Why should you vote Republican

Dow growth from January 20, 2009 to mid term election 2010: 41 percent.

Dow growth from January 20, 2017 to present: 28.4 percent

^^^ dishonest spin so typical of the left. Obama's Dow started off in the toilet after a major crash. You conveniently forgot to mention that didn't you. Trump's gains started at historic highs and went even higher. :itsok:
Why Republicans want to take credit for a bubble economy is beyond me. Will make it much easier for the Democrats to dunk on them when it inevitably bursts.
That has been the typical sequence, boom then bust. However, this time Trump seems to be re-building the economic base of the US, such as manufacturing, energy, technology, defense, and fair trade. I especially like that Trump is using sanctions to manage problem countries.
One of the big problems is the crazy immigration system, which I hope he fixes. Same with entitlements, they will go bankrupt unless they are fixed. Then there is Obamacare which is a disaster for those actually paying for it, since the deductibles are so high most families can't afford to see a doctor, it was much better before Obamacare.

So the economy appears to be on the right track for long term success. It can be improved by taxing remittances sent out of the US each year that removes about $575b from the US economy.
And yet he's done nothing about the Federal Reserve tampering with interest rates, the cause of the boom-bust cycle.
Not sure I agree that its the Fed policy that causes boom-bust cycles. The next bust could be caused by the tax cut boom if the Debt keeps exploding and interest on the Debt crowds out all other spending. The tax cut for corporations is good, that keep them here in the US, but the Budget needs to be balanced sooner rather than later or entitlements are gone, welfare and medicaid first.
A balanced budget is a virtual impossibility unless we cut military spending in HALF.'

You willing to do that?

I'm not. We don't need to.

We DO need to end that 1/5 trillion in tax cuts for the rich to slow the growth of the deficit
Vote Democrat if you believe in European style socialism, identity politics, and groupthink.
Vote Republican if you believe in the inherent rights of the individual, liberty, and the Constitution.

It's that simple.

European style socialism is pretty cool. Government run and therefore, affordable health care, affordable higher education, longer vacations, shorter working hours, the list goes on. Because of affordable and sometimes free health care, they have longer life spans. Looks like socialists have a higher regard for human life than capitalist trumpster MAGATEERS maybe? One link below.

Who lives longest? CIA's top 20 nations for life expectancy
Vote Democrat if you believe in European style socialism, identity politics, and groupthink.
Vote Republican if you believe in the inherent rights of the individual, liberty, and the Constitution.

It's that simple.

European style socialism is pretty cool. Government run and therefore, affordable health care, affordable higher education, longer vacations, shorter working hours, the list goes on. Because of affordable and sometimes free health care, they have longer life spans. Looks like socialists have a higher regard for human life than capitalist trumpster MAGATEERS maybe? One link below.

Who lives longest? CIA's top 20 nations for life expectancy

Oh sure, the MFs don't pay for their defense so they can live the good life. I hope Trump gets the deadbeats to pay more so we don't need to protect their socialist asses.
Vote Democrat if you believe in European style socialism, identity politics, and groupthink.
Vote Republican if you believe in the inherent rights of the individual, liberty, and the Constitution.

It's that simple.

European style socialism is pretty cool. Government run and therefore, affordable health care, affordable higher education, longer vacations, shorter working hours, the list goes on. Because of affordable and sometimes free health care, they have longer life spans. Looks like socialists have a higher regard for human life than capitalist trumpster MAGATEERS maybe? One link below.

Who lives longest? CIA's top 20 nations for life expectancy

Let me tell you about European style affordable health care: every single one of those countries pays a VAT tax somewhere around 25%, and that's EVERYBODY. On top of that those countries all pay income taxes, and not just the top half of the income earners either. It ain't free, they pay for what they get, and I'll tell you something else: they don't do much innovation and R&D for new medicines and treatments. They reproduce what we develop here for pennies on the dollar and skip the high costs involved. You think it's cool, but I'm guessing that if you tell American voters about the costs involved and that they'll have to pay a VAT tax on everything they buy, then I suspect there won't be many takers. People love freebies, but tell them they gotta pay for it and the story changes.
Why Republicans want to take credit for a bubble economy is beyond me. Will make it much easier for the Democrats to dunk on them when it inevitably bursts.
That has been the typical sequence, boom then bust. However, this time Trump seems to be re-building the economic base of the US, such as manufacturing, energy, technology, defense, and fair trade. I especially like that Trump is using sanctions to manage problem countries.
One of the big problems is the crazy immigration system, which I hope he fixes. Same with entitlements, they will go bankrupt unless they are fixed. Then there is Obamacare which is a disaster for those actually paying for it, since the deductibles are so high most families can't afford to see a doctor, it was much better before Obamacare.

