Why pence is okay with FEMA camps for immigrant kids

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Of course it is. Are you claiming there aren't any illegal aliens in our schools or hospital emergency rooms?
I’m sure they are there. I don’t see it as an infestation.
"Infest" is an entirely accurate term. They are there, and they aren't wanted their.
Then you can call it an infestation if that makes you happy. I simply said I dont see it that way
People speaking the truth is what makes me happy. I despise liars.
Then stop lying. You’ve lied about several things in this very conversation. Saying I said things that i never said.
Nope. I proved you said them. I quoted what you said.
I’m not going to give them citizenship or benefits unless they work for it. What do you think they are gonna do? Risk their lives to come here to live on the streets?

So, you just let them pour across the border, with the plan to let them and their precious children live in the shadows, without food or medical care or education or shelter?

Sounds like a bad plan. And the flaw is your refusal to control the border.
You’re injecting that. I never said any of those things, in fact I’ve said the opposite. I think everybody here should be in the system

So, you stated that you support some limitations. So, what are you prepared to do to enforce those limitations?
I’d vote for people who can write and pass laws to improve the system and funding to implement and enforce

I asked a simple and direct question, and you dodged.

The fact is revealed. YOu are not prepared to support ANY attempt to enforce ANY limits on the flow of Third World aliens into our nation.

That is your position, yet you are too dishonest to be upfront about it. You hide and lie, because you know that being truthful would reveal that your position is not based on anything to do with what is good for your fellow Americans.
I didn’t dodge, I gave a direct answer. I can’t read your mind and my answers don’t seem to be satisfying you. So why don’t you just ask me about a specific measure and I’ll tell you if I support it or not
It's not a matter of whether we are "entitled." The citizens of a country always have the ability and authority to control who else enters the country. If they don't, then who does?

Do you actually think about this stuff before you post it? Of course not. You just emote and then behave as if that is a substitute for thought.
You and I “the citizens” are here because our family's once invaded this country. Because of that I’m not so quick to throw up the closed sign
I don't give a shit what your rationalization is. The claim that we don't have the right to determine who enters this country is beyond stupid. It doesn't matter how we got here. People living in large parts of Asia got there because Genghis Khan invaded and slaughtered tens of millions of them in the process. Does that mean anyone who wants to emigrate to Ukraine has a right to do so?
show me where I claimed we don’t have the right to control our borders? Quote me. Now stop lying
You said illegal aliens "deserve a shot at it." That's the same as saying we don't have a right to exclude them. That is, we don't have a right to control our own borders.

Using euphemisms doesn't change the reality of that you are proposing.
No it’s not the same. We have the right to do whatever we want. Speaking to what I want, I’d give them a shot. Get it?
If they "deserve a shot at it," then we don't have the right to stop them. You can't have it both ways.

You obviously lack the capacity to commit logic.
What kind of parent, takes a kid on a dangerous trek across a desert with dangerous criminals?
One that knows the kids have a better chance that way.

So then if you have a problem with how it is going, take it up with their parents who choose this.
Why? It isn't the parents fault they aren't born into a stable country.

It's not the United States who is responsible to feed the world.
So, you just let them pour across the border, with the plan to let them and their precious children live in the shadows, without food or medical care or education or shelter?

Sounds like a bad plan. And the flaw is your refusal to control the border.
You’re injecting that. I never said any of those things, in fact I’ve said the opposite. I think everybody here should be in the system

So, you stated that you support some limitations. So, what are you prepared to do to enforce those limitations?
I’d vote for people who can write and pass laws to improve the system and funding to implement and enforce

I asked a simple and direct question, and you dodged.

The fact is revealed. YOu are not prepared to support ANY attempt to enforce ANY limits on the flow of Third World aliens into our nation.

