Why Perry Can't Win

Like I said, Uncle Tom's Cabin propaganda. You have fallen for propaganda that is 150 years old.
Merely repeating something doesn't make it true. It makes you a gibbering idiot.
Can you not construct a better argument against slavery than a) I said so, and b) Jesus, whom I don't believe in, said so too?

Question, would you sell your daughter into slavery tomorrow if someone made a good enough offer on her? The bible says you can.. (Exodus 21 : 7)

Of course not. You'd never do that. (At least I hope you wouldn't.)

So why would it be okay to do that to someone else's son or daughter?

First you have a misunderstanding of the Bible.
Second, that isn't an argument on the rightness or wrongness of slavery.

If someone cannot pay back money he owes because he damaged something is it not reasonable that he be made to work off the damages?
Like I said, Uncle Tom's Cabin propaganda. You have fallen for propaganda that is 150 years old.
Merely repeating something doesn't make it true. It makes you a gibbering idiot.
Can you not construct a better argument against slavery than a) I said so, and b) Jesus, whom I don't believe in, said so too?

Question, would you sell your daughter into slavery tomorrow if someone made a good enough offer on her? The bible says you can.. (Exodus 21 : 7)

Of course not. You'd never do that. (At least I hope you wouldn't.)

So why would it be okay to do that to someone else's son or daughter?

First you have a misunderstanding of the Bible.
Second, that isn't an argument on the rightness or wrongness of slavery.

If someone cannot pay back money he owes because he damaged something is it not reasonable that he be made to work off the damages?

It was also quite common in those days for a man to sell himself as a slave foe a certain amount of time for land or to pay back a loan. The guy has the bible versus that support his position hand all edited and ready to go, along with his fantasy past that he ripped of from a movie and comedian.
Typical revisionist crap. Not to mention tossing in the totally unrelated and sociologically uninformed bull shit poll about the Russian mindset. Do you have about 2 years to take the classes and read some of the source material I had the opportunity to study? I think I might be able to condense 10 + years of study into the time allotted as long as I can keep it at your grade school level.

HOnestly, if you wasted 10 years on Russian Studies, that's kind of pathetic.

Point being, Russians aren't all that upset about what Stalin did. Not sure why you are, other than you need a bad atheist to make up for the bad Christians.

You make a hell of a lot of assumptions and it shows with every post you make. Now that's pathetic.
I'll move on now, I really hate to keep you from your windmill tilting since it seems it's all you're capable of doing (and badly at that). I'll say hi the next time I decide to visit the binjo ditch you live in.
Oh and watch out for anyone offering to give you an enema, I'd really hate to see you completely diminished......... Tata!
Like I said, Uncle Tom's Cabin propaganda. You have fallen for propaganda that is 150 years old.
Merely repeating something doesn't make it true. It makes you a gibbering idiot.
Can you not construct a better argument against slavery than a) I said so, and b) Jesus, whom I don't believe in, said so too?

Question, would you sell your daughter into slavery tomorrow if someone made a good enough offer on her? The bible says you can.. (Exodus 21 : 7)

Of course not. You'd never do that. (At least I hope you wouldn't.)

So why would it be okay to do that to someone else's son or daughter?

First you have a misunderstanding of the Bible.
Second, that isn't an argument on the rightness or wrongness of slavery.

If someone cannot pay back money he owes because he damaged something is it not reasonable that he be made to work off the damages?

Only if they agree to.

No, the bible didn't argue about the rightness or wrongness of slavery. It just assumed that it was okay because it was written by bronze age savages, NOT a beneficient, all-knowing God.
When he got to the point of defending Stalin and comparing communism to Christianity he kind of lost any credibility he had. Which wasn't much to begin with.

Slavery a bad thing, yes or no?

I'm await your reasoned argument as to why it is bad. Until then I reserve judgment.

Philemon is to large to post, but short enough to read. Read the verses I posted, and Philemon. Im done with theology.
Your sister never heard of the Holocaust?????

Sister in Law... and, no, she hadn't. Not until she was watching a History Channel show with my brother.

Not to worry, though, NG Sampson will google Sister in Law and find that someone else used that phrase once... because he's "special" like that.

(as in Short Bus "Special".)

Your sister in law never heard of the Holocaust? How old is she? That is a subject that is taught some time during a kids elementary school years no later than the sixth grade.
Question, would you sell your daughter into slavery tomorrow if someone made a good enough offer on her? The bible says you can.. (Exodus 21 : 7)

Of course not. You'd never do that. (At least I hope you wouldn't.)

So why would it be okay to do that to someone else's son or daughter?

First you have a misunderstanding of the Bible.
Second, that isn't an argument on the rightness or wrongness of slavery.

If someone cannot pay back money he owes because he damaged something is it not reasonable that he be made to work off the damages?

Only if they agree to.

No, the bible didn't argue about the rightness or wrongness of slavery. It just assumed that it was okay because it was written by bronze age savages, NOT a beneficient, all-knowing God.

