat tax I have been proposing they aren't

I used capital gains because you were whining that the rich would get a tax cut if we used a flat tax I showed you how they wouldn't

Your incomprehensible example didn't prove anything.

BTW, if you exempt money earned at the bottom in a flat tax system, it's no longer flat. Do you?

SO wait

15% of 7 million as compared to 12% of 10 million is incomprehensible to you?

That's so sad

Go back and lay out your entire tax system, in detail, from which you are pulling the above hypothetical numbers.

My god

In the flat tax system I have been talking about every dollar earned will be taxed at the same rate no matter what the source there will be no deductions at all

can you understand that?

IOW you're hawking a fantasy.

You're going to put a $2400 annual income tax on someone making minimum wage of what, 16,000 a year...

lol good one.

I never said the rate would be 15% did I?

It will most likely be less than that because all income will be taxed not some and we can also take the savings realized from gutting the IRS and use that to lower taxes as well not to mention the money people would save by not having to pay accountants and lawyers to do their taxes
Progressive income taxes are based on the subjective marginal utility analysis that basically says idiots in government can decide if you "need" all the money you make or not and that they are justified in taking the money they decide you don't "need"

Well all of you who love this type of blatantly unfair tax scheme I ask you why stop at income?

Why not use progressive tax schemes for everything that is taxed?

Let's say you own a 4 bedroom home but you and your wife have only 1 kid. You only "need" 2 bedrooms so some moron in your state government can decide that those 2 bedrooms must be taken from you and given to someone else and then inserts 2 people into your home because they "need" those rooms and you don't

What about a vacation home? Surely you don't "need" that if you only use it on occasion.

You and your wife have 2 cars and you have your dream car in the garage you don't need that classic 1969 GTO so why not let the government take it from you to give to someone who does "need" it

I bet that sounds like a great plan to some of you doesn't it?
The progressive tax was made up from foolish bleeding emotion, it has made this government into a banana republic. Lol

Tax, spend and print... Wash, rinse and repeat.
Progressive income taxes are based on the subjective marginal utility analysis that basically says idiots in government can decide if you "need" all the money you make or not and that they are justified in taking the money they decide you don't "need"

Well all of you who love this type of blatantly unfair tax scheme I ask you why stop at income?

Why not use progressive tax schemes for everything that is taxed?

Let's say you own a 4 bedroom home but you and your wife have only 1 kid. You only "need" 2 bedrooms so some moron in your state government can decide that those 2 bedrooms must be taken from you and given to someone else and then inserts 2 people into your home because they "need" those rooms and you don't

What about a vacation home? Surely you don't "need" that if you only use it on occasion.

You and your wife have 2 cars and you have your dream car in the garage you don't need that classic 1969 GTO so why not let the government take it from you to give to someone who does "need" it

I bet that sounds like a great plan to some of you doesn't it?

It most likely doesn't seem like a great plan to me, my take is it is an absurd mini rant by someone who hates taxes and doesn't understand that a flat tax is a paved road to a Plutocracy.

We got a Republic, and people like you don't understand a progressive income tax is today more important than ever before. The CU & McCutcheon 5-4 decisions have moved us to the tipping point of losing what our founders left us.

Then explain why the "progressive" tax is great for income but not for anything else?

Why not pay more sales tax on your second third and fourth giant flat screen TVs than you do on the first?

ANd I don't mind paying taxes I just don't like unfair taxes

It has been pointed out that Real Estate Taxes are higher for more expensive homes than for lesser expansive homes, except in CA where prop. 13 screwed new home owners and created a wonderful system for corporations, Apt. House owners, Rail Roads and other large property owners who rarely if ever turn over their property.

And that's my point. Prob 13 treats all Real Property the same, but when sold the property is reassessed to its current market value. Hence my wife and I own a 3/2 home we bought in 1980 and pay less in taxes than my son and his wife who live half a mile away in a 3/1 home 400 s

So again he answer here is a flat tax

tax every acre no matter where it is exactly the same tax every square foot of homes exactly the same and then if you sell a house then every dime of the profit you made would also be taxed at a flat income tax rate
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Your incomprehensible example didn't prove anything.

BTW, if you exempt money earned at the bottom in a flat tax system, it's no longer flat. Do you?

SO wait

15% of 7 million as compared to 12% of 10 million is incomprehensible to you?

That's so sad

Go back and lay out your entire tax system, in detail, from which you are pulling the above hypothetical numbers.

My god

In the flat tax system I have been talking about every dollar earned will be taxed at the same rate no matter what the source there will be no deductions at all

can you understand that?

