Why People Still Support Trump:

Most of the well developed countries are Socialist, or partially, such as the U.S. What are roads, bridges, police, fireman, Libraries, public schools, S.S. Medicare, Medicaid, sports Socialism, and the farm bill? What do you think all those entitlements are, that we pay into? That's right, "Socialism." The United Nations is right.

Where do you get the idea that all the things you stated are Socialism?

As you know, all those things are services we jointly agree that we need and pay for out of local, state and Federal taxes.

I contributed to my Social Security and Medicare for many decades, for most years, by far, I paid the maximum. How is that different from the health insurance I paid?

Please keep in mind that Socialist Bernie Sanders pointed to Venezuela as a great example for us.

Flashback: Bernie Sanders Praised Socialist Venezuela as Model for Ending Income Inequality
May 30, 2016

Five years ago, future Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders described Socialist-ruled Venezuela as a more suitable exemplar of the American dream than the United States.

In an essay lamenting what he described as the intractable income inequality of the American economy, Senator Sanders declared: “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger.”
Flashback: Bernie Sanders Praised Socialist Venezuela as Model for Ending Income Inequality
If you mean tax cuts, no. We are adding to the deficit because of tax cuts. Remember when Trump told his rich buddies at Mara Lago that they got a whole lot richer? What? How is that I say? I thought tax cuts were supposed to go to the 99%? They're still waiting.

Your remarks above had what to do with my statement which was this, "Not surprised, you're dodging the point. Is America NOT getting greater day by day?"

Addressing your mysterious comments. How much less are the revenues to the IRS to date this fiscal period?
If you mean tax cuts, no. We are adding to the deficit because of tax cuts. Remember when Trump told his rich buddies at Mara Lago that they got a whole lot richer? What? How is that I say? I thought tax cuts were supposed to go to the 99%? They're still waiting.

Your remarks above had what to do with my statement which was this, "Not surprised, you're dodging the point. Is America NOT getting greater day by day?"

Addressing your mysterious comments. How much less are the revenues to the IRS to date this fiscal period?
The deficit grew $2 trillion dollars and is slated to grow another trillion as a result of tax cuts. That isn't making America greater. Stealing an election by paying off porn stars is not making America greater. Using the office for Emoluments violations for a presidents own enrichment at my expense, is not making America greater. Do I need to continue?
Most of the well developed countries are Socialist, or partially, such as the U.S. What are roads, bridges, police, fireman, Libraries, public schools, S.S. Medicare, Medicaid, sports Socialism, and the farm bill? What do you think all those entitlements are, that we pay into? That's right, "Socialism." The United Nations is right.

Where do you get the idea that all the things you stated are Socialism?

As you know, all those things are services we jointly agree that we need and pay for out of local, state and Federal taxes.

I contributed to my Social Security and Medicare for many decades, for most years, by far, I paid the maximum. How is that different from the health insurance I paid?

Please keep in mind that Socialist Bernie Sanders pointed to Venezuela as a great example for us.

Flashback: Bernie Sanders Praised Socialist Venezuela as Model for Ending Income Inequality
May 30, 2016

Five years ago, future Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders described Socialist-ruled Venezuela as a more suitable exemplar of the American dream than the United States.

In an essay lamenting what he described as the intractable income inequality of the American economy, Senator Sanders declared: “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger.”
Flashback: Bernie Sanders Praised Socialist Venezuela as Model for Ending Income Inequality
They are all Socialist programs is the point. What is so hard to understand about that? They are all entitlement programs that we pay into, where we either "do or do not" get benefit.

You want to talk about Venezuela, you do so at your own peril. The U.S. has had an embargo/sanction policy against Venezuela going back to Chavez, because Chavez refused to have the kind of government we demanded. We have had geo-political takeovers all across Central and South America for decades taking over countries politics, resources, and jobs; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor So please, don't pretend to be self righteous about Venezuela. It's disgusting. Their wows are all on us, because of our interests in taking over their oil and diamond riches.
Compare United Kingdom to United States:

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia

Want to walk that dog back, Sparky?

No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?

Every bit of that information is available to you on the internet, but you won't look it up because Rush has already made up your mind for you. Again, there has never been a single country that has considered switching to the USA health care system, because it is an utter failure unless you are either rich or lucky enough to be covered by an employer health plan, which is becoming more rare every year. Ford has been spending more money per car built on health coverage for employees than they spend on steel, since 1977.

