Why People Still Support Trump:

Leftist propaganda doesn't yield 38 indictments. Law enforcement does.

President Donald Trump has been indicted 38 times? Who knew?
I don't think he said so?
Got a link where someone said trump?
Golden shower video maybe.

Oh...so you say President Donald Trump has NOT been indicted 38 times as claimed by your good buddy BWK appeared to state. Perhaps you and he should get together an figure it out!
Is this why dozens of industrialized nations are clamoring to abandon their system and adopt ours? I guess it must be a busy news week, because the media has not mentioned this at all.

Why are you afraid to answer my questions and, instead, deflect?

I'll try again.

Why then is our health care so superior?

Which country has produced more life-saving drugs, life-extending drugs, new technology, and new medical procedures than the United States? Why do you think that happens here and not any of dozens of other countries?

Compare United Kingdom to United States:

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia

Want to walk that dog back, Sparky?
Well the OP misstated what the link said, probably because of a lack of understanding of the op ed in the link. But it's not disputable that even though some avowed racists support Trump (The Alt R and Bannon) and Trump's history of race comments is at best very objectionable to civil people of all races and religions ... the majority of Trumps support is not from avowed racists and those folks don't make up 40-48% of Americans. The only explanation is that a maj of Trump supporters have concluded that Trump best supports the majority of concerns they have. It's not monolithic.

You don't have to be a racist to think both parties have failed on immigration. You don't have to want to go back to pre-Obamacare to think Obamacare is not the best you can hope for. You don't have to think it's fine and dandy that Putin and the GRU were giving Donnie a hand up to figure that the neo-cons were dangerous and Obama doesn't need to sing kumbayah with the muslim bros.
Are you going to actually maga?

Happening day by day. Which, you already know.

Yea! Lets give rich people and corporations more tax breaks


Not surprised, you're dodging the point. Is America NOT getting greater day by day?

I don't know is it? I know I did fantastic in 2015. Even better in 2016. Even better in 2017. Even better in 2018 and I'm off to a record start in 2019.

Just don't forget I had a fantastic 2015 and 2016 thanks Obama.
Maybe because we have 10x the scientists?
You mean Norway, Sweden etc are knocking our doors down.
Ever lived in Norway?
Of course not, just spewing knees news

Actually, all my grandparents come from either Norway (3) or Denmark (1) and I have spent extended periods of time in Norway. I have relatives still living there and through that, I once owned a part of a house. I also took a motorcycle road trip in Norway, with a group, in July one year that seems a lifetime ago today. The average was around 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Do you honestly believe that American's would accept the tax rate of Norway? Do you believe too that American's accepting the government dictating to them the specific home they could buy?
Is this why dozens of industrialized nations are clamoring to abandon their system and adopt ours? I guess it must be a busy news week, because the media has not mentioned this at all.

Why are you afraid to answer my questions and, instead, deflect?

I'll try again.

Why then is our health care so superior?

Which country has produced more life-saving drugs, life-extending drugs, new technology, and new medical procedures than the United States? Why do you think that happens here and not any of dozens of other countries?

Compare United Kingdom to United States:

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia

Want to walk that dog back, Sparky?

Apparently, Markle's computer crashed about here.....
Compare United Kingdom to United States:

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia

Want to walk that dog back, Sparky?

No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?

Every bit of that information is available to you on the internet, but you won't look it up because Rush has already made up your mind for you. Again, there has never been a single country that has considered switching to the USA health care system, because it is an utter failure unless you are either rich or lucky enough to be covered by an employer health plan, which is becoming more rare every year. Ford has been spending more money per car built on health coverage for employees than they spend on steel, since 1977.
There are two main theories of Trump’s support. One is that a large minority of Americans — 40 percent, give or take — are racist idiots. This theory is at least tacitly endorsed by the Democratic Party and the mainstream liberal media. The other is that a large majority of this large minority are good citizens with intelligible and legitimate opinions, who so resent being regarded as racist idiots that they’ll back Trump almost regardless. They may not admire the man, but he’s on their side, he vents their frustration, he afflicts the people who think so little of them — and that’s good enough.