That is your position, yet you are too dishonest to be upfront about it. You hide and lie, because you know that being truthful would reveal that your position is not based on anything to do with what is good for your fellow Americans.
I didn’t dodge, I gave a direct answer. I can’t read your mind and my answers don’t seem to be satisfying you. So why don’t you just ask me about a specific measure and I’ll tell you if I support it or not

THe answer that you refuse to honestly give, yet constantly reveal, is that you are not prepared to support any serious attempt to enforce any limitation on people coming here.
For the same reason you believe they don’t deserve a shot people like me think they do. Just a difference of opinion. Call it a sense of liberty or human compassion if you’d like
What reason is that? I don't believe they deserve a shot because none of you leftwing open borders turds have ever posted a good reason for giving them a shot. How does it benefit us to give them a shot? I've asked this question before, and the only answer I got was "Mexican food."
Here’s a good reason... they are human beings. It’s very simple

By that logic, all the people of the Earth have right to come here, and be citizens.

And liberals have the nerve to wonder why we question their patriotism.
All the people in the world have always had the opportunity to come here and try to make it. They used to come over in ships all the time... guess what, they all never came at once. Crazy phenomenon, I know.

1. No they did not.

2. Your position is not compatible with a survivable America.
I disagree
What reason is that? I don't believe they deserve a shot because none of you leftwing open borders turds have ever posted a good reason for giving them a shot. How does it benefit us to give them a shot? I've asked this question before, and the only answer I got was "Mexican food."
Here’s a good reason... they are human beings. It’s very simple

By that logic, all the people of the Earth have right to come here, and be citizens.

And liberals have the nerve to wonder why we question their patriotism.
All the people in the world have always had the opportunity to come here and try to make it. They used to come over in ships all the time... guess what, they all never came at once. Crazy phenomenon, I know.

1. No they did not.

2. Your position is not compatible with a survivable America.
I disagree

If everyone in the world, can come here, we will be flooded with non Americans, until America is not longer America in anything but name, if even that.


The only question is why you want that.
In other words, you believe it entitles them to emigrate to America. I don't agree that America stands for allowing foreigners to invade our country. That's leftwing pablum. None of the Founders ever said such a thing.

You're basically admitting that you have no rational reason for admitting them.
We are all here because our ancestors invaded this country as you like to put it. So you get here and feel entitled to say no more?! Who do you think you are? You sound like a spoiled brat
It's not a matter of whether we are "entitled." The citizens of a country always have the ability and authority to control who else enters the country. If they don't, then who does?

Do you actually think about this stuff before you post it? Of course not. You just emote and then behave as if that is a substitute for thought.
You and I “the citizens” are here because our family's once invaded this country. Because of that I’m not so quick to throw up the closed sign
I don't give a shit what your rationalization is. The claim that we don't have the right to determine who enters this country is beyond stupid. It doesn't matter how we got here. People living in large parts of Asia got there because Genghis Khan invaded and slaughtered tens of millions of them in the process. Does that mean anyone who wants to emigrate to Ukraine has a right to do so?
show me where I claimed we don’t have the right to control our borders? Quote me. Now stop lying

The Democrats official position is for AMNESTY for ILLEGAL Aliens. That incentivizes people coming here illegally and is effectively OPEN BORDERS as it does not penalize these criminals but rewards them. America haters of course support this position.

You are thus FOR Amnesty and therefore Open Borders which isn't controlling our borders.
None of that is true except for me not having a problem with Democrats being here... which is a completely lame argument on your part
Of course it's true. Name one policy change you support that would actually reduce the number of illegal aliens in the country.
The dream act
Changing the law to make what they did legal isn't what I was referring to, dumbass. When I say "reduce the number of illegals in the country," I mean change where they are located to be outside of our borders.

All you're doing is proving that you support open borders.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I dont see a need to reduce the amount of people in our country and shrink our economy. I’d focus on deporting criminals, securing our border, attracting the best and brightest to work in our companies and attend our universities, and speed up the god awful immigration system that’s currently in place
Are you trying to prove you support open borders?

You're doing a good job of it.

