Why People Still Support Trump:

Initially I liked Trump, because he pissed all the right people off.

Now those said people have become even more obnoxious lying *****. Trump is even more amazing now.
Initially I liked Trump, because he pissed all the right people off.

Now those said people have become even more obnoxious lying *****. Trump is even more amazing now.
It's all about MAGA.

Trump wants it.

Democrats know the greater America is, the less power they'll get.
...wtf? Pence was elected selected as a VP and it's his job to take on POTUS responsibilities in the event president is removed from office.

Now I'll repeat the question and you see if you can answer it:

What is it you think Pence can't do for you that Trump will?
Lots of people could do what Trump is doing. Some better. So what? Any idiot could have taken Obama's place as well. You think Pelosi is special?

Trump was elected POTUS. Pence was elected VPOTUS.

Trump's success isn't because he's brilliant. It's because he wants to MAGA. Trump's reelection campaign is going to be about American prosperity. Democrats will run on the "America sux" platform.

Obama could have done as well as Trump if he had wanted to. But he didn't.

What success??

He got handed off a healthy growing economy, passed by a wisker tax-cuts with a full Republican majority and got lucky enough to rubber stamp some Republican judges for the court.

His lawyer, top advisors and possibly even son are headed for jail. He is an unindicted co-conspirator in one case. He is under serious investigation for Obstruciton of Justice.

He blatantly spreads lies, hyperbally, petty quarrels and self-promotion on the daily basis.

His top staff thinks he is a fucking moron.

He completely failed on healthcare.

He completely failed on border securrity and cost this country billions of dollars with his dumb ass shutdown.

Nothing but contraction to show for his trade wars.

Nothing real accomplished on North Korea.

Historians think he is so far the worst president this country has ever seen (Obama ranks 10th best)

If that's success god save us all from failure.
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Analysis | A new polling low for Trump: Just 16 percent ‘like’ his conduct as president

As I wrote in June 2016, nearly half of Trump supporters — 46 percent — said one or more of the following: He had made a racist comment, was prejudiced and/or was unqualified to be president. Not half of all voters; half of his supporters.


Pew asked American adults how they felt about Trump's conduct in office: Whether they “liked” it, had “mixed feelings” or “didn't like it.” It won't surprise you to see about 6 in 10 (58 percent) don't like it; that tracks with the number of Americans who disapprove of Trump overall.

The other two pieces of the pie are where things get interesting. According to Pew, another 25 percent of American adults say they have “mixed feelings,” and just 16 percent “like” it. Only about 1 in 6 voters say they like the way Trump has conducted himself as president.



I've had Trump Chumps tell me more than once they don't care if he lies to them.

When that's your attitude, you DESERVE to be lied to, and you get the politicians you deserve.

Analysis | A new polling low for Trump: Just 16 percent ‘like’ his conduct as president

As I wrote in June 2016, nearly half of Trump supporters — 46 percent — said one or more of the following: He had made a racist comment, was prejudiced and/or was unqualified to be president. Not half of all voters; half of his supporters.


Pew asked American adults how they felt about Trump's conduct in office: Whether they “liked” it, had “mixed feelings” or “didn't like it.” It won't surprise you to see about 6 in 10 (58 percent) don't like it; that tracks with the number of Americans who disapprove of Trump overall.

The other two pieces of the pie are where things get interesting. According to Pew, another 25 percent of American adults say they have “mixed feelings,” and just 16 percent “like” it. Only about 1 in 6 voters say they like the way Trump has conducted himself as president.



I've had Trump Chumps tell me more than once they don't care if he lies to them.

When that's your attitude, you DESERVE to be lied to, and you get the politicians you deserve.

What did he get done on healthcare, Korea, budget&trade deficits, and the wall?

Too busy trying to keep himself and family members out of jail.

...wtf? Pence was elected selected as a VP and it's his job to take on POTUS responsibilities in the event president is removed from office.

Now I'll repeat the question and you see if you can answer it:

What is it you think Pence can't do for you that Trump will?
Lots of people could do what Trump is doing. Some better. So what? Any idiot could have taken Obama's place as well. You think Pelosi is special?

Trump was elected POTUS. Pence was elected VPOTUS.

Trump's success isn't because he's brilliant. It's because he wants to MAGA. Trump's reelection campaign is going to be about American prosperity. Democrats will run on the "America sux" platform.

Obama could have done as well as Trump if he had wanted to. But he didn't.

What success??

