Zone1 Why Protestants annoy me (and other Catholics)

so you know everything Jesus has ever said, even the things He "did and said that, were it all written, all the books in the world could not contain it all" (words from the New Testament)

The Catholic Church is the one Christ founded (which is no longer in the Vatican).

He would not have established ANY Church-- if it had not been necessary.
I know enough to know what I need to do to see the Kingdom of God. I don't need a man in a robe to explain to me what I can read for myself.
The thief on the cross beside Jesus wasn't baptized, never took communion, didn't know a saint from a hole in the ground, and probably never heard of Mary either. That didn't stop Jesus from taking him into paradise that day. It amazes me that they are able, with a straight face, insist they are authorized to put more restrictions on people than He did.
regardless, it only makes sense that one needs to belong to THE Church Christ founded in order to be saved.

He is the one who knows what it takes to get our sorry human asses into Heaven (so to say)

No one else knows ...and no other Church can save but the One He founded.

Try arguing with that, protesters.... u can't.

Canonized saints always taught this is so... that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church--extra ecclesia nulla salus

BTW Anyone canonized (so called) after 1958 is likely NOT a saint in Heaven. The Vatican is NOT the Catholic Church anymore, hasn't been for 65 years.
The thief on the cross didn't have ANY of the credentials you so desperately want to force everyone to get. All he had was faith, and that was enough. Should you ever enter Paradise through your own faith in Christ (not in any other name, mind you, not Mary, not Peter, not any other), you will be surrounded by Christians from every walk of life, from churches whose names you haven't even heard. How will you cope when Jesus calls them His own?
I read this far

You're not listening and your prejudice is like that of any protestant... tiresome and etc..

you just want to stay in your error. Well, that is your choice to do so... free country and all.. But remember Jesus did say that FEW

find the Narrow Way...

You're not going to get to Heaven your way... only Christ's way
That's right, ONLY Christ's way, ONLY through faith in Him. There is NO OTHER name by which we may be saved and by which we can approach the Father.
regardless, it only makes sense that one needs to belong to THE Church Christ founded in order to be saved.

He is the one who knows what it takes to get our sorry human asses into Heaven (so to say)

No one else knows ...and no other Church can save but the One He founded.

Try arguing with that, protesters.... u can't.

Canonized saints always taught this is so... that there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church--extra ecclesia nulla salus

BTW Anyone canonized (so called) after 1958 is likely NOT a saint in Heaven. The Vatican is NOT the Catholic Church anymore, hasn't been for 65 years.
Now you're sounding a LOT more like that militant Catholic on the other site that I was talking about. "One MUST be a Catholic to be saved" was his mantra. But I'm always glad when you folks show your true colors so I know who I'm dealing with.
Now you're sounding a LOT more like that militant Catholic on the other site that I was talking about. "One MUST be a Catholic to be saved" was his mantra. But I'm always glad when you folks show your true colors so I know who I'm dealing with.
well, I should just patiently write this post off as "ignorant of Catholicism"

It just stands to reason that when Christ establishes a Church, it is expected that all who wish to be saved will enter it.

Jesus (Mt 16:18) did not say "I will build My Church... but if no one wants to join it.. that's A-OK with me"

not too logical to believe that
That's right, ONLY Christ's way, ONLY through faith in Him. There is NO OTHER name by which we may be saved and by which we can approach the Father.
so since Jesus said Salvation is only through Him

stands to reason one should join HIS Church, not some man made thing that purports to be that... or worse, have NO church or even purported church
The thief on the cross beside Jesus wasn't baptized, never took communion, didn't know a saint from a hole in the ground, and probably never heard of Mary either. That didn't stop Jesus from taking him into paradise that day. It amazes me that they are able, with a straight face, insist they are authorized to put more restrictions on people than He did.
he was DYING

and he was in very close proximity to JESUS Himself...

I think Jesus and the Father realize that not everyone (who would live after Jesus ascended) CAN BE baptized before death comes along... but Scripture tells us that the way God wants things done is ... "Baptism now saves you"

don't know where that psg is, but it is in the New T
Protestants are the best friends Catholics have
I'm not feeling the love, to say the least--There IS none... just a bunch of words thrown at us... words heard at their Catholic-despising "church" so called
I know because Jesus said "No one comes to the Father but through Me". The Apostle Paul said that "if you confess Jesus is Lord you will be saved".
you do NOT know the true condition of anyone's soul or their eternal destination... presumptuous

only Godknows
That's because they're smart enough to realize that NO denomination can claim to contain Christ's Church. It's far larger than any artificial man-made boundaries.
Jesus established a Church--ONE Church

All man made ones are "denominations" not Churches
Agree. Show me where Jesus said that I have to belong to your organization in order to get to Heaven. Go ahead.

It is not an "organization" just because you say it is only that (just bc you think that is all you should call it). It is THE Church.

There's some place in Scrpture that says

Jesus said

"If they hear you (the Apostles),they hear me"

Then there's the psg about how if you have a problem with a brother, take it to the Church and if the person will not even hear the Church, he is to be treated like an infidel (unbeliever)
I know what the Scriptures say. Don't you believe your Bible?
Actually, you do not. You never had a true theologian to explain it (at least some parts of it not readily understood)

The Church knew theologians wouldbe needed... St Jerome, and others...
It is not an "organization" just because you say it is only that (just bc you think that is all you should call it). It is THE Church.

There's some place in Scrpture that says

Jesus said

"If they hear you (the Apostles),they hear me"

Then there's the psg about how if you have a problem with a brother, take it to the Church and if the person will not even hear the Church, he is to be treated like an infidel (unbeliever)
So what is "The Church" according to Scripture?
Actually, you do not. You never had a true theologian to explain it (at least some parts of it not readily understood)

The Church knew theologians wouldbe needed... St Jerome, and others...
Was Billy Graham a "theologian"?
I'm not feeling the love, to say the least--There IS none... just a bunch of words thrown at us... words heard at their Catholic-despising "church" so called
You are grossly mistaken

No one like your commie pope

But almost all Christians respect the Catholic Church

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