Why should you vote Republican

Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.

I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.
What I don’t understand is that during the 2016 campaign Trump would talk about the Obama unemployment numbers as fake as he painted the economy as scorched earth. Now, 2 years later there have been no significant changes to any of the trends that we had been on for the previous 6 years, and all of a sudden everything is said to be booming and the best economy in American history. Can you explain how that makes sense?

Well the economy is booming and UE is the lowest its been since 69,

That's what anyone with a working brain cell see's.

Me included.
I realize that but can you address what I commented on about it?
Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.

I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.
What I don’t understand is that during the 2016 campaign Trump would talk about the Obama unemployment numbers as fake as he painted the economy as scorched earth. Now, 2 years later there have been no significant changes to any of the trends that we had been on for the previous 6 years, and all of a sudden everything is said to be booming and the best economy in American history. Can you explain how that makes sense?

Well the economy is booming and UE is the lowest its been since 69,

That's what anyone with a working brain cell see's.

Me included.
I realize that but can you address what I commented on about it?

Sure. Loads of Obama's job's were part time. The economy was so bad and the ACA encouraged part time instead of full time jobs.
Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.

I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.
What I don’t understand is that during the 2016 campaign Trump would talk about the Obama unemployment numbers as fake as he painted the economy as scorched earth. Now, 2 years later there have been no significant changes to any of the trends that we had been on for the previous 6 years, and all of a sudden everything is said to be booming and the best economy in American history. Can you explain how that makes sense?

Well the economy is booming and UE is the lowest its been since 69,

That's what anyone with a working brain cell see's.

Me included.

Just think what you could do if you had more than one working braincell.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Probably more than you with your half a working brain cell.
The unemplyment rate has gone down about 1% since Trump’s inauguration. Tell me, what role did Trump have in reducing unemployment by about 6% under Obama

Trump CULT members have NO DESIRE to believe in facts. MORE jobs were created in Obama's last 2 years in office, than Trump's first 2 years......THAT is a fact.
Trump CULT members have NO DESIRE to believe in facts. MORE jobs were created in Obama's last 2 years in office, than Trump's first 2 years......THAT is a fact.

These are the BLS updated numbers. on job creation:

2011: 2.091 million

2012: 2.142 million

2013: 2.302 million

2014: 2.998 million

2015: 2.713 million

2016: 2.240 million

2017: 2.046 million

2018 : 2.188 million
Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.

I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.

The markets are already anticipating democrats controlling the house. Wish I knew the outcome because if republicans win tonight it would be a great day to invest

Is that why the DJI, the S&P and NASDAQ are all up today?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Markets are hard to see, especially on a day to day basis. We were told if Trump won, we would go into a depression and never recover....it's all bullshit. The market goes up and down, but people can put policies in place to make it go up longer and faster and help more people......but it will eventually come down for a correction, no matter how good your policies are

The person I responded to claimed today’s markets were a result of an anticipated Dem win.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
no I got that, you can't make any judgments on one day, I wasn't just saying that to you....it's to anyone. Now tormorrow, maybe an exception, the day after an election....but other than rare cases, it takes more time.
Trump CULT members have NO DESIRE to believe in facts. MORE jobs were created in Obama's last 2 years in office, than Trump's first 2 years......THAT is a fact.

These are the BLS updated numbers. on job creation:

2011: 2.091 million

2012: 2.142 million

2013: 2.302 million

2014: 2.998 million

2015: 2.713 million

2016: 2.240 million

2017: 2.046 million

2018 : 2.188 million
do you have a link for this? we need context
Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.

I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.
What I don’t understand is that during the 2016 campaign Trump would talk about the Obama unemployment numbers as fake as he painted the economy as scorched earth. Now, 2 years later there have been no significant changes to any of the trends that we had been on for the previous 6 years, and all of a sudden everything is said to be booming and the best economy in American history. Can you explain how that makes sense?

Well the economy is booming and UE is the lowest its been since 69,

That's what anyone with a working brain cell see's.

Me included.
I realize that but can you address what I commented on about it?
Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.