The best and the brightest aren't coming from Mexico, dumbass. Has anyone from Mexico ever won a Nobel Prize? Developed a life saving drug? Invented some trillion dollar technology?
You crack me up...

The Three Mexican Nobel Prize Winners
You’re injecting that. I never said any of those things, in fact I’ve said the opposite. I think everybody here should be in the system

So, you stated that you support some limitations. So, what are you prepared to do to enforce those limitations?
I’d vote for people who can write and pass laws to improve the system and funding to implement and enforce

I asked a simple and direct question, and you dodged.

The fact is revealed. YOu are not prepared to support ANY attempt to enforce ANY limits on the flow of Third World aliens into our nation.

That is your position, yet you are too dishonest to be upfront about it. You hide and lie, because you know that being truthful would reveal that your position is not based on anything to do with what is good for your fellow Americans.
I didn’t dodge, I gave a direct answer. I can’t read your mind and my answers don’t seem to be satisfying you. So why don’t you just ask me about a specific measure and I’ll tell you if I support it or not

THe answer that you refuse to honestly give, yet constantly reveal, is that you are not prepared to support any serious attempt to enforce any limitation on people coming here.
Sure I am... I just don’t know what YOU consider serious
Here’s a good reason... they are human beings. It’s very simple

By that logic, all the people of the Earth have right to come here, and be citizens.

And liberals have the nerve to wonder why we question their patriotism.
All the people in the world have always had the opportunity to come here and try to make it. They used to come over in ships all the time... guess what, they all never came at once. Crazy phenomenon, I know.

1. No they did not.

2. Your position is not compatible with a survivable America.
I disagree

If everyone in the world, can come here, we will be flooded with non Americans, until America is not longer America in anything but name, if even that.


The only question is why you want that.
I don’t want that nor do I think everybody in the world would all come here... how do I know? Because that’s never happened
We are all here because our ancestors invaded this country as you like to put it. So you get here and feel entitled to say no more?! Who do you think you are? You sound like a spoiled brat
It's not a matter of whether we are "entitled." The citizens of a country always have the ability and authority to control who else enters the country. If they don't, then who does?

Do you actually think about this stuff before you post it? Of course not. You just emote and then behave as if that is a substitute for thought.
You and I “the citizens” are here because our family's once invaded this country. Because of that I’m not so quick to throw up the closed sign
I don't give a shit what your rationalization is. The claim that we don't have the right to determine who enters this country is beyond stupid. It doesn't matter how we got here. People living in large parts of Asia got there because Genghis Khan invaded and slaughtered tens of millions of them in the process. Does that mean anyone who wants to emigrate to Ukraine has a right to do so?
show me where I claimed we don’t have the right to control our borders? Quote me. Now stop lying

The Democrats official position is for AMNESTY for ILLEGAL Aliens. That incentivizes people coming here illegally and is effectively OPEN BORDERS as it does not penalize these criminals but rewards them. America haters of course support this position.

You are thus FOR Amnesty and therefore Open Borders which isn't controlling our borders.
I’m not for amnesty. I think they should be held accountable but not necessarily by deportation. Dreamers I think should be made legal.
By that logic, all the people of the Earth have right to come here, and be citizens.

And liberals have the nerve to wonder why we question their patriotism.
All the people in the world have always had the opportunity to come here and try to make it. They used to come over in ships all the time... guess what, they all never came at once. Crazy phenomenon, I know.

1. No they did not.

2. Your position is not compatible with a survivable America.
I disagree

If everyone in the world, can come here, we will be flooded with non Americans, until America is not longer America in anything but name, if even that.


The only question is why you want that.
I don’t want that nor do I think everybody in the world would all come here... how do I know? Because that’s never happened
Yes you do, you lying piece of shit. You said "they deserve a shot at it."
It's not a matter of whether we are "entitled." The citizens of a country always have the ability and authority to control who else enters the country. If they don't, then who does?