It’s disappointing that Charlottesville hasn’t changed their minds — but then it hasn’t changed my mind either. I still think the first theory is absurd and the second theory basically correct. . . .

This sense that democratic politics is futile if not downright dangerous now infuses the worldview of the country’s cultural and intellectual establishment. Trump is routinely accused of being authoritarian and anti-democratic, despite the fact that he won the election and, so far, has been checked at every point and has achieved almost nothing in policy terms. (He might wish he were an authoritarian, but he sure hasn’t been allowed to function as one.) Many of his critics, on the other hand, are anti-democratic in a deeper sense: They appear to believe that a little less than half the country doesn’t deserve the vote.

The second theory — the correct theory — is a terrible indictment of the Democratic Party and much of the media. Why aren’t the intelligible and legitimate opinions of that large minority given a hearing? Why must their views be bundled reflexively into packages labelled “bigotry” and “stupidity”? Why can’t this large minority of the American people be accorded something other than pity or scorn?

Why People Still Support Trump

Because Democrats still can’t deal with losing, and a large part of belonging to the left is the satisfaction of feeling superior to ordinary Americans.

All that when you can simple say that all it was is he wasn't "THEM".
Nobody said it better :
Stephen Hawking: Donald Trump Appeals to 'Lowest Common Denominator'
Compare United Kingdom to United States:

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia

Want to walk that dog back, Sparky?

No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?

Every bit of that information is available to you on the internet, but you won't look it up because Rush has already made up your mind for you. Again, there has never been a single country that has considered switching to the USA health care system, because it is an utter failure unless you are either rich or lucky enough to be covered by an employer health plan, which is becoming more rare every year. Ford has been spending more money per car built on health coverage for employees than they spend on steel, since 1977.

Yes, I have all that information and I knew you would do exactly what you did. You'd find it, read it and say oh shucks. I can't post that, that will make me, the famous Vandalshandle look the fool. Like I post things without knowing what I'm posting.

I wouldn't be surprised about the cost of healthcare for members of the Auto Union and the price f steel. Very little sheet metal used in a car today. I'm not sure what point that is supposed to make other than to further detract from the issue at hand. I'll help you by posting the questions again for your edification.

"No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?"

Keep in mind that the United Nations believes the whole world should be Socialist.
Compare United Kingdom to United States:

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia

Want to walk that dog back, Sparky?

No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?

Every bit of that information is available to you on the internet, but you won't look it up because Rush has already made up your mind for you. Again, there has never been a single country that has considered switching to the USA health care system, because it is an utter failure unless you are either rich or lucky enough to be covered by an employer health plan, which is becoming more rare every year. Ford has been spending more money per car built on health coverage for employees than they spend on steel, since 1977.

Yes, I have all that information and I knew you would do exactly what you did. You'd find it, read it and say oh shucks. I can't post that, that will make me, the famous Vandalshandle look the fool. Like I post things without knowing what I'm posting.

I wouldn't be surprised about the cost of healthcare for members of the Auto Union and the price f steel. Very little sheet metal used in a car today. I'm not sure what point that is supposed to make other than to further detract from the issue at hand. I'll help you by posting the questions again for your edification.

"No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?"

Keep in mind that the United Nations believes the whole world should be Socialist.

It is all a commie plot, against you, Markle.
There are two main theories of Trump’s support. One is that a large minority of Americans — 40 percent, give or take — are racist idiots. This theory is at least tacitly endorsed by the Democratic Party and the mainstream liberal media. The other is that a large majority of this large minority are good citizens with intelligible and legitimate opinions, who so resent being regarded as racist idiots that they’ll back Trump almost regardless. They may not admire the man, but he’s on their side, he vents their frustration, he afflicts the people who think so little of them — and that’s good enough.

It’s disappointing that Charlottesville hasn’t changed their minds — but then it hasn’t changed my mind either. I still think the first theory is absurd and the second theory basically correct. . . .