I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.
What I don’t understand is that during the 2016 campaign Trump would talk about the Obama unemployment numbers as fake as he painted the economy as scorched earth. Now, 2 years later there have been no significant changes to any of the trends that we had been on for the previous 6 years, and all of a sudden everything is said to be booming and the best economy in American history. Can you explain how that makes sense?

Well the economy is booming and UE is the lowest its been since 69,

That's what anyone with a working brain cell see's.

Me included.
I realize that but can you address what I commented on about it?

Sure. Loads of Obama's job's were part time. The economy was so bad and the ACA encouraged part time instead of full time jobs.
Do you have any stats to back up that claim or that can show that Trumps numbers are any different than Obama’s? Or did you just hear a talking point and repeat it?

According to these stats full time employment increased while part time decreased throughout Obama’s term.
OECD iLibrary | Full-time part-time employment - common definition: incidence
I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.
What I don’t understand is that during the 2016 campaign Trump would talk about the Obama unemployment numbers as fake as he painted the economy as scorched earth. Now, 2 years later there have been no significant changes to any of the trends that we had been on for the previous 6 years, and all of a sudden everything is said to be booming and the best economy in American history. Can you explain how that makes sense?

Well the economy is booming and UE is the lowest its been since 69,

That's what anyone with a working brain cell see's.

Me included.
I realize that but can you address what I commented on about it?
I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.
What I don’t understand is that during the 2016 campaign Trump would talk about the Obama unemployment numbers as fake as he painted the economy as scorched earth. Now, 2 years later there have been no significant changes to any of the trends that we had been on for the previous 6 years, and all of a sudden everything is said to be booming and the best economy in American history. Can you explain how that makes sense?

Well the economy is booming and UE is the lowest its been since 69,

That's what anyone with a working brain cell see's.

Me included.
I realize that but can you address what I commented on about it?

Sure. Loads of Obama's job's were part time. The economy was so bad and the ACA encouraged part time instead of full time jobs.
Do you have any stats to back up that claim or that can show that Trumps numbers are any different than Obama’s? Or did you just hear a talking point and repeat it?

According to these stats full time employment increased while part time decreased throughout Obama’s term.
OECD iLibrary | Full-time part-time employment - common definition: incidence

If you are that interested look it up yourself.

Google is your friend.
Trump CULT members have NO DESIRE to believe in facts. MORE jobs were created in Obama's last 2 years in office, than Trump's first 2 years......THAT is a fact.

These are the BLS updated numbers. on job creation:

2011: 2.091 million

2012: 2.142 million

2013: 2.302 million

2014: 2.998 million

2015: 2.713 million

2016: 2.240 million

2017: 2.046 million

2018 : 2.188 million
do you have a link for this? we need context

A link would not change your mind....you're too much of s Trump cult member.

Access the BLS website and you may get a fraction smarter.
What I don’t understand is that during the 2016 campaign Trump would talk about the Obama unemployment numbers as fake as he painted the economy as scorched earth. Now, 2 years later there have been no significant changes to any of the trends that we had been on for the previous 6 years, and all of a sudden everything is said to be booming and the best economy in American history. Can you explain how that makes sense?

Well the economy is booming and UE is the lowest its been since 69,

That's what anyone with a working brain cell see's.

Me included.
I realize that but can you address what I commented on about it?
What I don’t understand is that during the 2016 campaign Trump would talk about the Obama unemployment numbers as fake as he painted the economy as scorched earth. Now, 2 years later there have been no significant changes to any of the trends that we had been on for the previous 6 years, and all of a sudden everything is said to be booming and the best economy in American history. Can you explain how that makes sense?

Well the economy is booming and UE is the lowest its been since 69,

That's what anyone with a working brain cell see's.

Me included.
I realize that but can you address what I commented on about it?

Sure. Loads of Obama's job's were part time. The economy was so bad and the ACA encouraged part time instead of full time jobs.
Do you have any stats to back up that claim or that can show that Trumps numbers are any different than Obama’s? Or did you just hear a talking point and repeat it?

According to these stats full time employment increased while part time decreased throughout Obama’s term.
OECD iLibrary | Full-time part-time employment - common definition: incidence

If you are that interested look it up yourself.

Google is your friend.
Uhh, I did and I provided a link that contradicts your statement? Wow, you’re really missing the mark on this argument. Do you have anything to back it up?
Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.

