Why People Still Support Trump:

Oh, so you want facts? Got it. He is implicated by prosecutors in a court filing as a co-conspirator with hush money payments in an illegal campaign finance scheme to be president. For which he is employed by the U.S. government to be paid as president, for which funds are being disseminated to his benefit, as we speak. He is enriching himself by illegally being in office for which payments should stop.
Trump businesses making millions from political and taxpayer spending – report

As you know, President Donald Trump's net worth has dropped by about $1 BILLION since he announced his run for president of the United States. In spite of that, he works for free, taking no salary.

Once again, how has President Donald Trump's wealth, cost you anything?

If you cannot answer that question or you refuse to answer, please just say so and we can move on. Thank you!
If you can't present a counter argument for his salary as president for which I should not be paying for, present your argument..Trump is implicated for federal crimes for cheating me as a taxpayer out of a free and fair election. Present your counter arguments.
After a collapse I would live in a survival place and watch your azzes in thousands if mostly women beg others to survive.
Oh, so you want facts? Got it. He is implicated by prosecutors in a court filing as a co-conspirator with hush money payments in an illegal campaign finance scheme to be president. For which he is employed by the U.S. government to be paid as president, for which funds are being disseminated to his benefit, as we speak. He is enriching himself by illegally being in office for which payments should stop.
Trump businesses making millions from political and taxpayer spending – report

As you know, President Donald Trump's net worth has dropped by about $1 BILLION since he announced his run for president of the United States. In spite of that, he works for free, taking no salary.

Once again, how has President Donald Trump's wealth, cost you anything?

If you cannot answer that question or you refuse to answer, please just say so and we can move on. Thank you!
If you can't present a counter argument for his salary as president for which I should not be paying for, present your argument..Trump is implicated for federal crimes for cheating me as a taxpayer out of a free and fair election. Present your counter arguments.
After a collapse I would live in a survival place and watch your azzes in thousands if mostly women beg others to survive.
A typical Trump cultist talking out of his ass about who knows what.
Trump stole "America First" rom the Nazi Bund of the 30s...Make America Great from Reagan...

He's a fraud and a con man.

He'll say whatever he thinks he can say to manipulate the easily swayed

Yep. But that doesn't really contradict the OP, does it? The point being, the Democrats are playing a game of chicken. If they can't back off on their desire to control society, they'll be dooming us to another Trump term.
There are two main theories of Trump’s support. One is that a large minority of Americans — 40 percent, give or take — are racist idiots. This theory is at least tacitly endorsed by the Democratic Party and the mainstream liberal media. The other is that a large majority of this large minority are good citizens with intelligible and legitimate opinions, who so resent being regarded as racist idiots that they’ll back Trump almost regardless. They may not admire the man, but he’s on their side, he vents their frustration, he afflicts the people who think so little of them — and that’s good enough.

It’s disappointing that Charlottesville hasn’t changed their minds — but then it hasn’t changed my mind either. I still think the first theory is absurd and the second theory basically correct. . . .

This sense that democratic politics is futile if not downright dangerous now infuses the worldview of the country’s cultural and intellectual establishment. Trump is routinely accused of being authoritarian and anti-democratic, despite the fact that he won the election and, so far, has been checked at every point and has achieved almost nothing in policy terms. (He might wish he were an authoritarian, but he sure hasn’t been allowed to function as one.) Many of his critics, on the other hand, are anti-democratic in a deeper sense: They appear to believe that a little less than half the country doesn’t deserve the vote.

The second theory — the correct theory — is a terrible indictment of the Democratic Party and much of the media. Why aren’t the intelligible and legitimate opinions of that large minority given a hearing? Why must their views be bundled reflexively into packages labelled “bigotry” and “stupidity”? Why can’t this large minority of the American people be accorded something other than pity or scorn?