This sense that democratic politics is futile if not downright dangerous now infuses the worldview of the country’s cultural and intellectual establishment. Trump is routinely accused of being authoritarian and anti-democratic, despite the fact that he won the election and, so far, has been checked at every point and has achieved almost nothing in policy terms. (He might wish he were an authoritarian, but he sure hasn’t been allowed to function as one.) Many of his critics, on the other hand, are anti-democratic in a deeper sense: They appear to believe that a little less than half the country doesn’t deserve the vote.

The second theory — the correct theory — is a terrible indictment of the Democratic Party and much of the media. Why aren’t the intelligible and legitimate opinions of that large minority given a hearing? Why must their views be bundled reflexively into packages labelled “bigotry” and “stupidity”? Why can’t this large minority of the American people be accorded something other than pity or scorn?

Why People Still Support Trump

Because Democrats still can’t deal with losing, and a large part of belonging to the left is the satisfaction of feeling superior to ordinary Americans.

All that when you can simple say that all it was is he wasn't "THEM".
Nobody said it better :
Stephen Hawking: Donald Trump Appeals to 'Lowest Common Denominator'

Meh, and other then being a smart guy in a wheel chair, Stephen Hawking is already forgotten.
There are two main theories of Trump’s support. One is that a large minority of Americans — 40 percent, give or take — are racist idiots. This theory is at least tacitly endorsed by the Democratic Party and the mainstream liberal media. The other is that a large majority of this large minority are good citizens with intelligible and legitimate opinions, who so resent being regarded as racist idiots that they’ll back Trump almost regardless. They may not admire the man, but he’s on their side, he vents their frustration, he afflicts the people who think so little of them — and that’s good enough...
Your false assertion of "two main theories" is textbook fallacy, but no doubt appealing to your base. An ounce of sense reveals that you argue only from your an assumption that "all Trump supporters are wrong".

You neglect the glaringly obvious, that most Trump supporters (and even many former anti-Trumpers) are very pleased with his performance, his views, and his successes. We may not be thrilled with his personality, but his accomplishments and platform are crystal clear and perfectly aligned with mainstream America, at least the America that I and many know and love.

A concept that might help your reasoning: "Simpler solutions are more likely to be correct than complex ones" (Occam's Razor)
Compare United Kingdom to United States:

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia

Want to walk that dog back, Sparky?

No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?

Every bit of that information is available to you on the internet, but you won't look it up because Rush has already made up your mind for you. Again, there has never been a single country that has considered switching to the USA health care system, because it is an utter failure unless you are either rich or lucky enough to be covered by an employer health plan, which is becoming more rare every year. Ford has been spending more money per car built on health coverage for employees than they spend on steel, since 1977.

Yes, I have all that information and I knew you would do exactly what you did. You'd find it, read it and say oh shucks. I can't post that, that will make me, the famous Vandalshandle look the fool. Like I post things without knowing what I'm posting.

I wouldn't be surprised about the cost of healthcare for members of the Auto Union and the price f steel. Very little sheet metal used in a car today. I'm not sure what point that is supposed to make other than to further detract from the issue at hand. I'll help you by posting the questions again for your edification.

"No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?"

Keep in mind that the United Nations believes the whole world should be Socialist.

It is all a commie plot, against you, Markle.

Come on Vandalshandle, no guts no glory!

Leftist propaganda doesn't yield 38 indictments. Law enforcement does.

President Donald Trump has been indicted 38 times? Who knew?
I don't think he said so?
Got a link where someone said trump?
Golden shower video maybe.

Oh...so you say President Donald Trump has NOT been indicted 38 times as claimed by your good buddy BWK appeared to state. Perhaps you and he should get together an figure it out!
BWK has never said Trump has been indicted 38 times. Try and refrain from manufacturing lies at the expense of others. It portrays you as the loser, no one else. However, if you want to go down that road, prosecutors have already corroborated the fact with Michael Cohen, that Trump is an un-indicted co-conspirator in the federal hush money scheme to pay off porn stars in a presidential election, proving that this was an illegal election.
Are you going to actually maga?

Happening day by day. Which, you already know.

