Zone1 Why Protestants annoy me (and other Catholics)

If it is the real Church, why would its members not say so?

u w ant some church or alleged church that doesn't believe in itself??

Every Catholic I've known says that salvation can only come if you're a member of the Catholic Church. The Orthodox Church teaches a similar doctrine. I believe in Christ ... not a group of men wearing robes.
no idea of what you refer

but it doesn't sound good, doesn't sound open minded, sounds hateful so I will just move on
Neither religion is based upon evidence.
It’s like listening to two star Trekkies arguing about how old Dr. Spock is. I’m sure the two Trekkie’s take their beliefs seriously too.
Every Catholic I've known says that salvation can only come if you're a member of the Catholic Church. The Orthodox Church teaches a similar doctrine. I believe in Christ ... not a group of men wearing robes.
so you are saying I don't believe in Christ?

have u read my threads, all of them?

If you say that after reading them, then all I can think is you are dishonest
Neither religion is based upon evidence.
It’s like listening to two star Trekkies arguing about how old Dr. Spock is. I’m sure the two Trekkie’s take their beliefs seriously too.
i have evidence (my story)

but no one listens to that evidence...
so you are saying I don't believe in Christ?

have u read my threads, all of them?

If you say that after reading them, then all I can think is you are dishonest
I didn't say any such thing. I said that the hardcore Catholics I know have told me that I MUST be a Catholic to be saved. Christ says that I must believe in Him. Christ doesn't say a thing about what denomination I should belong to.
I'm WAY ahead of you but you can stick with your presumptuous malice and i'm sure you will.

I've studied far more about the Church than you have. I know this is so because you don't even know the history of Vatican II, where the Vatican was taken over by antiCatholics.
You appear to be confused again. Read what I actually posted, not what you imagine I posted.

I'll post it again. Then read your response and try and understand how your response seems puzzling in context:

Good gawd, The Vatican is the Roman Catholic Church.

The Early church. Ever study up on it? The Church Fathers, Doctors of the Church? You sound so incredibly ignorant of Christianity, as most Christians are.
"Saved" is not often used in Catholic nomenclature. Is this what they said or your interpretation of what they said?
I used to participate in another forum. For years, a militant Catholic and I sparred over religious topics. He would quote from the Catholic Encyclopedia and many other extrabiblical material, and was as hardcore Catholic as a person could get. He literally told me many, many times that I would not see God's Kingdom if I wasn't a member of the Catholic Church; if I didn't revere the statue of Mary and see her as co-redemptrix/mediatrix with Christ; and many other non-biblical opinions.

Of course ... I took his statements with a grain of salt.
I used to participate in another forum. For years, a militant Catholic and I sparred over religious topics. He would quote from the Catholic Encyclopedia and many other extrabiblical material, and was as hardcore Catholic as a person could get. He literally told me many, many times that I would not see God's Kingdom if I wasn't a member of the Catholic Church; if I didn't revere the statue of Mary and see her as co-redemptrix/mediatrix with Christ; and many other non-biblical opinions.

Of course ... I took his statements with a grain of salt.
He was wrong over many accounts. First, the Catechism of the Catholic Church notes the eternal Covenants God has with the Jewish people--and if I recall correctly, with Muslims as well. It notes that non-Catholic Christians are still members of the Body of Christ. Only a very small fringe of Catholics see Mary as co-redeemtrix/mediatrix, apparently based on the fact Mary was his mother. It notes that the Church is still less powerful than God, and those whom the Church cannot reach, it is possible that God does.

It appears your sparring partner may have missed some major Catholic teachings.
He was wrong over many accounts. First, the Catechism of the Catholic Church notes the eternal Covenants God has with the Jewish people--and if I recall correctly, with Muslims as well. It notes that non-Catholic Christians are still members of the Body of Christ. Only a very small fringe of Catholics see Mary as co-redeemtrix/mediatrix, apparently based on the fact Mary was his mother. It notes that the Church is still less powerful than God, and those whom the Church cannot reach, it is possible that God does.

It appears your sparring partner may have missed some major Catholic teachings.
Thank you. Nice post!

Granted ... I did discuss these issues with more levelheaded and graceful Catholics. It appears that you fall into that category (although it's not fair to paint people with a broad brush). In any case ... I appreciate your civil tone and fair approach.

