Why People Reject Christ

Not sure if serious but, was Mohammad a true Muslim?

If xtians can claim that atrocities committed in the name of their faith aren't real xtians then why can't Muslims get the same pass?

If a Jew gets a ticket for speeding I guarantee there will be someone here asking why Americans tolerate all these Jewish speeders.
Jesus didn't preach violence. He said to turn the other cheek.

Then I'm pretty sure his followers are implementing the cheek turning thing incorrectly

Not sure if serious but, was Mohammad a true Muslim?

If xtians can claim that atrocities committed in the name of their faith aren't real xtians then why can't Muslims get the same pass?

If a Jew gets a ticket for speeding I guarantee there will be someone here asking why Americans tolerate all these Jewish speeders.

What did Mohammad do and what did he preach?

What did Jesus do and what did he preach?

If Muslims aren't following Muhammad's teachings and examples, are they true Muslims?
Hitler was a follower of Christ?

He stated in a speech that atheism had been "stamped out", and banned. Hitler was born to a practising Catholic mother, and was baptised and confirmed a Roman Catholic. In his book 'Mein Kampf' and in public speeches he affirmed a belief in Christianity. Hitler and the Nazi party promoted "Positive Christianity". Hitler claimed that he continued to believe in an active Deity, and in one public speech, he stated that he held Jesus in high esteem as an "Aryan fighter" who struggled against Jewry.

So, I'm going with, yea. He might not be YOUR particular type of xtian. But, if a person claims to be a follower of Jesus and belongs to xtian denomination then I'm willing to believe he's a xtian.
You really seem to hate us Christians.

Actually, I don't. I judge people as individuals UNTIL they come to me and claim to have the only theological answer and I'm 'too in love with my sin' to accept that answer.

When someone comes to me and says I'm a bad person because I don't believe as they believe then it's open season on their beliefs.

Don't bring nothin', there won't be nothin'.
Picture a guy floating downstream on a raft on a hot summer day. He’s having the time of his life, enjoying the ride as the cool water gently splashes on him. You’re on the shore and you know that there’s a deadly waterfall not far downstream. This guy is floating blissfully and ignorantly toward certain destruction! So you yell to warn him. You throw him a rope. But he rejects it and keeps floating toward certain death. Why won’t he grab the life preserver? Because he loves what he’s doing and he doesn’t want to believe your warning.

Why do people reject God’s wonderful offer of salvation through Jesus Christ? You would think that everyone would eagerly grab the life preserver that God has thrown out through the gospel (John 3:16): “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” Why would anyone reject such a wonderful offer? Why would anyone want to keep heading for eternal destruction? In our text, John shows us:

People reject Christ because they love their sin and they hate having it exposed by God’s light.

Read more:
Lesson 18: Why People Reject Christ (John 3:19-21)
Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus
Just following orders.

I've heard that before ... from other xtians


Jesus didn't preach violence. He said to turn the other cheek.
According to your goyim bible,your dead god man on two sticks said

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

Matthew 10:34
Why do you insist on displaying your ignorance? What Jesus meant by that was that not all people would choose to follow Him. The ones who don't are the ones who bring the sword. Notice how Christians have been persecuted for the last two thousand years? That's what He was talking about.
Just following orders.

I've heard that before ... from other xtians


Jesus didn't preach violence. He said to turn the other cheek.
According to your goyim bible,your dead god man on two sticks said

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

Matthew 10:34
Why do you insist on displaying your ignorance? What Jesus meant by that was that not all people would choose to follow Him. The ones who don't are the ones who bring the sword. Notice how Christians have been persecuted for the last two thousand years? That's what He was talking about.
This might help ignorant goyim like you

Picture a guy floating downstream on a raft on a hot summer day. He’s having the time of his life, enjoying the ride as the cool water gently splashes on him. You’re on the shore and you know that there’s a deadly waterfall not far downstream. This guy is floating blissfully and ignorantly toward certain destruction! So you yell to warn him. You throw him a rope. But he rejects it and keeps floating toward certain death. Why won’t he grab the life preserver? Because he loves what he’s doing and he doesn’t want to believe your warning.

Why do people reject God’s wonderful offer of salvation through Jesus Christ? You would think that everyone would eagerly grab the life preserver that God has thrown out through the gospel (John 3:16): “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” Why would anyone reject such a wonderful offer? Why would anyone want to keep heading for eternal destruction? In our text, John shows us:

People reject Christ because they love their sin and they hate having it exposed by God’s light.

Read more:
Lesson 18: Why People Reject Christ (John 3:19-21)
Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus
That's the biggest load of crap I ever saw.
Picture a guy floating downstream on a raft on a hot summer day. He’s having the time of his life, enjoying the ride as the cool water gently splashes on him. You’re on the shore and you know that there’s a deadly waterfall not far downstream. This guy is floating blissfully and ignorantly toward certain destruction! So you yell to warn him. You throw him a rope. But he rejects it and keeps floating toward certain death. Why won’t he grab the life preserver? Because he loves what he’s doing and he doesn’t want to believe your warning.

Why do people reject God’s wonderful offer of salvation through Jesus Christ? You would think that everyone would eagerly grab the life preserver that God has thrown out through the gospel (John 3:16): “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” Why would anyone reject such a wonderful offer? Why would anyone want to keep heading for eternal destruction? In our text, John shows us:

People reject Christ because they love their sin and they hate having it exposed by God’s light.

Read more:
Lesson 18: Why People Reject Christ (John 3:19-21)
Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus
That's the biggest load of crap I ever saw.
All of the excuses and negetive comments so far have simply proven what I posted. You love your sin, which is why you reject Christ. Everything you've posted is nothing but excuses. The simple fact is that you hate Jesus for showing you what miserable, sinful wretches you are. Enjoy your sin. Your day is coming. You will stand before God and give an account of your life. You poor fools.
Your day is coming. You will stand before God and give an account of your life. You poor fools.

So, until then, do I have to put up with your nonsense? If you're not G-d, then it's not your business to kibbitz.
Because some people require evidence before they devote their entire lives to something...

A blind belief in something is kind of idiotic.

I agree. Everything came from nothing. Anyone who disagrees with me is delusional.
you are an idiot ;;;existence is a mystery but I sure as shit ain't going to follow no Christ who has followers like Christ does..how can one respect the followers of Christ they are 100 percent phony

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