Yes, I have all that information and I knew you would do exactly what you did. You'd find it, read it and say oh shucks. I can't post that, that will make me, the famous Vandalshandle look the fool. Like I post things without knowing what I'm posting.

I wouldn't be surprised about the cost of healthcare for members of the Auto Union and the price f steel. Very little sheet metal used in a car today. I'm not sure what point that is supposed to make other than to further detract from the issue at hand. I'll help you by posting the questions again for your edification.

"No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?"

Keep in mind that the United Nations believes the whole world should be Socialist.
Most of the well developed countries are Socialist, or partially, such as the U.S. What are roads, bridges, police, fireman, Libraries, public schools, S.S. Medicare, Medicaid, sports Socialism, and the farm bill? What do you think all those entitlements are, that we pay into? That's right, "Socialism." The United Nations is right.

Medicare and Social Security are "entitlements"? That's odd. I paid for them out of every paycheck in my entire life, and the government did not pay a dime for them. Under those circumstances, I want my money back, all the way back to 1959.
If you mean tax cuts, no. We are adding to the deficit because of tax cuts. Remember when Trump told his rich buddies at Mara Lago that they got a whole lot richer? What? How is that I say? I thought tax cuts were supposed to go to the 99%? They're still waiting.

Your remarks above had what to do with my statement which was this, "Not surprised, you're dodging the point. Is America NOT getting greater day by day?"

Addressing your mysterious comments. How much less are the revenues to the IRS to date this fiscal period?
The deficit grew $2 trillion dollars and is slated to grow another trillion as a result of tax cuts. That isn't making America greater. Stealing an election by paying off porn stars is not making America greater. Using the office for Emoluments violations for a presidents own enrichment at my expense, is not making America greater. Do I need to continue?

Would you please answer the question at hand?

How much less are the revenues to the IRS to date for this fiscal period? Is that figure more or less than the previous year to date?

Please show us how President Donald Trump has enriched himself at your expense. That is very specific and what you said.
Most of the well developed countries are Socialist, or partially, such as the U.S. What are roads, bridges, police, fireman, Libraries, public schools, S.S. Medicare, Medicaid, sports Socialism, and the farm bill? What do you think all those entitlements are, that we pay into? That's right, "Socialism." The United Nations is right.

Where do you get the idea that all the things you stated are Socialism?

As you know, all those things are services we jointly agree that we need and pay for out of local, state and Federal taxes.

I contributed to my Social Security and Medicare for many decades, for most years, by far, I paid the maximum. How is that different from the health insurance I paid?

Please keep in mind that Socialist Bernie Sanders pointed to Venezuela as a great example for us.

Flashback: Bernie Sanders Praised Socialist Venezuela as Model for Ending Income Inequality
May 30, 2016

Five years ago, future Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders described Socialist-ruled Venezuela as a more suitable exemplar of the American dream than the United States.

In an essay lamenting what he described as the intractable income inequality of the American economy, Senator Sanders declared: “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger.”
Flashback: Bernie Sanders Praised Socialist Venezuela as Model for Ending Income Inequality

They are all Socialist programs is the point. What is so hard to understand about that? They are all entitlement programs that we pay into, where we either "do or do not" get benefit.

You want to talk about Venezuela, you do so at your own peril. The U.S. has had an embargo/sanction policy against Venezuela going back to Chavez, because Chavez refused to have the kind of government we demanded. We have had geo-political takeovers all across Central and South America for decades taking over countries politics, resources, and jobs; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor So please, don't pretend to be self righteous about Venezuela. It's disgusting. Their wows are all on us, because of our interests in taking over their oil and diamond riches.

What part of this is not clear to you?

Flashback: Bernie Sanders Praised Socialist Venezuela as Model for Ending Income Inequality
May 30, 2016

Five years ago, future Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders described Socialist-ruled Venezuela as a more suitable exemplar of the American dream than the United States.