IOW you're hawking a fantasy.

You're going to put a $2400 annual income tax on someone making minimum wage of what, 16,000 a year...

lol good one.

I never said the rate would be 15% did I?

It will most likely be less than that because all income will be taxed not some and we can also take the savings realized from gutting the IRS and use that to lower taxes as well not to mention the money people would save by not having to pay accountants and lawyers to do their taxes

Did you not use 15% in your 'example'? Yes or no?

Fuck it. Use any rate you want in my example and show me how that makes the scenario any less absurd.
Progressive income taxes are based on the subjective marginal utility analysis that basically says idiots in government can decide if you "need" all the money you make or not and that they are justified in taking the money they decide you don't "need"

Well all of you who love this type of blatantly unfair tax scheme I ask you why stop at income?

Why not use progressive tax schemes for everything that is taxed?

Let's say you own a 4 bedroom home but you and your wife have only 1 kid. You only "need" 2 bedrooms so some moron in your state government can decide that those 2 bedrooms must be taken from you and given to someone else and then inserts 2 people into your home because they "need" those rooms and you don't

What about a vacation home? Surely you don't "need" that if you only use it on occasion.

You and your wife have 2 cars and you have your dream car in the garage you don't need that classic 1969 GTO so why not let the government take it from you to give to someone who does "need" it

I bet that sounds like a great plan to some of you doesn't it?
The progressive tax was made up from foolish bleeding emotion, it has made this government into a banana republic. Lol

Tax, spend and print... Wash, rinse and repeat.

The progressive tax in this country was first used by Lincoln to help pay for the Civil War,

back when, I guess, Republicans recognized the merit of actually paying for the wars they had to fund.
Progressive income taxes are based on the subjective marginal utility analysis that basically says idiots in government can decide if you "need" all the money you make or not and that they are justified in taking the money they decide you don't "need"

Well all of you who love this type of blatantly unfair tax scheme I ask you why stop at income?

Why not use progressive tax schemes for everything that is taxed?

Let's say you own a 4 bedroom home but you and your wife have only 1 kid. You only "need" 2 bedrooms so some moron in your state government can decide that those 2 bedrooms must be taken from you and given to someone else and then inserts 2 people into your home because they "need" those rooms and you don't

What about a vacation home? Surely you don't "need" that if you only use it on occasion.

You and your wife have 2 cars and you have your dream car in the garage you don't need that classic 1969 GTO so why not let the government take it from you to give to someone who does "need" it

I bet that sounds like a great plan to some of you doesn't it?
The progressive tax was made up from foolish bleeding emotion, it has made this government into a banana republic. Lol

Tax, spend and print... Wash, rinse and repeat.

It's pulled right from the Communist Manifesto.... Plank #2.
Progressive income taxes are based on the subjective marginal utility analysis that basically says idiots in government can decide if you "need" all the money you make or not and that they are justified in taking the money they decide you don't "need"

Well all of you who love this type of blatantly unfair tax scheme I ask you why stop at income?

Why not use progressive tax schemes for everything that is taxed?

Let's say you own a 4 bedroom home but you and your wife have only 1 kid. You only "need" 2 bedrooms so some moron in your state government can decide that those 2 bedrooms must be taken from you and given to someone else and then inserts 2 people into your home because they "need" those rooms and you don't

What about a vacation home? Surely you don't "need" that if you only use it on occasion.

You and your wife have 2 cars and you have your dream car in the garage you don't need that classic 1969 GTO so why not let the government take it from you to give to someone who does "need" it

I bet that sounds like a great plan to some of you doesn't it?
The progressive tax was made up from foolish bleeding emotion, it has made this government into a banana republic. Lol

Tax, spend and print... Wash, rinse and repeat.

The progressive tax in this country was first used by Lincoln to help pay for the Civil War,

back when, I guess, Republicans recognized the merit of actually paying for the wars they had to fund.
...And where has it gotten us??
Epic fail...
IOW you're hawking a fantasy.

You're going to put a $2400 annual income tax on someone making minimum wage of what, 16,000 a year...

lol good one.

It's not a fantasy as It's already the case; go look up the distribution effects of inflation and then see what it does to a person making $16K a year buying power then go ahead and add in all the other hidden taxes that person pays and see what you come up with. That's the great "benefit" of current system of progressive taxation you seem to love so much, the "rich" get to claim "See how much we pay in taxes!" while at the same time using their legions of attorneys and accountants to wring every advantage out of it, the poor and the middle class get royally screwed and aren't even aware of it.