Why People Still Support Trump

Because Democrats still can’t deal with losing, and a large part of belonging to the left is the satisfaction of feeling superior to ordinary Americans.
I've said it many times before, I can explain Trump in two words, Hillary Clinton. Period. As someone that voted for Trump (I didn't) explained to me, "I'd have voted for Stalin before Hillary, Stalin was obviously a much better human being".
I've always said Trump is basically an asshole and probably a sociopath...I've also always said that's why we put him in the WH....look at who he's dealing with! He is bringing back America in a way no politician could by sheer force of will and it's amazing what he's accomplished. His past experience in politics was listening to the Chuck Schumers of the world beg him for campaign money. Is he transactional? oh yeah...he gets his money's worth and has been doing that for us for the last two years. He doesn't pay contractors until the job is done which the Rats tried to turn into "he hasn't spent the money we already gave him"....that happens when the work is approved. He sees the trade deals we were in personally offensive...NObody rips off Trump. Foreign leaders are terrified of him...that's a good thing after 8 years of Barry the fairy. What should concern us conservatives is that if the Wall is pretty much complete in the next two years, he may say: "I did what I said I'd do and I'm sick of the crap I've been put through" and head back to Trump Tower....and the beautiful life he'd made for himself that he gave up to save our country from the Rats.
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Well, Will, Trump was correct on one thing, when he said that he could go out in the street and shoot someone, and his base would still support him. Kind of reminds me of David Koresh.
Most of the well developed countries are Socialist, or partially, such as the U.S. What are roads, bridges, police, fireman, Libraries, public schools, S.S. Medicare, Medicaid, sports Socialism, and the farm bill? What do you think all those entitlements are, that we pay into? That's right, "Socialism." The United Nations is right.

Medicare and Social Security are "entitlements"? That's odd. I paid for them out of every paycheck in my entire life, and the government did not pay a dime for them. Under those circumstances, I want my money back, all the way back to 1959.

I agree. They are not entitlements. It's our money, but the Right call them entitlements as if that is a bad word because the government overseas those programs. And for that, we are entitled.
And don't put up smiley faces, "debate." We don't even know what Maxine Waters said in that interview. Do you want to be taken seriously or not? You aren't saying anything.

Maxine Waters was not being interviewed, she was interviewing an oil executive in a hearing. Please just click on the arrow, with your sound on, and you'll hear her own words.

Step up or step back. Your deal.
What won't you do to save your ass on this debate. Lol! You are all over the map. Now you are back to the doctored Maxine Waters video because you realized there was nothing left for you to debate about Socialism and the points I made. If you think I'm going to acknowledge a doctored video of Maxine Waters you're dumber than I thought you were. Scram! I have no interest in entertaining children on this forum.

The last few seconds is doctored, what she said is not.
Historically high employment.

Which was true since 2015, well before Trump got into office.


Best GDP growth since Bush.

Bullshit, Bush had a DESASTEROUS economy, complete with a Great Recession finale, while Obama had remarkably stable growth. Citing growth from the height of a historic bubble, as everything is about to crash, is for idiots.

Best real GDP growth year in the past decade was 2015 - 2.9%.

U.S. - GDP growth by year 1990-2017 | Statista

Best wage gains since Bush or before

Again bullshit, 2014-2015 saw strong real income growth.


Bringing back the MFG jobs that Obama sent overseas.

Bullshit - Obama did no such thing and Manufacturing jobs have been growing since 2010.

Killed the Obamacare tax on poor Americans.

Bullshit - there is no such thing as Obamacare tax on poor.

So clearly you have a question you should answer to yourself: HOW COME YOU ARE SO FULL OF SHIT?
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Trump stole "America First" rom the Nazi Bund of the 30s...Make America Great from Reagan...

He's a fraud and a con man.

He'll say whatever he thinks he can say to manipulate the easily swayed

Yep. But that doesn't really contradict the OP, does it? The point being, the Democrats are playing a game of chicken. If they can't back off on their desire to control society, they'll be dooming us to another Trump term.

With things going so incredibly great for America and all our citizens, what are we 'doomed' to? What do you have against all the good news? Do you hate it simply because President Donald Trump is in charge?
Historically high employment.

Which was true since 2015, well before Trump got into office.


Best GDP growth since Bush.

Bullshit, Bush had a DESASTEROUS economy, complete with a Great Recession, while Obama had remarkably stable growth. Citing growth from the height of a historic bubble as a good thing is for idiots.

Best real GDP growth year in the last decade was 2015 - 2.9%.

U.S. - GDP growth by year 1990-2017 | Statista

Best wage gains since Bush or before

Again bullshit, 2014-2015 saw strong real income growth.


Bringing back the MFG jobs that Obama sent overseas.

Bullshit - Obama did no such thing and Manufacturing jobs have been growing since 2010.

Killed the Obamacare tax on poor Americans.

Bullshit - there is no such thing as Obamacare tax on poor.

So clearly you have a question you should answer to yourself: HOW COME YOU ARE SO FULL OF SHIT?

You certainly are more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

As for the GDP for President Bush and President Obama.


President Barack Hussein Obama first President in history to never have a single year of Growth exceeding 3%.

