Why Request Protected Documents You Already Illegally Confiscated After Your Gestapo Pre Dawn Raid?

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Feds request documents from Trump Organization related to Michael Cohen's payment to Stormy Daniels

Where is Russian Collusion, Lefty?

Is it in Stormy Daniels Vagina?

Mueller, some advice to you....stick you head up Hillary Clinton's ASS, 'cuz THAT IS the only KNOWN PLACE you will find "RUSSIAN COLLUSION."

This is not going to go well for you in The Midterms.

Americans were probably willing to let Mueller carry on his witch hunt for a while until he exhausted himself unable to find "Russian Collusion" (unless he looked at Hillary Clinton), but when you start breaking down the doors of The President's personal attorney while he is sleeping in a Pre Dawn Raid with Fully Automatic Assault Weapons, and at Gun Point, pointing your machine guns at Cohen and his wife in their Pajamas and Confiscate Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents as if he is some Mafia King Pin or Mexican Drug Cartel Boss, you have overstepped your authority and not only that you just stepped all over The Constitution.

Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED Constitutionally Protected "Privileged" documents in the Pre Dawn Manafort Raid. To date, after having them for a year, he has refused to give back these Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents.

Fuck that Nazi Son of a Bitch.

Not one of you Son of a Bitches on The Left has any credibility any more.


Both Manafort, The Trump Administration and Cohen were 100% cooperative with Mueller, and he has now TWICE VIOLATED ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE by confiscating Constitutionally Protected Documents.
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DON Trump is a gangster . You can’t money launder to pay off your whore .

How quickly you righties turn. You had no problem wh “lock her up” when Hill had a home server that everyone knew about .
DiGenova: Conduct by Mueller, Rosenstein an 'Embarrassment,' Undermines Equal Enforcement

Former federal prosecutor Joe DiGenova ripped Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein for his conduct in regard to the Mueller probe.

DiGenova, a former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, said on "Hannity" that Rosenstein is "an embarrassment to this administration."

He said it is unfortunate that due to the political climate, Rosenstein cannot be fired.

DiGenova said that Rosenstein should have recused himself from some parts of the investigation, because he is a witness as to whether or not obstruction of justice occurred in the firing of FBI Director James Comey.

He said that America is witnessing "conduct by two public officials [Rosenstein and Robert Mueller] that is unethical, unprofessional and [an] embarrassment to the U.S. government."

DiGenova said Rosenstein "single-handedly [has] taken away from the president of the United States 16 months of his presidency" by appointing Mueller.
DON Trump is a gangster . You can’t money launder to pay off your whore .

How quickly you righties turn. You had no problem wh “lock her up” when Hill had a home server that everyone knew about .
So when did prostitution become illegal?
DON Trump is a gangster . You can’t money launder to pay off your whore .

How quickly you righties turn. You had no problem wh “lock her up” when Hill had a home server that everyone knew about .
Hillary had a supeona a and still deleted, smashed, and destroyed supeoned evidence and you gave her a pass! Why?
Any Moron that wants to make this thread about Prostitution should be reported and then banned!

Exactly what does Prostitution have to do with Russian Collusion? What does an unsubstantiated accusation of consensual sex, where the accuser repeatedly, publicly and privately denied there was ever consensual sex have anything at all to do with Murdering Mueller's Nazi Storm Trooper Style Investigation?

What does a 12 year old NDA about appearance fees for a Hotel Grand Opening have to do with an FBI RAID where FBI Agents burst in to someone's home in a Pre Dawn Raid with Automatic Weapons and Machine Guns pointed at Cohen and His Wife, and forced them to Forfeit Their Constitutional Rights and property?
Mueller has authority to investigate much more than 'Russian Collusion'.
And there's PLENTY to investigate, where Dirty Donnie is concerned.
It says a lot about your priorities, seeing your melt-down at the prospect of Justice being applied to your hero.
Sucks to be a Trumpanzee, don't it?
DON Trump is a gangster . You can’t money launder to pay off your whore .

How quickly you righties turn. You had no problem wh “lock her up” when Hill had a home server that everyone knew about .
Hillary had a supeona a and still deleted, smashed, and destroyed supeoned evidence and you gave her a pass! Why?

