Why should I vote for the GOP?

I have a friend who's retired. Last year he played golf in thirty two states, this year he had played golf in 26 states. He's out on a national road trip right now exploring America and visiting friends. The guy is always on the go. You should get off your ass a do stuff as you're retired, like my friend.
Myself, I have a job. a family, lots of friends, a lake cabin "Up North", season tickets for two professional sports teams and some hobbies (hiking/snowshoeing,biking/year around tennis). I'm a busy Type A guy. About the only time I play video games is with my grand kids when they are visiting and the weather is crappy outside.
I could care less how many "Likes" you have, after all this is a conservative dominated board, you should have a lot of "Likes". It must be all those cartoons you post. :dunno:

Sorry, I don't play golf, I don't watch much sports, I've sold most of the properties I had, have few of what I would call good friends, but do what I prefer to do, rescue animals, mostly cats. Gives me a GREAT feeling in my heart, when I can save ones life. It's a little thing, that takes up most of my day, & is lots of work, but I can actually see that I have made a difference in their meager existence. Perhaps it's my small act, that makes a difference between being conservative to your RICH LIBERAL lifestyle. Yes, I enjoy those cartoons, it aggravates people like you, but to thinking people, it tells a story with few words, and a simple picture. My grandkids are beyond video games, they are into making something of their lives, often asking me for my opinion and advice. After 7 decades, I can truthfully say, been there, done that!

Now, I simply like to show how some are trying to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE, what doesn't have to be changed!

Well, if you're involved rescuing animals and "mostly cats", I guess you're not all bad. :shock: My wife and I have rescued dogs, cats and birds also.
Your cartoon fetish doesn't aggravate me, I just think it's sad when people use other people's thoughts instead of their own.
Thirdly, I'm not "RICH LIBERAL", I'm moderate middle class (maybe a tad upscale). My life style is all earned.

You don't realize those posters represent what MILLIONS of people think, not just the person who made them, don't you?

Yeah, millions of people think like that. But many of your cartoons are filled with hate for Obama and liberals. Most people don't have that seething hate for Obama/liberals. Most people who disagree with Obama/liberals don't hate them, they simply don't agree with them. Just like millions of people disagree with conservatives and specifically the more extreme conservatives but don't hate them either.
Myself, I sometimes agree with conservatives and sometimes I agree with liberals, it depends on the issue. Many times I agree with the solution that is something in-between both sides of the issue. I do my own thinking after studying the issue and what both sides are saying. I'm a big believer in compromise as I have seen compromise work more often than not in my business career, personal life and in politics (welfare reform for instance with the GOP and Clinton).
This hate thing has to go before my country (and yours) can move forward. It doesn't accomplish one thing other than dividing the country. The old saying "united we stand, divided we fall" is a very accurate statement. Thus the rise of the moderates in this country's demographics. Because I believe in this, I really don't have much time for the the extreme left or right, they are counter-productive and I find them to be very close-minded. I don't hate them, I just plain disagree with them. The fringe of the left and right make up a small segment of this country's demographics but they seem to think that everyone should follow their lead. Follow the lead of narrow-mindedness? No thanks.
USMB, in no way mirrors the demographics of the US. But then message boards like USMB do attract the extremes more than the norm. I have been posting on boards like USMB since the mid-to-late 90s and USMB's demographic mirror most political boards. It's just that this hate thing is stronger on this board than any board I have ever posted on.

Perhaps you just have a fog over your eyes and can't see what has happened to the country, or perhaps YOU agree with what has happened? Just the scandals along make Clinton and Bush look like decent leaders!

Well my eyes aren't blinded with the fog of strong partisan hate.
Yeah Obama has had some incidents, but they have definitely magnified by some folks.
I'm a history nut and Obama is no worse than past presidents. The big difference this time is the ridiculous hate and partisanship we have now days. Look, Reagan was warned repeatedly about an attack on the Marine Barracks in Beirut, about 250 Marines died. He never faced what Obama has faced, nothing even close. No lynch mobs. Iran-Contra another one. What followed that was like a Sunday picnic.
Why the big change? There so much hate and hyper-partisanship in today's world.
People are out for blood today.
Obama sucks as a president and he's misinformed. Name a president who didn't misinform the American public.
Sorry. I was brought up in a Christian home and taught not to hate. I'll stick with that.
Sorry, I don't play golf, I don't watch much sports, I've sold most of the properties I had, have few of what I would call good friends, but do what I prefer to do, rescue animals, mostly cats. Gives me a GREAT feeling in my heart, when I can save ones life. It's a little thing, that takes up most of my day, & is lots of work, but I can actually see that I have made a difference in their meager existence. Perhaps it's my small act, that makes a difference between being conservative to your RICH LIBERAL lifestyle. Yes, I enjoy those cartoons, it aggravates people like you, but to thinking people, it tells a story with few words, and a simple picture. My grandkids are beyond video games, they are into making something of their lives, often asking me for my opinion and advice. After 7 decades, I can truthfully say, been there, done that!

Now, I simply like to show how some are trying to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE, what doesn't have to be changed!

Well, if you're involved rescuing animals and "mostly cats", I guess you're not all bad. :shock: My wife and I have rescued dogs, cats and birds also.
Your cartoon fetish doesn't aggravate me, I just think it's sad when people use other people's thoughts instead of their own.
Thirdly, I'm not "RICH LIBERAL", I'm moderate middle class (maybe a tad upscale). My life style is all earned.

You don't realize those posters represent what MILLIONS of people think, not just the person who made them, don't you?