As for not taxing the poor. What do you call the tax on everyone who did not buy health insurance?
I've always said Trump is basically an asshole and probably a sociopath...I've also always said that's why we put him in the WH....look at who he's dealing with! He is bringing back America in a way no politician could by sheer force of will and it's amazing what he's accomplished. His past experience in politics was listening to the Chuck Schumers of the world beg him for campaign money. Is he transactional? oh yeah...he gets his money's worth and has been doing that for us for the last two years. He doesn't pay contractors until the job is done which the Rats tried to turn into "he hasn't spent the money we already gave him"....that happens when the work is approved. He sees the trade deals we were in personally offensive...NObody rips off Trump. Foreign leaders are terrified of him...that's a good thing after 8 years of Barry the fairy. What should concern us conservatives is that if the Wall is pretty much complete in the next two years, he may say: "I did what I said I'd do and I'm sick of the crap I've been put through" and head back to Trump Tower....and the beautiful life he'd made for himself that he gave up to save our country from the Rats.
Strangely enough, I agree. Hillary would have been "more of the same". And that would have been awful. Trump, on a personal level, is not my kind of guy. In politics he's off the wall enough that I'm starting to like him. I don't think there has been an actual human being in the WH since Reagan. The Bushes, Clinton and Obama were prepackaged nothings.
Historically high employment.

Which was true since 2015, well before Trump got into office.


Best GDP growth since Bush.

Bullshit, Bush had a DESASTEROUS economy, complete with a Great Recession, while Obama had remarkably stable growth. Citing growth from the height of a historic bubble as a good thing is for idiots.

Best real GDP growth year in the last decade was 2015 - 2.9%.

U.S. - GDP growth by year 1990-2017 | Statista

Best wage gains since Bush or before

Again bullshit, 2014-2015 saw strong real income growth.


Bringing back the MFG jobs that Obama sent overseas.

Bullshit - Obama did no such thing and Manufacturing jobs have been growing since 2010.

Killed the Obamacare tax on poor Americans.

Bullshit - there is no such thing as Obamacare tax on poor.

So clearly you have a question you should answer to yourself: HOW COME YOU ARE SO FULL OF SHIT?

You certainly are more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

As for the GDP for President Bush and President Obama.


President Barack Hussein Obama first President in history to never have a single year of Growth exceeding 3%.

As for not taxing the poor. What do you call the tax on everyone who did not buy health insurance?

Wtf? You just insulted me a proceeded to confirm that I’m 100% correct.

Bush had 3%+ growth in 2 bubbled up years leading into the biggest recession in modern history. He would give his right nut (pun intended) to have Obama’s steady growth.

And there is another president to so far not have a 3% growth - TRUMP.
As for not taxing the poor. What do you call the tax on everyone who did not buy health insurance?

I call that bullshit.

Obamacare expanded Medicaid, so more poor people will be covered. It also required that large employers provide health insurance, which again, means more people with low income covered. It also provided means based insurance subsidies and specific exemptions to the individual mandate, starting with a qualification that healthcare costs do not exceed 10% of income.

Few did better than poor people under Obamacare, so lets drop that bs.
There are two main theories of Trump’s support. One is that a large minority of Americans — 40 percent, give or take — are racist idiots. This theory is at least tacitly endorsed by the Democratic Party and the mainstream liberal media. The other is that a large majority of this large minority are good citizens with intelligible and legitimate opinions, who so resent being regarded as racist idiots that they’ll back Trump almost regardless. They may not admire the man, but he’s on their side, he vents their frustration, he afflicts the people who think so little of them — and that’s good enough.

It’s disappointing that Charlottesville hasn’t changed their minds — but then it hasn’t changed my mind either. I still think the first theory is absurd and the second theory basically correct. . . .

This sense that democratic politics is futile if not downright dangerous now infuses the worldview of the country’s cultural and intellectual establishment. Trump is routinely accused of being authoritarian and anti-democratic, despite the fact that he won the election and, so far, has been checked at every point and has achieved almost nothing in policy terms. (He might wish he were an authoritarian, but he sure hasn’t been allowed to function as one.) Many of his critics, on the other hand, are anti-democratic in a deeper sense: They appear to believe that a little less than half the country doesn’t deserve the vote.

The second theory — the correct theory — is a terrible indictment of the Democratic Party and much of the media. Why aren’t the intelligible and legitimate opinions of that large minority given a hearing? Why must their views be bundled reflexively into packages labelled “bigotry” and “stupidity”? Why can’t this large minority of the American people be accorded something other than pity or scorn?