Good... let's do it.
Why Republicans want to take credit for a bubble economy is beyond me. Will make it much easier for the Democrats to dunk on them when it inevitably bursts.

Created and inflated by Democrats. Republicans should be shining a spot light on it and running for cover. Glad to see someone else sees it.
When Trump talks about Obama's fake UE numbers, he's referring to the UE rate, which did drop under Obama. BUT:

There are two ways the unemployment rate can drop. By adding new jobs or by decreasing the amount of people in the labor force.

For much of Obama's term, those unemployment rate drops were due more to decreasing labor force than increasing jobs. Just look at the labor force participation rate for people in their prime working years 25-54. From Jan 2009 thru July 2014, the labor force participation rate drops 2.2% as people found other ways to get by as they gave up looking for work. That's millions of Americans moving back home with mom and dad, or getting on disability or welfare.

So of the 3% unemployment rate decline we saw during the 8 years of Obama, more than 2/3rds of that was due to people leaving the work force, not going back to work.

Now look at Trump. We've seen the labor force participation rate grow by 0.6% since he became President. That's more people entering the labor force after having given up, and despite that we've had the unemployment rate go down 0.9% He's doing the opposite of what Obama did. Remember that equation about labor force and unemployment rate. If the labor force had remained static, unemployment would have actually been down 1.5%.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data...

Now, about all those jobs Obama created; more people began working part-time and/or low-wage jobs while he was in office. Roughly 17% of workers were part-timers before the recession. That proportion shot up to an all-time high of 20.1% in 2010, before slowly retreating over Obama’s next six years in office, measuring 18.3% inhis last year.

Some workers elect for part-time status voluntarily—it’s been easier to do so in the age of Obamacare, after all, when health care is less tied to one’s job. The ranks of involuntary part-time employees, who want full-time work but can’t find it, rose from 8 million in 2008 to a high of 9.2 million in 2010, before falling to 6.6 million in 2015.

Over the full course of the Obama years, there’s been a net loss of about 300,000 manufacturing jobs. But in the 21 months since his inauguration, President Trump's deregulatory policies and historic tax cuts have led to a manufacturing resurgence, with 396,000 jobs added. In fact, the pace of manufacturing job growth over the past 21 months of President Trump's leadership is more than 10 times that of President Obama's last 21 months in office.

A significant part of America's manufacturing boom may also be attributable to a key change in the tax code signed into law in December 2017. The new law encouraged U.S. companies with corporate earnings sitting overseas avoiding high U.S. corporate taxes to bring that cash back to American shores. Some $300 billion out of what the Federal Reserve estimated is $1 trillion in multinational enterprises' profit was sent home in the first quarter of 2018.

In August, there were 7.1 million job openings – the highest number ever recorded – with only 6.2 million people unemployed. In other words, there were 900,000 more job openings than people who had looked for a job in the past 30 days. Again, a remarkable record.

Who is benefitting? Is it, as Democrats claim, only the rich who benefit from tax cuts and economic growth? No. People are benefitting across demographics regardless of race, sex or level of education. Unemployment rates are at or near record lows for African- Americans, Hispanics, Asians, women and people without high school diplomas.

The BLS announced Wednesday that the wages and salaries of American workers in the third quarter of this year were 3.1 percent higher than during the same period one year ago – the biggest increase in 10 years.

During the Obama era, wage increases never reached 3 percent in a 12-month period. One of the problems was too many people working part-time in the Obama years.

In the Trump years, the number of people working part-time because they are unable to find full-time jobs has dropped by 1.2 million, while the number of people working full-time has increased by 4.3 million. On top of the wage increases, benefits increased 2.6 percent. Perhaps more importantly, thanks to the Republican tax cuts, workers take-home pay has increased even more significantly at about 5 percent.

Consequently, workers are making more money and taking home a larger percentage of what they earn. It should come as no surprise that the Conference Board recently reported that its consumer confidence index had climbed from 135.3 in September to 137.9 in October. Both readings are the highest in 18 years.

