Why SJW Millennials are So F*cked Up in the Head

Well, I can say this much about them...They don't judge people and aint rigid assholes.
--------------------------------------------------------------- and that's why they feck up all the time , they have no judgement ability . And off topic but you oughta see most of them try to do math , make simple change in their heads , say at an independent Coffee type vendor . Its hilarious as you tell them how much they owe you in change !!

You are not kidding there. The person will tell me the amount I owe them and before they ring it in and I will tell them the exact change they owe me and the look on their damn faces is hilarious!

I had one a few years back that did not understand simple math and how to do greater than or lesser than and she did not understand a negative sign meant she owes me money back...

No, I'm a critical thinker. You're a drone.

I agree that you're no critical thinker.

We Boomers WERE the worst generation. Same issues fucked us up, over indulgent parents who cared more about feelings than reality. This led to the 60's and the breakdown of American civilization, the end of honor and the rise of the modern left.

We Boomers grew up a bit in the 80's. Now we have Millennials that make the spoiled little snots of the hippie movement look well balanced. We see them in the streets with their butthurt as their only accomplishment, violently fighting to end the civil rights of all those around them.
Believe me, it is harder than you think to 'dump' anything into their skulls. To be honest, I have no idea how other professors are able to brainwash them. I consider myself a good instructor--I teach chemistry--and these poeople are so resistant to learning that it scares me. They have zero intellectual curiosity; they are zombies. If they are the future leaders, we are all doomed.

To teach them, post the lesson plans on Twitter. They cannot interact with real life, only through texting and social media can they interact.
Right. PJ Media. That's a reliable source.

Far more reliable than WaPo or the NY Times.

/straw man

Maybe these kids are anxious because they've seen how badly we old people have fucked it up for them? We've left them 20 Trillion in debt and failed to address climate change, which we probably won't live long enough to see the worst effect of, but they will.

The reality, though, is that every older generation complains about how the younger generation doesn't understand "real" hardship, (Sorry, I grew up a Baby-Boomer, and frankly, couldn't imagine what my World War/Great Depression parents had to deal with growing up.)

Given old White People "elected" (not really) Trump, maybe we are the ones who can't be trusted with the important decisions.

Or maybe they are over-indulged little shits who are nowhere NEAR as special as they have been led to believe and need to grow the fuck up.

That goes for you too, Stalin.
Sure...the parents of the Greatest Generation complained at how good their kids had it. 20 trillion in debt for social spending and welfare for lazy, weak, cocksuckers who cannot lift themselves up.

actually, more like 20 Trillion in spending for weapons we didn't need and the Greatest Generation voting themselves lavish retirement benefits.

If we only spent trying to lift up poor people, we'd have never spent that much money.
Or maybe they are over-indulged little shits who are nowhere NEAR as special as they have been led to believe and need to grow the fuck up.

I think you have them confused with "White Males"... If any group has just thrown a destructive tantrum, it's you guys.
Or maybe they are over-indulged little shits who are nowhere NEAR as special as they have been led to believe and need to grow the fuck up.

I think you have them confused with "White Males"... If any group has just thrown a destructive tantrum, it's you guys.
---------------------------------------- Go TRUMP eh ?? [chuckle] Plus don't forget , we need to reelect the Trump in 4 years or it will all be for naught .JoeB !!
best rock and roll , that is true JimB !! Music , i pay little attention . But yeah , after baby boomer rock and roll i think the USA was plunged into 'disco' and then it is what it is now . Course , think it was 'punk rock' was pretty good but the new stuff heard now really sucks . And then back in the 'rock and roll days' people just dressed reasonably and dressed in jeans , jean jacket , boots so a uniform of sorts i guess . Today the millenial hip hop style seems to be loose baggy shorts and sports uniforms and 'unicorn' tatoos . ---------------- just a funny remembrance for me , off topic as all heck but another reason to disrepect many in the millenial generation .
Well, I can say this much about them...They don't judge people and aint rigid assholes.
--------------------------------------------------------------- and that's why they feck up all the time , they have no judgement ability . And off topic but you oughta see most of them try to do math , make simple change in their heads , say at an independent Coffee type vendor . Its hilarious as you tell them how much they owe you in change !!

You are not kidding there. The person will tell me the amount I owe them and before they ring it in and I will tell them the exact change they owe me and the look on their damn faces is hilarious!

I had one a few years back that did not understand simple math and how to do greater than or lesser than and she did not understand a negative sign meant she owes me money back...

If you really want to see a clerk get fucked up, give them the change. If the item comes to $3.79 give the clerk a ten and the 79 cents. It's funny as hell watching them try to figure that one out.
Or maybe they are over-indulged little shits who are nowhere NEAR as special as they have been led to believe and need to grow the fuck up.

I think you have them confused with "White Males"... If any group has just thrown a destructive tantrum, it's you guys.
White males. Fought, died, and built our modern world. Oh. I forgot. George Washington Carver invented peanut butter.
Parents can only do so much when most of the waking hours of the offspring are in public school where 99% of the instructors and administers follow an agenda to brainwash children for the benefit of the establishment. Combine that with the MSM, the demographics change in terms of flooding the USA with low IQ individuals, and it is a tough battle to produce a sane, intelligent, productive generation.
Parents can only do so much when most of the waking hours of the offspring are in public school where 99% of the instructors and administers follow an agenda to brainwash children for the benefit of the establishment. Combine that with the MSM, the demographics change in terms of flooding the USA with low IQ individuals, and it is a tough battle to produce a sane, intelligent, productive generation.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- agree with the information that you posted . The only option seems to be to stop the importation of low IQ third worlder Snouter . Also , I used to see young unwed :afro:mothers carrying their kids to their cars at 8 in the morning to go to some kinda government daycare program . The babies were 1 or 2 - 3 years old , some still in diapers . The state has got those kids by the nuts from a very early age all the way to the 'safe spaces' that they will huddle in in 18 - 20 years when they attend 'university' Snouter .
Go TRUMP eh ?? [chuckle] Plus don't forget , we need to reelect the Trump in 4 years or it will all be for naught .JoeB !!

Trump wasn't elected, he was selected.

Stalin, you are severely retarded.

Is it forbidden among your fascists to understand basic civics and how the election process works?

You have to ask? The low level fascists stooges are kept totally ignorant about civics. The higher level fascist organizers do understand how the law works - and how to manipulate it.
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Stalin, you are severely retarded.

Is it forbidden among your fascists to understand basic civics and how the election process works?

"Working" implies it produces a desirable result.

The system you endorse gave us Bush, Trump and RutherFraud B. Hayes, the worst presidents in our history.

The people got this right. The system got it wrong.

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