Do you actually think about this stuff before you post it? Of course not. You just emote and then behave as if that is a substitute for thought.
You and I “the citizens” are here because our family's once invaded this country. Because of that I’m not so quick to throw up the closed sign
I don't give a shit what your rationalization is. The claim that we don't have the right to determine who enters this country is beyond stupid. It doesn't matter how we got here. People living in large parts of Asia got there because Genghis Khan invaded and slaughtered tens of millions of them in the process. Does that mean anyone who wants to emigrate to Ukraine has a right to do so?
show me where I claimed we don’t have the right to control our borders? Quote me. Now stop lying

The Democrats official position is for AMNESTY for ILLEGAL Aliens. That incentivizes people coming here illegally and is effectively OPEN BORDERS as it does not penalize these criminals but rewards them. America haters of course support this position.

You are thus FOR Amnesty and therefore Open Borders which isn't controlling our borders.
I’m not for amnesty. I think they should be held accountable but not necessarily by deportation. Dreamers I think should be made legal.
Anything short of deportation is amnesty.
All the people in the world have always had the opportunity to come here and try to make it. They used to come over in ships all the time... guess what, they all never came at once. Crazy phenomenon, I know.

1. No they did not.

2. Your position is not compatible with a survivable America.
I disagree

If everyone in the world, can come here, we will be flooded with non Americans, until America is not longer America in anything but name, if even that.


The only question is why you want that.
I don’t want that nor do I think everybody in the world would all come here... how do I know? Because that’s never happened
Yes you do, you lying piece of shit. You said "they deserve a shot at it."
You and I “the citizens” are here because our family's once invaded this country. Because of that I’m not so quick to throw up the closed sign
I don't give a shit what your rationalization is. The claim that we don't have the right to determine who enters this country is beyond stupid. It doesn't matter how we got here. People living in large parts of Asia got there because Genghis Khan invaded and slaughtered tens of millions of them in the process. Does that mean anyone who wants to emigrate to Ukraine has a right to do so?
show me where I claimed we don’t have the right to control our borders? Quote me. Now stop lying

The Democrats official position is for AMNESTY for ILLEGAL Aliens. That incentivizes people coming here illegally and is effectively OPEN BORDERS as it does not penalize these criminals but rewards them. America haters of course support this position.

You are thus FOR Amnesty and therefore Open Borders which isn't controlling our borders.
I’m not for amnesty. I think they should be held accountable but not necessarily by deportation. Dreamers I think should be made legal.
Anything short of deportation is amnesty.
They do deserve a shot and deportation is not the only form of punishment. You’re wrong
Slade3200 is illegal him/herself or he/she has strong ties to those who are. There’s just no way in hell a legitimate, real American could/would take the same position that he/she does.
No legitimate American would believe that Americans have no right to sovereignty...NONE.
1. No they did not.

2. Your position is not compatible with a survivable America.
I disagree

If everyone in the world, can come here, we will be flooded with non Americans, until America is not longer America in anything but name, if even that.


The only question is why you want that.
I don’t want that nor do I think everybody in the world would all come here... how do I know? Because that’s never happened
Yes you do, you lying piece of shit. You said "they deserve a shot at it."
I don't give a shit what your rationalization is. The claim that we don't have the right to determine who enters this country is beyond stupid. It doesn't matter how we got here. People living in large parts of Asia got there because Genghis Khan invaded and slaughtered tens of millions of them in the process. Does that mean anyone who wants to emigrate to Ukraine has a right to do so?
show me where I claimed we don’t have the right to control our borders? Quote me. Now stop lying

The Democrats official position is for AMNESTY for ILLEGAL Aliens. That incentivizes people coming here illegally and is effectively OPEN BORDERS as it does not penalize these criminals but rewards them. America haters of course support this position.