Trump’s reversal of failed Obama policies has created a booming economy

Trump's Economy Is Creating Factory Jobs 10 Times Faster Than Obama's | Investor's Business Daily

Clearly, Trump is doing a much better job of growing this economy and creating good paying jobs than Obama did. Why anyone would want to go back to the failed economic policies and social engineering priorities of the Left is beyond me. Now if you can come at me with ways to improve income inequality and do a better job of protecting the environment, then I'm all ears. No doubt the Right can do a better job than they've been doing, but there's no way we can live with the socialist ideas of free health care, free college, a basic universal income for everybody, and free every other freaking thing they can think of is just ridiculous. The only way you can even come close to that is if you raise taxes on EVERYBODY to over 50%. And I don't think that's going to happen, if the Dems try that I think it'll be the end of them as a viable political party.
Last edited:
Why Republicans want to take credit for a bubble economy is beyond me. Will make it much easier for the Democrats to dunk on them when it inevitably bursts.

Created and inflated by Democrats. Republicans should be shining a spot light on it and running for cover. Glad to see someone else sees it.
There’s a nice finger point, but why are you letting republicans off the hook? I’d say both parties hold responsibility. You disagree?
Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.

I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.
What I don’t understand is that during the 2016 campaign Trump would talk about the Obama unemployment numbers as fake as he painted the economy as scorched earth. Now, 2 years later there have been no significant changes to any of the trends that we had been on for the previous 6 years, and all of a sudden everything is said to be booming and the best economy in American history. Can you explain how that makes sense?

B/c candidate Trump╘ president Trump. Candidate Trump was right btw.
Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.

I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.
What I don’t understand is that during the 2016 campaign Trump would talk about the Obama unemployment numbers as fake as he painted the economy as scorched earth. Now, 2 years later there have been no significant changes to any of the trends that we had been on for the previous 6 years, and all of a sudden everything is said to be booming and the best economy in American history. Can you explain how that makes sense?

B/c candidate Trump╘ president Trump. Candidate Trump was right btw.
Huh? How does that answer my question? Can you elaborate?
I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.
What I don’t understand is that during the 2016 campaign Trump would talk about the Obama unemployment numbers as fake as he painted the economy as scorched earth. Now, 2 years later there have been no significant changes to any of the trends that we had been on for the previous 6 years, and all of a sudden everything is said to be booming and the best economy in American history. Can you explain how that makes sense?

Well the economy is booming and UE is the lowest its been since 69,

That's what anyone with a working brain cell see's.

Me included.
I realize that but can you address what I commented on about it?
I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.
What I don’t understand is that during the 2016 campaign Trump would talk about the Obama unemployment numbers as fake as he painted the economy as scorched earth. Now, 2 years later there have been no significant changes to any of the trends that we had been on for the previous 6 years, and all of a sudden everything is said to be booming and the best economy in American history. Can you explain how that makes sense?

Well the economy is booming and UE is the lowest its been since 69,

That's what anyone with a working brain cell see's.

Me included.
I realize that but can you address what I commented on about it?

Sure. Loads of Obama's job's were part time. The economy was so bad and the ACA encouraged part time instead of full time jobs.
Do you have any stats to back up that claim or that can show that Trumps numbers are any different than Obama’s? Or did you just hear a talking point and repeat it?

According to these stats full time employment increased while part time decreased throughout Obama’s term.
OECD iLibrary | Full-time part-time employment - common definition: incidence

Please do not feed facts to the Trump sheep. They are allergic to them.

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When Trump talks about Obama's fake UE numbers, he's referring to the UE rate, which did drop under Obama. BUT:

There are two ways the unemployment rate can drop. By adding new jobs or by decreasing the amount of people in the labor force.

For much of Obama's term, those unemployment rate drops were due more to decreasing labor force than increasing jobs. Just look at the labor force participation rate for people in their prime working years 25-54. From Jan 2009 thru July 2014, the labor force participation rate drops 2.2% as people found other ways to get by as they gave up looking for work. That's millions of Americans moving back home with mom and dad, or getting on disability or welfare.

So of the 3% unemployment rate decline we saw during the 8 years of Obama, more than 2/3rds of that was due to people leaving the work force, not going back to work.

