Why should the Government pay for contraception?


Senior Member
Jan 20, 2014
As far as i know people people have sex for two reasons.

1) reproduction
2) recreational pleasure

Now if you're having sex to procreate you obviously don't need birth control or condoms so that's not an issue.

But if you are having sex as a recreational activity why is it the government's (tax payer's) job to pay for it?

That would be like asking the government to buy me a new Xbox 1, or to give me a 10 dollar I-tunes card every month.

If you can't afford to buy condoms then you shouldn't be having sex. Just like if i can't afford tickets to redskins games, i shouldn't go to redskins games.

What reason does the government have to provide contraception for the masses?
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It shouldn't pay for contraception (except in a few cases), but the far left believes it should be free for all. So someone has to pay for it.
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To save money and protect the investment we made into the young adults.
Cheaper then welfare...

That is exactly the mindset at work. It's hostage taking. "Pay for my abortion/birth control or pay for my kid. But whatever you do, don't make me pay for my choices."

That is what "pro-choice" means. They get to choose how you will pay for their lifestyle.

"I choose to drop out of high school, now you have to pay for my medical care for the rest of my life you freeloading sonofagun."
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As far as i know people people have sex for two reasons.

1) reproduction
2) recreational pleasure

Now if you're having sex to procreate you obviously don't need birth control or condoms so that's not an issue.

But if you are having sex as a recreational activity why is it the government's (tax payer's) job to pay for it?

That would be like asking the government to buy me a new Xbox 1, or to give me a 10 dollar I-tunes card every month.

If you can't afford to buy condoms then you shouldn't be having sex. Just like if i can't afford tickets to redskins games, i shouldn't go to redskins games.

What reason does the government have to provide contraception for the masses?

Every study ever done on the matter reports that its much cheaper to fund contraceptive efforts for low-income persons than it is to fund AFDC and other welfare programs down the line.
It shouldn't.

Shoulda coulda woulda but didn't...

In the end you can take some perceived moral high ground that leads to worse results or actually pull your head out from your rear and make decisions based on their effectiveness to achieve the goals you have.
As far as i know people people have sex for two reasons.

1) reproduction
2) recreational pleasure

Now if you're having sex to procreate you obviously don't need birth control or condoms so that's not an issue.

But if you are having sex as a recreational activity why is it the government's (tax payer's) job to pay for it?

That would be like asking the government to buy me a new Xbox 1, or to give me a 10 dollar I-tunes card every month.

If you can't afford to buy condoms then you shouldn't be having sex. Just like if i can't afford tickets to redskins games, i shouldn't go to redskins games.

What reason does the government have to provide contraception for the masses?

Every study ever done on the matter reports that its much cheaper to fund contraceptive efforts for low-income persons than it is to fund AFDC and other welfare programs down the line.

Like I said. Hostage taking. "Pay for my abortion/birth control or pay for my kid."

Pro-choice: "I get to choose my lifestyle, and you get to pay for it."
As far as i know people people have sex for two reasons.

1) reproduction
2) recreational pleasure

Now if you're having sex to procreate you obviously don't need birth control or condoms so that's not an issue.

But if you are having sex as a recreational activity why is it the government's (tax payer's) job to pay for it?

That would be like asking the government to buy me a new Xbox 1, or to give me a 10 dollar I-tunes card every month.

If you can't afford to buy condoms then you shouldn't be having sex. Just like if i can't afford tickets to redskins games, i shouldn't go to redskins games.

What reason does the government have to provide contraception for the masses?

Every study ever done on the matter reports that its much cheaper to fund contraceptive efforts for low-income persons than it is to fund AFDC and other welfare programs down the line.

Like I said. Hostage taking. "Pay for my abortion/birth control or pay for my kid."

Pro-choice: "I get to choose my lifestyle, and you get to pay for it."

its not "you get to" its "you must"
It shouldn't.

Shoulda coulda woulda but didn't...

In the end you can take some perceived moral high ground that leads to worse results or actually pull your head out from your rear and make decisions based on their effectiveness to achieve the goals you have.

No, this isn't about moral high ground. This is about being responsible and accountable. There is nothing responsible about govt using my taxes to pay for others to get their fornication on.
It shouldn't pay for contraception (except in a few cases), but the far left believes it should be free for all. So someone has to pay for it.

But why should it? I'm looking for reasons.

There are those women who need the pill as a medical need. Not all those women can afford it and thus the government should pay for it if it is needed.

As far as contraception as a whole such as condoms, well they are free at many clinics and even free at many schools. Teaching responsibility is far more effective than any government program.
Pro-choice: I choose to drop out of high school, and you get to pay me 15 bucks an hour to work at McDonald's. I choose to drop out of high school, and you get to pay for my medical care for the rest of my life.
Every study ever done on the matter reports that its much cheaper to fund contraceptive efforts for low-income persons than it is to fund AFDC and other welfare programs down the line.

Like I said. Hostage taking. "Pay for my abortion/birth control or pay for my kid."

Pro-choice: "I get to choose my lifestyle, and you get to pay for it."

its not "you get to" its "you must"

You know what else you must pay for, prisons.
It shouldn't.

Shoulda coulda woulda but didn't...

In the end you can take some perceived moral high ground that leads to worse results or actually pull your head out from your rear and make decisions based on their effectiveness to achieve the goals you have.

did you really just use this? You sou d like a conservative o every issje, except this one and a few more. How about not having sex if you cant afford it?
As far as i know people people have sex for two reasons.

1) reproduction
2) recreational pleasure

Now if you're having sex to procreate you obviously don't need birth control or condoms so that's not an issue.

But if you are having sex as a recreational activity why is it the government's (tax payer's) job to pay for it?

That would be like asking the government to buy me a new Xbox 1, or to give me a 10 dollar I-tunes card every month.

If you can't afford to buy condoms then you shouldn't be having sex. Just like if i can't afford tickets to redskins games, i shouldn't go to redskins games.

What reason does the government have to provide contraception for the masses?

Every study ever done on the matter reports that its much cheaper to fund contraceptive efforts for low-income persons than it is to fund AFDC and other welfare programs down the line.

Like I said. Hostage taking. "Pay for my abortion/birth control or pay for my kid."

Pro-choice: "I get to choose my lifestyle, and you get to pay for it."

You must feel like a victim.

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