Why pence is okay with FEMA camps for immigrant kids

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I asked a simple and direct question, and you dodged.

The fact is revealed. YOu are not prepared to support ANY attempt to enforce ANY limits on the flow of Third World aliens into our nation.

That is your position, yet you are too dishonest to be upfront about it. You hide and lie, because you know that being truthful would reveal that your position is not based on anything to do with what is good for your fellow Americans.
I didn’t dodge, I gave a direct answer. I can’t read your mind and my answers don’t seem to be satisfying you. So why don’t you just ask me about a specific measure and I’ll tell you if I support it or not

THe answer that you refuse to honestly give, yet constantly reveal, is that you are not prepared to support any serious attempt to enforce any limitation on people coming here.
Sure I am... I just don’t know what YOU consider serious

No, you aren't. YOu demonstrated that, when I asked you what steps you would support to enforce the limitations you supposedly supported, and you all you could come up with was "voting for someone to improve the system and implement and enforce".

You could not even envision a lie you could pretend to support.
That’s because I’m being honest. I’m not going to get a gun and go guard the border. Or go protest somewhere. I got my own shit going on so when you ask what I’m going to do, my answer is support measures or reps I agree with. I’m guessing the same is true for you.

Your pretense of not understanding the concept of supporting a policy, as opposed to actually DOING the policy,

is not credible.

All that is, is another form of dodge, from a Lefty trying to avoid admitting that the policies he and his fellow lefties support,

and not intended for the good of his fellow Americans. At all,

Indeed, are actively HOSTILE to his fellow Americans.

You support unlimited and unvetted flow of foreigners into this country, not because you think it is good for America and Americans, but because you know that it is not.

And you lie to hide that fact.
1. No they did not.

2. Your position is not compatible with a survivable America.
I disagree

If everyone in the world, can come here, we will be flooded with non Americans, until America is not longer America in anything but name, if even that.


The only question is why you want that.
I don’t want that nor do I think everybody in the world would all come here... how do I know? Because that’s never happened

Oh? When is the next time you expect California to vote for a Republican President?
If we had a popular vote or a different electoral system then the rep prez would get millions of votes from Cali

THe reason you could not answer my question honestly, is that the only honest answer is never.

And that proves that massive demographic change, is already transforming this nation, into something radically different.

The new thing that occupies this space, might, MIGHT, still CALL itself America, but it will not be America, it will not be recognizable to actual past Americans as America, and it will be actively hostile to actual Americans.

As we can see already, in you.

Indeed, as you demonstrated with your most recent lie about California.

If you were motivated by good intentions towards Americans, you would have admitted that California has been radically transformed, and been prepared to honestly discuss the ramifications for your fellow Americans.
I don’t want that nor do I think everybody in the world would all come here... how do I know? Because that’s never happened
Yes you do, you lying piece of shit. You said "they deserve a shot at it."
I’m not for amnesty. I think they should be held accountable but not necessarily by deportation. Dreamers I think should be made legal.
Anything short of deportation is amnesty.
They do deserve a shot and deportation is not the only form of punishment. You’re wrong
No, .they don't deserve a shot, and deportation is the only penalty the removes the incentive for crossing the border.

If the penalty for robbing $100,000 from a bank was a $1000 fine, would that deter anyone from robbing a bank? Nope. Bank robbers would laugh at that. The penalty has to be greater than the value of the thing obtained illegally. So what penalty do you propose that would actually deter anyone from crossing our border?
The last time I checked Eye for an eye was in the Bible not in the constitution.
ROFL! You are a fucking joke. I didn't say anything like that. Obviously, you only support penalties that won't have any affect.

Who do you think you're fooling? You're a big fat liar. That much is obvious.

Now, I asked you what you propose that would actually reduce illegal immigration. You just made it obvious that you have nothing to propose.
It doesn’t sound like you’re interested in reducing illegal immigration. It sounds like you want to only reduce the amount of brown people coming into this country. Is that right?
I dont see a need to reduce the amount of people in our country and shrink our economy. I’d focus on deporting criminals, securing our border, attracting the best and brightest to work in our companies and attend our universities, and speed up the god awful immigration system that’s currently in place
Are you trying to prove you support open borders?

You're doing a good job of it.

The best and the brightest aren't coming from Mexico, dumbass. Has anyone from Mexico ever won a Nobel Prize? Developed a life saving drug? Invented some trillion dollar technology?
You crack me up...