Now look at Trump. We've seen the labor force participation rate grow by 0.6% since he became President. That's more people entering the labor force after having given up, and despite that we've had the unemployment rate go down 0.9% He's doing the opposite of what Obama did. Remember that equation about labor force and unemployment rate. If the labor force had remained static, unemployment would have actually been down 1.5%.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data...

Now, about all those jobs Obama created; more people began working part-time and/or low-wage jobs while he was in office. Roughly 17% of workers were part-timers before the recession. That proportion shot up to an all-time high of 20.1% in 2010, before slowly retreating over Obama’s next six years in office, measuring 18.3% inhis last year.

Some workers elect for part-time status voluntarily—it’s been easier to do so in the age of Obamacare, after all, when health care is less tied to one’s job. The ranks of involuntary part-time employees, who want full-time work but can’t find it, rose from 8 million in 2008 to a high of 9.2 million in 2010, before falling to 6.6 million in 2015.

Over the full course of the Obama years, there’s been a net loss of about 300,000 manufacturing jobs. But in the 21 months since his inauguration, President Trump's deregulatory policies and historic tax cuts have led to a manufacturing resurgence, with 396,000 jobs added. In fact, the pace of manufacturing job growth over the past 21 months of President Trump's leadership is more than 10 times that of President Obama's last 21 months in office.

A significant part of America's manufacturing boom may also be attributable to a key change in the tax code signed into law in December 2017. The new law encouraged U.S. companies with corporate earnings sitting overseas avoiding high U.S. corporate taxes to bring that cash back to American shores. Some $300 billion out of what the Federal Reserve estimated is $1 trillion in multinational enterprises' profit was sent home in the first quarter of 2018.

In August, there were 7.1 million job openings – the highest number ever recorded – with only 6.2 million people unemployed. In other words, there were 900,000 more job openings than people who had looked for a job in the past 30 days. Again, a remarkable record.

Who is benefitting? Is it, as Democrats claim, only the rich who benefit from tax cuts and economic growth? No. People are benefitting across demographics regardless of race, sex or level of education. Unemployment rates are at or near record lows for African- Americans, Hispanics, Asians, women and people without high school diplomas.

The BLS announced Wednesday that the wages and salaries of American workers in the third quarter of this year were 3.1 percent higher than during the same period one year ago – the biggest increase in 10 years.

During the Obama era, wage increases never reached 3 percent in a 12-month period. One of the problems was too many people working part-time in the Obama years.

In the Trump years, the number of people working part-time because they are unable to find full-time jobs has dropped by 1.2 million, while the number of people working full-time has increased by 4.3 million. On top of the wage increases, benefits increased 2.6 percent. Perhaps more importantly, thanks to the Republican tax cuts, workers take-home pay has increased even more significantly at about 5 percent.

Consequently, workers are making more money and taking home a larger percentage of what they earn. It should come as no surprise that the Conference Board recently reported that its consumer confidence index had climbed from 135.3 in September to 137.9 in October. Both readings are the highest in 18 years.

Trump's Economy Is Creating Factory Jobs 10 Times Faster Than Obama's | Investor's Business Daily

Clearly, Trump is doing a much better job of growing this economy and creating good paying jobs than Obama did. Why anyone would want to go back to the failed economic policies and social engineering priorities of the Left is beyond me. Now if you can come at me with ways to improve income inequality and do a better job of protecting the environment, then I'm all ears. No doubt the Right can do a better job than they've been doing, but there's no way we can live with the socialist ideas of free health care, free college, a basic universal income for everybody, and free every other freaking thing they can think of is just ridiculous. The only way you can even come close to that is if you raise taxes on EVERYBODY to over 50%. And I don't think that's going to happen, if the Dems try that I think it'll be the end of them as a viable political party.

I think I just found a new best friend...
When Trump talks about Obama's fake UE numbers, he's referring to the UE rate, which did drop under Obama. BUT:

There are two ways the unemployment rate can drop. By adding new jobs or by decreasing the amount of people in the labor force.

For much of Obama's term, those unemployment rate drops were due more to decreasing labor force than increasing jobs. Just look at the labor force participation rate for people in their prime working years 25-54. From Jan 2009 thru July 2014, the labor force participation rate drops 2.2% as people found other ways to get by as they gave up looking for work. That's millions of Americans moving back home with mom and dad, or getting on disability or welfare.

