Why should an independent vote for the democrat nominee?

This country is in desperate need of a strong and viable third party.
This sounds good in theory and I would like to believe a viable third party would force compromise between the two current ones but my fear is we would just end up with three hyper partiasn parties instead of two.
I think campaign finance reform would be best. We have hyper partisan because everyone is trying to please their lobbies rather than do what is best for the country.
This country is in desperate need of a strong and viable third party.
This sounds good in theory and I would like to believe a viable third party would force compromise between the two current ones but my fear is we would just end up with three hyper partiasn parties instead of two.
I think campaign finance reform would be best. We have hyper partisan because everyone is trying to please their lobbies rather than do what is best for the country.
Neither side will give up the big bucks they will both try and find ways to take it away from the other side but they won't give it up.
This country is in desperate need of a strong and viable third party.
This sounds good in theory and I would like to believe a viable third party would force compromise between the two current ones but my fear is we would just end up with three hyper partiasn parties instead of two.
I think campaign finance reform would be best. We have hyper partisan because everyone is trying to please their lobbies rather than do what is best for the country.
Neither side will give up the big bucks they will both try and find ways to take it away from the other side but they won't give it up.
Yes that is why nothing gets better. As long as the people keep supporting them nothing will be fixed.
This country is in desperate need of a strong and viable third party.
This sounds good in theory and I would like to believe a viable third party would force compromise between the two current ones but my fear is we would just end up with three hyper partiasn parties instead of two.
I think campaign finance reform would be best. We have hyper partisan because everyone is trying to please their lobbies rather than do what is best for the country.
Neither side will give up the big bucks they will both try and find ways to take it away from the other side but they won't give it up.
Yes that is why nothing gets better. As long as the people keep supporting them nothing will be fixed.
70 or 80 percent of the people could support campaign finance reform it still wouldn't go anywhere Congress will never willingly vote to take money out of their own pockets. The only way I can see something like that getting done is if was on a national ballot voted on by the people which would never happen.
This sounds good in theory and I would like to believe a viable third party would force compromise between the two current ones but my fear is we would just end up with three hyper partiasn parties instead of two.
I think campaign finance reform would be best. We have hyper partisan because everyone is trying to please their lobbies rather than do what is best for the country.
Neither side will give up the big bucks they will both try and find ways to take it away from the other side but they won't give it up.
Yes that is why nothing gets better. As long as the people keep supporting them nothing will be fixed.
70 or 80 percent of the people could support campaign finance reform it still wouldn't go anywhere Congress will never willingly vote to take money out of their own pockets. The only way I can see something like that getting done is if was on a national ballot voted on by the people which would never happen.
Well yes there isn't a whole lot of hope at this time.
It’s not about independent vs republican vs democrat. I’m not affiliated with any party. Does that make me an independent? I don’t know. Anyway, what it’s really about is extreme vs reasonable. Whether you agree with Trump or not his policies have logical characteristics. The Dems have gone off the rails.

what do you consider logical -

his trillion dollar deficit ?

the deficit is going to be in upwards of a trill no matter whom is president. Especially with a Democrat house.
Especially if the voters don't care or only pretend to care when they can blame the other party. Bunch of hypocrites.

Heres the thing, as we all know republicans borrow and spend democrats tax and spend. Mostly because of entitlements. The democrats policies create new entitlements and expand the ones currently in the process of bankrupting the country. It’s gotten out of hand. We’re headed in the same place, it just democrats will take us there faster.
Ok you claim that, but 3 years ago deficits were smaller under Obama. Then after 2 years with complete republican control they increased rapidly. I see no reason to believe what you are saying.

Deficits only started decreasing when republicans took the house. Obama and Trump are both big spenders. Trump Is certainly not a conservative republican. I definitely trust both parties to spend our money and our grandkids’ money. Democrats more than Republicans
Independents can agree with several issues from both parties, regardless of how the other party tries to distort them.

At the same time, an Independent might be repulsed by the Identity Politics & PC of the Democrats, or the general ugliness of Trumpism.