At least moving to a flat income tax levels the playing field from both a practical and moral perspective, of course the "rich" and well connected will never allow a flat tax system because it's not in their best interests.
SO wait

15% of 7 million as compared to 12% of 10 million is incomprehensible to you?

That's so sad

Go back and lay out your entire tax system, in detail, from which you are pulling the above hypothetical numbers.

My god

In the flat tax system I have been talking about every dollar earned will be taxed at the same rate no matter what the source there will be no deductions at all

can you understand that?

IOW you're hawking a fantasy.

You're going to put a $2400 annual income tax on someone making minimum wage of what, 16,000 a year...

lol good one.

I never said the rate would be 15% did I?

It will most likely be less than that because all income will be taxed not some and we can also take the savings realized from gutting the IRS and use that to lower taxes as well not to mention the money people would save by not having to pay accountants and lawyers to do their taxes

Did you not use 15% in your 'example'? Yes or no?

Fuck it. Use any rate you want in my example and show me how that makes the scenario any less absurd.

I used 15 and 12 to illustrate the fact that a lower tax rate does not have to mean lower taxes paid

try to keep up
Progressive income taxes are based on the subjective marginal utility analysis that basically says idiots in government can decide if you "need" all the money you make or not and that they are justified in taking the money they decide you don't "need"

Well all of you who love this type of blatantly unfair tax scheme I ask you why stop at income?

Why not use progressive tax schemes for everything that is taxed?

Let's say you own a 4 bedroom home but you and your wife have only 1 kid. You only "need" 2 bedrooms so some moron in your state government can decide that those 2 bedrooms must be taken from you and given to someone else and then inserts 2 people into your home because they "need" those rooms and you don't

What about a vacation home? Surely you don't "need" that if you only use it on occasion.

You and your wife have 2 cars and you have your dream car in the garage you don't need that classic 1969 GTO so why not let the government take it from you to give to someone who does "need" it

I bet that sounds like a great plan to some of you doesn't it?
The progressive tax was made up from foolish bleeding emotion, it has made this government into a banana republic. Lol

Tax, spend and print... Wash, rinse and repeat.

The progressive tax in this country was first used by Lincoln to help pay for the Civil War,

back when, I guess, Republicans recognized the merit of actually paying for the wars they had to fund.

Yeah and we used to have slavery and not allow women to vote neither of those were good ideas just because they were thought to be in the past
IOW you're hawking a fantasy.

You're going to put a $2400 annual income tax on someone making minimum wage of what, 16,000 a year...

lol good one.

It's not a fantasy as It's already the case; go look up the distribution effects of inflation and then see what it does to a person making $16K a year buying power then go ahead and add in all the other hidden taxes that person pays and see what you come up with. That's the great "benefit" of current system of progressive taxation you seem to love so much, the "rich" get to claim "See how much we pay in taxes!" while at the same time using their legions of attorneys and accountants to wring every advantage out of it, the poor and the middle class get royally screwed and aren't even aware of it.

At least moving to a flat income tax levels the playing field from both a practical and moral perspective, of course the "rich" and well connected will never allow a flat tax system because it's not in their best interests.

Not to mention, most flat tax proposals I have read exempt a certain level of income, usually the federal poverty level. So, the tax doesn't kick in until about $20k or so.
Progressive income taxes are based on the subjective marginal utility analysis that basically says idiots in government can decide if you "need" all the money you make or not and that they are justified in taking the money they decide you don't "need"

Well all of you who love this type of blatantly unfair tax scheme I ask you why stop at income?

Why not use progressive tax schemes for everything that is taxed?

Let's say you own a 4 bedroom home but you and your wife have only 1 kid. You only "need" 2 bedrooms so some moron in your state government can decide that those 2 bedrooms must be taken from you and given to someone else and then inserts 2 people into your home because they "need" those rooms and you don't

What about a vacation home? Surely you don't "need" that if you only use it on occasion.

You and your wife have 2 cars and you have your dream car in the garage you don't need that classic 1969 GTO so why not let the government take it from you to give to someone who does "need" it

I bet that sounds like a great plan to some of you doesn't it?

It most likely doesn't seem like a great plan to me, my take is it is an absurd mini rant by someone who hates taxes and doesn't understand that a flat tax is a paved road to a Plutocracy.

We got a Republic, and people like you don't understand a progressive income tax is today more important than ever before. The CU & McCutcheon 5-4 decisions have moved us to the tipping point of losing what our founders left us.

Then explain why the "progressive" tax is great for income but not for anything else?