So the economy appears to be on the right track for long term success. It can be improved by taxing remittances sent out of the US each year that removes about $575b from the US economy.
And yet he's done nothing about the Federal Reserve tampering with interest rates, the cause of the boom-bust cycle.
Not sure I agree that its the Fed policy that causes boom-bust cycles. The next bust could be caused by the tax cut boom if the Debt keeps exploding and interest on the Debt crowds out all other spending. The tax cut for corporations is good, that keep them here in the US, but the Budget needs to be balanced sooner rather than later or entitlements are gone, welfare and medicaid first.
The Fed artificially sets interest rates. What happens when you artificially set the price of any other good?
A balanced budget is a virtual impossibility unless we cut military spending in HALF.'

You willing to do that?

I'm not. We don't need to.

We DO need to end that 1/5 trillion in tax cuts for the rich to slow the growth of the deficit
Half? I'd go well beyond half.
Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.

I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.

The markets are already anticipating democrats controlling the house. Wish I knew the outcome because if republicans win tonight it would be a great day to invest
Why Republicans want to take credit for a bubble economy is beyond me. Will make it much easier for the Democrats to dunk on them when it inevitably bursts.
That has been the typical sequence, boom then bust. However, this time Trump seems to be re-building the economic base of the US, such as manufacturing, energy, technology, defense, and fair trade. I especially like that Trump is using sanctions to manage problem countries.
One of the big problems is the crazy immigration system, which I hope he fixes. Same with entitlements, they will go bankrupt unless they are fixed. Then there is Obamacare which is a disaster for those actually paying for it, since the deductibles are so high most families can't afford to see a doctor, it was much better before Obamacare.

So the economy appears to be on the right track for long term success. It can be improved by taxing remittances sent out of the US each year that removes about $575b from the US economy.
And yet he's done nothing about the Federal Reserve tampering with interest rates, the cause of the boom-bust cycle.
Not sure I agree that its the Fed policy that causes boom-bust cycles. The next bust could be caused by the tax cut boom if the Debt keeps exploding and interest on the Debt crowds out all other spending. The tax cut for corporations is good, that keep them here in the US, but the Budget needs to be balanced sooner rather than later or entitlements are gone, welfare and medicaid first.
The Fed artificially sets interest rates. What happens when you artificially set the price of any other good?

Not sure I agree that the Fed "artificially" sets rates. They are supposed to be the expert economists and know what they're doing when they set rates.
Setting rates is nothing like price controls. Price controls never work, Obamacare is finding that out the hard way as hospitals close.
Why Republicans want to take credit for a bubble economy is beyond me. Will make it much easier for the Democrats to dunk on them when it inevitably bursts.
That has been the typical sequence, boom then bust. However, this time Trump seems to be re-building the economic base of the US, such as manufacturing, energy, technology, defense, and fair trade. I especially like that Trump is using sanctions to manage problem countries.
One of the big problems is the crazy immigration system, which I hope he fixes. Same with entitlements, they will go bankrupt unless they are fixed. Then there is Obamacare which is a disaster for those actually paying for it, since the deductibles are so high most families can't afford to see a doctor, it was much better before Obamacare.

So the economy appears to be on the right track for long term success. It can be improved by taxing remittances sent out of the US each year that removes about $575b from the US economy.
And yet he's done nothing about the Federal Reserve tampering with interest rates, the cause of the boom-bust cycle.
Not sure I agree that its the Fed policy that causes boom-bust cycles. The next bust could be caused by the tax cut boom if the Debt keeps exploding and interest on the Debt crowds out all other spending. The tax cut for corporations is good, that keep them here in the US, but the Budget needs to be balanced sooner rather than later or entitlements are gone, welfare and medicaid first.
The Fed artificially sets interest rates. What happens when you artificially set the price of any other good?

Not sure I agree that the Fed "artificially" sets rates. They are supposed to be the expert economists and know what they're doing when they set rates.
Setting rates is nothing like price controls. Price controls never work, Obamacare is finding that out the hard way as hospitals close.
It's literally setting the price of money.
Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.

I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.
What I don’t understand is that during the 2016 campaign Trump would talk about the Obama unemployment numbers as fake as he painted the economy as scorched earth. Now, 2 years later there have been no significant changes to any of the trends that we had been on for the previous 6 years, and all of a sudden everything is said to be booming and the best economy in American history. Can you explain how that makes sense?
Is this before or after she said "Why are we not 50 points ahead!"
Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.