I'm a simple Christian (some may say simple-minded, and they may be correct). I quit a hard life of substance abuse in the mid 1980s and turned to God around that time. I was baptized in a river in Colorado in 1988. I try to find God's will for me in His written Word, the Bible. I believe the Bible reveals all a person needs to know to understand man's relationship with the Creator, Jesus Christ. The fall of man; the history of faithful men as opposed to rebellious men; God's blessings and curses; man's total depravity; God's love for His creation; Christ's virgin birth; Christ's specific Gospel message; man's need to repent of his sins; baptism & communion; Christ's payment for our sins (shed blood; death on the cross; burial; and resurrection); and His promises and prophecies.

I look forward to His Kingdom and pray for His guidance in all things.
I'm a simple Christian (some may say simple-minded, and they may be correct). I quit a hard life of substance abuse in the mid 1980s and turned to God around that time. I was baptized in a river in Colorado in 1988. I try to find God's will for me in His written Word, the Bible. I believe the Bible reveals all a person needs to know to understand man's relationship with the Creator, Jesus Christ. The fall of man; the history of faithful men as opposed to rebellious men; God's blessings and curses; man's total depravity; God's love for His creation; Christ's virgin birth; Christ's specific Gospel message; man's need to repent of his sins; baptism & communion; Christ's payment for our sins (shed blood; death on the cross; burial; and resurrection); and His promises and prophecies.

I look forward to His Kingdom and pray for His guidance in all things.
That is a great approach. It calls to mind someone's challenge to a Jewish rabbi to sum up scripture in a sentence. He responded, "Love God, love one another--the rest is just commentary."

I see you as getting past the commentary straight down to the nitty-gritty. I will confess I find the commentary spectacularly interesting, and perhaps spend too much time on it.
They just dismiss the Catholic Church outright... based in larg part on what their pastors have told them (indoctrinatd them on) about the Catholic Church. Again, I am not referring to the Vatican which ceased being Catholic 65 years ago.

They often have NO interest in the OLDEST (and only) Christian Church...

Jesus established ONE Church and a lot of thm don't seem to care which one tht is

Get over yourself cultist. Hell will welcome you.
Every Catholic I've known says that salvation can only come if you're a member of the Catholic Church. The Orthodox Church teaches a similar doctrine. I believe in Christ ... not a group of men wearing robes.
That seems odd to me because at my parish we pray for all Christian denominations to have peace with one another.
That seems odd to me because at my parish we pray for all Christian denominations to have peace with one another.
Trust me ... if I got you in touch with my radical "friend" on the other site ... he's scold you for holding such an anti-Catholic view.
They just dismiss the Catholic Church outright... based in larg part on what their pastors have told them (indoctrinatd them on) about the Catholic Church. Again, I am not referring to the Vatican which ceased being Catholic 65 years ago.

They often have NO interest in the OLDEST (and only) Christian Church...

Jesus established ONE Church and a lot of thm don't seem to care which one tht is
What "indoctrinates" anyone with the least bit of critical independent reasoning abilities against the evil that is the the Word of God. A Christian is instructed not to "blindly" follow the preaching or teaching of anyone....without searching the Holy Scriptures..i.e, the Word of God to see if the message being presented is actually located in the Word of God.....the RCC fails the test when it attempts to claim that the word of the Pope is greater than the actual content of Holy Scriptures that were inspired by the Holy Spirit of God.

"These were more noble than those of Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether these things were so." -- Acts 17:11

What does the Pope and the RCC structure that is modeled after the Roman Military chain of command teach that is not located in the Holy Scriptures? The list is long................. a short list?

1. The use of supposed HOLY WATER......or Blessing water which was not established until the 2nd century. 2. The separation of the clergy and laity (priests promoted as superior to the church members) 2nd century. 3. The setting aside for SPECIAL DAYS such as lent...etc. 140 A.D. 4. Special vestments for clergy ( special uniforms for clergy to make them appear special and above the laity........pride/vanity. 5. The practice of "sprinkling" for water baptism...when the very word baptism means SUBMERGED.....and the supposed baptism of innocent infants who have no idea what constitutes sin or righteousness because they lack the understanding required for the act of baptism. 6. 7 all men are born into sin..........when Jesus Christ was a man, born of woman and born under the law...what? Was the Christ born as a sinner? 8. Not allowing the Clergy to marry and stim their natural sexual desires in a righteous manner through the bonds of marriage........instead they rape little children for vent up relief. 9. Purgatory is not mentioned in the scriptures....the dead cannot repent of anything as detailed by the Christ in Luke 16. 10. Confessing sins to a priest..........instead of approaching our Adovate Jesus Christ as High Priest.........all Christians are members of a royal priesthood. 1 Peter 2:9

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