Why People Still Support Trump

Because Democrats still can’t deal with losing, and a large part of belonging to the left is the satisfaction of feeling superior to ordinary Americans.

All that when you can simple say that all it was is he wasn't "THEM".
Nobody said it better :
Stephen Hawking: Donald Trump Appeals to 'Lowest Common Denominator'
I really dislike Trump, but I don't think that's really right. some very bright and well paid people voted for him. Yes, he appeals to white racists. But he also appeals to Christians who are highly principled ... not my principles, but ....
As for not taxing the poor. What do you call the tax on everyone who did not buy health insurance?

I call that bullshit.

Obamacare expanded Medicaid, so more poor people will be covered. It also required that large employers provide health insurance, which again, means more people with low income covered. It also provided means based insurance subsidies and specific exemptions to the individual mandate, starting with a qualification that healthcare costs do not exceed 10% of income.

Few did better than poor people under Obamacare, so lets drop that bs.
Those of us with employer sponsored HC gained coverage for preexisting and in my case I can still keep my child who is in her first post college job on my HC, and Obamacare DID slow HC inflation that translated into no cost increases for me until ... last year.

forgot to include the link.
See for Yourself If Obamacare Increased Health Care Costs
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There are two main theories of Trump’s support. One is that a large minority of Americans — 40 percent, give or take — are racist idiots. This theory is at least tacitly endorsed by the Democratic Party and the mainstream liberal media. The other is that a large majority of this large minority are good citizens with intelligible and legitimate opinions, who so resent being regarded as racist idiots that they’ll back Trump almost regardless. They may not admire the man, but he’s on their side, he vents their frustration, he afflicts the people who think so little of them — and that’s good enough.

It’s disappointing that Charlottesville hasn’t changed their minds — but then it hasn’t changed my mind either. I still think the first theory is absurd and the second theory basically correct. . . .

This sense that democratic politics is futile if not downright dangerous now infuses the worldview of the country’s cultural and intellectual establishment. Trump is routinely accused of being authoritarian and anti-democratic, despite the fact that he won the election and, so far, has been checked at every point and has achieved almost nothing in policy terms. (He might wish he were an authoritarian, but he sure hasn’t been allowed to function as one.) Many of his critics, on the other hand, are anti-democratic in a deeper sense: They appear to believe that a little less than half the country doesn’t deserve the vote.

The second theory — the correct theory — is a terrible indictment of the Democratic Party and much of the media. Why aren’t the intelligible and legitimate opinions of that large minority given a hearing? Why must their views be bundled reflexively into packages labelled “bigotry” and “stupidity”? Why can’t this large minority of the American people be accorded something other than pity or scorn?

Why People Still Support Trump

Because Democrats still can’t deal with losing, and a large part of belonging to the left is the satisfaction of feeling superior to ordinary Americans.

All that when you can simple say that all it was is he wasn't "THEM".
Nobody said it better :
Stephen Hawking: Donald Trump Appeals to 'Lowest Common Denominator'
I really dislike Trump, but I don't think that's really right. some very bright and well paid people voted for him. Yes, he appeals to white racists. But he also appeals to Christians who are highly principled ... not my principles, but ....
Well, Crixis I can see why you like Trump.
There are two main theories of Trump’s support. One is that a large minority of Americans — 40 percent, give or take — are racist idiots. This theory is at least tacitly endorsed by the Democratic Party and the mainstream liberal media. The other is that a large majority of this large minority are good citizens with intelligible and legitimate opinions, who so resent being regarded as racist idiots that they’ll back Trump almost regardless. They may not admire the man, but he’s on their side, he vents their frustration, he afflicts the people who think so little of them — and that’s good enough.

It’s disappointing that Charlottesville hasn’t changed their minds — but then it hasn’t changed my mind either. I still think the first theory is absurd and the second theory basically correct. . . .

This sense that democratic politics is futile if not downright dangerous now infuses the worldview of the country’s cultural and intellectual establishment. Trump is routinely accused of being authoritarian and anti-democratic, despite the fact that he won the election and, so far, has been checked at every point and has achieved almost nothing in policy terms. (He might wish he were an authoritarian, but he sure hasn’t been allowed to function as one.) Many of his critics, on the other hand, are anti-democratic in a deeper sense: They appear to believe that a little less than half the country doesn’t deserve the vote.

The second theory — the correct theory — is a terrible indictment of the Democratic Party and much of the media. Why aren’t the intelligible and legitimate opinions of that large minority given a hearing? Why must their views be bundled reflexively into packages labelled “bigotry” and “stupidity”? Why can’t this large minority of the American people be accorded something other than pity or scorn?

