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Why Romney will Bomb in November

You're missing the point. In 2008 even a 1st year senator with zero experience at doing anything (community organizer??) won because the party in-power was terrible. Now after 4-years in power the question is "are you better now than 4-years ago?' and the answer is NO.

So in 2008 even BO could get elected, in 2012 ANY GOP candidate could win. Its not a debate, its a matter of economic timing.
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Only Mitt can beat Obama, and, no, Frank, your progressives won't leave Obama. Who are they going to join, you? :lol:
Only Mitt can beat Obama, and, no, Frank, your progressives won't leave Obama. Who are they going to join, you? :lol:

Unless the GOP convention is open and a dark horse candidate gets the nomination I suspect Obama will win. Those left seeking the Republican Nomination are bereft of ideas and each one wants to out conservative the others. As they continue to offer the most extreme and ridiculous rhetoric to appease the New Right, they continue to alienate normal, moderate Republicans (referred to by the nitwits on the right as The RINO's). What the far right forgets is they are not RINO's and Elephants never forget.
Mitt will play to the Tea Party only to the point he can ignore them, which is almost hammer time in the next two weeks. His team has been recruiting mainstream GOP alternatives to the Tea Party candidates in the House primaries in NY, IL, and CA that I know of.
Unless the GOP convention is open and a dark horse candidate gets the nomination I suspect Obama will win. Those left seeking the Republican Nomination are bereft of ideas and each one wants to out conservative the others. As they continue to offer the most extreme and ridiculous rhetoric to appease the New Right, they continue to alienate normal, moderate Republicans (referred to by the nitwits on the right as The RINO's). What the far right forgets is they are not RINO's and Elephants never forget.
In addition to alienating normal, moderate Republicans, think of all the moderates, independents, and weak democrats also alienated, needed by Romney to win.
Only Mitt can beat Obama, and, no, Frank, your progressives won't leave Obama. Who are they going to join, you? :lol:

It looks like the GOP elite have succeded in forcing a nominee on the party that 75-80% of the party DO NOT want.

This is an easy call; GOP loses as half of conservatives and TPM people sit at home on election night and the other half wont donate time for the soft money support that makes the biggest difference in elections.

Romney is going to lose; bankon it.

Romney is the GOPs way of conceding the 2012 election because they dont want to have the POTUS being GOP while the economy dives into the abyss and picks up blame for it.

I fully intend to vote against Romney at every opportunity and I know four other people who say the same thing.

It seems GOP people have gooten pretty damned good at lying to themselves.

Watch how well that kind of bullshit works out for you this year, dumbasses.
Mitt will play to the Tea Party only to the point he can ignore them, which is almost hammer time in the next two weeks. His team has been recruiting mainstream GOP alternatives to the Tea Party candidates in the House primaries in NY, IL, and CA that I know of.

Lol, it's begun already.

Tea PArty people who are supporting Romnuts; YOU ARE COMMITTING POLITICAL SUICIDE!

lol, maybe the TPM folks *are* as stupid as the main stream press says they are after all.

If they can fool themselves into believing Romnuts is sincere while his people undercut the TPM in other elections, ... well it dont get much dumber than that.
Progressives will abandon obama because he's too moderate

Unfortunately, those of us who are reasonable will most likely end up voting reluctantly for the young incumbent who talks the good talk but can't seem to lead, just for a sheer lack of options that don't 'trickle down' our leg.
Unless the GOP convention is open and a dark horse candidate gets the nomination I suspect Obama will win. Those left seeking the Republican Nomination are bereft of ideas and each one wants to out conservative the others. As they continue to offer the most extreme and ridiculous rhetoric to appease the New Right, they continue to alienate normal, moderate Republicans (referred to by the nitwits on the right as The RINO's). What the far right forgets is they are not RINO's and Elephants never forget.
In addition to alienating normal, moderate Republicans, think of all the moderates, independents, and weak democrats also alienated, needed by Romney to win.

Let's just say that there are a LOT of people out there who favor fiscal sanity and an end to the spendathon who are just as adamantly desirous of social sanity and the freedom to fuck who we want and :smoke: what we want.

It's the non-RINO's who give the republicans a bad name, in my humble opinion.
Folks on the left wanted a fighter to push their agenda. If they don't wait in long lines in places like Columbus, OH . . . the jig is up.

And they won't.

Public option? Nope, the current dysfunctional insurance monopoly still reigns, and the middle class will continue to be fleeced.

Bush tax cuts? Nope, the only group to participate in economic gains since the late 70s was given another stimulus (tax cut) that did nothing for the economy. Obama even aped the "job creator" rhetoric, which is a joke. The job creators will not add jobs unless the middle class consumer has money to spend. The middle class had money to spend when they had high salaries from 1945-1980 - this allowed them to create the most vibrant consumption economy in history. Then came Reagan's anti-union campaign, and globalization . . . designed to lower labor costs and shift assets/money from the broad middle to the wealthy. This had the effect of moving money away from middle class demand. How did Reagan solve the problem caused by lower wages and less money for consumption? He handed out credit cards. Indeed, starting in 1980 household debt skyrocketed. Morning in America was put on Master Cards and sub primes. What did the wealthy do with all the money the Reagan Revolution gave them? Remember: we were told the wealthy would re-invest the extra profits, and grow the economy. We've seen the opposite. The money went away from the real economy of goods and services and into the speculative Wall Street casino, i.e., hedge funds, futures, and derivatives. This makes sense since there is no incentive to invest in the real economy if the middle class lacks money. So where did the profits go? The wealthy took their profits and used them to lobby Washington. They purchased elections and got rid of expensive American labor, favoring oppressed 3rd world labor forces instead. (Where do you think your sneakers and jeans are made?) Obama did nothing to reverse this. He became a rightwing president. He gave government to the wealthy.

Government is now a reflex of big business. Welfare for the rich, who live in the new gilded age.
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You're missing the point. In 2008 even a 1st year senator with zero experience at doing anything (community organizer??) won because the party in-power was terrible. Now after 4-years in power the question is "are you better now than 4-years ago?' and the answer is NO.

So in 2008 even BO could get elected, in 2012 ANY GOP candidate could win. Its not a debate, its a matter of economic timing.

So let's look at that.

November 2008, the stock market was in free fall, we had to bail out the banks, companies were slashing hundreds of thousands of jobs.

November 2012- Stock market has largely recovered, unemployment has shrunk back to 7.5%, growing at a rate of about 200,000 jobs a month.

But here's the key thing. Romney is just an awful candidate a lot of Republicans don't want.

Enthusiasm wins elections. Not hate. if Hate won elections, Bush-43 would have been a one term president.

Obama's supporters will be enthused. Romney's supporters will be praying to whatever God the Mormons worship that he doesn't say anything as asspoundingly stupid as "I like to be able to fire people".
Progressives will abandon obama because he's too moderate

And go where? Apparently ya'll don't remember the 2008 campaign very well. The only "true" liberal running was Dennis Kucinich. Obama still won. (part of me just wanted Mrs. Kucinich as the first lady)

Yes, there are some out there that will likely stay home on election day because Obama didn't legalize pot (or they'll write in Ron Paul). Well, they probably didn't vote for Obama in 2008.

Most pragmatic liberals that voted in 2008 will do so again, knowing that a President Obama in office is far better than any of the current crop of GOP candidates (who just want to continue Bush era policies (that got us into the mess in the first place), but call them something else).

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