You know this how?
But at least you've refuted your own argument by admitting that Jesus never condemned slavery.
i'd say both stalin and hitler were extraordinarily evil. it doesn't matter a whit to me if one was a christian and the other an atheist, fwiw.

I do have to wonder, though, how anyone doesn't know what the holocaust was. my son was given an abridged version of the Diary of Ann Frank to read when he was in first grade. I actually got upset with his teacher about it because i felt that he was a little young to have to know there were people in the world with that kind of hatred.

Well, I kind of agree, that's a heavy thing to lay on a first grader.

As to my sister-in-law, well, the wonders of public education.

This site shows how much Americans know about the Holocaust compared to other countries, and it's kind of shocking.

Memory of the Holocaust By Tom W. Smith
And you left something out in your little cut and past session

Eph.-9 And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.

More editing on your part, not to mention, if you were stupid enough to try and use the new testament to make your case you should have known Philemon would have been one of many books in there that would have blown your ass out of the water again. So not only do you steal other peoples stories, you edit your cut and past. Let me guess, Mine dont count because of the difference in translation right ? :eusa_whistle:

NO, yours don't count because they are irrelevent. The wrong is in human beings owning other human beings, not if the bible then tells the owners to play nice sometimes.

It's like saying that verses that advocate rape are okay if they require the rapist to use a rubber.

It's sheer idiocy, and not what a perfect moral God would do. A perfect moral god would say something like,

"If someone does work for you, fairly compensate them at an agreed upon price!"

Wow. What a concept!

You make a hell of a lot of assumptions and it shows with every post you make. Now that's pathetic.
I'll move on now, I really hate to keep you from your windmill tilting since it seems it's all you're capable of doing (and badly at that). I'll say hi the next time I decide to visit the binjo ditch you live in.
Oh and watch out for anyone offering to give you an enema, I'd really hate to see you completely diminished......... Tata!

Wooo, pointing out you wasted your life must burn, eh, guy..

Hey, make it simple for you.

If Stalin won, most Russians got to keep on living.
If Hitler won, they got to be lampshades and bars of soap.

That's why Russians admire Stalin. He saved them as a people. Even if he was an evil jerk.
And you left something out in your little cut and past session

Eph.-9 And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.

More editing on your part, not to mention, if you were stupid enough to try and use the new testament to make your case you should have known Philemon would have been one of many books in there that would have blown your ass out of the water again. So not only do you steal other peoples stories, you edit your cut and past. Let me guess, Mine dont count because of the difference in translation right ? :eusa_whistle:

NO, yours don't count because they are irrelevent. The wrong is in human beings owning other human beings, not if the bible then tells the owners to play nice sometimes.

It's like saying that verses that advocate rape are okay if they require the rapist to use a rubber.

It's sheer idiocy, and not what a perfect moral God would do. A perfect moral god would say something like,

"If someone does work for you, fairly compensate them at an agreed upon price!"

Wow. What a concept!


Gee, you mean something like this?
24:14 Hebrew OT: WLC (Consonants & Vowels)
לֹא־תַעֲשֹׁק שָׂכִיר עָנִי וְאֶבְיֹון מֵאַחֶיךָ אֹו מִגֵּרְךָ אֲשֶׁר בְּאַרְצְךָ בִּשְׁעָרֶיךָ׃
Your sister never heard of the Holocaust?????

Sister in Law... and, no, she hadn't. Not until she was watching a History Channel show with my brother.

Not to worry, though, NG Sampson will google Sister in Law and find that someone else used that phrase once... because he's "special" like that.

(as in Short Bus "Special".)

Your sister in law never heard of the Holocaust? How old is she? That is a subject that is taught some time during a kids elementary school years no later than the sixth grade.

Right now, she's 38. and as I posted earlier, Americans are profoundly ignorant compared to other nations on this subject.

Memory of the Holocaust By Tom W. Smith
First you have a misunderstanding of the Bible.
Second, that isn't an argument on the rightness or wrongness of slavery.

If someone cannot pay back money he owes because he damaged something is it not reasonable that he be made to work off the damages?

Only if they agree to.

No, the bible didn't argue about the rightness or wrongness of slavery. It just assumed that it was okay because it was written by bronze age savages, NOT a beneficient, all-knowing God.

You know this how?
But at least you've refuted your own argument by admitting that Jesus never condemned slavery.

Hey, I don't even think Jesus even EXISTED.

I was pointing out that slavery IS immoral by the OVERALL Standard that Jesus set- what is called the "Golden Rule" - Do onto others as you would have them do onto you. You cannot reconcile one human being owning another, with permission to beat or rape, with that Golden Rule.

Of course, the bible is full of contradictions and special pleading. But your standard was, "Why is slavery immoral". My answer is you wouldn't want to be a slave, so why would you want others to do so. Under the GOLDEN RULE, slavery is immoral.

It's also common sense that one human being owning another is always wrong, but I'm trying to take baby steps with you here...

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