He got handed off a healthy growing economy, passed by a wisker tax-cuts with a full Republican majority and got lucky enough to rubber stamp some Republican judges for the court.

His lawyer, top advisors and possibly even son are headed for jail. He is an unindicted co-conspirator in one case. He is under serious investigation for Obstruciton of Justice.

He blatantly spreads lies, hyperbally, petty quarrels and self-promotion on the daily basis.

His top staff thinks he is a fucking moron.

He completely failed on healthcare.

He completely failed on border securrity and cost this country billions of dollars with his dumb ass shutdown.

Nothing but contraction to show for his trade wars.

Nothing real accomplished on North Korea.

Historians think he is so far the worst president this country has ever seen (Obama ranks 10th best)

If that's success god save us all from failure.

...wtf? Pence was elected selected as a VP and it's his job to take on POTUS responsibilities in the event president is removed from office.

Now I'll repeat the question and you see if you can answer it:

What is it you think Pence can't do for you that Trump will?
Lots of people could do what Trump is doing. Some better. So what? Any idiot could have taken Obama's place as well. You think Pelosi is special?

Trump was elected POTUS. Pence was elected VPOTUS.

Trump's success isn't because he's brilliant. It's because he wants to MAGA. Trump's reelection campaign is going to be about American prosperity. Democrats will run on the "America sux" platform.

Obama could have done as well as Trump if he had wanted to. But he didn't.

What success??

He got handed off a healthy growing economy, passed by a wisker tax-cuts with a full Republican majority and got lucky enough to rubber stamp some Republican judges for the court.

His lawyer, top advisors and possibly even son are headed for jail. He is an unindicted co-conspirator in one case. He is under serious investigation for Obstruciton of Justice.

He blatantly spreads lies, hyperbally, petty quarrels and self-promotion on the daily basis.

His top staff thinks he is a fucking moron.

He completely failed on healthcare.

He completely failed on border securrity and cost this country billions of dollars with his dumb ass shutdown.

Nothing but contraction to show for his trade wars.

Nothing real accomplished on North Korea.

Historians think he is so far the worst president this country has ever seen (Obama ranks 10th best)

If that's success god save us all from failure.


Can you idiots please stop posting about how Trump rubber stamping a couple of judges is an acomplishment. Republicans gave him a list and he picked whoever he thinks is least likely to let a special investigator indict his ass.

"successful trip to asia"? "bids for wall underway"? "temporary travel ban"? "task force to reduce crime"? Are you fucking kidding me? This list is a joke at your expense.
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OP, could the media be to blame for them to accurately label many of Trump's statements as racist. They're not forcing him to say these things, and do things like pardon a controversial racist authoritarian, Apario, BEFORE he was sentenced.

Would you prefer the ignore it and/or simply hush their mouth and pretend these things aren't happening?

If a large minority voted for Trump, although they KNOWINGLY recognize his racaist statements, isn't that on THEM and no one else?

You don't vote a racist in to prove you're NOT racist. At the least you don't vote a guy that happily and willingly panders to racists to prove that you're NOT a racist. I'm sorry, but your 2nd theory makes no sense.

Is all of what you say NOT true of the failed former President Barack Hussein Obama?

Did Sen. Obama NOT pander to racists?

Other from the mass media, where do you get that President Donald Trump is racist?

...wtf? Pence was elected selected as a VP and it's his job to take on POTUS responsibilities in the event president is removed from office.

Now I'll repeat the question and you see if you can answer it:

What is it you think Pence can't do for you that Trump will?
Lots of people could do what Trump is doing. Some better. So what? Any idiot could have taken Obama's place as well. You think Pelosi is special?

Trump was elected POTUS. Pence was elected VPOTUS.

Trump's success isn't because he's brilliant. It's because he wants to MAGA. Trump's reelection campaign is going to be about American prosperity. Democrats will run on the "America sux" platform.

Obama could have done as well as Trump if he had wanted to. But he didn't.

What success??

He got handed off a healthy growing economy, passed by a wisker tax-cuts with a full Republican majority and got lucky enough to rubber stamp some Republican judges for the court.

His lawyer, top advisors and possibly even son are headed for jail. He is an unindicted co-conspirator in one case. He is under serious investigation for Obstruciton of Justice.

He blatantly spreads lies, hyperbally, petty quarrels and self-promotion on the daily basis.

His top staff thinks he is a fucking moron.

He completely failed on healthcare.

He completely failed on border securrity and cost this country billions of dollars with his dumb ass shutdown.

Nothing but contraction to show for his trade wars.