Lie .
DON Trump is a gangster . You can’t money launder to pay off your whore .

How quickly you righties turn. You had no problem wh “lock her up” when Hill had a home server that everyone knew about .
So when did prostitution become illegal?

Since the dawn of Time .
So, since Clinton paid Lewinsky in gifts he committed a crime? Then, compounded by lying under oath? Thank You.
Feds request documents from Trump Organization related to Michael Cohen's payment to Stormy Daniels

Where is Russian Collusion, Lefty?

Is it in Stormy Daniels Vagina?

Mueller, some advice to you....stick you head up Hillary Clinton's ASS, 'cuz THAT IS the only KNOWN PLACE you will find "RUSSIAN COLLUSION."

This is not going to go well for you in The Midterms.

Americans were probably willing to let Mueller carry on his witch hunt for a while until he exhausted himself unable to find "Russian Collusion" (unless he looked at Hillary Clinton), but when you start breaking down the doors of The President's personal attorney while he is sleeping in a Pre Dawn Raid with Fully Automatic Assault Weapons, and at Gun Point, pointing your machine guns at Cohen and his wife in their Pajamas and Confiscate Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents as if he is some Mafia King Pin or Mexican Drug Cartel Boss, you have overstepped your authority and not only that you just stepped all over The Constitution.

Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED Constitutionally Protected "Privileged" documents in the Pre Dawn Manafort Raid. To date, after having them for a year, he has refused to give back these Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents.

Fuck that Nazi Son of a Bitch.

Not one of you Son of a Bitches on The Left has any credibility any more.


Both Manafort, The Trump Administration and Cohen were 100% cooperative with Mueller, and he has now TWICE VIOLATED ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE by confiscating Constitutionally Protected Documents.

You really has a sad, don't you?
Feds request documents from Trump Organization related to Michael Cohen's payment to Stormy Daniels

Where is Russian Collusion, Lefty?

Is it in Stormy Daniels Vagina?

Mueller, some advice to you....stick you head up Hillary Clinton's ASS, 'cuz THAT IS the only KNOWN PLACE you will find "RUSSIAN COLLUSION."

This is not going to go well for you in The Midterms.

Americans were probably willing to let Mueller carry on his witch hunt for a while until he exhausted himself unable to find "Russian Collusion" (unless he looked at Hillary Clinton), but when you start breaking down the doors of The President's personal attorney while he is sleeping in a Pre Dawn Raid with Fully Automatic Assault Weapons, and at Gun Point, pointing your machine guns at Cohen and his wife in their Pajamas and Confiscate Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents as if he is some Mafia King Pin or Mexican Drug Cartel Boss, you have overstepped your authority and not only that you just stepped all over The Constitution.

Mueller also ILLEGALLY CONFISCATED Constitutionally Protected "Privileged" documents in the Pre Dawn Manafort Raid. To date, after having them for a year, he has refused to give back these Constitutionally Protected Privileged Documents.

Fuck that Nazi Son of a Bitch.

Not one of you Son of a Bitches on The Left has any credibility any more.


Both Manafort, The Trump Administration and Cohen were 100% cooperative with Mueller, and he has now TWICE VIOLATED ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE by confiscating Constitutionally Protected Documents.
Documents legally obtained pursuant to a search warrant.

No one believes your ridiculous lies.
DON Trump is a gangster . You can’t money launder to pay off your whore .

How quickly you righties turn. You had no problem wh “lock her up” when Hill had a home server that everyone knew about .
So when did prostitution become illegal?

Since the dawn of Time .

Wow, really? You do know that in early civilizations many "religions" were sex cults and used Temple Prostitution for worship....right?
DON Trump is a gangster . You can’t money launder to pay off your whore .

How quickly you righties turn. You had no problem wh “lock her up” when Hill had a home server that everyone knew about .
So when did prostitution become illegal?

Since the dawn of Time .

Wow, really? You do know that in early civilizations many "religions" were sex cults and used Temple Prostitution for worship....right?
I bet they didn't have any problems with church attendance.

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