Why so much anger on USMB

I'm certain about why the lefties are angry. They're insecure and upset about the miserable performance of their hero.

People type things on an anonymous message board that they would communicate in a different way if it were a face to face conversation. Gestures, vocal intonations, and such would be in play.

The medium is not the message.

since I've been on this board, the Extreme Right have been in the vanguard for hate regardless of facts. They have a monopoly on it. I ,merely dish it back to them, when warranted.
Sure, if you don't buy what the loony left is selling your a "racist, bigot, woman hater, nazi scumbag." That's how they like to frame the issue. Shows the narrowness of their minds. Liberals are lie sheep, they follow people like Obama because they think he will be a miracle worker and cure the evil United States of its disease...the fact we have workers (haves) and lazy people (have nots).
you haven't been here long enough to comment :talktothehand:

since I've been on this board, the Extreme Right have been in the vanguard for hate regardless of facts. They have a monopoly on it. I ,merely dish it back to them, when warranted.
Sure, if you don't buy what the loony left is selling your a "racist, bigot, woman hater, nazi scumbag." That's how they like to frame the issue. Shows the narrowness of their minds. Liberals are lie sheep, they follow people like Obama because they think he will be a miracle worker and cure the evil United States of its disease...the fact we have workers (haves) and lazy people (have nots).
you haven't been here long enough to comment :talktothehand:



Based on our joined date, it looks like I was here ten days before you.

So STFU noob....chuckle

The truth of the matter is that the left relies almost exclusively on blogs furnished by Media Matters, Huffington and others which keeps the low information left in a constant state of anger. You can find talking points supplied by by Media Matters on the environment, the 2nd Amendment or Sara Palin anytime on the forum. When the RW responds the low information calls the response "angry". And the beat goes on....US Rep. Sonny Bono.

Check your map friend and see where the low information areas are in the US. Try the red in Mississippi and Alabama and Louisiana to start. Not trying to be nasty or curt about it. Take a look at a map.
Much of the anger from the far right, eg., NLT, reveal s their awareness of the growing marginalization in preventing inevitable social, cultural, and political change in America. Some of it is racist but not as much as the left portrays it
Link my anger, Fakey. :eusa_liar:
disgust yes anger no.

You are proving my point...Fakey? Please...
Read NLT's history of posting.

Or Vigilante's.

Or Stephanie's.

LadyGunSlinger? IlarMeilyr? Elektra? PoliticalChic? EconChick?

They are the NoNos, not the GoGos
I admitted to being nasty toward others here on occasion. I wonder who else will admit to being either angry or nasty here?

Let's self evaluate. I'll start for example.

I'm Lone Laugher......and I am nasty toward others here.

Who's next?
The thing is, I can take anything I've said here and say it out loud and in a public place. The racists, bigots and idiots on here can't do that for fear of retribution, ostracism or just plain embarrassment.
I admitted to being nasty toward others here on occasion. I wonder who else will admit to being either angry or nasty here?

Let's self evaluate. I'll start for example.

I'm Lone Laugher......and I am nasty toward others here.

Who's next?

Is this like an AA meeting?

I'm nasty here 99% of the time, which is in keeping with my real life persona. I park in handicapped spaces when I go shopping, steal money out of the blind guy's tin cup on the corner downtown, pull wings off butterflies and keep the unibrowed rightwingers on here in a perpetual lather. Life is good.
I'm certain about why the lefties are angry. They're insecure and upset about the miserable performance of their hero.

BTW, I miss Walter and Jesse, too. Still get nightmares thinking about what happened to Hank. But in real life you know that Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul are fucking bleeding heart liberals, right?

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