Why People Still Support Trump

Because Democrats still can’t deal with losing, and a large part of belonging to the left is the satisfaction of feeling superior to ordinary Americans.

All that when you can simple say that all it was is he wasn't "THEM".
Nobody said it better :
Stephen Hawking: Donald Trump Appeals to 'Lowest Common Denominator'
I really dislike Trump, but I don't think that's really right. some very bright and well paid people voted for him. Yes, he appeals to white racists. But he also appeals to Christians who are highly principled ... not my principles, but ....
Well, Crixis I can see why you like Trump.

Lol, you don’t see shit.
Is this why dozens of industrialized nations are clamoring to abandon their system and adopt ours? I guess it must be a busy news week, because the media has not mentioned this at all.

Why are you afraid to answer my questions and, instead, deflect?

I'll try again.

Why then is our health care so superior?

Which country has produced more life-saving drugs, life-extending drugs, new technology, and new medical procedures than the United States? Why do you think that happens here and not any of dozens of other countries?
Compare United Kingdom to United States:

World Health Organization ranking of health systems in 2000 - Wikipedia

Want to walk that dog back, Sparky?

No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?

Every bit of that information is available to you on the internet, but you won't look it up because Rush has already made up your mind for you. Again, there has never been a single country that has considered switching to the USA health care system, because it is an utter failure unless you are either rich or lucky enough to be covered by an employer health plan, which is becoming more rare every year. Ford has been spending more money per car built on health coverage for employees than they spend on steel, since 1977.

Yes, I have all that information and I knew you would do exactly what you did. You'd find it, read it and say oh shucks. I can't post that, that will make me, the famous Vandalshandle look the fool. Like I post things without knowing what I'm posting.

I wouldn't be surprised about the cost of healthcare for members of the Auto Union and the price f steel. Very little sheet metal used in a car today. I'm not sure what point that is supposed to make other than to further detract from the issue at hand. I'll help you by posting the questions again for your edification.

"No sir, I'll double down. I LOVE walking my dog!

What are the criteria used in that United Nations ranking and why do they no longer provide that information?

How many of those criteria relate directly to the quality of care?"

Keep in mind that the United Nations believes the whole world should be Socialist.
Most of the well developed countries are Socialist, or partially, such as the U.S. What are roads, bridges, police, fireman, Libraries, public schools, S.S. Medicare, Medicaid, sports Socialism, and the farm bill? What do you think all those entitlements are, that we pay into? That's right, "Socialism." The United Nations is right.

Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said.
My parents died under NHS, incredible care.
Most of these patriots never lived in Germany, Sweden etc.
Just spout knees news
Not that I liked the way Obamacare was structured. Had it been up to me I would not have expanded Medicaid. And I would not have mandated what services had to be covered. But I'd have used the revenues of taxes on HC providers and employers who didn't offer HC to employees to just offer each tax filer and dependent whatever amout of tax credit could be funded to be applied to a private HC plan. And then see what private markets came up with. And then change policy to cover what could not be covered.
Historically high employment.

Which was true since 2015, well before Trump got into office.


Best GDP growth since Bush.

Bullshit, Bush had a DESASTEROUS economy, complete with a Great Recession, while Obama had remarkably stable growth. Citing growth from the height of a historic bubble as a good thing is for idiots.

Best real GDP growth year in the last decade was 2015 - 2.9%.

U.S. - GDP growth by year 1990-2017 | Statista

Best wage gains since Bush or before

Again bullshit, 2014-2015 saw strong real income growth.


Bringing back the MFG jobs that Obama sent overseas.

Bullshit - Obama did no such thing and Manufacturing jobs have been growing since 2010.

Killed the Obamacare tax on poor Americans.

Bullshit - there is no such thing as Obamacare tax on poor.

So clearly you have a question you should answer to yourself: HOW COME YOU ARE SO FULL OF SHIT?

You certainly are more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

As for the GDP for President Bush and President Obama.


President Barack Hussein Obama first President in history to never have a single year of Growth exceeding 3%.

As for not taxing the poor. What do you call the tax on everyone who did not buy health insurance?

Wtf? You just insulted me a proceeded to confirm that I’m 100% correct.

Bush had 3%+ growth in 2 bubbled up years leading into the biggest recession in modern history. He would give his right nut (pun intended) to have Obama’s steady growth.

And there is another president to so far not have a 3% growth - TRUMP.

You stated that there was no such thing as a tax on the poor. You are 100% wrong, which you know. Why post something which you know is not true?

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