In an essay lamenting what he described as the intractable income inequality of the American economy, Senator Sanders declared: “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger.”
Flashback: Bernie Sanders Praised Socialist Venezuela as Model for Ending Income Inequality

Further, nothing you posted is Socialism. You're simply playing the part of a Troll. You don't even believe the trash you post, why should anyone else?
Most of the well developed countries are Socialist, or partially, such as the U.S. What are roads, bridges, police, fireman, Libraries, public schools, S.S. Medicare, Medicaid, sports Socialism, and the farm bill? What do you think all those entitlements are, that we pay into? That's right, "Socialism." The United Nations is right.

Where do you get the idea that all the things you stated are Socialism?

As you know, all those things are services we jointly agree that we need and pay for out of local, state and Federal taxes.

I contributed to my Social Security and Medicare for many decades, for most years, by far, I paid the maximum. How is that different from the health insurance I paid?

Please keep in mind that Socialist Bernie Sanders pointed to Venezuela as a great example for us.

Flashback: Bernie Sanders Praised Socialist Venezuela as Model for Ending Income Inequality
May 30, 2016

Five years ago, future Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders described Socialist-ruled Venezuela as a more suitable exemplar of the American dream than the United States.

In an essay lamenting what he described as the intractable income inequality of the American economy, Senator Sanders declared: “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger.”
Flashback: Bernie Sanders Praised Socialist Venezuela as Model for Ending Income Inequality

They are all Socialist programs is the point. What is so hard to understand about that? They are all entitlement programs that we pay into, where we either "do or do not" get benefit.

You want to talk about Venezuela, you do so at your own peril. The U.S. has had an embargo/sanction policy against Venezuela going back to Chavez, because Chavez refused to have the kind of government we demanded. We have had geo-political takeovers all across Central and South America for decades taking over countries politics, resources, and jobs; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor So please, don't pretend to be self righteous about Venezuela. It's disgusting. Their wows are all on us, because of our interests in taking over their oil and diamond riches.

What part of this is not clear to you?

Flashback: Bernie Sanders Praised Socialist Venezuela as Model for Ending Income Inequality
May 30, 2016

Five years ago, future Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders described Socialist-ruled Venezuela as a more suitable exemplar of the American dream than the United States.

In an essay lamenting what he described as the intractable income inequality of the American economy, Senator Sanders declared: “These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger.”
Flashback: Bernie Sanders Praised Socialist Venezuela as Model for Ending Income Inequality

Further, nothing you posted is Socialism. You're simply playing the part of a Troll. You don't even believe the trash you post, why should anyone else?
Explain in detail exactly how roads, bridges, police, Libraries, fire departments, public schools, S.S. Medicere, medicaid is not a form of Socialism?

And, you never answered for the atrocities we are responsible for, when it comes to South America and Central America, and how Socialism is the culprit as opposed to our own actions. Lol! You aren't explaining anything as a matter of fact. You're saying nothing..
If you mean tax cuts, no. We are adding to the deficit because of tax cuts. Remember when Trump told his rich buddies at Mara Lago that they got a whole lot richer? What? How is that I say? I thought tax cuts were supposed to go to the 99%? They're still waiting.

Your remarks above had what to do with my statement which was this, "Not surprised, you're dodging the point. Is America NOT getting greater day by day?"

Addressing your mysterious comments. How much less are the revenues to the IRS to date this fiscal period?
The deficit grew $2 trillion dollars and is slated to grow another trillion as a result of tax cuts. That isn't making America greater. Stealing an election by paying off porn stars is not making America greater. Using the office for Emoluments violations for a presidents own enrichment at my expense, is not making America greater. Do I need to continue?

Would you please answer the question at hand?

How much less are the revenues to the IRS to date for this fiscal period? Is that figure more or less than the previous year to date?

Please show us how President Donald Trump has enriched himself at your expense. That is very specific and what you said.
Emoluments case alleging Trump violated Constitution can proceed: U.S. judge | Reuters
Compare United Kingdom to United States:

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia

Want to walk that dog back, Sparky?

No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?

Every bit of that information is available to you on the internet, but you won't look it up because Rush has already made up your mind for you. Again, there has never been a single country that has considered switching to the USA health care system, because it is an utter failure unless you are either rich or lucky enough to be covered by an employer health plan, which is becoming more rare every year. Ford has been spending more money per car built on health coverage for employees than they spend on steel, since 1977.