Yeah, millions of people think like that. But many of your cartoons are filled with hate for Obama and liberals. Most people don't have that seething hate for Obama/liberals. Most people who disagree with Obama/liberals don't hate them, they simply don't agree with them. Just like millions of people disagree with conservatives and specifically the more extreme conservatives but don't hate them either.
Myself, I sometimes agree with conservatives and sometimes I agree with liberals, it depends on the issue. Many times I agree with the solution that is something in-between both sides of the issue. I do my own thinking after studying the issue and what both sides are saying. I'm a big believer in compromise as I have seen compromise work more often than not in my business career, personal life and in politics (welfare reform for instance with the GOP and Clinton).
This hate thing has to go before my country (and yours) can move forward. It doesn't accomplish one thing other than dividing the country. The old saying "united we stand, divided we fall" is a very accurate statement. Thus the rise of the moderates in this country's demographics. Because I believe in this, I really don't have much time for the the extreme left or right, they are counter-productive and I find them to be very close-minded. I don't hate them, I just plain disagree with them. The fringe of the left and right make up a small segment of this country's demographics but they seem to think that everyone should follow their lead. Follow the lead of narrow-mindedness? No thanks.
USMB, in no way mirrors the demographics of the US. But then message boards like USMB do attract the extremes more than the norm. I have been posting on boards like USMB since the mid-to-late 90s and USMB's demographic mirror most political boards. It's just that this hate thing is stronger on this board than any board I have ever posted on.

Perhaps you just have a fog over your eyes and can't see what has happened to the country, or perhaps YOU agree with what has happened? Just the scandals along make Clinton and Bush look like decent leaders!

Well my eyes aren't blinded with the fog of strong partisan hate.
Yeah Obama has had some incidents, but they have definitely magnified by some folks.
I'm a history nut and Obama is no worse than past presidents. The big difference this time is the ridiculous hate and partisanship we have now days. Look, Reagan was warned repeatedly about an attack on the Marine Barracks in Beirut, about 250 Marines died. He never faced what Obama has faced, nothing even close. No lynch mobs. Iran-Contra another one. What followed that was like a Sunday picnic.
Why the big change? There so much hate and hyper-partisanship in today's world.
People are out for blood today.
Obama sucks as a president and he's misinformed. Name a president who didn't misinform the American public.
Sorry. I was brought up in a Christian home and taught not to hate. I'll stick with that.

He believes he has no restraints, and even when slapped down by SCOTUS, he continues as with his recess appointment members to the NLRB that are STILL THERE even though SCOTUS decaled his appointments unconstitutional.... A LAWLESS president and tyrant! WHO is to stop him, a LAWLESS and FECKLESS fellow traveler, ATTORNEY GENERAL???
Well, if you're involved rescuing animals and "mostly cats", I guess you're not all bad. :shock: My wife and I have rescued dogs, cats and birds also.
Your cartoon fetish doesn't aggravate me, I just think it's sad when people use other people's thoughts instead of their own.
Thirdly, I'm not "RICH LIBERAL", I'm moderate middle class (maybe a tad upscale). My life style is all earned.

You don't realize those posters represent what MILLIONS of people think, not just the person who made them, don't you?

Yeah, millions of people think like that. But many of your cartoons are filled with hate for Obama and liberals. Most people don't have that seething hate for Obama/liberals. Most people who disagree with Obama/liberals don't hate them, they simply don't agree with them. Just like millions of people disagree with conservatives and specifically the more extreme conservatives but don't hate them either.
Myself, I sometimes agree with conservatives and sometimes I agree with liberals, it depends on the issue. Many times I agree with the solution that is something in-between both sides of the issue. I do my own thinking after studying the issue and what both sides are saying. I'm a big believer in compromise as I have seen compromise work more often than not in my business career, personal life and in politics (welfare reform for instance with the GOP and Clinton).
This hate thing has to go before my country (and yours) can move forward. It doesn't accomplish one thing other than dividing the country. The old saying "united we stand, divided we fall" is a very accurate statement. Thus the rise of the moderates in this country's demographics. Because I believe in this, I really don't have much time for the the extreme left or right, they are counter-productive and I find them to be very close-minded. I don't hate them, I just plain disagree with them. The fringe of the left and right make up a small segment of this country's demographics but they seem to think that everyone should follow their lead. Follow the lead of narrow-mindedness? No thanks.
USMB, in no way mirrors the demographics of the US. But then message boards like USMB do attract the extremes more than the norm. I have been posting on boards like USMB since the mid-to-late 90s and USMB's demographic mirror most political boards. It's just that this hate thing is stronger on this board than any board I have ever posted on.

Perhaps you just have a fog over your eyes and can't see what has happened to the country, or perhaps YOU agree with what has happened? Just the scandals along make Clinton and Bush look like decent leaders!

Well my eyes aren't blinded with the fog of strong partisan hate.
Yeah Obama has had some incidents, but they have definitely magnified by some folks.
I'm a history nut and Obama is no worse than past presidents. The big difference this time is the ridiculous hate and partisanship we have now days. Look, Reagan was warned repeatedly about an attack on the Marine Barracks in Beirut, about 250 Marines died. He never faced what Obama has faced, nothing even close. No lynch mobs. Iran-Contra another one. What followed that was like a Sunday picnic.
Why the big change? There so much hate and hyper-partisanship in today's world.
People are out for blood today.
Obama sucks as a president and he's misinformed. Name a president who didn't misinform the American public.
Sorry. I was brought up in a Christian home and taught not to hate. I'll stick with that.

He believes he has no restraints, and even when slapped down by SCOTUS, he continues as with his recess appointment members to the NLRB that are STILL THERE even though SCOTUS decaled his appointments unconstitutional.... A LAWLESS president and tyrant! WHO is to stop him, a LAWLESS and FECKLESS fellow traveler, ATTORNEY GENERAL???

Hey, the GOP controls the House and the Hill. If they have a case, someone will go after "O".

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