So, and this only seems to be getting worse, an Independent is stuck voting for the lesser of two evils, whichever way they lean, or an alternative.

This country is in desperate need of a strong and viable third party.

Trump is mean vs communism. While saying both sides suck is absolutely true, I think we do need to be careful when we imply equivalency. I'm not sure you can just say pick a lesser of two evils and be accurate. I have no problems with a third party, and I wish voters had more control over what our representatives do, but please don't equate apples to land mines.
If you're an Independent, you might be one of those clueless ones who is just floating, uninformed and uninvolved. That would make you a prime candidate to vote Democrat. But if you're an informed seeker of truth, you'll definitely vote R.

Yes, I would agree but the Republican Party has flown south for the duration. Meanwhile, the Party of the Rump is what you think is the Republican Party. And, let's face it, Truth and the Party of the Rump in the same sentence an overstatement for an Oxymoron.

This country is in desperate need of a strong and viable third party.
This sounds good in theory and I would like to believe a viable third party would force compromise between the two current ones but my fear is we would just end up with three hyper partiasn parties instead of two.
That's possible too, since we appear to have completely lost the ability to communicate, collaborate and innovate.

That skill may be like a muscle: Use it or lose it.
This country is in desperate need of a strong and viable third party.
This sounds good in theory and I would like to believe a viable third party would force compromise between the two current ones but my fear is we would just end up with three hyper partiasn parties instead of two.
I think campaign finance reform would be best. We have hyper partisan because everyone is trying to please their lobbies rather than do what is best for the country.
Neither side will give up the big bucks they will both try and find ways to take it away from the other side but they won't give it up.
Yes that is why nothing gets better. As long as the people keep supporting them nothing will be fixed.
Or, as long as so many just don't give a shit because they're intellectually lazy.

We could change things if we really wanted to. But we're far more interested in who the Kardashian girls are banging, and who will win our favorite reality show.
Independents can agree with several issues from both parties, regardless of how the other party tries to distort them.

At the same time, an Independent might be repulsed by the Identity Politics & PC of the Democrats, or the general ugliness of Trumpism.

So, and this only seems to be getting worse, an Independent is stuck voting for the lesser of two evils, whichever way they lean, or an alternative.

This country is in desperate need of a strong and viable third party.

Trump is mean vs communism. While saying both sides suck is absolutely true, I think we do need to be careful when we imply equivalency. I'm not sure you can just say pick a lesser of two evils and be accurate. I have no problems with a third party, and I wish voters had more control over what our representatives do, but please don't equate apples to land mines.
First you say that "both sides suck", then you point the finger.

Maybe, just maybe, you should stop worrying about the OTHER side and START holding your OWN side accountable. For change.

Just kidding. I know you're not allowed to do that. I know you don't WANT to do that.
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Independents can agree with several issues from both parties, regardless of how the other party tries to distort them.

At the same time, an Independent might be repulsed by the Identity Politics & PC of the Democrats, or the general ugliness of Trumpism.

So, and this only seems to be getting worse, an Independent is stuck voting for the lesser of two evils, whichever way they lean, or an alternative.

This country is in desperate need of a strong and viable third party.

Trump is mean vs communism. While saying both sides suck is absolutely true, I think we do need to be careful when we imply equivalency. I'm not sure you can just say pick a lesser of two evils and be accurate. I have no problems with a third party, and I wish voters had more control over what our representatives do, but please don't equate apples to land mines.
First you say that "both sides suck", then you point the finger.

Maybe, just maybe, you should stop worrying about the OTHER side and START holding your OWN side accountable. For change.

Just kidding. I know you're not allowed to do that. I know you don't WANT to do that.

My problems with the republicans have been threefold. Nation Building, Deficit Spending, and allowing their corporate masters to dabble in disastrous globalism. Trump has dealt with two of those big three. So on one side we have a guy who spends too much, and on the other we have a party telling people the world is about to end, poop and needles, and openly encouraging people to harass and attack people who do not agree with them. Does that sound like apples to apples?
Independents can agree with several issues from both parties, regardless of how the other party tries to distort them.