Yes, I have all that information and I knew you would do exactly what you did. You'd find it, read it and say oh shucks. I can't post that, that will make me, the famous Vandalshandle look the fool. Like I post things without knowing what I'm posting.

I wouldn't be surprised about the cost of healthcare for members of the Auto Union and the price f steel. Very little sheet metal used in a car today. I'm not sure what point that is supposed to make other than to further detract from the issue at hand. I'll help you by posting the questions again for your edification.

"No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?"

Keep in mind that the United Nations believes the whole world should be Socialist.
Most of the well developed countries are Socialist, or partially, such as the U.S. What are roads, bridges, police, fireman, Libraries, public schools, S.S. Medicare, Medicaid, sports Socialism, and the farm bill? What do you think all those entitlements are, that we pay into? That's right, "Socialism." The United Nations is right.

Medicare and Social Security are "entitlements"? That's odd. I paid for them out of every paycheck in my entire life, and the government did not pay a dime for them. Under those circumstances, I want my money back, all the way back to 1959.
I agree. They are not entitlements. It's our money, but the Right call them entitlements as if that is a bad word because the government overseas those programs. And for that, we are entitled.
If you mean tax cuts, no. We are adding to the deficit because of tax cuts. Remember when Trump told his rich buddies at Mara Lago that they got a whole lot richer? What? How is that I say? I thought tax cuts were supposed to go to the 99%? They're still waiting.

Your remarks above had what to do with my statement which was this, "Not surprised, you're dodging the point. Is America NOT getting greater day by day?"

Addressing your mysterious comments. How much less are the revenues to the IRS to date this fiscal period?
The deficit grew $2 trillion dollars and is slated to grow another trillion as a result of tax cuts. That isn't making America greater. Stealing an election by paying off porn stars is not making America greater. Using the office for Emoluments violations for a presidents own enrichment at my expense, is not making America greater. Do I need to continue?

Would you please answer the question at hand?

How much less are the revenues to the IRS to date for this fiscal period? Is that figure more or less than the previous year to date?

Please show us how President Donald Trump has enriched himself at your expense. That is very specific and what you said.
Emoluments case alleging Trump violated Constitution can proceed: U.S. judge | Reuters

This was my question. Please step up and work hard to answer the question.

Please show us how President Donald Trump has enriched himself at your expense. That is very specific and what you said.
Explain in detail exactly how roads, bridges, police, Libraries, fire departments, public schools, S.S. Medicere, medicaid is not a form of Socialism?

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · social democracy · laborism · Marxism · Leninism · Marxism–Leninism · neo-Marxism · Trotskyism · Maoism
Here's the difference between roads and Socialism.

Last edited:
If you mean tax cuts, no. We are adding to the deficit because of tax cuts. Remember when Trump told his rich buddies at Mara Lago that they got a whole lot richer? What? How is that I say? I thought tax cuts were supposed to go to the 99%? They're still waiting.

Your remarks above had what to do with my statement which was this, "Not surprised, you're dodging the point. Is America NOT getting greater day by day?"

Addressing your mysterious comments. How much less are the revenues to the IRS to date this fiscal period?
The deficit grew $2 trillion dollars and is slated to grow another trillion as a result of tax cuts. That isn't making America greater. Stealing an election by paying off porn stars is not making America greater. Using the office for Emoluments violations for a presidents own enrichment at my expense, is not making America greater. Do I need to continue?

Would you please answer the question at hand?

How much less are the revenues to the IRS to date for this fiscal period? Is that figure more or less than the previous year to date?

Please show us how President Donald Trump has enriched himself at your expense. That is very specific and what you said.
Emoluments case alleging Trump violated Constitution can proceed: U.S. judge | Reuters

This was my question. Please step up and work hard to answer the question.

Please show us how President Donald Trump has enriched himself at your expense. That is very specific and what you said.
Oh, so you want facts? Got it. He is implicated by prosecutors in a court filing as a co-conspirator with hush money payments in an illegal campaign finance scheme to be president. For which he is employed by the U.S. government to be paid as president, for which funds are being disseminated to his benefit, as we speak. He is enriching himself by illegally being in office for which payments should stop.
Trump businesses making millions from political and taxpayer spending – report
No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?