The Three Mexican Nobel Prize Winners
A politician, an author and a "scientist" who supposedly proved that Ozone was a problem. In other words he was an environmental activist. None of these were for actual science, like inventing the transistor or unraveling the structure of DNA.
So what??? You’re the one who asked if they ever got a Nobel prize like it carried some prestigious weight and yes they got 3
Obviously I meant a science Nobel Prize. I real one. Not bullshit political pandering.
Haha, obviously you meant science. And obviously the science prize they were given doesn’t count... thanks for playing
show me where I claimed we don’t have the right to control our borders? Quote me. Now stop lying

The Democrats official position is for AMNESTY for ILLEGAL Aliens. That incentivizes people coming here illegally and is effectively OPEN BORDERS as it does not penalize these criminals but rewards them. America haters of course support this position.

You are thus FOR Amnesty and therefore Open Borders which isn't controlling our borders.
I’m not for amnesty. I think they should be held accountable but not necessarily by deportation. Dreamers I think should be made legal.
You are for amnesty. You're a fucking liar.
Only for dreamers
That's still amnesty. And you have supported amnesty for the rest as well. You just call it "comprehensive immigration reform."
Amnesty is a pardon without penalty. I’m proposing penalties. You just don’t like the penalty. Stop lying
I didn’t dodge, I gave a direct answer. I can’t read your mind and my answers don’t seem to be satisfying you. So why don’t you just ask me about a specific measure and I’ll tell you if I support it or not

THe answer that you refuse to honestly give, yet constantly reveal, is that you are not prepared to support any serious attempt to enforce any limitation on people coming here.
Sure I am... I just don’t know what YOU consider serious

No, you aren't. YOu demonstrated that, when I asked you what steps you would support to enforce the limitations you supposedly supported, and you all you could come up with was "voting for someone to improve the system and implement and enforce".

You could not even envision a lie you could pretend to support.
That’s because I’m being honest. I’m not going to get a gun and go guard the border. Or go protest somewhere. I got my own shit going on so when you ask what I’m going to do, my answer is support measures or reps I agree with. I’m guessing the same is true for you.

Your pretense of not understanding the concept of supporting a policy, as opposed to actually DOING the policy,

is not credible.

All that is, is another form of dodge, from a Lefty trying to avoid admitting that the policies he and his fellow lefties support,

and not intended for the good of his fellow Americans. At all,

Indeed, are actively HOSTILE to his fellow Americans.

You support unlimited and unvetted flow of foreigners into this country, not because you think it is good for America and Americans, but because you know that it is not.

And you lie to hide that fact.
I haven’t lied about a thing. Your accusation is the lie. Don’t be a hypocrite.
I disagree

If everyone in the world, can come here, we will be flooded with non Americans, until America is not longer America in anything but name, if even that.


The only question is why you want that.
I don’t want that nor do I think everybody in the world would all come here... how do I know? Because that’s never happened

Oh? When is the next time you expect California to vote for a Republican President?
If we had a popular vote or a different electoral system then the rep prez would get millions of votes from Cali

THe reason you could not answer my question honestly, is that the only honest answer is never.

And that proves that massive demographic change, is already transforming this nation, into something radically different.

The new thing that occupies this space, might, MIGHT, still CALL itself America, but it will not be America, it will not be recognizable to actual past Americans as America, and it will be actively hostile to actual Americans.

As we can see already, in you.

Indeed, as you demonstrated with your most recent lie about California.

If you were motivated by good intentions towards Americans, you would have admitted that California has been radically transformed, and been prepared to honestly discuss the ramifications for your fellow Americans.
Are you talking about more brown people and less white people, when you speak to a changing America?
he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.

They are NOT immigrant kids, they are ILLEGAL ALIENS who are invading our nation against our wishes. And yes you most definitely are an idiot for not knowing the difference.
Yes you do, you lying piece of shit. You said "they deserve a shot at it."
Anything short of deportation is amnesty.
They do deserve a shot and deportation is not the only form of punishment. You’re wrong
No, .they don't deserve a shot, and deportation is the only penalty the removes the incentive for crossing the border.

If the penalty for robbing $100,000 from a bank was a $1000 fine, would that deter anyone from robbing a bank? Nope. Bank robbers would laugh at that. The penalty has to be greater than the value of the thing obtained illegally. So what penalty do you propose that would actually deter anyone from crossing our border?
The last time I checked Eye for an eye was in the Bible not in the constitution.
ROFL! You are a fucking joke. I didn't say anything like that. Obviously, you only support penalties that won't have any affect.

Who do you think you're fooling? You're a big fat liar. That much is obvious.

Now, I asked you what you propose that would actually reduce illegal immigration. You just made it obvious that you have nothing to propose.
It doesn’t sound like you’re interested in reducing illegal immigration. It sounds like you want to only reduce the amount of brown people coming into this country. Is that right?