Yea! Lets give rich people and corporations more tax breaks


Not surprised, you're dodging the point. Is America NOT getting greater day by day?
If you mean tax cuts, no. We are adding to the deficit because of tax cuts. Remember when Trump told his rich buddies at Mara Lago that they got a whole lot richer? What? How is that I say? I thought tax cuts were supposed to go to the 99%? They're still waiting.
Compare United Kingdom to United States:

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia

Want to walk that dog back, Sparky?

No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?

Every bit of that information is available to you on the internet, but you won't look it up because Rush has already made up your mind for you. Again, there has never been a single country that has considered switching to the USA health care system, because it is an utter failure unless you are either rich or lucky enough to be covered by an employer health plan, which is becoming more rare every year. Ford has been spending more money per car built on health coverage for employees than they spend on steel, since 1977.

Yes, I have all that information and I knew you would do exactly what you did. You'd find it, read it and say oh shucks. I can't post that, that will make me, the famous Vandalshandle look the fool. Like I post things without knowing what I'm posting.

I wouldn't be surprised about the cost of healthcare for members of the Auto Union and the price f steel. Very little sheet metal used in a car today. I'm not sure what point that is supposed to make other than to further detract from the issue at hand. I'll help you by posting the questions again for your edification.

"No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?"

Keep in mind that the United Nations believes the whole world should be Socialist.
Most of the well developed countries are Socialist, or partially, such as the U.S. What are roads, bridges, police, fireman, Libraries, public schools, S.S. Medicare, Medicaid, sports Socialism, and the farm bill? What do you think all those entitlements are, that we pay into? That's right, "Socialism." The United Nations is right.
BWK has never said Trump has been indicted 38 times. Try and refrain from manufacturing lies at the expense of others. It portrays you as the loser, no one else. However, if you want to go down that road, prosecutors have already corroborated the fact with Michael Cohen, that Trump is an un-indicted co-conspirator in the federal hush money scheme to pay off porn stars in a presidential election, proving that this was an illegal election.

These are the words I posted. "Oh...so you say President Donald Trump has NOT been indicted 38 times as claimed by your good buddy BWK appeared to state. Perhaps you and he should get together an figure it out!"

What part is not clear to you?

Since you're not talking about President Donald Trump, and are talking about those who may or may not have been business associates, I thought this would be of interest to you.

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault

Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)


Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine


Arkansas Gov. Jim Guy Tucker - fraud felony convictions - 3 counts (Tucker
resigned facing impeachment)

Jim McDougal - fraud and conspiracy felony convictions - 18 counts

Susan McDougal - felony - 4 counts (pardoned during Clinton's last minute 'pardongate' payoffs)

William J. Marks Sr - conspiracy

Stephen Smith - conspiracy

Larry Kuca - Fraud

Neal Ainley - 2 misdemeanors for embezzlement

David Hale - guilty plea - conspiracy

Chris Wade - felony

Whitewater real-estate investor John Haley - recent!

1998 on fraud Robert Palmer - felony for conspiracy Charles Matthews - guilty plea for bribery Eugene Fitzhugh -

Whitewater - bribery Webster Hubbell - #2 ranking Justice Dept. Official - felony for embezzlement and fraud

John Latham - CEO of Madison Bank - bank fraud Campaign

Finance: Johnny Chung - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Gene Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Nora Lum - convicted - felony for money laundering for the DNC

Howard Glicken - guilty plea - 2 midemeanors - funneling foreign donations

Yah Lin "Charlie" Trie - guilty plea - illegal Clinton campaign donations

John Huang - Clinton cronie - felony guilty plea - funneling money from China

Paula Jonesgate: William Jefferson Clinton - found guilty - civil contempt of court - lying under oath about material facts. The Office of the Independent

Council further presented Clinton with an agreement that had him disbarred from practicing law for 5 years and made him sign a statement admitting to his deception.

Post Administration

Sandy Bergergate Sandy Berger – Clinton National Security Adviser -- found guilty of stealing highly class documents from the National Archive and destroying them.

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