Why should cannibis be illegal?


I tried Marijuana once, it made me want to rape and kill!
Casual marijuana use alters brain composition and harms the brain, whereas alcohol and tobacco use don't.

Several recent studies have suggested that smoking marijuana is associated with physicalchanges in certain regions of the brain, both in terms of shape and volume, although they could not establish cause and effect. Now, new research which set out to replicate these investigations using a more robust experimental design has produced conflicting results. According to the study, daily marijuana use, in both adults and adolescents, is not associated with any significant differences in either the shape or volume of the regions investigated. The work has been published in The Journal of Neuroscience.

New Study Finds Daily Marijuana Use Is Not Associated With Brain Abnormalities IFLScience
I was sure that claim was pure fertilizer. Someone should use it on their crop of top pot.
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sorry man, weed is harmless

Saying that it is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco is not calling it harmless.
But it isnt. Casual alcohol and cigarette use doesn't change the composition if and damage the brain as marijuana does.

No it doesn't. Nor does the study you cite make that conclusion.

New Study Finds Daily Marijuana Use Is Not Associated With Brain Abnormalities IFLScience
This study contradicts the results of multiple other studies. So on its face it is highly suspect. Interestingly enough, your study doesn't claim there are no differences in brain composition, just not significant. Specifically, what are the measured differences they found and why aren't they significant. If you could link to the actual study that allows us to access this information, as opposed to just an article on the study, it would be appreciated.
Its 2015 and people are still against Marijuana legalization?

60 and overs. Guaranteed.
Lol at using its 2015 as an argument unironically.

If you're for the illegalization of pot you're pro big tentacle nanny state. #fact
No, I meant unironically, as in you were actually serious and not trolling.

Oh well, guess I'm not an anarchist/libertarian then.
It should remain illegal in order to discourage young people from using. It is not a safe substance and especially for young developing brains. It can cause life-altering anxiety and depression. Pot advocates often will argue out of sheer ignorance and/or selfishness.
I think it should be decriminalized for adults who use unless their use goes beyond the realm of personal space. Then severe penalties should apply.
You sell to a kid you go to jail for a long, long time. You blow your smoke in someone else's personal space you go to jail and pay a stiff fine. You use at home in the presence of children you go to jail for a long, long time.
Its 2015 and people are still against Marijuana legalization?

60 and overs. Guaranteed.
Lol at using its 2015 as an argument unironically.

If you're for the illegalization of pot you're pro big tentacle nanny state. #fact
No, I meant unironically, as in you were actually serious and not trolling.

Oh well, guess I'm not an anarchist/libertarian then.
1900's you have a fraudulant "reefer madness" scare campaign that was largely proven false.

2015 you have study upon study, and in the non-recluse's life - life experience, which tells you that marijuana is as benign as alcohol for some casual users. It is not linked to nearly as many diseases as cigarettes and not even a blip on the radar of all of the alcohol induced physical assaults.

Yet theyre legal, weed is not.

Lets also nevermind hemp is such a great and inexpensive product with 100s of uses.

Or that cannibanoid oils are proven medically to alleviate many ailments.

Or that the appetite suppression caused by chemo which creates a wither and die effect in many is easily worked past by cannibus using cancer patients.

You backwards thinking stubborn busy bodies disagree with it and so its got to be banned. Thats the way the authoritarian mind works, the narcissist who is the antagonist in the anti freedom novel.
Prohibition is simple repression and vengeance by an anal retentive control obsessed segment of society. There is no defending its hypocrisy in a society that pushes alcohol and sedative consumption.

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