Every bit of that information is available to you on the internet, but you won't look it up because Rush has already made up your mind for you. Again, there has never been a single country that has considered switching to the USA health care system, because it is an utter failure unless you are either rich or lucky enough to be covered by an employer health plan, which is becoming more rare every year. Ford has been spending more money per car built on health coverage for employees than they spend on steel, since 1977.

Yes, I have all that information and I knew you would do exactly what you did. You'd find it, read it and say oh shucks. I can't post that, that will make me, the famous Vandalshandle look the fool. Like I post things without knowing what I'm posting.

I wouldn't be surprised about the cost of healthcare for members of the Auto Union and the price f steel. Very little sheet metal used in a car today. I'm not sure what point that is supposed to make other than to further detract from the issue at hand. I'll help you by posting the questions again for your edification.

"No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?"

Keep in mind that the United Nations believes the whole world should be Socialist.
Most of the well developed countries are Socialist, or partially, such as the U.S. What are roads, bridges, police, fireman, Libraries, public schools, S.S. Medicare, Medicaid, sports Socialism, and the farm bill? What do you think all those entitlements are, that we pay into? That's right, "Socialism." The United Nations is right.

Medicare and Social Security are "entitlements"? That's odd. I paid for them out of every paycheck in my entire life, and the government did not pay a dime for them. Under those circumstances, I want my money back, all the way back to 1959.
I agree. They are not entitlements. It's our money, but the Right call them entitlements as if that is a bad word because the government overseas those programs. And for that, we are entitled.
And don't put up smiley faces, "debate." We don't even know what Maxine Waters said in that interview. Do you want to be taken seriously or not? You aren't saying anything.
Last edited:
Everything I outlined as to the examples of what Socialism is, is exactly what the definition you posted is saying. So, I'll say it again for the slow learners; we are partly a Socialist country, and have been for many decades.
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. This definition of "Socialism" is in part what this country has been practicing in tandem with "Capitalism." It's who we have been as a society, for decades.
Your remarks above had what to do with my statement which was this, "Not surprised, you're dodging the point. Is America NOT getting greater day by day?"

Addressing your mysterious comments. How much less are the revenues to the IRS to date this fiscal period?
The deficit grew $2 trillion dollars and is slated to grow another trillion as a result of tax cuts. That isn't making America greater. Stealing an election by paying off porn stars is not making America greater. Using the office for Emoluments violations for a presidents own enrichment at my expense, is not making America greater. Do I need to continue?

Would you please answer the question at hand?

How much less are the revenues to the IRS to date for this fiscal period? Is that figure more or less than the previous year to date?

Please show us how President Donald Trump has enriched himself at your expense. That is very specific and what you said.
Emoluments case alleging Trump violated Constitution can proceed: U.S. judge | Reuters

This was my question. Please step up and work hard to answer the question.

Please show us how President Donald Trump has enriched himself at your expense. That is very specific and what you said.
Oh, so you want facts? Got it. He is implicated by prosecutors in a court filing as a co-conspirator with hush money payments in an illegal campaign finance scheme to be president. For which he is employed by the U.S. government to be paid as president, for which funds are being disseminated to his benefit, as we speak. He is enriching himself by illegally being in office for which payments should stop.
Trump businesses making millions from political and taxpayer spending – report
Yea, it's funny alright. Running from a debate you can't defend is par for the course with Republicans. Move along loser.
Oh, so you want facts? Got it. He is implicated by prosecutors in a court filing as a co-conspirator with hush money payments in an illegal campaign finance scheme to be president. For which he is employed by the U.S. government to be paid as president, for which funds are being disseminated to his benefit, as we speak. He is enriching himself by illegally being in office for which payments should stop.
Trump businesses making millions from political and taxpayer spending – report

As you know, President Donald Trump's net worth has dropped by about $1 BILLION since he announced his run for president of the United States. In spite of that, he works for free, taking no salary.

Once again, how has President Donald Trump's wealth, cost you anything?

If you cannot answer that question or you refuse to answer, please just say so and we can move on. Thank you!
Every bit of that information is available to you on the internet, but you won't look it up because Rush has already made up your mind for you. Again, there has never been a single country that has considered switching to the USA health care system, because it is an utter failure unless you are either rich or lucky enough to be covered by an employer health plan, which is becoming more rare every year. Ford has been spending more money per car built on health coverage for employees than they spend on steel, since 1977.

