Why Planned Parenthood (PP) will help destroy the world...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Planned Parenthood(PP) is destroying the world by promoting killing of human beings and helping reduce the world's population as the following article starts out...
"With birthrates plummeting, more and more societies are heading into an era of pervasive and indefinite depopulation, one that will eventually encompass the whole planet.
What lies ahead is a world made up of shrinking and aging societies.
Net mortality—when a society experiences more deaths than births—will likewise become the new norm.
Driven by an unrelenting collapse in fertility, family structures and living arrangements heretofore imagined only in science fiction novels will become commonplace, unremarkable features of everyday life
Overall global numbers last declined about 700 years ago, in the wake of the bubonic plague that tore through much of Eurasia.
In the following seven centuries, the world’s population surged almost 20-fold. And just over the past century, the human population has quadrupled.

I personally believe abortion is acceptable for these reasons:
1) Health of the mother
2) Rape, incest, etc.
3) The woman is less than 30 years old.
Now the major difference I'm suggesting is this:
For the FACTS:

Repeat Abortion, Repeat Unintended Pregnancy, Repeated and Misguided Government Policies​

About half of all U.S. women having an abortion have had one previously. This fact—not new, but dramatically underscored in a recent report from the Guttmacher Institute on the characteristics of women having repeat abortions—may surprise and concern some policymakers, even prochoice ones.
At the current rate, about one-third of all U.S. women will have had an abortion by age 45.

Think about it!
Age was most strongly associated with this outcome, and patients aged 30 and older had more than two times the odds of having had a prior abortion compared with those aged 20–24.

Solution in consideration of the first point of this comment... birthrates are dramatically declining and who is encouraging this? Planned Parenthood.
So why not charge any woman over age 30 that had a previous abortion and then wants another abortion, TO PAY for the abortion...!
AGAIN given our replacement population is reducing because of reasons like abortions, why not have the women who want another abortion pay for
the abortion in community services or some other penalties as well as the male who impregnated the woman! Make it a state law that if any woman
who has had a previous abortion and irresponsibly gets pregnant as well as the male are convicted of a killing of a human by having community services.

At least it will reduce by acknowledging these irresponsible people have to pay a penalty!

At least then the human race is not knowingly killing humans when repopulating the world is so critical!
Planned Parenthood has pushed responsible parenting for nearly a century.

At a time when women would bear 8-10 children, Planned Parenthood pushed responsible birth control
I am of two minds.

I don't like it that people aren't having children anymore.

But I understand the reason why, how can a young couple afford to start a family when housing, food and other necessities are getting more and more expensive?
FACTS: There never was a time when the average mother had 10 kids as you ignorantly stated. FACTS before you comment!
but it was in the early 1800s:
1800: The average American woman had seven to eight children.
1940: The average fertility rate dropped to 2.2 children per woman.

Founded in New York by Margaret Sanger in 1916, today Planned Parenthood is the United States' largest provider of reproductive health-care services, from birth control and contraceptives to pregnancy advice and abortion.

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