So of the 3% unemployment rate decline we saw during the 8 years of Obama, more than 2/3rds of that was due to people leaving the work force, not going back to work.

Now look at Trump. We've seen the labor force participation rate grow by 0.6% since he became President. That's more people entering the labor force after having given up, and despite that we've had the unemployment rate go down 0.9% He's doing the opposite of what Obama did. Remember that equation about labor force and unemployment rate. If the labor force had remained static, unemployment would have actually been down 1.5%.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data...

Now, about all those jobs Obama created; more people began working part-time and/or low-wage jobs while he was in office. Roughly 17% of workers were part-timers before the recession. That proportion shot up to an all-time high of 20.1% in 2010, before slowly retreating over Obama’s next six years in office, measuring 18.3% inhis last year.

Some workers elect for part-time status voluntarily—it’s been easier to do so in the age of Obamacare, after all, when health care is less tied to one’s job. The ranks of involuntary part-time employees, who want full-time work but can’t find it, rose from 8 million in 2008 to a high of 9.2 million in 2010, before falling to 6.6 million in 2015.

Over the full course of the Obama years, there’s been a net loss of about 300,000 manufacturing jobs. But in the 21 months since his inauguration, President Trump's deregulatory policies and historic tax cuts have led to a manufacturing resurgence, with 396,000 jobs added. In fact, the pace of manufacturing job growth over the past 21 months of President Trump's leadership is more than 10 times that of President Obama's last 21 months in office.

A significant part of America's manufacturing boom may also be attributable to a key change in the tax code signed into law in December 2017. The new law encouraged U.S. companies with corporate earnings sitting overseas avoiding high U.S. corporate taxes to bring that cash back to American shores. Some $300 billion out of what the Federal Reserve estimated is $1 trillion in multinational enterprises' profit was sent home in the first quarter of 2018.

In August, there were 7.1 million job openings – the highest number ever recorded – with only 6.2 million people unemployed. In other words, there were 900,000 more job openings than people who had looked for a job in the past 30 days. Again, a remarkable record.

Who is benefitting? Is it, as Democrats claim, only the rich who benefit from tax cuts and economic growth? No. People are benefitting across demographics regardless of race, sex or level of education. Unemployment rates are at or near record lows for African- Americans, Hispanics, Asians, women and people without high school diplomas.

The BLS announced Wednesday that the wages and salaries of American workers in the third quarter of this year were 3.1 percent higher than during the same period one year ago – the biggest increase in 10 years.

During the Obama era, wage increases never reached 3 percent in a 12-month period. One of the problems was too many people working part-time in the Obama years.

In the Trump years, the number of people working part-time because they are unable to find full-time jobs has dropped by 1.2 million, while the number of people working full-time has increased by 4.3 million. On top of the wage increases, benefits increased 2.6 percent. Perhaps more importantly, thanks to the Republican tax cuts, workers take-home pay has increased even more significantly at about 5 percent.

Consequently, workers are making more money and taking home a larger percentage of what they earn. It should come as no surprise that the Conference Board recently reported that its consumer confidence index had climbed from 135.3 in September to 137.9 in October. Both readings are the highest in 18 years.

Trump's Economy Is Creating Factory Jobs 10 Times Faster Than Obama's | Investor's Business Daily

Clearly, Trump is doing a much better job of growing this economy and creating good paying jobs than Obama did. Why anyone would want to go back to the failed economic policies and social engineering priorities of the Left is beyond me. Now if you can come at me with ways to improve income inequality and do a better job of protecting the environment, then I'm all ears. No doubt the Right can do a better job than they've been doing, but there's no way we can live with the socialist ideas of free health care, free college, a basic universal income for everybody, and free every other freaking thing they can think of is just ridiculous. The only way you can even come close to that is if you raise taxes on EVERYBODY to over 50%. And I don't think that's going to happen, if the Dems try that I think it'll be the end of them as a viable political party.

I think I just found a new best friend...
Are Trumps UE numbers just as fake as Obama’s or is there a difference? What stats show the difference if any?

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