Yes, I have all that information and I knew you would do exactly what you did. You'd find it, read it and say oh shucks. I can't post that, that will make me, the famous Vandalshandle look the fool. Like I post things without knowing what I'm posting.

I wouldn't be surprised about the cost of healthcare for members of the Auto Union and the price f steel. Very little sheet metal used in a car today. I'm not sure what point that is supposed to make other than to further detract from the issue at hand. I'll help you by posting the questions again for your edification.

"No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?"

Keep in mind that the United Nations believes the whole world should be Socialist.
Most of the well developed countries are Socialist, or partially, such as the U.S. What are roads, bridges, police, fireman, Libraries, public schools, S.S. Medicare, Medicaid, sports Socialism, and the farm bill? What do you think all those entitlements are, that we pay into? That's right, "Socialism." The United Nations is right.

Medicare and Social Security are "entitlements"? That's odd. I paid for them out of every paycheck in my entire life, and the government did not pay a dime for them. Under those circumstances, I want my money back, all the way back to 1959.

I agree. They are not entitlements. It's our money, but the Right call them entitlements as if that is a bad word because the government overseas those programs. And for that, we are entitled.
And don't put up smiley faces, "debate." We don't even know what Maxine Waters said in that interview. Do you want to be taken seriously or not? You aren't saying anything.

Maxine Waters was not being interviewed, she was interviewing an oil executive in a hearing. Please just click on the arrow, with your sound on, and you'll hear her own words.

Step up or step back. Your deal.
Yes, I have all that information and I knew you would do exactly what you did. You'd find it, read it and say oh shucks. I can't post that, that will make me, the famous Vandalshandle look the fool. Like I post things without knowing what I'm posting.

I wouldn't be surprised about the cost of healthcare for members of the Auto Union and the price f steel. Very little sheet metal used in a car today. I'm not sure what point that is supposed to make other than to further detract from the issue at hand. I'll help you by posting the questions again for your edification.

"No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?"

Keep in mind that the United Nations believes the whole world should be Socialist.
Most of the well developed countries are Socialist, or partially, such as the U.S. What are roads, bridges, police, fireman, Libraries, public schools, S.S. Medicare, Medicaid, sports Socialism, and the farm bill? What do you think all those entitlements are, that we pay into? That's right, "Socialism." The United Nations is right.

Medicare and Social Security are "entitlements"? That's odd. I paid for them out of every paycheck in my entire life, and the government did not pay a dime for them. Under those circumstances, I want my money back, all the way back to 1959.

I agree. They are not entitlements. It's our money, but the Right call them entitlements as if that is a bad word because the government overseas those programs. And for that, we are entitled.
And don't put up smiley faces, "debate." We don't even know what Maxine Waters said in that interview. Do you want to be taken seriously or not? You aren't saying anything.

Maxine Waters was not being interviewed, she was interviewing an oil executive in a hearing. Please just click on the arrow, with your sound on, and you'll hear her own words.

Step up or step back. Your deal.
What won't you do to save your ass on this debate. Lol! You are all over the map. Now you are back to the doctored Maxine Waters video because you realized there was nothing left for you to debate about Socialism and the points I made. If you think I'm going to acknowledge a doctored video of Maxine Waters you're dumber than I thought you were. Scram! I have no interest in entertaining children on this forum.
Oh, so you want facts? Got it. He is implicated by prosecutors in a court filing as a co-conspirator with hush money payments in an illegal campaign finance scheme to be president. For which he is employed by the U.S. government to be paid as president, for which funds are being disseminated to his benefit, as we speak. He is enriching himself by illegally being in office for which payments should stop.
Trump businesses making millions from political and taxpayer spending – report

As you know, President Donald Trump's net worth has dropped by about $1 BILLION since he announced his run for president of the United States. In spite of that, he works for free, taking no salary.

Once again, how has President Donald Trump's wealth, cost you anything?

If you cannot answer that question or you refuse to answer, please just say so and we can move on. Thank you!
If you can't present a counter argument for his salary as president for which I should not be paying for, present your argument..Trump is implicated for federal crimes for cheating me as a taxpayer out of a free and fair election. Present your counter arguments.

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