Why not pay more sales tax on your second third and fourth giant flat screen TVs than you do on the first?

ANd I don't mind paying taxes I just don't like unfair taxes

It has been pointed out that Real Estate Taxes are higher for more expensive homes than for lesser expansive homes, except in CA where prop. 13 screwed new home owners and created a wonderful system for corporations, Apt. House owners, Rail Roads and other large property owners who rarely if ever turn over their property.

And that's my point. Prob 13 treats all Real Property the same, but when sold the property is reassessed to its current market value. Hence my wife and I own a 3/2 home we bought in 1980 and pay less in taxes than my son and his wife who live half a mile away in a 3/1 home 400 s

So again he answer here is a flat tax

tax every acre no matter where it is exactly the same tax every square foot of homes exactly the same and then if you sell a house then every dime of the profit you made would also be taxed at a flat income tax rate

So an acre in Manhattan is taxed the same as an acre in the middle of the Sonoran Dessert

Always funny when lefties bitch about re-distribution to the top, but don't realize they vote for that bullshit every election :lol:
IOW you're hawking a fantasy.

You're going to put a $2400 annual income tax on someone making minimum wage of what, 16,000 a year...

lol good one.

It's not a fantasy as It's already the case; go look up the distribution effects of inflation and then see what it does to a person making $16K a year buying power then go ahead and add in all the other hidden taxes that person pays and see what you come up with. That's the great "benefit" of current system of progressive taxation you seem to love so much, the "rich" get to claim "See how much we pay in taxes!" while at the same time using their legions of attorneys and accountants to wring every advantage out of it, the poor and the middle class get royally screwed and aren't even aware of it.

At least moving to a flat income tax levels the playing field from both a practical and moral perspective, of course the "rich" and well connected will never allow a flat tax system because it's not in their best interests.

Not to mention, most flat tax proposals I have read exempt a certain level of income, usually the federal poverty level. So, the tax doesn't kick in until about $20k or so.

Does that include the first 20k on someone who earns 5 million dollars?
IOW you're hawking a fantasy.

You're going to put a $2400 annual income tax on someone making minimum wage of what, 16,000 a year...

lol good one.

It's not a fantasy as It's already the case; go look up the distribution effects of inflation and then see what it does to a person making $16K a year buying power then go ahead and add in all the other hidden taxes that person pays and see what you come up with. That's the great "benefit" of current system of progressive taxation you seem to love so much, the "rich" get to claim "See how much we pay in taxes!" while at the same time using their legions of attorneys and accountants to wring every advantage out of it, the poor and the middle class get royally screwed and aren't even aware of it.

At least moving to a flat income tax levels the playing field from both a practical and moral perspective, of course the "rich" and well connected will never allow a flat tax system because it's not in their best interests.

Not to mention, most flat tax proposals I have read exempt a certain level of income, usually the federal poverty level. So, the tax doesn't kick in until about $20k or so.
Yep since IMHO it would be counter productive to levy an income tax on the poor (those below the poverty line) as it would present a major roadblock in achieving the objective of helping them move themselves into the ranks of the NOT poor. ;)
IOW you're hawking a fantasy.

You're going to put a $2400 annual income tax on someone making minimum wage of what, 16,000 a year...

lol good one.

It's not a fantasy as It's already the case; go look up the distribution effects of inflation and then see what it does to a person making $16K a year buying power then go ahead and add in all the other hidden taxes that person pays and see what you come up with. That's the great "benefit" of current system of progressive taxation you seem to love so much, the "rich" get to claim "See how much we pay in taxes!" while at the same time using their legions of attorneys and accountants to wring every advantage out of it, the poor and the middle class get royally screwed and aren't even aware of it.

At least moving to a flat income tax levels the playing field from both a practical and moral perspective, of course the "rich" and well connected will never allow a flat tax system because it's not in their best interests.

Not to mention, most flat tax proposals I have read exempt a certain level of income, usually the federal poverty level. So, the tax doesn't kick in until about $20k or so.
Yep since IMHO it would be counter productive to levy an income tax on the poor (those below the poverty line) as it would present a major roadblock in achieving the objective of helping them move themselves into the ranks of the NOT poor. ;)

Of course... no sane person would argue that taxing someone making $16k makes any sense whatsoever.
Always funny when lefties bitch about re-distribution to the top, but don't realize they vote for that bullshit every election :lol:

Do you not understand that income inequality has repercussions.
Like our poor and middle class getting fucked? Yea, I know.
Try voting with sense; instead of your empty birth control container or fake dick

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