Nothing real accomplished on North Korea.

Historians think he is so far the worst president this country has ever seen (Obama ranks 10th best)

If that's success god save us all from failure.


Can you idiots please stop posting about how Trump rubber stamping a couple of judges is an acomplishment. Republicans gave him a list and he picked whoever he thinks is least likely to let a special investigator indict his ass.

"successful trip to asia"? "bids for wall underway"? "temporary travel ban"? "task force to reduce crime"? Are you fucking kidding me? This list is a joke at your expense.
There are two main theories of Trump’s support. One is that a large minority of Americans — 40 percent, give or take — are racist idiots. This theory is at least tacitly endorsed by the Democratic Party and the mainstream liberal media. The other is that a large majority of this large minority are good citizens with intelligible and legitimate opinions, who so resent being regarded as racist idiots that they’ll back Trump almost regardless. They may not admire the man, but he’s on their side, he vents their frustration, he afflicts the people who think so little of them — and that’s good enough.

It’s disappointing that Charlottesville hasn’t changed their minds — but then it hasn’t changed my mind either. I still think the first theory is absurd and the second theory basically correct. . . .

This sense that democratic politics is futile if not downright dangerous now infuses the worldview of the country’s cultural and intellectual establishment. Trump is routinely accused of being authoritarian and anti-democratic, despite the fact that he won the election and, so far, has been checked at every point and has achieved almost nothing in policy terms. (He might wish he were an authoritarian, but he sure hasn’t been allowed to function as one.) Many of his critics, on the other hand, are anti-democratic in a deeper sense: They appear to believe that a little less than half the country doesn’t deserve the vote.

The second theory — the correct theory — is a terrible indictment of the Democratic Party and much of the media. Why aren’t the intelligible and legitimate opinions of that large minority given a hearing? Why must their views be bundled reflexively into packages labelled “bigotry” and “stupidity”? Why can’t this large minority of the American people be accorded something other than pity or scorn?

Why People Still Support Trump

Because Democrats still can’t deal with losing, and a large part of belonging to the left is the satisfaction of feeling superior to ordinary Americans.
Are you winning over 22-29 year olds? If they are happy with trump then he will win again. As long as 30 something year olds are happy then things are good.

Most of us old fucks are set in our ways.

It’s going to be a fight between all of us who hate republicans in charge to show up and hope moderates and independents are sick of the embarrassment that is trump and they stay home. The novelty has wore off. The experiment is over. He’s corrupt with Putin and Saudi Arabia. He’s giving the rich all the tax break. Has their life improved any?

But that may all just be wishful thinking.

I don’t think Americans want trump appointing another dickhead conservative to the bench. It all comes down to that. If democrats lose 2020 White House the middle class is doomed. Death blow to social security and Medicare. All the crazy right wing ideas will become law. Unions doomed. Teachers fucked. Privatize everything. Sell the farm.
...wtf? Pence was elected selected as a VP and it's his job to take on POTUS responsibilities in the event president is removed from office.

Now I'll repeat the question and you see if you can answer it:

What is it you think Pence can't do for you that Trump will?
Lots of people could do what Trump is doing. Some better. So what? Any idiot could have taken Obama's place as well. You think Pelosi is special?

Trump was elected POTUS. Pence was elected VPOTUS.

Trump's success isn't because he's brilliant. It's because he wants to MAGA. Trump's reelection campaign is going to be about American prosperity. Democrats will run on the "America sux" platform.

Obama could have done as well as Trump if he had wanted to. But he didn't.

What success??

He got handed off a healthy growing economy, passed by a wisker tax-cuts with a full Republican majority and got lucky enough to rubber stamp some Republican judges for the court.

His lawyer, top advisors and possibly even son are headed for jail. He is an unindicted co-conspirator in one case. He is under serious investigation for Obstruciton of Justice.

He blatantly spreads lies, hyperbally, petty quarrels and self-promotion on the daily basis.

His top staff thinks he is a fucking moron.

He completely failed on healthcare.

He completely failed on border securrity and cost this country billions of dollars with his dumb ass shutdown.

Nothing but contraction to show for his trade wars.

Nothing real accomplished on North Korea.

Historians think he is so far the worst president this country has ever seen (Obama ranks 10th best)

If that's success god save us all from failure.
MAGA triggers leftists, because they know a strong America would never put them in charge.
...wtf? Pence was elected selected as a VP and it's his job to take on POTUS responsibilities in the event president is removed from office.

