Zone1 Why Protestants annoy me (and other Catholics)

you would have to read a lot of my recent threads in Religion to even partially ascertain where I am at spiritually....

Sorry, but I don't have time or inclination to try to write it all out AGAIN!
I was thinking it would take about 3 or 4 words, guess I was wrong. I give up carry on.
I was thinking it would take about 3 or 4 words, guess I was wrong. I give up carry on.
ha ha... Why would you think such an awesome story as mine could be summed up in a few words?

I would take that as an insult but I'm sure you're too angelic to have intended insult?
I actually meant that MOST Protestants annoy me... There are a few exceptions but frankly, I ca nnot think of their names or handles right now... I mean, I have had little problem with some non-Catholics here... Rambunctious comes to mind. I don't think he is Catholic and there are one or 2 others...

but 1 or 2 is not many, to say the least..


You'd think that people who claim to love Jesus would want to know EVERYTHING about Him

and His Church

But no, a lot of people just write off the CC as though it never existed or is irrelevant...


Your road block is assuming Jesus favors an organization over a believer's faith in Him. Again, there is no church organization or denomination created by Jesus. The Church is every believer.
why do you ignore what is said in the post?

R you out of accusations and spite?
Because you said nothing except you "disagree "

The fact that you don't know who Simon the Sorcerer was is irrelevant.

And, be use some disagree with you about your church, you immediately try to silence them by accusing them of "hate " You must be a leftist

I see you ignore MY question

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Your road block is assuming Jesus favors an organization over a believer's faith in Him. Again, there is no church organization or denomination created by Jesus. The Church is every believer.
Please do not tell me what I think. You get it wrong a lot.

I would tell you what I really think but it looks like Protestants just don't get people like me... Catholics
I regret to inform you but your Lord and Savior and any denomination association with such is a Fraud. I have seen this with my own eyes.
well, you have not seen what I have seen, that is for sure.... so maybe you shouldn't be so quick to write certain "philosophies" or religions off... There IS one that is TRUE. Jesus said so... Mt 16:18
They just dismiss the Catholic Church outright... based in larg part on what their pastors have told them (indoctrinatd them on) about the Catholic Church. Again, I am not referring to the Vatican which ceased being Catholic 65 years ago.

They often have NO interest in the OLDEST (and only) Christian Church...

Jesus established ONE Church and a lot of thm don't seem to care which one tht is
I don't dismiss the Catholic Church based on what a pastor or too many have told me. I dismiss it because many of its traditions contradict what the Bible teaches. I'm also off-put by their insistence that the Catholic Church is the ONLY real church.

I'm a non-denominational, Bible only kind of Christian. God's Word and instruction is sufficient for me.
They just dismiss the Catholic Church outright... based in larg part on what their pastors have told them (indoctrinatd them on) about the Catholic Church. Again, I am not referring to the Vatican which ceased being Catholic 65 years ago.

They often have NO interest in the OLDEST (and only) Christian Church...

Jesus established ONE Church and a lot of thm don't seem to care which one tht is
Interesting how one institution based upon made up shit can be critiqued by another base upon made up shit for making up more shit.
Because you said nothing except you "disagree "

The fact that you don't know who Simon the Sorcerer was is irrelevant.

And, be use some disagree with you about your church, you immediately try to silence them by accusing them of "hate " You must be a leftist

I see you ignore MY question

you are such a liar

I'm done
Interesting how one institution based upon made up shit can be critiqued by another base upon made up shit for making up more shit.
no idea of what you refer

but it doesn't sound good, doesn't sound open minded, sounds hateful so I will just move on
Please do not tell me what I think. You get it wrong a lot.

I would tell you what I really think but it looks like Protestants just don't get people like me... Catholics
Oh, I totally get you. I've conversed with numerous ex Catholics over the 43 years I've been a Christian. The protestant congregations are loaded with them.
I don't dismiss the Catholic Church based on what a pastor or too many have told me. I dismiss it because many of its traditions contradict what the Bible teaches. I'm also off-put by their insistence that the Catholic Church is the ONLY real church.

I'm a non-denominational, Bible only kind of Christian. God's Word and instruction is sufficient for me.
If it is the real Church, why would its members not say so?

u w ant some church or alleged church that doesn't believe in itself??

Oh, I totally get you. I've conversed with numerous ex Catholics over the 43 years I've been a Christian. The protestant congregations are loaded with them.
and the Catholic Church has people who are former protesters....

so what
Oh, I totally get you. I've conversed with numerous ex Catholics over the 43 years I've been a Christian. The protestant congregations are loaded with them.
you'd like to think you totally get me. You do not.

You have not walked a mile in my shoes. I walked many miles when i was young in false "churches" so called.

As one of the clergy at the trial of Martin Luther said

"That man would never make me a protestant"

I have never met a protestant who would even make me question for ONE second my faith... not one. ... I do like the Grahams, though...
well, you have not seen what I have seen, that is for sure.... so maybe you shouldn't be so quick to write certain "philosophies" or religions off... There IS one that is TRUE
I have seen far more than you would likely believe. Miracles and Curses. The unbelievable and the unknowable. There are many religions, but only one Deity. It cares not for you, me or anyone else. It simply IS.
you'd like to think you totally get me. You do not.

You have not walked a mile in my shoes. I walked many miles when i was young in false "churches" so called.

As one of the clergy at the trial of Martin Luther said

"That man would never make me a protestant"

I have never met a protestant who would even make me question for ONE second my faith... not one. ... I do like the Grahams, though...
All I need is Jesus. The Beginning and the End.

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