You are thus FOR Amnesty and therefore Open Borders which isn't controlling our borders.
I’m not for amnesty. I think they should be held accountable but not necessarily by deportation. Dreamers I think should be made legal.
Anything short of deportation is amnesty.
They do deserve a shot and deportation is not the only form of punishment. You’re wrong
No, .they don't deserve a shot, and deportation is the only penalty the removes the incentive for crossing the border.

If the penalty for robbing $100,000 from a bank was a $1000 fine, would that deter anyone from robbing a bank? Nope. Bank robbers would laugh at that. The penalty has to be greater than the value of the thing obtained illegally. So what penalty do you propose that would actually deter anyone from crossing our border?
Slade3200 is illegal him/herself or he/she has strong ties to those who are. There’s just no way in hell a legitimate, real American could/would take the same position that he/she does.
No legitimate American would believe that Americans have no right to sovereignty...NONE.
You would think, but some people really are that stupid.
It's not a matter of whether we are "entitled." The citizens of a country always have the ability and authority to control who else enters the country. If they don't, then who does?

Do you actually think about this stuff before you post it? Of course not. You just emote and then behave as if that is a substitute for thought.
You and I “the citizens” are here because our family's once invaded this country. Because of that I’m not so quick to throw up the closed sign
I don't give a shit what your rationalization is. The claim that we don't have the right to determine who enters this country is beyond stupid. It doesn't matter how we got here. People living in large parts of Asia got there because Genghis Khan invaded and slaughtered tens of millions of them in the process. Does that mean anyone who wants to emigrate to Ukraine has a right to do so?
show me where I claimed we don’t have the right to control our borders? Quote me. Now stop lying

The Democrats official position is for AMNESTY for ILLEGAL Aliens. That incentivizes people coming here illegally and is effectively OPEN BORDERS as it does not penalize these criminals but rewards them. America haters of course support this position.

You are thus FOR Amnesty and therefore Open Borders which isn't controlling our borders.
I’m not for amnesty. I think they should be held accountable but not necessarily by deportation. Dreamers I think should be made legal.
You are for amnesty. You're a fucking liar.
Of course it's true. Name one policy change you support that would actually reduce the number of illegal aliens in the country.
The dream act
Changing the law to make what they did legal isn't what I was referring to, dumbass. When I say "reduce the number of illegals in the country," I mean change where they are located to be outside of our borders.

All you're doing is proving that you support open borders.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I dont see a need to reduce the amount of people in our country and shrink our economy. I’d focus on deporting criminals, securing our border, attracting the best and brightest to work in our companies and attend our universities, and speed up the god awful immigration system that’s currently in place
Are you trying to prove you support open borders?

You're doing a good job of it.

The best and the brightest aren't coming from Mexico, dumbass. Has anyone from Mexico ever won a Nobel Prize? Developed a life saving drug? Invented some trillion dollar technology?
You crack me up...

The Three Mexican Nobel Prize Winners
A politician, an author and a "scientist" who supposedly proved that Ozone was a problem. In other words he was an environmental activist. None of these were for actual science, like inventing the transistor or unraveling the structure of DNA.
So, you stated that you support some limitations. So, what are you prepared to do to enforce those limitations?
I’d vote for people who can write and pass laws to improve the system and funding to implement and enforce

I asked a simple and direct question, and you dodged.

The fact is revealed. YOu are not prepared to support ANY attempt to enforce ANY limits on the flow of Third World aliens into our nation.

That is your position, yet you are too dishonest to be upfront about it. You hide and lie, because you know that being truthful would reveal that your position is not based on anything to do with what is good for your fellow Americans.
I didn’t dodge, I gave a direct answer. I can’t read your mind and my answers don’t seem to be satisfying you. So why don’t you just ask me about a specific measure and I’ll tell you if I support it or not

THe answer that you refuse to honestly give, yet constantly reveal, is that you are not prepared to support any serious attempt to enforce any limitation on people coming here.
Sure I am... I just don’t know what YOU consider serious
He considers a proposal serious if it would actually reduce the number of illegals in this country. Everything you have proposed would increase the number of illegals.
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