Now I'll repeat the question and you see if you can answer it:

What is it you think Pence can't do for you that Trump will?
Lots of people could do what Trump is doing. Some better. So what? Any idiot could have taken Obama's place as well. You think Pelosi is special?

Trump was elected POTUS. Pence was elected VPOTUS.

Trump's success isn't because he's brilliant. It's because he wants to MAGA. Trump's reelection campaign is going to be about American prosperity. Democrats will run on the "America sux" platform.

Obama could have done as well as Trump if he had wanted to. But he didn't.

What success??

He got handed off a healthy growing economy, passed by a wisker tax-cuts with a full Republican majority and got lucky enough to rubber stamp some Republican judges for the court.

His lawyer, top advisors and possibly even son are headed for jail. He is an unindicted co-conspirator in one case. He is under serious investigation for Obstruciton of Justice.

He blatantly spreads lies, hyperbally, petty quarrels and self-promotion on the daily basis.

His top staff thinks he is a fucking moron.

He completely failed on healthcare.

He completely failed on border securrity and cost this country billions of dollars with his dumb ass shutdown.

Nothing but contraction to show for his trade wars.

Nothing real accomplished on North Korea.

Historians think he is so far the worst president this country has ever seen (Obama ranks 10th best)

If that's success god save us all from failure.
MAGA triggers leftists, because they know a strong America would never put them in charge.
Are you going to actually maga?
You do know MAGA was the name of our WWII Nazi group?
Oh, you do??
What are trump policies btw?
Low taxes for millionaires?
Additional groper on the supremes?
Polluted water?
Getting outwitted by North Korea?
Tariffs that almost killed my daughters business?

Make America Great Again was the name of our WWII Nazi group? Who knew?

I take it that it must have meant the same thing when former President Bill Clinton used it in his campaign, as well as Ronald Reagan.

Your desperate statements are laughable. Truly the sign of a very, very desperate person.

Republicans are the "ME" party, not the "WE THE PEOPLE" party. Which is why they are so racist. Those are their frustrations. It's actually quite simple.
That's kinda dumb given the fact that Leftists are the only ones promoting identity politics.

You didn't think your point it before you spoke, did you?
YOU are promoting identity politics.

The identity you're promoting is White Male identity
You do know MAGA was the name of our WWII Nazi group?
Oh, you do??
What are trump policies btw?
Low taxes for millionaires?
Additional groper on the supremes?
Polluted water?
Getting outwitted by North Korea?
Tariffs that almost killed my daughters business?

Make America Great Again was the name of our WWII Nazi group? Who knew?

I take it that it must have meant the same thing when former President Bill Clinton used it in his campaign, as well as Ronald Reagan.

Your desperate statements are laughable. Truly the sign of a very, very desperate person.


America First was the Nazi Bund slogan...keep up.

Trump (actually Roger Stone) stole Make America Great from Reagan.
You do know MAGA was the name of our WWII Nazi group?
Oh, you do??
What are trump policies btw?
Low taxes for millionaires?
Additional groper on the supremes?
Polluted water?
Getting outwitted by North Korea?
Tariffs that almost killed my daughters business?

Make America Great Again was the name of our WWII Nazi group? Who knew?

I take it that it must have meant the same thing when former President Bill Clinton used it in his campaign, as well as Ronald Reagan.

Your desperate statements are laughable. Truly the sign of a very, very desperate person.


America First was the Nazi Bund slogan...keep up.

Trump (actually Roger Stone) stole Make America Great from Reagan.

Gee, I thought he stole it from former President Bill Clinton. When so many people use the same words, it gets so confusing. And those who find it significant, are so funny!
Just so we understand...list those successes?

80% of that is Trump riding the existing wave and claiming he made the ocean. Some is pure fantasy (coal?)The rest is what ANY Republican would have done.

And killing healthcare with no replacement and bending over for Big Banks is nothing to brag about

No one is denied healthcare...not even illegals. The ACA was a loser from the "git-go". 2,700 pages of pork-filled legislation with over 20,000 rules and regulations. People lost their coverage because it didn't pass the ACA "sniff test" and the ol "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...PERIOD" repeated over and over by the Barrypuppet was a flat out lie and he KNEW it was a lie. Exemptions to this "act" given to DNC donors, special favors to leftard politicians to procure their vote for this back-doored piece of poorly written legislation....and idiots like you bemoan the fact that the tax for those that didn't comply was kicked to the curb. You are not owed a fucking thing nor are you entitled......get that through that thick skull of yours.

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