Why President Trump Has Not Received Legislative Action From Congress


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
– and What Can Be Done…


This is it in a nutshell. There are no lobbyist organizations on K Street willing to spend billions to further the president’s agenda. Nobody to smooch politicians or their aides to get them to write and actually work on the legislation needed to get done what the voters elected him to do. And, the disorganization and disunity of the GOP in Congress doesn’t help either.

The DC legislative pipeline is devoid of any bill, brief or construct for any of the platform priorities of the Trump administration. Quite the opposite is true. Almost all of the K-Street institutions -which create the legislative priorities- are capable of producing a product that flows in one direction.

Full story @ Part II – Why President Trump Has Not Received Legislative Action From Congress – and What Can Be Done…

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