I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.

The markets are already anticipating democrats controlling the house. Wish I knew the outcome because if republicans win tonight it would be a great day to invest

Is that why the DJI, the S&P and NASDAQ are all up today?

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Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.

I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.
What I don’t understand is that during the 2016 campaign Trump would talk about the Obama unemployment numbers as fake as he painted the economy as scorched earth. Now, 2 years later there have been no significant changes to any of the trends that we had been on for the previous 6 years, and all of a sudden everything is said to be booming and the best economy in American history. Can you explain how that makes sense?

Well the economy is booming and UE is the lowest its been since 69,

That's what anyone with a working brain cell see's.

Me included.
Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.
This is the reason to not vote Republican – no one should want to associate with a Party populated with such ignorance, stupidity, dishonesty, lies, and wrongheaded nonsense.
Hey look it's the democrat platform. No issues, no solutions, just attacks.. Clayton put it succinctly for everyone to see
Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.

I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.

The markets are already anticipating democrats controlling the house. Wish I knew the outcome because if republicans win tonight it would be a great day to invest

Is that why the DJI, the S&P and NASDAQ are all up today?

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Markets are hard to see, especially on a day to day basis. We were told if Trump won, we would go into a depression and never recover....it's all bullshit. The market goes up and down, but people can put policies in place to make it go up longer and faster and help more people......but it will eventually come down for a correction, no matter how good your policies are
Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.

I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.
What I don’t understand is that during the 2016 campaign Trump would talk about the Obama unemployment numbers as fake as he painted the economy as scorched earth. Now, 2 years later there have been no significant changes to any of the trends that we had been on for the previous 6 years, and all of a sudden everything is said to be booming and the best economy in American history. Can you explain how that makes sense?

Well the economy is booming and UE is the lowest its been since 69,

That's what anyone with a working brain cell see's.

Me included.
I realize that but can you address what I commented on about it?
Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.

I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.

The markets are already anticipating democrats controlling the house. Wish I knew the outcome because if republicans win tonight it would be a great day to invest

Is that why the DJI, the S&P and NASDAQ are all up today?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Markets are hard to see, especially on a day to day basis. We were told if Trump won, we would go into a depression and never recover....it's all bullshit. The market goes up and down, but people can put policies in place to make it go up longer and faster and help more people......but it will eventually come down for a correction, no matter how good your policies are

The person I responded to claimed today’s markets were a result of an anticipated Dem win.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Everybody always says it's about the economy, stupid. If that is true then no person in their right mind could possibly vote for a Democrat. The economic growth over the past year and a half or so is entirely due to Trump's and the GOP's policies, only a fool thinks that Obama had anything to do with it or would like to go back to the way it was during his administration.

I don't see conservatives yelling and screaming at people with opposing views, you saw the Kavanaugh debacle play out on TV. I can't vote for a party that condones that. I don't remember any GOPers calling for public harassment and intimidation against Democrats, like Mad Maxine and others have done. How many Dems have been asked to leave an establishment due to their politics? When did anyone on the Repub side say we won't be civil to the Dems unless we win, like Hillary did? That's kinda close to blackmail, a threat to the electorate to vote for us or else. I can't vote for a party that condones any of that.

Do you ever get the feeling that the Democratic Party doesn't like you if you're not one of them? They seem to care more for open borders and sanctuary cities and states, instead of our own US citizens. They believe that any law or regulation that they don't like can be ignored; I can't vote for a party that condones that.

I am hoping that the Democrats lose big again this time like they did in 2010, 2014, and 2016. Maybe they will change their leadership and their tactics. Otherwise the political climate won't change, and probably worsen. Trump vs a Democrat House, won't that be fun. It'll be total political warfare, with a gov't shutdown very likely.

I have to agree. Trump has the economy booming with UE the lowest its been since 69.

Only a blind fool would vote against that.

Tomorrow will tell the tale.
What I don’t understand is that during the 2016 campaign Trump would talk about the Obama unemployment numbers as fake as he painted the economy as scorched earth. Now, 2 years later there have been no significant changes to any of the trends that we had been on for the previous 6 years, and all of a sudden everything is said to be booming and the best economy in American history. Can you explain how that makes sense?

Well the economy is booming and UE is the lowest its been since 69,

That's what anyone with a working brain cell see's.

Me included.

Just think what you could do if you had more than one working braincell.

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