Simply declaring illegals to be legal isn't "reducing illegal immigration." The point is to reduce the number of people illegally crossing the border, not just changing the label we place on them. Only a sleazy lying douchebag would suggest the later, and that's all you are suggesting.

Just admit that you're a traitor who supports open borders.

You aren't fooling anyone.
he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.

They are NOT immigrant kids, they are ILLEGAL ALIENS who are invading our nation against our wishes. And yes you most definitely are an idiot for not knowing the difference.
You’re an idiot for accusing children of invading our country... like they have any choice in matter
You're a douchebag by calling them "immigrants."
If everyone in the world, can come here, we will be flooded with non Americans, until America is not longer America in anything but name, if even that.


The only question is why you want that.
I don’t want that nor do I think everybody in the world would all come here... how do I know? Because that’s never happened

Oh? When is the next time you expect California to vote for a Republican President?
If we had a popular vote or a different electoral system then the rep prez would get millions of votes from Cali

THe reason you could not answer my question honestly, is that the only honest answer is never.

And that proves that massive demographic change, is already transforming this nation, into something radically different.

The new thing that occupies this space, might, MIGHT, still CALL itself America, but it will not be America, it will not be recognizable to actual past Americans as America, and it will be actively hostile to actual Americans.

As we can see already, in you.

Indeed, as you demonstrated with your most recent lie about California.

If you were motivated by good intentions towards Americans, you would have admitted that California has been radically transformed, and been prepared to honestly discuss the ramifications for your fellow Americans.
Are you talking about more brown people and less white people, when you speak to a changing America?
They're skin color is relevant only to race baiting douchebags like you.
God was white. He made Adam white, Eva was a blonde. Santa Claus is White.
Pence is white. Those at the border aren't in their image.
HOWEVER :04::1peleas:
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The Democrats official position is for AMNESTY for ILLEGAL Aliens. That incentivizes people coming here illegally and is effectively OPEN BORDERS as it does not penalize these criminals but rewards them. America haters of course support this position.

You are thus FOR Amnesty and therefore Open Borders which isn't controlling our borders.
I’m not for amnesty. I think they should be held accountable but not necessarily by deportation. Dreamers I think should be made legal.
You are for amnesty. You're a fucking liar.
Only for dreamers
That's still amnesty. And you have supported amnesty for the rest as well. You just call it "comprehensive immigration reform."
Amnesty is a pardon without penalty. I’m proposing penalties. You just don’t like the penalty. Stop lying
As I said, if the so-called "penalty" allows the perp to retain the benefit of committing his crime, then it's not a penalty. "Comprehensive immigration reform" is amnesty.
They do deserve a shot and deportation is not the only form of punishment. You’re wrong
No, .they don't deserve a shot, and deportation is the only penalty the removes the incentive for crossing the border.

If the penalty for robbing $100,000 from a bank was a $1000 fine, would that deter anyone from robbing a bank? Nope. Bank robbers would laugh at that. The penalty has to be greater than the value of the thing obtained illegally. So what penalty do you propose that would actually deter anyone from crossing our border?
The last time I checked Eye for an eye was in the Bible not in the constitution.
ROFL! You are a fucking joke. I didn't say anything like that. Obviously, you only support penalties that won't have any affect.

Who do you think you're fooling? You're a big fat liar. That much is obvious.

Now, I asked you what you propose that would actually reduce illegal immigration. You just made it obvious that you have nothing to propose.
It doesn’t sound like you’re interested in reducing illegal immigration. It sounds like you want to only reduce the amount of brown people coming into this country. Is that right?

Simply declaring illegals to be legal isn't "reducing illegal immigration." The point is to reduce the number of people illegally crossing the border, not just changing the label we place on them. Only a sleazy lying douchebag would suggest the later, and that's all you are suggesting.

Just admit that you're a traitor who supports open borders.

You aren't fooling anyone.
It’s the exact definition of reducing illegal immigration. Just like Colorado reduced the amount of people illegally buying and selling pot when they legalized it and created an economic boom for the state instead of an expensive liability
he isn't so much a Christian as he is a trumptian.

They are NOT immigrant kids, they are ILLEGAL ALIENS who are invading our nation against our wishes. And yes you most definitely are an idiot for not knowing the difference.
You’re an idiot for accusing children of invading our country... like they have any choice in matter
You're a douchebag by calling them "immigrants."
Is that right?! Why don’t you give me what definition you have for “immigrant” so we can see how I’m wrong
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