At the same time, an Independent might be repulsed by the Identity Politics & PC of the Democrats, or the general ugliness of Trumpism.

So, and this only seems to be getting worse, an Independent is stuck voting for the lesser of two evils, whichever way they lean, or an alternative.

This country is in desperate need of a strong and viable third party.

Trump is mean vs communism. While saying both sides suck is absolutely true, I think we do need to be careful when we imply equivalency. I'm not sure you can just say pick a lesser of two evils and be accurate. I have no problems with a third party, and I wish voters had more control over what our representatives do, but please don't equate apples to land mines.
First you say that "both sides suck", then you point the finger.

Maybe, just maybe, you should stop worrying about the OTHER side and START holding your OWN side accountable. For change.

Just kidding. I know you're not allowed to do that. I know you don't WANT to do that.

My problems with the republicans have been threefold. Nation Building, Deficit Spending, and allowing their corporate masters to dabble in disastrous globalism. Trump has dealt with two of those big three. So on one side we have a guy who spends too much, and on the other we have a party telling people the world is about to end, poop and needles, and openly encouraging people to harass and attack people who do not agree with them. Does that sound like apples to apples?
That wasn't exactly an accurate or objective question, so I have no way of knowing if it's even serious.

The two ends are very different on the issues, and can be very similar in their behaviors.

Clean your own house first.
Independents can agree with several issues from both parties, regardless of how the other party tries to distort them.

At the same time, an Independent might be repulsed by the Identity Politics & PC of the Democrats, or the general ugliness of Trumpism.

So, and this only seems to be getting worse, an Independent is stuck voting for the lesser of two evils, whichever way they lean, or an alternative.

This country is in desperate need of a strong and viable third party.

What would you envision for a platform for a third party since it would be corrupted before it even took off.
Independents can agree with several issues from both parties, regardless of how the other party tries to distort them.

At the same time, an Independent might be repulsed by the Identity Politics & PC of the Democrats, or the general ugliness of Trumpism.

So, and this only seems to be getting worse, an Independent is stuck voting for the lesser of two evils, whichever way they lean, or an alternative.

This country is in desperate need of a strong and viable third party.

What would you envision for a platform for a third party since it would be corrupted before it even took off.
I would actually be less concerned with the specifics of the platform than I would be about a commitment to collaborate and innovate.

No doubt a third party would agree with each party on some issues, and hopefully would have new ideas on others.
Independents can agree with several issues from both parties, regardless of how the other party tries to distort them.

At the same time, an Independent might be repulsed by the Identity Politics & PC of the Democrats, or the general ugliness of Trumpism.

So, and this only seems to be getting worse, an Independent is stuck voting for the lesser of two evils, whichever way they lean, or an alternative.

This country is in desperate need of a strong and viable third party.

Trump is mean vs communism. While saying both sides suck is absolutely true, I think we do need to be careful when we imply equivalency. I'm not sure you can just say pick a lesser of two evils and be accurate. I have no problems with a third party, and I wish voters had more control over what our representatives do, but please don't equate apples to land mines.
First you say that "both sides suck", then you point the finger.

Maybe, just maybe, you should stop worrying about the OTHER side and START holding your OWN side accountable. For change.

Just kidding. I know you're not allowed to do that. I know you don't WANT to do that.

My problems with the republicans have been threefold. Nation Building, Deficit Spending, and allowing their corporate masters to dabble in disastrous globalism. Trump has dealt with two of those big three. So on one side we have a guy who spends too much, and on the other we have a party telling people the world is about to end, poop and needles, and openly encouraging people to harass and attack people who do not agree with them. Does that sound like apples to apples?
That wasn't exactly an accurate or objective question, so I have no way of knowing if it's even serious.

The two ends are very different on the issues, and can be very similar in their behaviors.

Clean your own house first.

For now, we are cleaning our house. It never lasts, but every once in a while we get some wins. Your house however is quite a mess. Straight off the deep end. It is odd that you see no difference. I'd love for a great chamber of shared ideas and common sense collaboration. We agree on that. It is just strange that all republicans are considered wingers. Are their any republicans you do not consider to be wingers, or are we all guilty.
Independents can agree with several issues from both parties, regardless of how the other party tries to distort them.

At the same time, an Independent might be repulsed by the Identity Politics & PC of the Democrats, or the general ugliness of Trumpism.

So, and this only seems to be getting worse, an Independent is stuck voting for the lesser of two evils, whichever way they lean, or an alternative.

This country is in desperate need of a strong and viable third party.

Trump is mean vs communism. While saying both sides suck is absolutely true, I think we do need to be careful when we imply equivalency. I'm not sure you can just say pick a lesser of two evils and be accurate. I have no problems with a third party, and I wish voters had more control over what our representatives do, but please don't equate apples to land mines.
First you say that "both sides suck", then you point the finger.

Maybe, just maybe, you should stop worrying about the OTHER side and START holding your OWN side accountable. For change.

Just kidding. I know you're not allowed to do that. I know you don't WANT to do that.

My problems with the republicans have been threefold. Nation Building, Deficit Spending, and allowing their corporate masters to dabble in disastrous globalism. Trump has dealt with two of those big three. So on one side we have a guy who spends too much, and on the other we have a party telling people the world is about to end, poop and needles, and openly encouraging people to harass and attack people who do not agree with them. Does that sound like apples to apples?
That wasn't exactly an accurate or objective question, so I have no way of knowing if it's even serious.

The two ends are very different on the issues, and can be very similar in their behaviors.

Clean your own house first.

For now, we are cleaning our house. It never lasts, but every once in a while we get some wins. Your house however is quite a mess. Straight off the deep end. It is odd that you see no difference. I'd love for a great chamber of shared ideas and common sense collaboration. We agree on that. It is just strange that all republicans are considered wingers. Are their any republicans you do not consider to be wingers, or are we all guilty.
Another lie. I'm used to it from you now.

Being a winger is not an ideological belief system. It's a behavior. It exists in abundance on both ends of the spectrum.
Independents can agree with several issues from both parties, regardless of how the other party tries to distort them.

At the same time, an Independent might be repulsed by the Identity Politics & PC of the Democrats, or the general ugliness of Trumpism.

So, and this only seems to be getting worse, an Independent is stuck voting for the lesser of two evils, whichever way they lean, or an alternative.

This country is in desperate need of a strong and viable third party.

Trump is mean vs communism. While saying both sides suck is absolutely true, I think we do need to be careful when we imply equivalency. I'm not sure you can just say pick a lesser of two evils and be accurate. I have no problems with a third party, and I wish voters had more control over what our representatives do, but please don't equate apples to land mines.
First you say that "both sides suck", then you point the finger.

Maybe, just maybe, you should stop worrying about the OTHER side and START holding your OWN side accountable. For change.

Just kidding. I know you're not allowed to do that. I know you don't WANT to do that.

My problems with the republicans have been threefold. Nation Building, Deficit Spending, and allowing their corporate masters to dabble in disastrous globalism. Trump has dealt with two of those big three. So on one side we have a guy who spends too much, and on the other we have a party telling people the world is about to end, poop and needles, and openly encouraging people to harass and attack people who do not agree with them. Does that sound like apples to apples?
That wasn't exactly an accurate or objective question, so I have no way of knowing if it's even serious.

The two ends are very different on the issues, and can be very similar in their behaviors.

Clean your own house first.

For now, we are cleaning our house. It never lasts, but every once in a while we get some wins. Your house however is quite a mess. Straight off the deep end. It is odd that you see no difference. I'd love for a great chamber of shared ideas and common sense collaboration. We agree on that. It is just strange that all republicans are considered wingers. Are their any republicans you do not consider to be wingers, or are we all guilty.

I happen to be a Republican. And I do not support Rump and his band of criminals. You are NOT a republican. You threw that away. You are a Party of the Rump. Until Rump is gone, you can not find any salvation. So don't go calling yourself something you are not.

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